BST: Basic Science and Technology Curriculum for Primary School 1 -6

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basic science and technology curriculum

Year 1 – 6 NERDC Basic Science and Technology Curriculum for Primary School. Information Technology, BST Curriculum –

Table of Contents
Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 1Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material       Evaluation GuideTopic: Soil, Air and WaterTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Color (identification)   Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideBasic Science Curriculum for Primary 2ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Soil TypesTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  Air  Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: WaterTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: ColorsTeacher’s Activities        Teaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: LIVING AND NON LIVING THINGSContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: AnimalsContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideBasic Technology Curriculum for Primary 1Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: EnergyTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material       THEME 3: UNDERSTANDING BASIC TECHNOLOGYTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideBasic Technology Curriculum for Primary 2ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideBasic Technology Curriculum for Primary 3ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: YOU AND ENERGYContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideInformation Technology Curriculum for Primary 1ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Uses of ComputersTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2:  BASIC CONCEPTS OF IT    ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideInformation Technology Curriculum for Primary 2ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: BASIC CONCEPTS OF ITContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideInformation Technology Curriculum for Primary 3ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Input and Output DevicesContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: The system unit  ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: BASIC CONCEPTS OF ITContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuidePhysical and Health Education Curriculum Primary 1ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: SPORT AND GAMESContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: GAMES      ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:          SwimmingContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 3: HEALTH EDUCATIONContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: First Aid    ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuidePhysical and Health Education Curriculum Primary 2ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: SPORT AND GAMESContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic:  GAMESContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: swimmingContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 3: HEALTH EDUCATIONContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: First aid and safety educationContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuidePHE Curriculum Primary 3ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: SPORT AND GAMESContentsTeacher’s Activities           Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: BALL GAMESContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: SwimmingContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material Evaluation GuideTHEME 3: HEALTH EDUCATIONContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: First Aid and Safety EducationContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation Guide

Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 1


Week 1

Topic: Exploring your environment           

Performance objectives

  1. Observe and identify things in and around the classroom, school and home
  2. Identify types of roads around the school and roads outside the school
  3. Demonstrate walking along the road and crossing the road safely


  1. Things in and around the classroom, school and home
  2. Types of roads within and outside the school
  3. Walking along the road and crossing the road

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Takes pupils on a study walk around and outside the school
  2. Demonstrates walking safely along the road and crossing the road
  3. Encourages pupils to observe and list things in the home

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils observe and list things in the school environment
  2. Draw some of the things around the school
  3. Demonstrate working safely along the road

Teaching & Learning Material       

  1. Objects in the classroom, around the school and home
  2. Charts and models
  3. Drawing materials

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify things in and around the classroom, school and home
  2. Sketch any two things identified in and around the classroom, school and home
  3. Demonstrate how to walk and cross a road safely

Week 2

Topic: Soil, Air and Water

Performance objectives

  1. Identify other parts of their surroundings – soil, air and water
  2. Demonstrate that air exists
  3. Create air current by blowing with the mouth or using paper fan
  4. Demonstrate that air occupies space using balloons
  5. List the common sources of water


  1. Other parts of the surrounding( e.g. soil, water, air)

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to identify soil, air and water as other components of the surrounding
  2. Demonstrates the existence of air using paper or hand fan
  3. Demonstrates that air occupies space by inflating balloons
  4. Takes pupils on a tour of nearby water sources

Student’s Activities

  1. Touch and feel soil in the playground
  2. Create air currents by blowing with the mouth or using hand or paper fan.
  3.  Inflate balloons, polythene bags etc.
  4. Mention sources of water
  5. Recite a poem about water

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Soil
  2. Newspaper
  3. Paper fan
  4. Hand fan
  5. Balloons
  6. Polythene bags
  7. Water
  8. Pictures of sources of water

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify other parts of their surroundings
  2. Show that air exists
  3. Demonstrate that air occupies space
  4. Name five common sources of water

Year 1 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum Primary

Week 3

Topic: Color (identification)   

Performance objectives

  1. Identify different colors
  2. Collect materials of different colors
  3. Observe road traffic light and identify their colors
  4. State the function of each road traffic light sign
  5. Identify road markings and their colors


  1. Colors of objects
  2. Road traffic light signs
  3. Road markings

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Uses the color chart to guide pupils to identify colors
  2. Gives pupils different materials to identify different colors
  3. Separates color using Lego materials with different colors for modelling
  4. Draws road traffic signs for pupils to observe
  5. Takes pupils to observe various road traffic signs in their location
  6. Supervises pupils in drawing and painting of road traffic signs

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify colors of objects provided by teacher
  2. Observe road traffic signs
  3. Match the colors of road traffic light with their functions

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Flowers
  2. Leaves
  3. Color
  4. Containers of various colors
  5. Lego sets/bricks

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify five colors
  2. Identify various road traffic lights by their colors and functions
  3. Identify some road traffic markings and their colors
  4. Draw and color road traffic lights

Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2


Week 1


Performance objectives

  1. Observe and name colors, shapes and sizes of common object
  2. Identify various sounds made by objects, animals and persons
  3. Detect various odors of fruits, food, shoes, dirty socks; etc.
  4. Detect taste of sweet, sour, salty and bitter food items
  5. Identify objects by touching and feeling
  6. Describe how correct ways of using the road by each of the users


  1. Seeing: with eyes, Colors, shapes and sizes of objects in classroom, school and home
  2. Hearing: with ears, Listening to sounds of objects, animals, persons, and imitating sounds
  3. Smelling: with nose. Detecting various odors
  4. Taste: with tongue. Detecting various food items that are sweet, sour, salty and bitter
  5. Touching: with fingers. Detecting various objects by touch, feeling its shape, texture, pressure and temperature
  6. Road users’ e. g children, cars, Bicycles, animals, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides and helps pupils to Identify:
    • Different colors
    • Different shapes
    • Different sizes
  2. Aides pupils to use colored pencils and identify color
  3. Makes pupils to listen to and identify various sounds
  4. Guides pupils to recognize something (fruits, food, etc.) with characteristic smell
  5. Assists to detect distinctive taste of sweet, sour, salty and bitter tastes
  6. Provides sweet, sour, salty and bitter items to pupils
  7. Provides items of different textures, shapes, temperature under pressure
  8. Assist pupils to identify road users and how to use roads correctly by the user

