Year 1 – 6 NERDC Basic Science and Technology Curriculum for Primary School. Information Technology, BST Curriculum –
Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 1
Week 1
Topic: Exploring your environment
Performance objectives
- Observe and identify things in and around the classroom, school and home
- Identify types of roads around the school and roads outside the school
- Demonstrate walking along the road and crossing the road safely
- Things in and around the classroom, school and home
- Types of roads within and outside the school
- Walking along the road and crossing the road
Teacher’s Activities
- Takes pupils on a study walk around and outside the school
- Demonstrates walking safely along the road and crossing the road
- Encourages pupils to observe and list things in the home
Student’s Activities
- Pupils observe and list things in the school environment
- Draw some of the things around the school
- Demonstrate working safely along the road
Teaching & Learning Material
- Objects in the classroom, around the school and home
- Charts and models
- Drawing materials
Evaluation Guide
- Identify things in and around the classroom, school and home
- Sketch any two things identified in and around the classroom, school and home
- Demonstrate how to walk and cross a road safely
Week 2
Topic: Soil, Air and Water
Performance objectives
- Identify other parts of their surroundings – soil, air and water
- Demonstrate that air exists
- Create air current by blowing with the mouth or using paper fan
- Demonstrate that air occupies space using balloons
- List the common sources of water
- Other parts of the surrounding( e.g. soil, water, air)
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to identify soil, air and water as other components of the surrounding
- Demonstrates the existence of air using paper or hand fan
- Demonstrates that air occupies space by inflating balloons
- Takes pupils on a tour of nearby water sources
Student’s Activities
- Touch and feel soil in the playground
- Create air currents by blowing with the mouth or using hand or paper fan.
- Inflate balloons, polythene bags etc.
- Mention sources of water
- Recite a poem about water
Teaching & Learning Material
- Soil
- Newspaper
- Paper fan
- Hand fan
- Balloons
- Polythene bags
- Water
- Pictures of sources of water
Evaluation Guide
- Identify other parts of their surroundings
- Show that air exists
- Demonstrate that air occupies space
- Name five common sources of water
Year 1 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum Primary 1 –
Week 3
Topic: Color (identification)
Performance objectives
- Identify different colors
- Collect materials of different colors
- Observe road traffic light and identify their colors
- State the function of each road traffic light sign
- Identify road markings and their colors
- Colors of objects
- Road traffic light signs
- Road markings
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses the color chart to guide pupils to identify colors
- Gives pupils different materials to identify different colors
- Separates color using Lego materials with different colors for modelling
- Draws road traffic signs for pupils to observe
- Takes pupils to observe various road traffic signs in their location
- Supervises pupils in drawing and painting of road traffic signs
Student’s Activities
- Identify colors of objects provided by teacher
- Observe road traffic signs
- Match the colors of road traffic light with their functions
Teaching & Learning Material
- Flowers
- Leaves
- Color
- Containers of various colors
- Lego sets/bricks
Evaluation Guide
- Identify five colors
- Identify various road traffic lights by their colors and functions
- Identify some road traffic markings and their colors
- Draw and color road traffic lights
Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2
Week 1
Performance objectives
- Observe and name colors, shapes and sizes of common object
- Identify various sounds made by objects, animals and persons
- Detect various odors of fruits, food, shoes, dirty socks; etc.
- Detect taste of sweet, sour, salty and bitter food items
- Identify objects by touching and feeling
- Describe how correct ways of using the road by each of the users
- Seeing: with eyes, Colors, shapes and sizes of objects in classroom, school and home
- Hearing: with ears, Listening to sounds of objects, animals, persons, and imitating sounds
- Smelling: with nose. Detecting various odors
- Taste: with tongue. Detecting various food items that are sweet, sour, salty and bitter
- Touching: with fingers. Detecting various objects by touch, feeling its shape, texture, pressure and temperature
- Road users’ e. g children, cars, Bicycles, animals, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Provides and helps pupils to Identify:
- Different colors
- Different shapes
- Different sizes
- Aides pupils to use colored pencils and identify color
- Makes pupils to listen to and identify various sounds
- Guides pupils to recognize something (fruits, food, etc.) with characteristic smell
- Assists to detect distinctive taste of sweet, sour, salty and bitter tastes
- Provides sweet, sour, salty and bitter items to pupils
- Provides items of different textures, shapes, temperature under pressure
- Assist pupils to identify road users and how to use roads correctly by the user
Student’s Activities
- Work with colored pencils and crayons
- Collect and identify objects of different shapes and sizes
- Identify various sounds
- Produce different sounds from their mouth and throat
- Describe pleasant and unpleasant smell
- Taste sweet, sour, salty and bitter item
- Feel or touch their cheeks and heads, tissue paper, touch different types of paper/cardboards
- Touch cold and warm objects or water
- Identify road users and describe correct ways of using the roads
Teaching & Learning Material
- Colored pencils and crayon
- Wooden blocks of different sizes, shapes and colors
- Charts and models
- School bell, flute, other wind instrument
- Recorded sounds of birds, frog, cat, etc.
- Fruits-banana, oranges, mangoes
- Flower, shoes, dirty socks, etc.
- Sugar, honey, salt, bitter leaf/kola
- Tissue paper
- Rough and smooth cardboard
- Cold/hot, warm water
- Video and Charts on road usage
- Pictures of different types of roads
Evaluation Guide
- Identify and match objects based on colors, shape, and size
- Identify and describe sounds made by different objects, animals and persons
- Associate odors with specific pleasant and unpleasant smell
- State the taste of different substances
- Distinguish between rough and coarse objects, cold and hot, etc.
