BST: Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary School 1 – 6

32 Min Read
Basic Technology Curriculum

Year 1 – 6 NERDC Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary School. Inclined Plane, Energy Conversion, technology, Basic ElectricitySchemeofwork

Table of Contents
Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 1Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: EnergyTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material       THEME 3: UNDERSTANDING BASIC TECHNOLOGYTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideBasic Technology Curriculum for Primary 2ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideBasic Technology Curriculum for Primary 3ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: YOU AND ENERGYContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideBasic Technology Curriculum for Primary 4ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Shape construction with paper, wood or metalContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material   Evaluation GuideTopic: Vehicles    ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: YOU AND ENERGYTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideBasic Technology Curriculum for Primary 5ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Basic Motor Vehicle Parts (Internal)ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Drawing InstrumentsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2:  YOU AND ENERGYTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Heat and TemperatureContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Basic ElectricityContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: MagnetismContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideBasic Technology Curriculum for Primary 6ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Use of Drawing Instruments (Board Practice)ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic:  introduction to woodwork hand tools.ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material Evaluation GuideTopic: Maintenance and Safety on Our RoadsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material            Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: YOU AND ENERGYContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  (ii) PulleysContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Inclined PlaneContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation Guide

Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 1


Week 1

Topic:    Simple Machines            

Performance objectives

  1. identify and collect simple machine in the school
  2. use simple machines in a safe way


  1. Meaning of: Simple machine (a device that makes work easy e.g. Broom, Spoon, See saw/swing, Hoe, Cutlass etc.)
  2. The safe use of simple machines

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Provides samples of simple machines in the home and school
  2. Leads pupils to use some simple machines (broom, pair of scissors, seesaw/swing)
  3. Demonstrates how to safely use simple machine

Student’s Activities

  1. Collect and use some simple machines e.g. broom, hoe, can opener, spoon etc.
  2. Play on a see saw/swing
  3. Identify dangers in the use of simple machines

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Brooms
  2. See-saw
  3. Hoe
  4. Cutlass
  5. Can opener
  6. Spoon

Evaluation Guide

  1. mention three simple machines in the school
  2. demonstrate how to use some simple machines safely

Week 2

Topic: Energy

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the meaning of energy
  2. Perform activities involving the use of energy


  1. Meaning of energy as exemplified by people doing some work
  2. Examples of things that use energy and pestle, riding a bicycle etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to identify themselves using energy to move, write, jump, run, lift objects etc.
  2. Guides pupils using charts and posters to identify objects around them where energy is used e.g. grinding machine, pounding with mortar

Student’s Activities

  1. State the meaning of energy
  2. Perform an action to show the use of energy

Teaching & Learning Material       

  1. Pupils in the classroom 
  2. Desks and chairs              
  3. Posters and charts          


Week 1

Topic: Clay         

Performance objectives

  1. Prepare clay for molding
  2. Use clay for molding


  1. Preparation of clay for molding
  2. Molding with clay

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains stages of using and preserving clay
  2. Assists pupils in preparation
  3. Assists pupils in molding objects with clay            

Student’s Activities

  1. Make objects using clay

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Clay
  2. Water
  3. Heat

Evaluation Guide

  1. Prepare clay for molding
  2. Mold objects using clay

Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 2


Week 1

Topic: Forms of Energy (Sound)

Performance objectives

  1. Identify different forms of energy
  2. Identify different sounds
  3. Name some instruments that produce sounds
  4. Make local instruments that produce sounds
  5. Make different kinds of sounds with the instruments they made


  1. Forms of energy
  2. Sound energy:
    1. Things that produce sounds;
    1. Musical instruments

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to identify different forms of energy
  2. Discusses sound and leads pupils to identify sounds
  3. Uses the chart to guide pupils to identify different instruments that produce sounds
  4. Guides pupils to make musical instruments from local materials

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussions
  2. Make sounds with different parts of their bodies (e.g. feet, hands, mouth
  3. Identify and name instruments that produce sound
  4. Construct local musical instruments from available materials
  5. Play games with sound using the musical instrument they made