Student’s Activities

  1. Work with colored pencils and crayons
  2. Collect and identify objects of different shapes and sizes
  3. Identify various sounds
  4. Produce different sounds from their mouth and throat
  5. Describe pleasant and unpleasant smell
  6. Taste sweet, sour, salty and bitter item
  7. Feel or touch their cheeks and heads, tissue paper, touch different types of paper/cardboards
  8. Touch cold and warm objects or water
  9. Identify road users and describe correct ways of using the roads

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Colored pencils and crayon
  2. Wooden blocks of different sizes, shapes and colors
  3. Charts and models
  4. School bell, flute, other wind instrument
  5. Recorded sounds of birds, frog, cat, etc.
  6. Fruits-banana, oranges, mangoes
  7. Flower, shoes, dirty socks, etc.
  8. Sugar, honey, salt, bitter leaf/kola
  9. Tissue paper
  10. Rough and smooth cardboard
  11. Cold/hot, warm water
  12. Video and Charts on road usage
  13. Pictures of different types of roads

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify and match objects based on colors, shape, and size
  2. Identify and describe sounds made by different objects, animals and persons
  3. Associate odors with specific pleasant and unpleasant smell
  4. State the taste of different substances
  5. Distinguish between rough and coarse objects, cold and hot, etc.
  6. Name three road users
  7. Describe various ways of using the road

Week 2

Topic: Soil Types

Performance objectives

1          Mention different types of soil

2          Observe and describe the physical properties of soil types


1          Types of soil

–           Clay

–           Sandy

–           Loamy

2          Properties of soil types

Teacher’s Activities        

1          Identifies suitable sites in the school compound from where different soil types can be collected

2          Takes pupils to the identified sites in the school to collect soil samples

3          Guides pupils to name the different soil types

4          Guides pupils to observe and describe the color, texture and particles size of the soil samples

Student’s Activities

1          Collect soil samples in the school or home environment

2          Observe and describe the color, texture and particles size of the soil samples

3          Place some soil samples in a container, add water and stir

4          Mold with wet sand and clay

5          Compare clay soil and sandy soil

Teaching & Learning Material  

1          Samples of garden soil (clay, loamy and sandy soils)

2          Hand lens

3          Sieve

4          Filter paper

5          Containers

6          Funnel

7          Water

8          Hoe or shovel

Evaluation Guide

1          Identify and name soil types as: loamy, clay and sandy soil

2          Describe the physical properties of the soil types

Week 3

Topic:  Air  

Performance objectives

            1          Observe and identify things that float in air

            2          Make things float in air


  1. Floating in the air
  2. Things that float in air (paper kites, blown balloons, etc.)

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to name things that float in air
  2. Guides pupils to make paper kites
  3. Score the kites that pupils make

Student’s Activities

  1. Throw things into the air and identify those that float, and those that do not
  2. Make and fly paper kites

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Balloons
  2. Old newspapers
  3. Thread
  4. Gum
  5. Sticks
  6. Strings
  7. Stones
  8. Pencils

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name five things that float in air
  2. Make and fly paper kites

Week 4

Topic: Water

Performance objectives

1          Identify things that float or sink in water

2          Demonstrate how to make objects float or sink in water


  1. Floating and sinking in water

Teacher’s Activities        

1          Guides pupils to identify Objects that:

–           Float in water

–           Sink in water

2          Demonstrates to pupils some ways of making objects:

–           Float in water e.g. stone placed on inflated balloon, human being swimming with the aid of a life jacket or calabash,

–           Sinking in water (e.g. tying a stone to a feather, cork, etc.

3          Initiates and guides class discussion on other ways of making things float or sink in water.

Student’s Activities

1          Name things that float in water

2          Observe the demonstrations

3          Make things to float in water

4          Make things to sink in water

Teaching & Learning Material  

1          Balloons

2          Dry wood

3          Meter rule

4          Piece of iron 5 Stone

6          Thread

7          Feathers

8          Cork

9          Picture of people in swimming pools using life jackets (inflated wears) or in river staying on top of calabashes

Evaluation Guide

1          Name three things each that float or sink in water

2          Make things to float or sink in water

Week 5

Topic: Colors

Performance objectives

1          Pupils should be able to use colors to identify and beautify objects


  1. Use of colors  

Teacher’s Activities        

1          Guides pupils to identify objects through colors (living & non-living things)

2          Guides pupils to discuss uses of colors.

Student’s Activities

  1. Color objects

Teaching & Learning Material  

            1          Papers

            2          Crayons          

            3          Colored pens

            4          Color charts

            5          Lego set/beads

            6          Dyes

Evaluation Guide

  1. Color two types of objects
  2. Use Lego of different colors to construct common objects

Year 1 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2. Our environment –


Week 1

Topic: Plants

Performance objectives

            1          Identify and name some common plants in the school compound

            2          Trace the leaves of some of the plants on Plastering or clay, where available

            3          Prepare a press of common plants

            4          Observe and identify features of common plants in their school compound

            5          Group plants according to their common features

            6          Group plants according to their uses

            7          Describe common uses of plants


  1. Plants in the school compound
  2. Features of plants:
    • Shape
    • Size
    • Color
    • Texture
  3. Common uses of plants in the locality (for food, beautification, building, furniture, shade, medicines

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Identifies suitable place in the surrounding for pupils to visit
  2. Guides pupils to observe and collect common plants
  3. Guides pupils to prepare a plant for preservation
  4. Initiate class discussions which would enable pupils to:
    • Identify features of the plants
    • Group the plants based on their features
  5. Through class discussion:
    • Guides pupils to state the uses of plants
    • Groups plants according to their uses