- Name three road users
- Describe various ways of using the road
Week 2
Topic: Soil Types
Performance objectives
1 Mention different types of soil
2 Observe and describe the physical properties of soil types
1 Types of soil
– Clay
– Sandy
– Loamy
2 Properties of soil types
Teacher’s Activities
1 Identifies suitable sites in the school compound from where different soil types can be collected
2 Takes pupils to the identified sites in the school to collect soil samples
3 Guides pupils to name the different soil types
4 Guides pupils to observe and describe the color, texture and particles size of the soil samples
Student’s Activities
1 Collect soil samples in the school or home environment
2 Observe and describe the color, texture and particles size of the soil samples
3 Place some soil samples in a container, add water and stir
4 Mold with wet sand and clay
5 Compare clay soil and sandy soil
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Samples of garden soil (clay, loamy and sandy soils)
2 Hand lens
3 Sieve
4 Filter paper
5 Containers
6 Funnel
7 Water
8 Hoe or shovel
Evaluation Guide
1 Identify and name soil types as: loamy, clay and sandy soil
2 Describe the physical properties of the soil types
Week 3
Topic: Air
Performance objectives
1 Observe and identify things that float in air
2 Make things float in air
- Floating in the air
- Things that float in air (paper kites, blown balloons, etc.)
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to name things that float in air
- Guides pupils to make paper kites
- Score the kites that pupils make
Student’s Activities
- Throw things into the air and identify those that float, and those that do not
- Make and fly paper kites
Teaching & Learning Material
- Balloons
- Old newspapers
- Thread
- Gum
- Sticks
- Strings
- Stones
- Pencils
Evaluation Guide
- Name five things that float in air
- Make and fly paper kites
Week 4
Topic: Water
Performance objectives
1 Identify things that float or sink in water
2 Demonstrate how to make objects float or sink in water
- Floating and sinking in water
Teacher’s Activities
1 Guides pupils to identify Objects that:
– Float in water
– Sink in water
2 Demonstrates to pupils some ways of making objects:
– Float in water e.g. stone placed on inflated balloon, human being swimming with the aid of a life jacket or calabash,
– Sinking in water (e.g. tying a stone to a feather, cork, etc.
3 Initiates and guides class discussion on other ways of making things float or sink in water.
Student’s Activities
1 Name things that float in water
2 Observe the demonstrations
3 Make things to float in water
4 Make things to sink in water
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Balloons
2 Dry wood
3 Meter rule
4 Piece of iron 5 Stone
6 Thread
7 Feathers
8 Cork
9 Picture of people in swimming pools using life jackets (inflated wears) or in river staying on top of calabashes
Evaluation Guide
1 Name three things each that float or sink in water
2 Make things to float or sink in water
Week 5
Topic: Colors
Performance objectives
1 Pupils should be able to use colors to identify and beautify objects
- Use of colors
Teacher’s Activities
1 Guides pupils to identify objects through colors (living & non-living things)
2 Guides pupils to discuss uses of colors.
Student’s Activities
- Color objects
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Papers
2 Crayons
3 Colored pens
4 Color charts
5 Lego set/beads
6 Dyes
Evaluation Guide
- Color two types of objects
- Use Lego of different colors to construct common objects
Year 1 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2. Our environment –
Week 1
Topic: Plants
Performance objectives
1 Identify and name some common plants in the school compound
2 Trace the leaves of some of the plants on Plastering or clay, where available
3 Prepare a press of common plants
4 Observe and identify features of common plants in their school compound
5 Group plants according to their common features
6 Group plants according to their uses
7 Describe common uses of plants
- Plants in the school compound
- Features of plants:
- Shape
- Size
- Color
- Texture
- Common uses of plants in the locality (for food, beautification, building, furniture, shade, medicines
Teacher’s Activities
- Identifies suitable place in the surrounding for pupils to visit
- Guides pupils to observe and collect common plants
- Guides pupils to prepare a plant for preservation
- Initiate class discussions which would enable pupils to:
- Identify features of the plants
- Group the plants based on their features
- Through class discussion:
- Guides pupils to state the uses of plants
- Groups plants according to their uses
Student’s Activities
- Participate in site visits
- Observe and collect some common plants
- Print some plant parts e.g. leaves
- Prepare a print-press of common plants
- Identify features of plants
- Group plants according to their features
- Group plants according to their uses
Teaching & Learning Material
- Specimen of local plants
- Drawing books
- Pencils
- Crayons
- Cello-tapes
- Plastering
- Clay
- Workbooks
Evaluation Guide
- Name five common plants in the school
- Trace the leaves of some plants
- Prepare and display print press
- Mention the features of the plants in their locality
- State the uses of plants
- Group plants according to their common features
- Group plants according to their uses
Week 2
Topic: Animals
Performance objectives
1 Identify common animals in the school compound
2 Collect and preserve some animals in the school compound
3 Observe and name the features of common animals in the school compound
4 Use the observable features to group the animals found in the school compound.
5 Observe and describe the behavior of animals
6 Demonstrate correct way of:
– Crossing the road;
– Walking along the road leading
- Animals in the school compound (flies, butterflies, earthworms etc.