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A chart showing some musical instruments
  2. Bamboo Stem
  3. Paw-paw stalk
  4. Knife
  5. String
  6. Some musical instruments e.g. talking drum, mouth organ, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention the different forms of energy
  2. Identify sounds made from different sources
  3. List three instruments that produce sound
  4. Make sounds with different parts of their bodies
  5. Make local musical instruments and make melodies with them

Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 3


Week 1

Topic: Forms of Technology

Performance objectives

  1. Identify the forms of technology
  2. State two distinguishing characteristics between developed and underdeveloped technology
  3. Developed technology


  1. Forms of Technology:
    • Underdeveloped technology.
    • Developed technology
  2. Examples of:
    • Underdeveloped technology (Farming with hoes and cutlasses; using of town crier, use of stones to make fire, use of donkeys for transportation etc.)
    • Developed technology (Farming with harvesters, tractors, using of ship, airplanes, use of lighter etc.
  3. Characteristics:
    • Underdeveloped technology are low profile or olden days technology;
    • Developed technology are high profile or modern day technology

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides the pupils to name and identify examples of under developed and developed technology
  2. Explains the differences between underdeveloped and developed technology

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussions
  2. Identify examples of underdeveloped and developed technology

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts and posters, Hoes, cutlasses, vehicles, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention the two forms of technology
  2. Give 2 examples each of underdeveloped and developed technology
  3. List three differences between under developed and developed technology


Week 1

Topic: Forms of Energy (Light)  

Performance objectives

  1. Mention the sources of light
  2. Discuss the uses of light
  3. Identify some objects that reflect light
  4. Use mirrors to form images


  1. Forms of energy
  2. Light energy:
    • Source
    • Uses
    • Reflection of light

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to name the sources of light e.g. the sun, stars, fire, electricity
  2. Guides pupils to realize that light is not fire but fire produces light
  3. Initiates and guides class discussion on the uses of light energy
  4. Directs pupils in use of shiny surface or mirrors to reflect light and form images by placing objects:
    • In front of a mirror;
    • Between two or more mirrors

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussions
  2. Perform the following activities with mirrors and describe the observations:
    • Point a mirror or shiny surface facing a bright light at a dark corner
    • Look at their faces in the mirror
    • Hold a pencil in front of a mirror
  3. Tabulate the observations

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Plane mirrors
  2. Lenses convex and concave lenses
  3. Empty tins with shiny surfaces
  4. Pencil

Evaluation Guide

  1. List five sources of light energy
  2. Mention three uses of light
  3. Use mirrors and shiny surfaces to reflect light
  4. List three things that reflect light
  5. Form images with mirrors

Year 1 – 6 NERDC Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary School Schemeofwork

Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 4


Week 1

Topic:    Technology and You

Performance objectives

  1. state the meaning of technology
  2. list the importance of technology
  3. state the products of technology


  1. Meaning of technology Importance of technology
  2. Products of technology

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains and defines technology with good discussions
  2. Explains the importance of technology with illustrations
  3. Shows films of products of technology
  4. Produces charts that illustrate the products of technology

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class Discussions
  2. Identify the products of technology
  3. Watch the films and ask questions
  4. Study the chart and understand the need for technology

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts and pictures showing technological products
  2. Video cassettes films etc

Evaluation Guide

  1. state the meaning of technology
  2. state three importance of technology
  3. list three products of technology

Week 2

Topic: Shape construction with paper, wood or metal

Performance objectives

  1. state the meaning of shape construction
  2. list materials used for shape construction
  3. identify and state tools used in shape constructions
  4. fold and bend metal or cardboard to form an object


  1. Concept of shape construction
  2. Materials used for shape construction:
    • wood
    • metal and
    • paper
  3. Cutting tools used in shape construction e.g. chisel, snips, scissors, saws, etc
  4. Shape construction methods:
    • folding
    • bending

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Discusses and defines shape construction
  2. Displays materials used for cutting in shape construction
  3. Demonstrates how objects can be formed by folding and bending:
    • cylinder
    • cone
    • box
    • funnel