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in site visits
  2. Observe and collect some common plants
  3. Print some plant parts e.g. leaves
  4. Prepare a print-press of common plants
  5. Identify features of plants
  6. Group plants according to their features
  7. Group plants according to their uses

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Specimen of local plants
  2. Drawing books
  3. Pencils
  4. Crayons
  5. Cello-tapes
  6. Plastering
  7. Clay
  8. Workbooks

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name five common plants in the school
  2. Trace the leaves of some plants
  3. Prepare and display print press
  4. Mention the features of the plants in their locality
  5. State the uses of plants
  6. Group plants according to their common features
  7. Group plants according to their uses

Week 2

Topic: Animals

Performance objectives

            1          Identify common animals in the school compound

            2          Collect and preserve some animals in the school compound

            3          Observe and name the features of common animals in the school compound

            4          Use the observable features to group the animals found in the school compound.

            5          Observe and describe the behavior of animals

            6          Demonstrate correct way of:

                        – Crossing the road;

                        – Walking along the road leading


  1. Animals in the school compound (flies, butterflies, earthworms etc.
  2. Features of the animals found in the school compound
  3. Behavior of animals
  4. Animals and road safety

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Uses pictures and charts to guide pupils to identify common animals in the school compound
  2. Demonstrates the correct method of collecting animals for preservation
  3. Guides pupils to:
    • Identify the features of the animals,
    • Group animals using observable features
  4. Initiates and guides class discussion on the behavior of animals e.g. movement, feeding etc.
  5. Demonstrate crossing and walking along the road

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify animals in their school compound
  2. Collects harmless animals in the school compound
  3. Observe, group and describe features of preserved animals
  4. Make drawings of some animals
  5. Participate in class discussion on animals
  6. Mimic the sound of some animals

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts and pictures of animals
  2. Specimen of animals
  3. Insect nets/baskets
  4. Specimen bottles and jars
  5. Preservative (e.g. formalin)
  6. Workbook
  7. Live animal
  8. Petri dishes
  9. Lids of cans
  10. Plastic plates

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name some common animals in the school compound
  2. Collect and display common animals in the school compound
  3. Describe the features of animals
  4. Group animals based on observed features
  5. Describe the behavior of animals
  6. Describe correct ways of:
    • Walking along the road,
    • Crossing the road

Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 1


Week 1

Topic:    Simple Machines            

Performance objectives

  1. identify and collect simple machine in the school
  2. use simple machines in a safe way


  1. Meaning of: Simple machine (a device that makes work easy e.g. Broom, Spoon, See saw/swing, Hoe, Cutlass etc.)
  2. The safe use of simple machines

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Provides samples of simple machines in the home and school
  2. Leads pupils to use some simple machines (broom, pair of scissors, seesaw/swing)
  3. Demonstrates how to safely use simple machine

Student’s Activities

  1. Collect and use some simple machines e.g. broom, hoe, can opener, spoon etc.
  2. Play on a see saw/swing
  3. Identify dangers in the use of simple machines

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Brooms
  2. See-saw
  3. Hoe
  4. Cutlass
  5. Can opener
  6. Spoon

Evaluation Guide

  1. mention three simple machines in the school
  2. demonstrate how to use some simple machines safely

Week 2

Topic: Energy

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the meaning of energy
  2. Perform activities involving the use of energy


  1. Meaning of energy as exemplified by people doing some work
  2. Examples of things that use energy and pestle, riding a bicycle etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to identify themselves using energy to move, write, jump, run, lift objects etc.
  2. Guides pupils using charts and posters to identify objects around them where energy is used e.g. grinding machine, pounding with mortar

Student’s Activities

  1. State the meaning of energy
  2. Perform an action to show the use of energy

Teaching & Learning Material       

  1. Pupils in the classroom 
  2. Desks and chairs              
  3. Posters and charts          


Week 1

Topic: Clay         

Performance objectives

  1. Prepare clay for molding
  2. Use clay for molding


  1. Preparation of clay for molding
  2. Molding with clay

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains stages of using and preserving clay
  2. Assists pupils in preparation
  3. Assists pupils in molding objects with clay            

Student’s Activities

  1. Make objects using clay

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Clay
  2. Water
  3. Heat

Evaluation Guide

  1. Prepare clay for molding
  2. Mold objects using clay

Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 2


Week 1

Topic: Forms of Energy (Sound)

Performance objectives

  1. Identify different forms of energy
  2. Identify different sounds
  3. Name some instruments that produce sounds
  4. Make local instruments that produce sounds
  5. Make different kinds of sounds with the instruments they made


  1. Forms of energy
  2. Sound energy:
    1. Things that produce sounds;
    1. Musical instruments

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to identify different forms of energy
  2. Discusses sound and leads pupils to identify sounds
  3. Uses the chart to guide pupils to identify different instruments that produce sounds
  4. Guides pupils to make musical instruments from local materials

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussions
  2. Make sounds with different parts of their bodies (e.g. feet, hands, mouth
  3. Identify and name instruments that produce sound
  4. Construct local musical instruments from available materials
  5. Play games with sound using the musical instrument they made

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A chart showing some musical instruments
  2. Bamboo Stem
  3. Paw-paw stalk
  4. Knife
  5. String
  6. Some musical instruments e.g. talking drum, mouth organ, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention the different forms of energy
  2. Identify sounds made from different sources
  3. List three instruments that produce sound
  4. Make sounds with different parts of their bodies
  5. Make local musical instruments and make melodies with them

Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 3


Week 1

Topic: Forms of Technology

Performance objectives

  1. Identify the forms of technology
  2. State two distinguishing characteristics between developed and underdeveloped technology
  3. Developed technology


  1. Forms of Technology:
    • Underdeveloped technology.
    • Developed technology
  2. Examples of:
    • Underdeveloped technology (Farming with hoes and cutlasses; using of town crier, use of stones to make fire, use of donkeys for transportation etc.)
    • Developed technology (Farming with harvesters, tractors, using of ship, airplanes, use of lighter etc.
  3. Characteristics:
    • Underdeveloped technology are low profile or olden days technology;
    • Developed technology are high profile or modern day technology