- Features of the animals found in the school compound
- Behavior of animals
- Animals and road safety
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses pictures and charts to guide pupils to identify common animals in the school compound
- Demonstrates the correct method of collecting animals for preservation
- Guides pupils to:
- Identify the features of the animals,
- Group animals using observable features
- Initiates and guides class discussion on the behavior of animals e.g. movement, feeding etc.
- Demonstrate crossing and walking along the road
Student’s Activities
- Identify animals in their school compound
- Collects harmless animals in the school compound
- Observe, group and describe features of preserved animals
- Make drawings of some animals
- Participate in class discussion on animals
- Mimic the sound of some animals
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts and pictures of animals
- Specimen of animals
- Insect nets/baskets
- Specimen bottles and jars
- Preservative (e.g. formalin)
- Workbook
- Live animal
- Petri dishes
- Lids of cans
- Plastic plates
Evaluation Guide
- Name some common animals in the school compound
- Collect and display common animals in the school compound
- Describe the features of animals
- Group animals based on observed features
- Describe the behavior of animals
- Describe correct ways of:
- Walking along the road,
- Crossing the road
Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 1
Week 1
Topic: Simple Machines
Performance objectives
- identify and collect simple machine in the school
- use simple machines in a safe way
- Meaning of: Simple machine (a device that makes work easy e.g. Broom, Spoon, See saw/swing, Hoe, Cutlass etc.)
- The safe use of simple machines
Teacher’s Activities
- Provides samples of simple machines in the home and school
- Leads pupils to use some simple machines (broom, pair of scissors, seesaw/swing)
- Demonstrates how to safely use simple machine
Student’s Activities
- Collect and use some simple machines e.g. broom, hoe, can opener, spoon etc.
- Play on a see saw/swing
- Identify dangers in the use of simple machines
Teaching & Learning Material
- Brooms
- See-saw
- Hoe
- Cutlass
- Can opener
- Spoon
Evaluation Guide
- mention three simple machines in the school
- demonstrate how to use some simple machines safely
Week 2
Topic: Energy
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of energy
- Perform activities involving the use of energy
- Meaning of energy as exemplified by people doing some work
- Examples of things that use energy and pestle, riding a bicycle etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to identify themselves using energy to move, write, jump, run, lift objects etc.
- Guides pupils using charts and posters to identify objects around them where energy is used e.g. grinding machine, pounding with mortar
Student’s Activities
- State the meaning of energy
- Perform an action to show the use of energy
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupils in the classroom
- Desks and chairs
- Posters and charts
Week 1
Topic: Clay
Performance objectives
- Prepare clay for molding
- Use clay for molding
- Preparation of clay for molding
- Molding with clay
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains stages of using and preserving clay
- Assists pupils in preparation
- Assists pupils in molding objects with clay
Student’s Activities
- Make objects using clay
Teaching & Learning Material
- Clay
- Water
- Heat
Evaluation Guide
- Prepare clay for molding
- Mold objects using clay
Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 2
Week 1
Topic: Forms of Energy (Sound)
Performance objectives
- Identify different forms of energy
- Identify different sounds
- Name some instruments that produce sounds
- Make local instruments that produce sounds
- Make different kinds of sounds with the instruments they made
- Forms of energy
- Sound energy:
- Things that produce sounds;
- Musical instruments
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to identify different forms of energy
- Discusses sound and leads pupils to identify sounds
- Uses the chart to guide pupils to identify different instruments that produce sounds
- Guides pupils to make musical instruments from local materials
Student’s Activities
- Participate in class discussions
- Make sounds with different parts of their bodies (e.g. feet, hands, mouth
- Identify and name instruments that produce sound
- Construct local musical instruments from available materials
- Play games with sound using the musical instrument they made
Teaching & Learning Material
- A chart showing some musical instruments
- Bamboo Stem
- Paw-paw stalk
- Knife
- String
- Some musical instruments e.g. talking drum, mouth organ, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Mention the different forms of energy
- Identify sounds made from different sources
- List three instruments that produce sound
- Make sounds with different parts of their bodies
- Make local musical instruments and make melodies with them
Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 3
Week 1
Topic: Forms of Technology
Performance objectives
- Identify the forms of technology
- State two distinguishing characteristics between developed and underdeveloped technology
- Developed technology
- Forms of Technology:
- Underdeveloped technology.
- Developed technology
- Examples of:
- Underdeveloped technology (Farming with hoes and cutlasses; using of town crier, use of stones to make fire, use of donkeys for transportation etc.)
- Developed technology (Farming with harvesters, tractors, using of ship, airplanes, use of lighter etc.