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in discussion
  2. Observe the materials and cutting tools displays
  3. Watch the demonstration of how to construct shapes
  4. Construct shapes using cardboard

Teaching & Learning Material   

  1. Chisel
  2. Snips
  3. Scissors
  4. Pliers
  5. Hammer
  6. Mallets
  7. Cardboard
  8. Sheet of metal

Evaluation Guide

  1. state what shape construction Means
  2. list three tools and materials used in shape construction
  3. use cardboard sheet to construct a cylinder, cone and box

Week 3

Topic: Vehicles    

Performance objectives

  1. state what a vehicle is
  2. identify different types of vehicle
  3. identify different parts of vehicle (external parts)
  4. draw different types and parts of vehicles          
  5. State the use of a vehicle
  6. state one disadvantage of a vehicle


  1. Meaning of a vehicle
  2. Different types of vehicles:
    • Bicycle
    • Motorcycle
    • car
    • bus
    • truck/trailer
  3. External parts of vehicle
  4. Use and disadvantage of vehicle

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils in defining a vehicle
  2. Initiates the class discussion on different types of vehicle, uses and disadvantage with pupils participating actively
  3. Guides pupils in drawing different types of vehicles and vehicle parts

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils participate in the discussion
  2. Pupils draw different types of vehicles
  3. Pupils state the use of vehicle

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Toy vehicles
  3. Vehicles in the school compound

Evaluation Guide

  1. state what a vehicle is
  2. list different types of vehicles
  3. state one use of vehicle
  4. state one disadvantage of vehicle

Year 4 NERDC Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 4


Week 1

Topic:    Forms of Energy

Performance objectives

  1. state uses of energy
  2. identify different sources of energy


  1. Uses of energy e.g. to work
  2. Sources of energy; e.g. sun, tide and waves, fuels, wind and water

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Uses specific examples in emphasizing the differences between the various forms of energy
  2. Uses charts and pictures to guide pupils to identify and name various sources of energy

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussions and group activities
  2. Name various sources of energy

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Relevant charts and pictures
  2. Candle
  3. torch light
  4. gas
  5. Oil
  6. Charcoal
  7. kerosene
  8. Solar panel in surrounding
  9. Radio

Evaluation Guide

  1. list two common sources of energy
  2. mention two uses of energy

Year 4 – 6 NERDC Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary School- Schemeofwork

Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 5


Week 1

Topic: Materials and Maintenance

Performance objectives

  1. identify materials used in technology
  2. list types of wood, metal and plastic
  3. state what these materials are used for
  4. explain the meaning of maintenance
  5. state the need for maintenance


  1. Identification of materials:
    • wood
    • metal
    • plastic
  2. Type of
    • wood
    • metal
    • plastic
  3. Uses of materials
  4. Meaning of maintenance
  5. Importance of maintenance

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Displays materials and discusses the materials used in technology
  2. Guides students to identify and classify the materials
  3. Explains what these materials are used for
  4. Discusses the meaning of maintenance
  5. Leads the pupils to identify the importance of maintenance

Student’s Activities

  1. Take a survey around the school compound and identify materials used. Suggest reasons why particular materials are used. E.g. metal for door handles
  2. Touch and feel the nature of the materials
  3. Participate in class discussions and group activities

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Wood
  2. Metal
  3. Plastic
  4. Oil
  5. Rag
  6. Piece of metal

Evaluation Guide

  1. list three types of materials used in technology
  2. state three uses of each of the following:
    • wood
    • metal
    • plastic
  3. state two reasons why maintenance is needed

Week 2

Topic: Basic Motor Vehicle Parts (Internal)

Performance objectives

  1. mention the internal parts of motor vehicle
  2. identify the internal parts of a motor vehicle
  3. discuss the basic functions of the internal parts of a motor vehicle


  1. Internal parts of motor vehicle e.g.
    • air bags,
    • seat belts,
    • steering,
    • brakes,
    • clutches,
    • pedals,
    • gear, etc
  2. Functions of the internal parts of motor vehicle