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides the pupils to name and identify examples of under developed and developed technology
  2. Explains the differences between underdeveloped and developed technology

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussions
  2. Identify examples of underdeveloped and developed technology

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts and posters, Hoes, cutlasses, vehicles, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention the two forms of technology
  2. Give 2 examples each of underdeveloped and developed technology
  3. List three differences between under developed and developed technology


Week 1

Topic: Forms of Energy (Light)  

Performance objectives

  1. Mention the sources of light
  2. Discuss the uses of light
  3. Identify some objects that reflect light
  4. Use mirrors to form images


  1. Forms of energy
  2. Light energy:
    • Source
    • Uses
    • Reflection of light

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to name the sources of light e.g. the sun, stars, fire, electricity
  2. Guides pupils to realize that light is not fire but fire produces light
  3. Initiates and guides class discussion on the uses of light energy
  4. Directs pupils in use of shiny surface or mirrors to reflect light and form images by placing objects:
    • In front of a mirror;
    • Between two or more mirrors

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussions
  2. Perform the following activities with mirrors and describe the observations:
    • Point a mirror or shiny surface facing a bright light at a dark corner
    • Look at their faces in the mirror
    • Hold a pencil in front of a mirror
  3. Tabulate the observations

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Plane mirrors
  2. Lenses convex and concave lenses
  3. Empty tins with shiny surfaces
  4. Pencil

Evaluation Guide

  1. List five sources of light energy
  2. Mention three uses of light
  3. Use mirrors and shiny surfaces to reflect light
  4. List three things that reflect light
  5. Form images with mirrors

Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 1


Week 1

Topic: Parts of a computer

Performance objectives

  1. Describe a computer
  2. Name parts of a computer
  3. Identify computer parts
  4. State the differences between a computer and a television
  5. Draw/sketch parts of a computer


  1. Description of a computer
  2. Parts of a computer:
    • Monitor
    • Keyboard
    • System unit
    • Mouse
    • Printer
    • Speaker
  3. Drawing of computer parts

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Leads pupils to identify a computer
  2. Arranges computer parts on a table
  3. Provides the pictures of computer parts and guides pupils to match the pictures with the real objects
  4. Displays the mouse, printer and speakers on the table
  5. Provides the pictures of the mouse, printer and speakers and guides pupils to match the pictures with the real objects

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify a computer
  2. Touch and identify the mouse, monitor, printer and speakers
  3. Draw and color the pictures of the identified parts

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Pictures
  3. Flash cards
  4. Mouse
  5. Printer
  6. Speakers
  7. Picture
  8. Plain paper
  9. Color pencil
  10. Keyboard
  11. Monitor
  12. System unit

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention the differences between a computer and a television
  2. Name other parts of a computer e.g. mouse, printer etc.
  3. Point to the parts of a computer in pictures or on charts
  4. Name and color the picture of computer parts

Week 2

Topic: Uses of Computers

Performance objectives

  1. Pupils should be able to state the uses of a computer


  1. Uses of computer:
    • Playing games
    • Typing of text
    • Watching educational films.
    • Storing information, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guide pupils to use computer to play games, type text, watch educational films etc.
  2. Show pupils  produced things with  a computer

Student’s Activities

  1. Play games, type and watch educational movies
  2. Come out in groups to watch teacher produce thing with the computer

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Computer
  2. Paper
  3. Learning software
  4. Printer
  5. Items produced with the computer such as drawings, paintings, print-outs, books, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Ask pupils to mention three uses of a computer

Year 1 – 3 NERDC Information Technology Curriculum for Lower Primary School, Computer Operations, Basic Concepts of IT –



Topic: Common IT Devices

Performance objectives

  1. Identify common IT devices
  2. Describe common IT devices


  1. Common IT devices:
    • GSM phones
    • Calculators
    • Digital wristwatch etc.
  2. Description of common IT devices

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Displays real objects/ pictures of common IT devices
  2. Describes common IT devices

Student’s Activities

  1. Touch and identify common IT devices
  2. Draw and color identified IT devices

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures
  2. Chats
  3. GSM phones
  4. Toy GSM phones
  5. Smart phones
  6. Color pencils
  7. Plain paper
  8. Workbook, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List three IT devices
  2. Point to some common IT device on a chart
  3. Name and color some common IT devices in the workbook

Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 2


Week 1

Topic:    Features of computer parts

Performance objectives

  1. Pupils should be able to describe the features of computer parts e.g. Monitor (i.e. rectangular shape and has a screen and buttons), Keyboard, System Unit and Printer etc.


  1. Features of computer parts e.g. monitor, keyboard, mouse etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to draw a computer showing major parts
  2. Describes features of major computer parts e.g. monitor, system unit, keyboard, mouse etc.

Student’s Activities

  1. Draw a computer showing major parts
  2. Touch and identify major parts of a computer such as Monitor, System unit, Keyboard etc.
  3. Describe features of major parts of a computer e.g. monitor, system unit, Keyboard, mouse etc.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Computer System
  2. Chart
  3. Pictures

Evaluation Guide

  1. Draw a computer showing major parts
  2. Describe features of computer parts

Year 2 Computer Studies, NERDC Information Technology Curriculum Primary 2 


Week 1

Topic:    IT Devices

Performance objectives

  1. Identify parts of common IT devices
  2. State Uses of common IT devices


  1. Examples of IT devices
    • GSM phones
    • Smart phones
    • Organizers
    • Pagers
    • Digital wristwatch etc.
  2. Parts of common IT devices
  3. Uses of Common IT devices

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides the pupils to identify parts of common IT devices
  2. List uses of common IT devices

Student’s Activities

  1. Mention parts of common IT devices
  2. Mention the uses of common IT devices

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Calculator
  2. GSM phones
  3. Digital Wristwatch
  4. Pictures/chart showing organizer, fax machine etc.
  5. Screen, keyboard, mouse