- Characteristics:
- Underdeveloped technology are low profile or olden days technology;
- Developed technology are high profile or modern day technology
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides the pupils to name and identify examples of under developed and developed technology
- Explains the differences between underdeveloped and developed technology
Student’s Activities
- Participate in class discussions
- Identify examples of underdeveloped and developed technology
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts and posters, Hoes, cutlasses, vehicles, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Mention the two forms of technology
- Give 2 examples each of underdeveloped and developed technology
- List three differences between under developed and developed technology
Week 1
Topic: Forms of Energy (Light)
Performance objectives
- Mention the sources of light
- Discuss the uses of light
- Identify some objects that reflect light
- Use mirrors to form images
- Forms of energy
- Light energy:
- Source
- Uses
- Reflection of light
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to name the sources of light e.g. the sun, stars, fire, electricity
- Guides pupils to realize that light is not fire but fire produces light
- Initiates and guides class discussion on the uses of light energy
- Directs pupils in use of shiny surface or mirrors to reflect light and form images by placing objects:
- In front of a mirror;
- Between two or more mirrors
Student’s Activities
- Participate in class discussions
- Perform the following activities with mirrors and describe the observations:
- Point a mirror or shiny surface facing a bright light at a dark corner
- Look at their faces in the mirror
- Hold a pencil in front of a mirror
- Tabulate the observations
Teaching & Learning Material
- Plane mirrors
- Lenses convex and concave lenses
- Empty tins with shiny surfaces
- Pencil
Evaluation Guide
- List five sources of light energy
- Mention three uses of light
- Use mirrors and shiny surfaces to reflect light
- List three things that reflect light
- Form images with mirrors
Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 1
Week 1
Topic: Parts of a computer
Performance objectives
- Describe a computer
- Name parts of a computer
- Identify computer parts
- State the differences between a computer and a television
- Draw/sketch parts of a computer
- Description of a computer
- Parts of a computer:
- Monitor
- Keyboard
- System unit
- Mouse
- Printer
- Speaker
- Drawing of computer parts
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads pupils to identify a computer
- Arranges computer parts on a table
- Provides the pictures of computer parts and guides pupils to match the pictures with the real objects
- Displays the mouse, printer and speakers on the table
- Provides the pictures of the mouse, printer and speakers and guides pupils to match the pictures with the real objects
Student’s Activities
- Identify a computer
- Touch and identify the mouse, monitor, printer and speakers
- Draw and color the pictures of the identified parts
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts
- Pictures
- Flash cards
- Mouse
- Printer
- Speakers
- Picture
- Plain paper
- Color pencil
- Keyboard
- Monitor
- System unit
Evaluation Guide
- Mention the differences between a computer and a television
- Name other parts of a computer e.g. mouse, printer etc.
- Point to the parts of a computer in pictures or on charts
- Name and color the picture of computer parts
Week 2
Topic: Uses of Computers
Performance objectives
- Pupils should be able to state the uses of a computer
- Uses of computer:
- Playing games
- Typing of text
- Watching educational films.
- Storing information, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guide pupils to use computer to play games, type text, watch educational films etc.
- Show pupils produced things with a computer
Student’s Activities
- Play games, type and watch educational movies
- Come out in groups to watch teacher produce thing with the computer
Teaching & Learning Material
- Computer
- Paper
- Learning software
- Printer
- Items produced with the computer such as drawings, paintings, print-outs, books, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Ask pupils to mention three uses of a computer
Year 1 – 3 NERDC Information Technology Curriculum for Lower Primary School, Computer Operations, Basic Concepts of IT –
Topic: Common IT Devices
Performance objectives
- Identify common IT devices
- Describe common IT devices
- Common IT devices:
- GSM phones
- Calculators
- Digital wristwatch etc.
- Description of common IT devices
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays real objects/ pictures of common IT devices
- Describes common IT devices
Student’s Activities
- Touch and identify common IT devices
- Draw and color identified IT devices
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures
- Chats
- GSM phones
- Toy GSM phones
- Smart phones
- Color pencils
- Plain paper
- Workbook, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- List three IT devices
- Point to some common IT device on a chart
- Name and color some common IT devices in the workbook
Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 2
Week 1
Topic: Features of computer parts
Performance objectives
- Pupils should be able to describe the features of computer parts e.g. Monitor (i.e. rectangular shape and has a screen and buttons), Keyboard, System Unit and Printer etc.
- Features of computer parts e.g. monitor, keyboard, mouse etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to draw a computer showing major parts
- Describes features of major computer parts e.g. monitor, system unit, keyboard, mouse etc.
Student’s Activities
- Draw a computer showing major parts
- Touch and identify major parts of a computer such as Monitor, System unit, Keyboard etc.
- Describe features of major parts of a computer e.g. monitor, system unit, Keyboard, mouse etc.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Computer System
- Chart
- Pictures
Evaluation Guide
- Draw a computer showing major parts
- Describe features of computer parts
Year 2 Computer Studies, NERDC Information Technology Curriculum Primary 2 –
Week 1
Topic: IT Devices
Performance objectives
- Identify parts of common IT devices
- State Uses of common IT devices
- Examples of IT devices
- GSM phones
- Smart phones
- Organizers
- Pagers
- Digital wristwatch etc.
- Parts of common IT devices
- Uses of Common IT devices
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides the pupils to identify parts of common IT devices
- List uses of common IT devices
Student’s Activities
- Mention parts of common IT devices
- Mention the uses of common IT devices
Teaching & Learning Material
- Calculator
- GSM phones
- Digital Wristwatch
- Pictures/chart showing organizer, fax machine etc.
- Screen, keyboard, mouse
Evaluation Guide
- Describe two of the common IT devices
- Mention two parts of common IT devices
- Mention two uses of common IT devices
Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 3
Week 1
Topic: History of Computers
Performance objectives
- Identify early counting devices
- Identify early mechanical calculating devices
- Identify the land marks in the transition of early calculating devices to present day computers
- Early counting devices: (counting with fingers, toes pebbles, stones, sticks, etc.)
- Later Developments: (Abacus, Calculator, etc.)
- Graduation of early calculating devices into the present day computers
Teacher’s Activities
- Engages the pupils to count with fingers, stones, sticks, etc.