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Leads the pupils to list and identify the internal parts of a motor vehicle
  2. Explains the basic functions of the internal parts of the motor vehicles
  3. Organizes a visit to a mechanic workshop/organizer the pupils to see

Student’s Activities

  1. Mention the internal parts of a motor Vehicle
  2. Identify the internal parts of a vehicle
  3. Visit a mechanic Workshop.
  4. Discuss the basic Functions

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A motor vehicle
  2. Labeled diagram of internal parts of a motor vehicle
  3. Posters
  4. Labeled diagram of internal parts of a motor vehicle

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify the internal parts of a motor vehicle
  2. mention five internal parts of a motor vehicle and their functions

Week 3

Topic: Drawing Instruments

Performance objectives

  1. identify drawing instruments
  2. list five drawing instruments
  3. state the uses of drawing instruments
  4. Use some drawing instruments


  1. Definition of drawing
  2. Identification of drawing instruments
  3. Uses of drawing instruments
  4. Draw
    • circles using compass,
    • straight lines using rulers

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Defines drawing
  2. Displays the drawing instruments
  3. Explains the uses of each drawing instruments:
    • T-square
    • set square
    • drawing board
    • dividers
    • pair of compass
    • protractor
    • pencils
    • cleaner, etc
  4. Demonstrates the use of the instruments

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe the instruments displayed
  2. Touch and clean the instruments
  3. Draw circles using a pair of compass
  4. Draw straight lines using a ruler

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. T-square
  2. Set-Square
  3. Drawing Board
  4. Drawing Sheets
  5. Compasses
  6. Dividers
  7. Rulers
  8. Protractor, etc

Evaluation Guide

  1. define drawing
  2. list five drawing instruments and their uses
  3. draw a circle and a straight line

Year 5 NERDC Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 5. Materials and Maintenance, Basic Motor Vehicle Parts-


Week 1

Topic:    Energy Conversion

Performance objectives

  1. explain the meaning of energy conversion
  2. name forms of energy conversions
  3. state the importance of energy conversions


  1. Concept of energy conversion
  2. Forms of energy conversions:
    • electrical to heat energy e.g. pressing iron;
    • chemical to heat energy e.g. kerosene stove;
    • electrical to mechanical e.g. blender;
    • mechanical to electrical e.g. bicycle dynamo
  3. Importance of energy conversions

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Discusses the meaning of energy conversion
  2. Demonstrates the conversion of energy from one form to another
  3. Discusses the importance of energy conversions

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussion
  2. List the forms and importance of energy conversion
  3. Carry out simple activities on energy conversion

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Electric pressing iron
  2. Immersion heater (boiling ring)
  3. Kerosene Stove
  4. Charcoal Pressing iron
  5. Bicycle Dynamo

Evaluation Guide

  1. define energy conversion
  2. list at least three forms of energy conversion
  3. state at least three importance of energy conversion

Week 2

Topic: Heat and Temperature

Performance objectives

  1. distinguish between heat and temperature
  2. identify and name different types of thermometers
  3. identify and write the units and symbol of temperature scale
  4. use the thermometer to measure the temperature of objects accurately


  1. Differences between Heat and Temperature
  2. Temperature
  3. Thermometer
  4. Units and symbols of temperature scale (degree Celsius (0C)/ degree Farenheight (0F))

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils discussion of differences between Heat and Temperature
  2. Provides the pupils with different types of thermometers
  3. Uses charts to guide the pupils to:
    • identify different types of thermometers;
    • identify and name the units and symbols for temperature
  4. Demonstrate the correct method of using the thermometers to measure the temperature of objects

Student’s Activities

  1. Handle and examine thermometer
  2. Practice, measure and record accurately the temperature of things e.g. hot water, their bodies, etc

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A chart showing different thermometers
  2. A chart showing the units and symbols of temperature correctly
  3. Different thermometers
  4. Flask of hot water
  5. Some ice water