Evaluation Guide

  1. Describe two of the common IT devices
  2. Mention two parts of common IT devices
  3. Mention two uses of common IT devices

Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 3


Week 1

Topic: History of Computers

Performance objectives

  1. Identify early counting devices
  2. Identify early mechanical calculating devices
  3. Identify the land marks in the transition of early calculating devices to present day computers


  1. Early counting devices: (counting with fingers, toes pebbles, stones, sticks, etc.)
  2. Later Developments: (Abacus, Calculator, etc.)
  3. Graduation of early calculating devices into the present day computers

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Engages the pupils to count with fingers, stones, sticks, etc.
  2. Demonstrates the use of Abacus
  3. Shows pictures of each computing device to the class

Student’s Activities

  1. Count up to 25 using their five fingers, sticks and stones
  2. Use the Abacus to solve different arithmetic problems
  3. Bring pictures/cut outs of various computing devices

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Sticks
  2. Stones
  3. Seeds
  4. Abacus
  5. Calculator
  6. Computer
  7. Pictures

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention at least two counting devices
  2. Mention two mechanical calculating devices
  3. Identify the land marks in the transition of early calculating devices to present day computers

Week 2

Topic: Input and Output Devices

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of input devices
  2. State the meaning of output devices
  3. Identify input and output from keyboard, monitor, mouse and printer
  4. State the uses of keyboard and mouse, monitor and printer


  1. Input devices: meaning and examples
  2. Output devices: meaning and examples
  3. Uses of input and output devices

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Leads pupils to use keyboard and mouse to input information into the computer
  2. Leads pupils to view a document and action of the mouse on the monitor
  3. Displays keyboard and mouse, monitor and printers pictures

Student’s Activities

  1. Observes teacher’s activity
  2. Type short sentences using the keyboard and Use a mouse to highlight texts or change the content of a document
  3. Inspect keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer
  4. Print the document typed

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Keyboard, mouse, pictures or chart showing various input devices, monitor, printer, speaker, pictures or chart showing various output devices

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of input and output devices
  2. Describe keyboard, mouse, monitor and printers
  3. Identify the features of keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer
  4. Mention 2 differences between keyboard and monitor
  5. State 5 functions of a mouse
  6. State 5 uses of a printer

Week 3

Topic: The system unit  

Performance objectives

  1. Describe a system unit
  2. Identify the components of the system unit
  3. Locate and identify drives on the system unit
  4. List parts of the CPU
  5. State the functions of CPU


  1. System unit
  2. Components of the system unit:
    • CPU
    • Disk Drives (Hard Disk Drive, Floppy Disk Drive, CD-ROM Drives)
    • Mother Board
  3. Drives in CPU
  4. Parts of the CPU
    • Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
    • Random Access Memory (RAM);
    • Control Unit (CU)
  5. Functions of the CPU
    1. Stores data

-Carries out calculations, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Displays system unit or its picture
  2. Guides the pupils to identify and locate the drives on the systems unit
  3. Writes notes on the chalkboard
  4. Guides pupils to identify the parts of a CPU and state the functions and uses of a CPU
  5. Guides pupils to identify the parts of a CPU and state the functions and uses

Student’s Activities

  1. Closely observe the system unit on display
  2. Ask and answer questions
  3. Draw and label the system unit
  4. Identify drives in CPU and their functions
  5. Copy notes on the chalkboard
  6. Closely observe the CPU
  7. Identify its component parts
  8. Draw and label the CPU and its component parts

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A computer system
  2. Picture or chart of a system unit

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name three components of the system unit
  2. Locate these components on the system unit
  3. Describe the CPU
  4. Mention 3 drives in CPU and their functions
  5. Name three components of a CPU
  6. State three functions of a CPU.

Year 3 ICT, NERDC Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 3 


Week 1

Topic:    Storage devices

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the term storage device
  2. Identify types of computer storage devices
  3. Uses/functions of storage devices
  4. Mention ways of caring for storage devices


  1. Meaning of storage devices
  2. Types of computer storage devices:

-Flash disk

-Hard disk

-Compact disk, etc.

  • Difference between storage drive and disk
  • Uses/functions of storage devices
  • Care of storage devices

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Displays and explain a system unit on the table
  2. Shows pupils types of storage devices
  3. Explains more on hard disk because it cannot easily be seen
  4. Guides pupils to state difference between storage disk and storage drive
  5. Guides pupils to list types of storage devices and writes short notes on them
  6. Guides pupils to identify different types of computer storage devices
  7. Guides pupils to mention ways of caring for storage devices

Student’s Activities

  1. Examine the storage devices on display
  2. Copy notes from the chalkboard on storage devices
  3. Ask questions about Hard disk
  4. Make attempts to mention types of storage devices
  5. Make attempts to state difference between storage disk and storage drive
  6. Make attempts to mention uses/functions of storage devices
  7. Make attempts to list cares of storage devices

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Floppy disk
  2. Compact disk
  3. DVD
  4. Hard disk
  5. Flash disk

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify and mention three types of storage devices
  2. Mention three differences between storage disk and storage drive
  3. State three uses of storage devices
  4. Mention three ways of caring for storage devices

Physical and Health Education Curriculum Primary 1


Week 1

Topic: MOVING OUR BODY PARTS          

Performance objectives

  1. Demonstrate correct movement patterns of leaping, walking, stepping, hopping and running, etc.
  2. Perform basic manipulative movements
  3. Identify safety rules in walking, running, pushing and kicking etc.


  1. Leaping, Walking stepping, hopping and running etc.
  2. Throwing of objects, catching of objects, kicking of objects, striking of objects etc.
  3. Safety rules

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Demonstrates the technique in loco motor movement
  2. Supervises the pupils and offers assistance
  3. Demonstrates the non- loco motor movements, supervises the children and offers assistance
  4. Demonstrates the basic manipulative movements, supervise the children and offers assistance
  5. List safety rules in basic movements

Student’s Activities

  1. Practice the techniques of leaping, walking and running
  2. Practice non-loco motor movements
  3. Practice manipulative patterns of:
    • Throwing
    • Catching in pairs
  4. List dangers in basic movements

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Playground, balls etc.