- Demonstrates the use of Abacus
- Shows pictures of each computing device to the class
Student’s Activities
- Count up to 25 using their five fingers, sticks and stones
- Use the Abacus to solve different arithmetic problems
- Bring pictures/cut outs of various computing devices
Teaching & Learning Material
- Sticks
- Stones
- Seeds
- Abacus
- Calculator
- Computer
- Pictures
Evaluation Guide
- Mention at least two counting devices
- Mention two mechanical calculating devices
- Identify the land marks in the transition of early calculating devices to present day computers
Week 2
Topic: Input and Output Devices
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of input devices
- State the meaning of output devices
- Identify input and output from keyboard, monitor, mouse and printer
- State the uses of keyboard and mouse, monitor and printer
- Input devices: meaning and examples
- Output devices: meaning and examples
- Uses of input and output devices
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads pupils to use keyboard and mouse to input information into the computer
- Leads pupils to view a document and action of the mouse on the monitor
- Displays keyboard and mouse, monitor and printers pictures
Student’s Activities
- Observes teacher’s activity
- Type short sentences using the keyboard and Use a mouse to highlight texts or change the content of a document
- Inspect keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer
- Print the document typed
Teaching & Learning Material
- Keyboard, mouse, pictures or chart showing various input devices, monitor, printer, speaker, pictures or chart showing various output devices
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of input and output devices
- Describe keyboard, mouse, monitor and printers
- Identify the features of keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer
- Mention 2 differences between keyboard and monitor
- State 5 functions of a mouse
- State 5 uses of a printer
Week 3
Topic: The system unit
Performance objectives
- Describe a system unit
- Identify the components of the system unit
- Locate and identify drives on the system unit
- List parts of the CPU
- State the functions of CPU
- System unit
- Components of the system unit:
- Disk Drives (Hard Disk Drive, Floppy Disk Drive, CD-ROM Drives)
- Mother Board
- Drives in CPU
- Parts of the CPU
- Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
- Random Access Memory (RAM);
- Control Unit (CU)
- Functions of the CPU
- Stores data
-Carries out calculations, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays system unit or its picture
- Guides the pupils to identify and locate the drives on the systems unit
- Writes notes on the chalkboard
- Guides pupils to identify the parts of a CPU and state the functions and uses of a CPU
- Guides pupils to identify the parts of a CPU and state the functions and uses
Student’s Activities
- Closely observe the system unit on display
- Ask and answer questions
- Draw and label the system unit
- Identify drives in CPU and their functions
- Copy notes on the chalkboard
- Closely observe the CPU
- Identify its component parts
- Draw and label the CPU and its component parts
Teaching & Learning Material
- A computer system
- Picture or chart of a system unit
Evaluation Guide
- Name three components of the system unit
- Locate these components on the system unit
- Describe the CPU
- Mention 3 drives in CPU and their functions
- Name three components of a CPU
- State three functions of a CPU.
Year 3 ICT, NERDC Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 3 –
Week 1
Topic: Storage devices
Performance objectives
- Explain the term storage device
- Identify types of computer storage devices
- Uses/functions of storage devices
- Mention ways of caring for storage devices
- Meaning of storage devices
- Types of computer storage devices:
-Flash disk
-Hard disk
-Compact disk, etc.
- Difference between storage drive and disk
- Uses/functions of storage devices
- Care of storage devices
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays and explain a system unit on the table
- Shows pupils types of storage devices
- Explains more on hard disk because it cannot easily be seen
- Guides pupils to state difference between storage disk and storage drive
- Guides pupils to list types of storage devices and writes short notes on them
- Guides pupils to identify different types of computer storage devices
- Guides pupils to mention ways of caring for storage devices
Student’s Activities
- Examine the storage devices on display
- Copy notes from the chalkboard on storage devices
- Ask questions about Hard disk
- Make attempts to mention types of storage devices
- Make attempts to state difference between storage disk and storage drive
- Make attempts to mention uses/functions of storage devices
- Make attempts to list cares of storage devices
Teaching & Learning Material
- Floppy disk
- Compact disk
- Hard disk
- Flash disk
Evaluation Guide
- Identify and mention three types of storage devices
- Mention three differences between storage disk and storage drive
- State three uses of storage devices
- Mention three ways of caring for storage devices
Physical and Health Education Curriculum Primary 1
Week 1
Performance objectives
- Demonstrate correct movement patterns of leaping, walking, stepping, hopping and running, etc.
- Perform basic manipulative movements
- Identify safety rules in walking, running, pushing and kicking etc.
- Leaping, Walking stepping, hopping and running etc.
- Throwing of objects, catching of objects, kicking of objects, striking of objects etc.
- Safety rules
Teacher’s Activities
- Demonstrates the technique in loco motor movement
- Supervises the pupils and offers assistance
- Demonstrates the non- loco motor movements, supervises the children and offers assistance
- Demonstrates the basic manipulative movements, supervise the children and offers assistance
- List safety rules in basic movements
Student’s Activities
- Practice the techniques of leaping, walking and running
- Practice non-loco motor movements
- Practice manipulative patterns of:
- Throwing
- Catching in pairs
- List dangers in basic movements
Teaching & Learning Material
- Playground, balls etc.
Evaluation Guide
1 Demonstrate basic movement skills correctly
2 Mention safety rules on the playground
Week 1
Topic: Athletics
Performance objectives
1 Perform simple athletic activities
2 Explain the health benefits of running, jumping and throwing etc.
3 Safety rules in running, jumping and throwing etc.
- Short distance race e.g. 50 meters
- Simple Jumps
- Safety rules in Athletic.