Evaluation Guide

  1. state the differences between heat and temperature
  2. name any three types of thermometers
  3. write the units and symbols of temperature
  4. use thermometers to measure temperature accurately

Week 3

Topic: Basic Electricity

Performance objectives

  1. identify types of electricity
  2. explain how electricity is produced (generated) and used
  3. explain how electricity
  4. travels (conducted) from one point to another
  5. group materials into conductors (metals) and nonconductors (wood, glass, plastic)
  6. make a simple electric circuit connection


  1. Types of electricity:
    • static
    • current
  2. Methods of Generating Electricity
  3. Conductors and nonconductors
  4. Electrical circuits
  5. Uses of electricity

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to produce electricity from:
    • friction
    • magnets
    • chemicals
  2. Provides a variety of materials and guides pupils to:
    • produce electricity;
    • sort materials into conductors and non- conductors;
    • make an electric circuit
  3. Uses electric circuit to demonstrate that it can:
    • light bulbs;
    • make magnets or magnetic field;
    • generate heat
  4. Guides pupils to complete an electric circuit

Student’s Activities

  1. Rub wool materials firmly on a hard rubber rod or comb and move the rod close to small pieces of paper or pins. Note what happens
  2. Rub fur or silk material on a glass rod and move the rod close to small pieces of paper or pin and note what happens
  3. Record findings and draw conclusions
  4. Using a simple dry cell (Battery), wires, and a light bulb, make a simple electric circuit

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Wool, fur or silk
  2. Hard rubber rod or comb
  3. Glass rod
  4. Dry cell (1.5v)
  5. Bar magnets
  6. Nails, pieces of paper, ropes, threads
  7. Light bulbs
  8. Connecting wires
  9. Circuit board
  10. Lamp holders
  11. Switch key
  12. Pins
  13. Iron fillings
  14. Paper clips
  15. Coins
  16. Rubber bands

Evaluation Guide

  1. name types of electricity
  2. describe how electricity is generated and conducted from one point to another
  3. group materials into conductors and non- conductors (insulators) of electricity
  4. use the materials provided to complete an electric circuit

Week 4

Topic: Magnetism

Performance objectives

  1. state the properties of magnets
  2. group materials into magnetic and non- magnetic
  3. state the common application of magnetism
  4. make use of magnets


  1. Properties of magnets
  2. Uses of magnets
  3. Making magnets

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Collects different type of magnets, e.g. horseshoe, bar
  2. Plans and organizes simple activities to enable pupils find out about magnetism
  3. Leads class discussions on the uses of magnets in some household appliances e.g. doorbell, loudspeakers, magnetic stickers for fridge’s, magnetic screw drivers etc
  4. Guides pupils to make temporary magnets
  5. Soft iron

Student’s Activities

  1. Play with magnets to discover their properties e.g.
    • magnets will attract or repel one another
    • can act through non- magnetic materials, etc
  2. Examine toys and household appliances for magnets
  3. Group materials as magnetic and non- magnetic
  4. Make temporary magnets

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Bar magnets
  2. Nails, pieces of paper, ropes, threads
  3. Light bulbs
  4. Connecting wires
  5. Circuit board
  6. Lamp holders
  7. Switch key
  8. Pins
  9. Nails
  10. Iron fillings
  11. Paper clips
  12. Coins
  13. Rubber bands
  14. Paper
  15. Cork
  16. Thread
  17. Wires
  18. Wool
  19. Wooden blocks
  20. loud speaker

Evaluation Guide

  1. state two of properties of a magnet
  2. name three common appliances that use magnets
  3. group materials into magnetic and non- magnetic materials
  4. make temporary magnets

Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 6


Week 1

Topic:    Primary and Secondary Colors

Performance objectives

  1. separate white light into the component colors
  2. identify and name the colors of light; (rainbow)
  3. name objects that have characteristics of natural colors
  4. collect and list materials that produce colors
  5. sort primary and secondary colors from a collection of colored plates;
  6. identify characteristics of color shades
  7. mix primary and secondary colors and identify the shades of colors produced