Evaluation Guide

                1              Demonstrate basic movement skills correctly

2 Mention safety rules on the playground


Week 1

Topic:    Athletics

Performance objectives

                1              Perform simple athletic activities

                2              Explain the health benefits of running, jumping and throwing etc.

                3              Safety rules in running, jumping and throwing etc.


  1. Short distance race e.g. 50 meters
  2. Simple Jumps
  3. Safety rules in Athletic.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Demonstrates the events e.g. 50 meters (start from and finish)
  2. -jumping (run-up, take off, flight and landing)
  3. Explains safety rules
  4. Supervises and corrects practice by pupils

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe the teacher’s demonstration in; running (start from and finish) jumping, running(run-up, take off, flight and landing)
  2. Practice the event
  3. Mention safety rules

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Playground
  2. Cross-bar
  3. Up right poles
  4. Landing pit

Evaluation Guide

  1. Perform simple athletic activities such as running, jumping etc.
  2. Perform 50 meters dash showing start from and finish
  3. Demonstrate basic high jump skills:
    • Run-up
    • Take off
    • Flight
    • Landing
  4. Mention safety rules on short distance races (50 meters dash and simple jumps)

Week 2

Topic: GAMES      

Performance objectives

  1. Demonstrate the skills of some local games
  2. Perform some local games
  3. Perform the basic skills in ball games
  4. Mention safety rules in games


  1. Local games:
    • Rats and rabbits;
    • Cat and rat;
    • Fire on the mountain etc.
  2. Kicking and stopping etc.
  3. Safety rules

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the local games to the pupils
  2. Demonstrates the various local games
  3. Explains the skills in kicking and stopping
  4. Observes the pupils and offers assistance
  5. List safety rules

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe the teacher’s demonstration
  2. Practice the skills of the local games
  3. Play the local games
  4. Practice the skills of kicking and stopping
  5. Mention safety rules

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Playground, balls etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Demonstrate the skills involved in the local games
  2. Perform the local games correctly
  3. Perform the skills of ball games e.g. kicking and stopping etc. Correctly
  4. List some safety rules in games

Week 3

Topic:          Swimming

Performance objectives

                1              Mention the preliminary skills of swimming

                2              List some benefits of swimming

                3              List safety rules of swimming


  1. Skills for beginners;
    • Coming into and out of water
    • Adjusting to the water
    • Breathing
    • Turtle float
    • Face float
  2. Safety rules
  3. Benefits of swimming

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains the preliminary skills
  2. Demonstrates the preliminary skills
  3. Supervises the pupils
  4. Explains safety rules in swimming
  5. List benefits of swimming

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher
  2. Perform the preliminary skills
  3. Observe safety rules
  4. Mention benefits of swimming

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Swimming pool
  2. Whistle
  3. Swimming trunk
  4. Swimming clothe / life jacket etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention the preliminary skills
  2. List some safety rules of swimming
  3. List some benefits of swimming

NERDC Basic Science and Technology Curriculum for Primary School. Our Environment, Athletics, BST Curriculum –


Week 1

Topic:    Health and Hygiene

Performance objectives

  1. Explain how to wash hands, bath and care for the skin
  2. Demonstrate how to brush the teeth
  3. Describe how to cut nails
  4. State ways of maintaining foot wears
  5. Mention ways of maintaining the hair
  6. Mention benefits of cleanliness


  1. General body cleanliness in:
    • Washing hands, bathing and care of the skin:
    • Teeth brushing, chewing stick, toothbrush and paste:
    • Cutting of nails:
    • Hair maintenance:
    • Foot wear
  2. Benefits of cleanliness

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides the pupils to demonstrate how to wash hands, bathe and brush the teeth
  2. Guides the pupils through discussion on care of nails, hairs, foot wears, clothes and the skin
  3. List the benefits of cleanliness

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate and demonstrate how to wash hands, bath and brush the teeth
  2. Participate in discussion on the care for the following:
  3. -Nails
    • Hairs
    • Foot wears
    • Clothes
  4. Mention some benefits of cleanliness

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Posters
  3. Sponge
  4. Water
  5. Scissors/ clippers
  6. Chewing stick
  7. Tooth brush and paste
  8. Towels
  9. Pomade
  10. Slippers/ shoes
  11. Stocking
  12. Blouses
  13. Skirts
  14. Shorts

Evaluation Guide

  1. Describe how to wash hands, bath and care for the skin
  2. Demonstrate how to brush the teeth
  3. Describe how to cut the nails
  4. Mention some ways of maintaining hair, foot wears and clothes
  5. List some benefits of cleanliness

Week 2

Topic: First Aid    

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the meaning of First Aid
  2. State the objectives of First Aid
  3. List some contents First Aid Box


  1. Meaning of First Aid
  2. Objectives of First Aid:
    • Arrest bleeding
    • To save life
    • Prevent injury from becoming worse
  3. Content of First Aid Box

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. States the meaning of First Aid
  2. Guides pupils to List and explain some objectives of First Aid
  3. Presents a First Aid Box with its content and guides pupils to identify the contents

Student’s Activities

  1. State the meaning of first aid
  2. List objectives of first aid
  3. Identify content of First Aid Box

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. First Aid Box
  2. Charts
  3. Posters
  4. Pictures

Evaluation Guide

  1. State what First Aid is
  2. State at least three objectives of First Aid
  3. List, at least, three contents of a First Aid Box

Physical and Health Education Curriculum Primary 2


Week 1


Performance objectives

  1. Demonstrate correct movement patterns of shooting and heading
  2. Perform basic movement such as bending, stretching
  3. Imitate movement and sound made by people, animals and machine around them
  4. Identify safety rules in shooting, heading, bending and stretching


  1. Movement Patterns:
    • Shooting and heading.
    • Bending and stretching
    • People matching
    • Jogging
    • Galloping
    • Skipping
  2. Movement of animals
  3. Movement by machines
  4. Safety rules