Teacher’s Activities
- Demonstrates the events e.g. 50 meters (start from and finish)
- -jumping (run-up, take off, flight and landing)
- Explains safety rules
- Supervises and corrects practice by pupils
Student’s Activities
- Observe the teacher’s demonstration in; running (start from and finish) jumping, running(run-up, take off, flight and landing)
- Practice the event
- Mention safety rules
Teaching & Learning Material
- Playground
- Cross-bar
- Up right poles
- Landing pit
Evaluation Guide
- Perform simple athletic activities such as running, jumping etc.
- Perform 50 meters dash showing start from and finish
- Demonstrate basic high jump skills:
- Run-up
- Take off
- Flight
- Landing
- Mention safety rules on short distance races (50 meters dash and simple jumps)
Week 2
Topic: GAMES
Performance objectives
- Demonstrate the skills of some local games
- Perform some local games
- Perform the basic skills in ball games
- Mention safety rules in games
- Local games:
- Rats and rabbits;
- Cat and rat;
- Fire on the mountain etc.
- Kicking and stopping etc.
- Safety rules
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the local games to the pupils
- Demonstrates the various local games
- Explains the skills in kicking and stopping
- Observes the pupils and offers assistance
- List safety rules
Student’s Activities
- Observe the teacher’s demonstration
- Practice the skills of the local games
- Play the local games
- Practice the skills of kicking and stopping
- Mention safety rules
Teaching & Learning Material
- Playground, balls etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Demonstrate the skills involved in the local games
- Perform the local games correctly
- Perform the skills of ball games e.g. kicking and stopping etc. Correctly
- List some safety rules in games
Week 3
Topic: Swimming
Performance objectives
1 Mention the preliminary skills of swimming
2 List some benefits of swimming
3 List safety rules of swimming
- Skills for beginners;
- Coming into and out of water
- Adjusting to the water
- Breathing
- Turtle float
- Face float
- Safety rules
- Benefits of swimming
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the preliminary skills
- Demonstrates the preliminary skills
- Supervises the pupils
- Explains safety rules in swimming
- List benefits of swimming
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher
- Perform the preliminary skills
- Observe safety rules
- Mention benefits of swimming
Teaching & Learning Material
- Swimming pool
- Whistle
- Swimming trunk
- Swimming clothe / life jacket etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Mention the preliminary skills
- List some safety rules of swimming
- List some benefits of swimming
NERDC Basic Science and Technology Curriculum for Primary School. Our Environment, Athletics, BST Curriculum –
Week 1
Topic: Health and Hygiene
Performance objectives
- Explain how to wash hands, bath and care for the skin
- Demonstrate how to brush the teeth
- Describe how to cut nails
- State ways of maintaining foot wears
- Mention ways of maintaining the hair
- Mention benefits of cleanliness
- General body cleanliness in:
- Washing hands, bathing and care of the skin:
- Teeth brushing, chewing stick, toothbrush and paste:
- Cutting of nails:
- Hair maintenance:
- Foot wear
- Benefits of cleanliness
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides the pupils to demonstrate how to wash hands, bathe and brush the teeth
- Guides the pupils through discussion on care of nails, hairs, foot wears, clothes and the skin
- List the benefits of cleanliness
Student’s Activities
- Participate and demonstrate how to wash hands, bath and brush the teeth
- Participate in discussion on the care for the following:
- -Nails
- Hairs
- Foot wears
- Clothes
- Mention some benefits of cleanliness
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts
- Posters
- Sponge
- Water
- Scissors/ clippers
- Chewing stick
- Tooth brush and paste
- Towels
- Pomade
- Slippers/ shoes
- Stocking
- Blouses
- Skirts
- Shorts
Evaluation Guide
- Describe how to wash hands, bath and care for the skin
- Demonstrate how to brush the teeth
- Describe how to cut the nails
- Mention some ways of maintaining hair, foot wears and clothes
- List some benefits of cleanliness
Week 2
Topic: First Aid
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of First Aid
- State the objectives of First Aid
- List some contents First Aid Box
- Meaning of First Aid
- Objectives of First Aid:
- Arrest bleeding
- To save life
- Prevent injury from becoming worse
- Content of First Aid Box
Teacher’s Activities
- States the meaning of First Aid
- Guides pupils to List and explain some objectives of First Aid
- Presents a First Aid Box with its content and guides pupils to identify the contents
Student’s Activities
- State the meaning of first aid
- List objectives of first aid
- Identify content of First Aid Box
Teaching & Learning Material
- First Aid Box
- Charts
- Posters
- Pictures
Evaluation Guide
- State what First Aid is
- State at least three objectives of First Aid
- List, at least, three contents of a First Aid Box
Physical and Health Education Curriculum Primary 2
Week 1
Performance objectives
- Demonstrate correct movement patterns of shooting and heading
- Perform basic movement such as bending, stretching
- Imitate movement and sound made by people, animals and machine around them
- Identify safety rules in shooting, heading, bending and stretching
- Movement Patterns:
- Shooting and heading.
- Bending and stretching
- People matching
- Jogging
- Galloping
- Skipping
- Movement of animals
- Movement by machines
- Safety rules
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains and Demonstrate the basic skills in shooting and heading
- Supervises and correct demonstration by pupils
- Demonstrate skills involved in bending and stretching
- Supervises the pupils and make corrections
- Demonstrates movement of people matching, movement of animals, movement by machine
- Supervises the children and make corrections
- Assist the pupils to list safety rules
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanation
- Observe teachers demonstration
- Practice the basic skills taught
- Practice; bending, limping, stretching etc.