  1. The components of light i.e. (ROYGBIV)
  2. Primary colors (Red, Blue, Green)
  3. Secondary colors e.g. Purple, Magenta
  4. Producing known colors from primary colors

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides the pupils to separate white light into its components, using glass prism
  2. Uses the color chart to help pupils identify various colors e.g. primary and secondary
  3. Provides pupils with colored plates or discs and guide them to use it to blend the colors
  4. Takes pupils on a nature walk to collect materials that produce colors
  5. Provides pupils with color filters, colored discs/plates
  6. Guides pupils to produce new colors by mixing two or more colors

Student’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to produce new colors by mixing two or more colors
  2. Use memory and (ROYGBIV) to list the colors of light (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)
  3. Sort colored plates into primary and secondary colors
  4. Collect materials that produce colors, e.g. kolanut, acalypha leaves, bitter leaf, water leaf, clay soil etc
  5. Make and spin their colored wheels to obtain different shades of colors
  6. Mix different dyes to obtain various color shades

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Glass prism
  2. White screen or wall
  3. A color chart
  4. Colored plates or discs
  5. Flowers
  6. Leaves
  7. Clay soil
  8. Water
  9. Mortar and pestle
  10. Cardboard papers Crayons
  11. Water Color
  12. Color filter
  13. Various colored objects
  14. Color poster
  15. Color discs

Evaluation Guide

  1. separate white light into the component colors
  2. identify and name the colors of light; (rainbow)
  3. name at least two objects that have characteristics of natural colors
  4. collect and list at least three materials that produce colors
  5. sort primary and secondary colors from a collection of colored plates
  6. identify characteristics of color shades
  7. mix colors and identify the shades of colors produced

Week 2

Topic: Use of Drawing Instruments (Board Practice)

Performance objectives

  1. use drawing instruments
  2. draw circles using compasses
  3. draw horizontal lines using T – square
  4. Draw vertical lines.


  1. Use of drawing instruments.
    1. dividers
    1. compasses
    1. rules
    1. T-square
    1. set square
    1. drawing board, etc

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Demonstrates the use  of each instrument
  2. Demonstrates how to place drawing sheet on the drawing board

Student’s Activities

  1. Watch and practice the use of the various instruments

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Drawing Instruments.
    • T-square
    • set square
    • drawing board
    • compasses
    • dividers
    • masking type
    • ruler
    • protractor etc

Evaluation Guide

  1. draw a circle
  2. draw horizontal lines
  3. draw vertical lines

Week 3

Topic:  introduction to woodwork hand tools.

Performance objectives

  1. Explain what hand tools are
  2. list three cutting tools in woodwork
  3. list three marking tools in woodwork
  4. identify measuring tools


  1. Hand Tools
  2. Measuring tools:
    • tape rule
    • metal rule
  3. Marking tools
    • scriber
    • divider
    • center punch
  4. Cutting tools:
    • saws
    • planes

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Defines hand tools
  2. Displays the woodwork tools
  3. Explain the uses of tools
  4. Shows how to handle the tools correctly              

Student’s Activities

  1. Handle the tools correctly
  2. Identify the cutting tools
  3. Identify measuring tools
  4. Identify marking tools

Teaching & Learning Material 

  1. T-square
  2. Tape rule
  3. Scriber Saws
  4. Centre punch
  5. Planes Divider

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain what hand tools are
  2. list at least two cutting tools in woodwork
  3. list at least two marking tools in woodwork
  4. identify at least three measuring tools

Week 4

Topic: Maintenance and Safety on Our Roads

Performance objectives

  1. explain the meaning of maintenance
  2. list types of maintenance
  3. state the importance of maintenance
  4. define safety
  5. list some safety precautions
  6. state two causes of accident in the workshop and on the road
  7. list some safety devices


  1. Meaning of Maintenance
  2. Types of maintenance
    • corrective
    • preventive
  3. Meaning of safety
  4. Methods of preventing accidents in the workshop and on the road
  5. Safety precautions