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains and Demonstrate the basic skills in shooting and heading
  2. Supervises and correct demonstration by pupils
  3. Demonstrate skills involved in bending and stretching
  4. Supervises the pupils and make corrections
  5. Demonstrates movement of people matching, movement of animals, movement by machine
  6. Supervises the children and make corrections
  7. Assist the pupils to list safety rules

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation
  2. Observe teachers demonstration
  3. Practice the basic skills taught
  4. Practice; bending, limping, stretching etc.
  5. Practice manipulative patterns of:
    • Throwing
    • Catching in pairs
    • Creative rhythm and movement
  6. List dangers in basic movements

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Playground
  2. Balls
  3. Talking drums
  4. Radio
  5. Television
  6. Textbooks, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Perform the skill of shooting and heading
  2. Perform the skill of leaping, walking, stepping and hopping
  3. Perform the skills of bending and stretching
  4. Demonstrate creative rhythm and movements
  5. Mention safety rules on the playground


Week 1

Topic:    Athletics             

Performance objectives

  1. Perform 75 meters dash showing start, form and finish
  2. Perform basic long jump skills
  3. Mention Safety rules


  1. 75 meters dash
  2. Long jump basic skills:


-Take off



  • Safety rules

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Demonstrates:
    • 75m dash showing start, form and finish,
    • Run-up, take-off, flight and landing
  2. Supervises and assists pupils to practice the skills
  3. Leads the pupils to mention safety rules

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe teacher’s demonstration
  2. Practice the 75 meters dash
  3. Practice run-up, take off, flight and landing
  4. State safety rules

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Playground
  2. Video clips
  3. Take off board
  4. Flags (red and white)

Evaluation Guide

  1. Perform 75 meters dash showing start, form and finish
  2. Perform run-up, take off, flight and landing
  3. State 3 safety rules

Week 2

Topic:  GAMES

Performance objectives

  1. Perform the basic skills in basket ball
  2. State safety rules


  1. Basic skills in Basket Ball:




  • Safety rules

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Demonstrates skills in playing basketball
  2. Lead pupils to state safety rules
  3. Observe the pupils and offer assistance

Student’s Activities

  1. Observes the teachers demonstration
  2. Practice the skills taught
  3. List safety rules

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Playground
  2. Pictures
  3. Textbooks
  4. Charts
  5. Ball
  6. Whistle

Evaluation Guide

  1. Perform basketball skills correctly
  2. List 3 basic skills in basket ball
  3. State 3 safety rules

Week 3

Topic: swimming

Performance objectives

  1. Mention basic skills in swimming
  2. Demonstrate entry and coming out of a swimming pool
  3. Mention safety rules


  1. basic skills in swimming
  2. demonstration of skills
  3. Safety rules

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains basic skills in swimming
  2. Demonstrate entry and coming out of the swimming pool
  3. Explain and enforce safety rules

Student’s Activities

  1. State the basic skills in swimming
  2. List and observe safety rules
  3. Practice entry and coming out of the swimming pool

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Swimming pool, pool of State 3 basic skills in water

Evaluation Guide

  1. State 3 basic skills in swimming
  2. State 3 safety rules
  3. Demonstrate correctly entry and coming out of the swimming pool

Level 1 – 3 NERDC Physical and Health Education Curriculum for Lower Primary School. Basic Movement, Athletics, first aid –


Week 1


Performance objectives

  1. Enumerate some ways of purifying water
  2. Describe some methods of purifying water
  3. Demonstrate the process of purifying water
  4. Explain the meaning of air pollution
  5. Identify proper ways of resting
  6. Explain best condition for sleeping
  7. State the importance of resting


  1. Methods of purifying water:
    • Filtration
    • Boiling
    • Use of Chemicals
    • Sieving
  2. Air pollution
  3. Rest and sleep

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides Pupils through methods of purifying water
  2. Explains air pollution
  3. Explains the best condition for sleeping
  4. Explains the importance of resting
  5. Explains ways of improving sleep

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen and ask questions
  2. Observe and imitate the teacher’s demonstration
  3. Participate in discussion of best condition for sleeping and importance of resting
  4. Describe a ventilated room

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Magazine
  2. Pictures
  3. Posters
  4. Charts
  5. Film clips
  6. Water filter
  7. Polluted water
  8. Fire wood
  9. Tripod stand
  10. Sieving set
  11. Pots
  12. Clean towel
  13. Stove
  14. Textbooks
  15. Bed, Mat, Pillow and Cover cloth

Evaluation Guide

  1. Enumerate 3 methods of purifying water
  2. Explain the meaning of air pollution
  3. Describe at least 2 methods of purifying water
  4. Identify two ways to rest
  5. Explains two best condition for resting
  6. State two importance of resting
  7. Explain what ventilated room is
  8. List 3 factors affecting sleep

Week 2

Topic: First aid and safety education

Performance objectives

  1. List 5 safety rules
  2. State the conditions that require first aid


  1. Safety rules
  2. Conditions that require first aid:
    • Bleeding
    • Fainting
    • Bruises
    • Heat
    • Exhaustion etc

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. States the meaning of first aid
  2. Lists and explains safety rules
  3. Lists and explain some conditions that require first aid

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate by sharing their experiences of some conditions that require first aid

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Posters
  3. Video clips

Evaluation Guide

  1. List 3 safety rules
  2. List 3 conditions that require first aid

PHE Curriculum Primary 3


Week 1

Topic: Moving Our Body Parts

Performance objectives

  1. Imitate movements and sounds made by people, animals and machines
  2. Demonstrate different movement patterns
  3. Name the components of physical fitness


  1. Movements made by animals, people, machines, etc
  2. Fundamental Movement Patterns:
    • Bending
    • Crawling
    • Galloping
    • Climbing, etc
  3. Components of Physical fitness
    • Endurance
    • Strength
    • Flexibility, etc

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains and demonstrates the movement rhythms and patterns
  2. Supervises the pupils practice and makes corrections
  3. Lists and explains the components of physical fitness
  4. Demonstrates physical fitness activities to achieve;
    •  Endurance strength flexibility etc
  5. Summarizes important points on the chalkboard