- Practice manipulative patterns of:
- Throwing
- Catching in pairs
- Creative rhythm and movement
- List dangers in basic movements
Teaching & Learning Material
- Playground
- Balls
- Talking drums
- Radio
- Television
- Textbooks, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Perform the skill of shooting and heading
- Perform the skill of leaping, walking, stepping and hopping
- Perform the skills of bending and stretching
- Demonstrate creative rhythm and movements
- Mention safety rules on the playground
Week 1
Topic: Athletics
Performance objectives
- Perform 75 meters dash showing start, form and finish
- Perform basic long jump skills
- Mention Safety rules
- 75 meters dash
- Long jump basic skills:
-Take off
- Safety rules
Teacher’s Activities
- Demonstrates:
- 75m dash showing start, form and finish,
- Run-up, take-off, flight and landing
- Supervises and assists pupils to practice the skills
- Leads the pupils to mention safety rules
Student’s Activities
- Observe teacher’s demonstration
- Practice the 75 meters dash
- Practice run-up, take off, flight and landing
- State safety rules
Teaching & Learning Material
- Playground
- Video clips
- Take off board
- Flags (red and white)
Evaluation Guide
- Perform 75 meters dash showing start, form and finish
- Perform run-up, take off, flight and landing
- State 3 safety rules
Week 2
Topic: GAMES
Performance objectives
- Perform the basic skills in basket ball
- State safety rules
- Basic skills in Basket Ball:
- Safety rules
Teacher’s Activities
- Demonstrates skills in playing basketball
- Lead pupils to state safety rules
- Observe the pupils and offer assistance
Student’s Activities
- Observes the teachers demonstration
- Practice the skills taught
- List safety rules
Teaching & Learning Material
- Playground
- Pictures
- Textbooks
- Charts
- Ball
- Whistle
Evaluation Guide
- Perform basketball skills correctly
- List 3 basic skills in basket ball
- State 3 safety rules
Week 3
Topic: swimming
Performance objectives
- Mention basic skills in swimming
- Demonstrate entry and coming out of a swimming pool
- Mention safety rules
- basic skills in swimming
- demonstration of skills
- Safety rules
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains basic skills in swimming
- Demonstrate entry and coming out of the swimming pool
- Explain and enforce safety rules
Student’s Activities
- State the basic skills in swimming
- List and observe safety rules
- Practice entry and coming out of the swimming pool
Teaching & Learning Material
- Swimming pool, pool of State 3 basic skills in water
Evaluation Guide
- State 3 basic skills in swimming
- State 3 safety rules
- Demonstrate correctly entry and coming out of the swimming pool
Level 1 – 3 NERDC Physical and Health Education Curriculum for Lower Primary School. Basic Movement, Athletics, first aid –
Week 1
Performance objectives
- Enumerate some ways of purifying water
- Describe some methods of purifying water
- Demonstrate the process of purifying water
- Explain the meaning of air pollution
- Identify proper ways of resting
- Explain best condition for sleeping
- State the importance of resting
- Methods of purifying water:
- Filtration
- Boiling
- Use of Chemicals
- Sieving
- Air pollution
- Rest and sleep
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides Pupils through methods of purifying water
- Explains air pollution
- Explains the best condition for sleeping
- Explains the importance of resting
- Explains ways of improving sleep
Student’s Activities
- Listen and ask questions
- Observe and imitate the teacher’s demonstration
- Participate in discussion of best condition for sleeping and importance of resting
- Describe a ventilated room
Teaching & Learning Material
- Magazine
- Pictures
- Posters
- Charts
- Film clips
- Water filter
- Polluted water
- Fire wood
- Tripod stand
- Sieving set
- Pots
- Clean towel
- Stove
- Textbooks
- Bed, Mat, Pillow and Cover cloth
Evaluation Guide
- Enumerate 3 methods of purifying water
- Explain the meaning of air pollution
- Describe at least 2 methods of purifying water
- Identify two ways to rest
- Explains two best condition for resting
- State two importance of resting
- Explain what ventilated room is
- List 3 factors affecting sleep
Week 2
Topic: First aid and safety education
Performance objectives
- List 5 safety rules
- State the conditions that require first aid
- Safety rules
- Conditions that require first aid:
- Bleeding
- Fainting
- Bruises
- Heat
- Exhaustion etc
Teacher’s Activities
- States the meaning of first aid
- Lists and explains safety rules
- Lists and explain some conditions that require first aid
Student’s Activities
- Participate by sharing their experiences of some conditions that require first aid
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts
- Posters
- Video clips
Evaluation Guide
- List 3 safety rules
- List 3 conditions that require first aid
PHE Curriculum Primary 3
Week 1
Topic: Moving Our Body Parts
Performance objectives
- Imitate movements and sounds made by people, animals and machines
- Demonstrate different movement patterns
- Name the components of physical fitness
- Movements made by animals, people, machines, etc
- Fundamental Movement Patterns:
- Bending
- Crawling
- Galloping
- Climbing, etc
- Components of Physical fitness
- Endurance
- Strength
- Flexibility, etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains and demonstrates the movement rhythms and patterns
- Supervises the pupils practice and makes corrections
- Lists and explains the components of physical fitness
- Demonstrates physical fitness activities to achieve;
- Endurance strength flexibility etc
- Summarizes important points on the chalkboard
Student’s Activities
- Listen and imitate teacher’s demonstration
- Practice different movement patterns
- Participate in demonstration