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of maintenance
  2. Explains the types of maintenance
  3. Defines safety
  4. Explains safety precautions in the workshop
  5. Explain some safety precautions to be taken on our roads
  6. Displays safety devices and demonstrates the use:
    • fire extinguishers
    • apron
    • boots
    • hand gloves
    • eye shield
    • caution signs
    • seat belts
    • road signs
    • zebra crossing

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussions on safety and safety precautions
  2. Watch teacher’s demonstration of the safety devices
  3. mention some dangers in the workshop and on the road

Teaching & Learning Material            

  1. Safety devices
  2. apron
  3. boots
  4. hand gloves
  5. eye shield
  6. Reflective Caution triangle
  7. Road Safety Manual

Evaluation Guide

  1. explain the meaning of maintenance
  2. list two types of maintenance
  3. state the importance of maintenance
  4. define safety
  5. list at least three safety precautions
  6. state two causes of accident in the workshop and on the road
  7. list at least four safety devices


Week 1

Topic:    Simple Machines (i) Levers

Performance objectives

  1. collect and identify simple machines
  2. identify the parts of the lever
  3. list common uses of levers


  1. Meaning of:
    • machine
    • lever
  2. Examples of levers
  3. Parts of a lever
  4. Use of levers

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Collects examples of levers for pupils to identify, name and group
  2. Guides pupils to identify parts of lever

Student’s Activities

  1. Collect and identify some simple machines
  2. Take turns to play with lever, e.g. the see-saw and explain how it works
  3. Make and use simple lever
  4. Draw the different types of lever and identify the parts
  5. List common uses of levers

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Bottle opener
  2. Can opener
  3. Scissors
  4. Pliers
  5. Chart/diagram of some common levers
  6. Nut cracker

Evaluation Guide

  1. name five common levers and machines in their homes
  2. locate the Pivot, Load and Effort arms in common lever machines
  3. state five common uses of levers

Week 2

Topic:  (ii) Pulleys

Performance objectives

  1. recognize and identify simple pulley machines
  2. identify and describe the different uses of pulley machines in everyday life
  3. distinguish between fixed and movable pulleys
  4. make and use pulley machines to do work


  1. Types of Pulleys
    • fixed
    • movable
  2. Examples of pulley machines
  3. Common applications of pulleys

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides and helps in the collection of simple pulley machines
  2. Guides pupils to identify the application of pulleys
  3. Guides pupils to construct and use pulleys
  4. Takes the class on visits to places where they can observe the application of pulleys

Student’s Activities

  1. Collect simple pulley machines
  2. Identify the application of pulleys
  3. Examine and observe pulleys at work
  4. Construct simple pulleys
  5. Use pulleys to lift loads

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Strings
  2. Metal/ wooden/plastic rollers
  3. Nails
  4. Wood
  5. Charts showing uses of simple pulleys
  6. Simple pulleys

Evaluation Guide

  1. give three examples of simple pulleys
  2. state two applications of pulley machines
  3. differentiate between fixed and movable pulleys
  4. construct and use pulleys

Week 3

Topic: Inclined Plane

Performance objectives

  1. mention examples of inclined plane
  2. construct and use inclined plane to lift loads
  3. state the advantages of inclined plane


  1. Examples of inclined plane
  2. Advantages of inclined plane

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to give examples of inclined plane
  2. Arranges for pupils to visit construction sites to observe the use of inclined plane
  3. Leads class discussions on the advantages of inclined plane

Student’s Activities

  1. List examples of inclined planes
  2. Use planks to make inclined plane
  3. Observe the use of inclined plane at construction sites
  4. Participate in the discussion of the advantages of inclined plane

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Wooden plank
  2. Charts showing inclined plane and staircases
  3. Cement blocks
  4. Drums
  5. Nails
  6. Saw
  7. Hammer

Evaluation Guide

  1. mention three examples of inclined plane
  2. construct and use inclined plane to move objects


BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 1

BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 2

BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 3

BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 4

BST: Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 5

BST: Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 6

BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary School 1 to 6 (NERDC)

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