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen and imitate teacher’s demonstration
  2. Practice different movement patterns
  3. Participate in demonstration
  4. Demonstrate physical fitness activities to achieve -Endurance – strength- Flexibility, etc
  5. Copy the chalkboard summary

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Playground
  2. Chart
  3. Radio
  4. Television
  5. Video Clips
  6. Tape
  7. Recorder
  8. Gongs
  9. Drum
  10. Posters
  11. Rope

Evaluation Guide

  1. Demonstrate the creative movements and sounds correctly
  2. Perform the fundamental movements with rhythms correctly
  3. Demonstrate at least four physical fitness components to achieve
    • Endurance
    • Strength
    • Flexibility etc


Week 1

Topic:    Athletics

Performance objectives

  1. Mention the different types of races
    • Mention the skill involved in the sprint race        
    • Perform sprint techniques
    • Mention the stages involved in high jump


  1. Sprints:
    • 100 meters
    • 200 meters
    • 400 meters
  2. Skills and techniques:
    • Take off
    • Running
    • Arm action
    • Finish
  3. Stages of high jump:
    • Run off
    • Take off
    • Clearing the cross bar
    • Landing and recovery

Teacher’s Activities           

  1. Explains the different types of races
  2. Explains the skills involved in sprint races
  3. Demonstrates sprint techniques to the pupils
  4. Guides the pupils to discuss the stages involved in high jump

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe and imitate the teacher’s actions
  2. State skills in sprint races and high jump
  3. Practice the skills while the teacher supervises

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Playground
  2. Charts
  3. Video
  4. Clips
  5. Posers
  6. Whistle/starting fun
  7. Stop watch
  8. High jump pit
  9. Landing foam
  10. Flags (red and white)
  11. Measuring tapes

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention at least three skills involved in sprint races and high jump
  2. Perform the skills

Week 2


Performance objectives

  1. Mention the basic skills in:
    • Football;
    • Tennis;
    • Basketball
  2. Perform the basic skills in:
    • Football;
    • Tennis ;
    • Basketball
  3. Mention safety rules in ball 2 games:
    • Football;
    • Tennis;
    • Basketball


  1. Basic skills in ball games:
    • Football (passing, trapping, heading, kicking and throwing)
    • Tennis (grip, forehand drive, backhand drive, serving)
    • Basketball (passing and dribbling)
  2. Safety rules in ball games

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the skills
  2. Demonstrates the skills
  3. Supervises the pupils
  4. Guides pupils to list safety measures/rules

Student’s Activities

  1. Watch the teacher as he/she demonstrates the skills
  2. Practice the skills
  3. Make attempts to list safety rules

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Footballs
  2. Whistle
  3. Football Pitch
  4. Table Tennis Balls
  5. Table
  6. Net
  7. Bats
  8. Basketballs
  9. Basketball Court

Evaluation Guide

  1. List at least three skills of Football, tennis and basketball
  2. Perform the skills correctly
  3. List at least 3 safety rules of each ball games

Week 3

Topic: Swimming

Performance objectives

  1. Mention basic styles in swimming
  2. Demonstrate basic skills in swimming
  3. Mention the safety rules in swimming
  4. Observe the rules


  1. Basic styles in swimming
    • Crawl/free style
    • Breast stroke
    • Back stroke
  2. Demonstration of basic styles
  3. Safety rules in swimming:
    • Shower
    • Warm up
    • Don’t swim immediately after meal. Etc

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explain and demonstrate basic styles in swimming
  2. Explains the safety rules in swimming
  3. Enforces the rules in swimming
  4. Summarizes the rules on the chalkboard

Student’s Activities

  1. Watch the teacher demonstrate the basic skills
  2. Make attempts to list the safety rules
  3. Practice the skills
  4. Observe safety rules when practicing

Teaching & Learning Material 

  1. Swimming pool
  2. Charts
  3. Posters
  4. Chalkboard
  5. Textbooks
  6. Safety equipment

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the 3 basic styles in swimming
  2. Demonstrate correctly the 3 basic styles in swimming
  3. Mention any five safety rules in swimming
  4. To observe the rules of swimming while swimming

NERDC Basic Science and Technology Curriculum for Primary School. Our Environment, Athletics, BST Curriculum –


Week 1

Topic:    Health and Hygiene

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of noise pollution
  2. Explain how to prevent noise pollution
  3. State the meaning of chemical pollution
  4. Describe ways of preventing chemical pollution


  1. Noise pollution
    • Meaning of noise pollution
    • Prevention of noise pollution
  2. Chemical pollution
    • Meaning of chemical pollution
    • Prevention of chemical pollution

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the types of air pollution and chemical pollution to the pupils
  2. Assist the pupils in describing ways of preventing noise and chemical pollution

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen
  2. Observe and imitate the teachers demonstration
  3. Engage in the various description of preventing pollution

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Magazines Pictures
  2. Posters Charts
  3. Films showing
  4. Chemicals

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of:
    • Noise pollution
    • Chemical pollution
  2. State 2 ways of preventing each of noise and chemical pollution

Week 2

Topic: First Aid and Safety Education

Performance objectives

  1. Describe the duties of a first aider
  2. List four qualities of a first aider


  1. Duties of first aiders
  2. Qualities of first aiders:
    • Have knowledge about first aid
    • Have initiative and ability to assess situation before giving first aid, etc

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Describes the duties of first aider
  2. Lists and explains the qualities of a first Aider

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate by answering questions and sharing their experiences

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Posters
  3. Pictures
  4. Video Clips
  5. Models etc

Evaluation Guide

  1. Describe the duties of a first aider
  2. List at least four qualities of first aider


BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary School 1 to 6 (NERDC)

BST: Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary School 1 – 6

BST: Information Technology Curriculum for Primary School 1 – 6 (NERDC)

BST: Physical and Health Education – PHE Curriculum for Primary School 1 – 6 (NERDC)

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