- Demonstrate physical fitness activities to achieve -Endurance – strength- Flexibility, etc
- Copy the chalkboard summary
Teaching & Learning Material
- Playground
- Chart
- Radio
- Television
- Video Clips
- Tape
- Recorder
- Gongs
- Drum
- Posters
- Rope
Evaluation Guide
- Demonstrate the creative movements and sounds correctly
- Perform the fundamental movements with rhythms correctly
- Demonstrate at least four physical fitness components to achieve
- Endurance
- Strength
- Flexibility etc
Week 1
Topic: Athletics
Performance objectives
- Mention the different types of races
- Mention the skill involved in the sprint race
- Perform sprint techniques
- Mention the stages involved in high jump
- Sprints:
- 100 meters
- 200 meters
- 400 meters
- Skills and techniques:
- Take off
- Running
- Arm action
- Finish
- Stages of high jump:
- Run off
- Take off
- Clearing the cross bar
- Landing and recovery
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the different types of races
- Explains the skills involved in sprint races
- Demonstrates sprint techniques to the pupils
- Guides the pupils to discuss the stages involved in high jump
Student’s Activities
- Observe and imitate the teacher’s actions
- State skills in sprint races and high jump
- Practice the skills while the teacher supervises
Teaching & Learning Material
- Playground
- Charts
- Video
- Clips
- Posers
- Whistle/starting fun
- Stop watch
- High jump pit
- Landing foam
- Flags (red and white)
- Measuring tapes
Evaluation Guide
- Mention at least three skills involved in sprint races and high jump
- Perform the skills
Week 2
Performance objectives
- Mention the basic skills in:
- Football;
- Tennis;
- Basketball
- Perform the basic skills in:
- Football;
- Tennis ;
- Basketball
- Mention safety rules in ball 2 games:
- Football;
- Tennis;
- Basketball
- Basic skills in ball games:
- Football (passing, trapping, heading, kicking and throwing)
- Tennis (grip, forehand drive, backhand drive, serving)
- Basketball (passing and dribbling)
- Safety rules in ball games
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the skills
- Demonstrates the skills
- Supervises the pupils
- Guides pupils to list safety measures/rules
Student’s Activities
- Watch the teacher as he/she demonstrates the skills
- Practice the skills
- Make attempts to list safety rules
Teaching & Learning Material
- Footballs
- Whistle
- Football Pitch
- Table Tennis Balls
- Table
- Net
- Bats
- Basketballs
- Basketball Court
Evaluation Guide
- List at least three skills of Football, tennis and basketball
- Perform the skills correctly
- List at least 3 safety rules of each ball games
Week 3
Topic: Swimming
Performance objectives
- Mention basic styles in swimming
- Demonstrate basic skills in swimming
- Mention the safety rules in swimming
- Observe the rules
- Basic styles in swimming
- Crawl/free style
- Breast stroke
- Back stroke
- Demonstration of basic styles
- Safety rules in swimming:
- Shower
- Warm up
- Don’t swim immediately after meal. Etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Explain and demonstrate basic styles in swimming
- Explains the safety rules in swimming
- Enforces the rules in swimming
- Summarizes the rules on the chalkboard
Student’s Activities
- Watch the teacher demonstrate the basic skills
- Make attempts to list the safety rules
- Practice the skills
- Observe safety rules when practicing
Teaching & Learning Material
- Swimming pool
- Charts
- Posters
- Chalkboard
- Textbooks
- Safety equipment
Evaluation Guide
- State the 3 basic styles in swimming
- Demonstrate correctly the 3 basic styles in swimming
- Mention any five safety rules in swimming
- To observe the rules of swimming while swimming
NERDC Basic Science and Technology Curriculum for Primary School. Our Environment, Athletics, BST Curriculum –
Week 1
Topic: Health and Hygiene
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of noise pollution
- Explain how to prevent noise pollution
- State the meaning of chemical pollution
- Describe ways of preventing chemical pollution
- Noise pollution
- Meaning of noise pollution
- Prevention of noise pollution
- Chemical pollution
- Meaning of chemical pollution
- Prevention of chemical pollution
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the types of air pollution and chemical pollution to the pupils
- Assist the pupils in describing ways of preventing noise and chemical pollution
Student’s Activities
- Listen
- Observe and imitate the teachers demonstration
- Engage in the various description of preventing pollution
Teaching & Learning Material
- Magazines Pictures
- Posters Charts
- Films showing
- Chemicals
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of:
- Noise pollution
- Chemical pollution
- State 2 ways of preventing each of noise and chemical pollution
Week 2
Topic: First Aid and Safety Education
Performance objectives
- Describe the duties of a first aider
- List four qualities of a first aider
- Duties of first aiders
- Qualities of first aiders:
- Have knowledge about first aid
- Have initiative and ability to assess situation before giving first aid, etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Describes the duties of first aider
- Lists and explains the qualities of a first Aider
Student’s Activities
- Participate by answering questions and sharing their experiences
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts
- Posters
- Pictures
- Video Clips
- Models etc
Evaluation Guide
- Describe the duties of a first aider
- List at least four qualities of first aider
BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary School 1 to 6 (NERDC)
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary School 1 – 6
BST: Information Technology Curriculum for Primary School 1 – 6 (NERDC)
BST: Physical and Health Education – PHE Curriculum for Primary School 1 – 6 (NERDC)