Year 4 ICT, NERDC Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 4. History of Computers, Data and Information –
Week 1
Topic: Computer hard ware
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of computer hardware components
- List the hardware components of a computer
- Meaning of Computer Hardware: (Hardware is the part of computer system we can see and touch)
- Hardware Components
- Keyboard
- Monitor
- System unit
Teacher’s Activities
- Shows the hardware components that make up the computer
- Displays pictures of the hardware components
Student’s Activities
- Observe the hardware components in groups
- Draw and label the hardware components
Teaching & Learning Material
- Keyboard
- Monitor
- System unit
- Joystick
- Mouse
- Pictures
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the meaning of hardware
- Identify two components of the computer hardware
Week 2
Topic: Computer Software
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of software
- Mention common operating system, games and word processing software and state the uses of the software above
- List examples of each type of software above
- Play games software on a computer
- Type text using MS-Word
- Draw and paint simple objects using the PAINT
- Meaning: (A set of instructions given to computer to make it function)
- Types of software (Mention only common operating systems including those of mobile phones
Teacher’s Activities
- Boots the computer to demonstrate what the operating system does
- Guides pupils to identify different types of common operating systems and that of phone.
- Types short text to demonstrates word processing
- Draws objects to demonstrate graphics
- Plays available game in computer/mobile phone to demonstrate entertainment
- Writes notes on the chalkboard for pupils to copy
Student’s Activities
- Repeat each activity demonstrated by the teacher
Teaching & Learning Material
- A computer system with all the necessary software installed
Evaluation Guide
- State what software means
- State three different types of software
- Write down two examples of each type of software
- Mention the uses of each type of software mentioned
- Use PAINT software to draw a chair and ball
Week 3
Topic: Starting up the Computer
Performance objectives
- Explain the term booting
- List ways of booting
- Describe the steps for booting a computer
- Boot a computer
- Meaning of Booting
- Types of Booting:
- Cold booting
- warm booting
- The steps for booting
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays an already connected computer set
- Explains what booting is
- Demonstrates how to boot a computer system
Student’s Activities
- Observe the teacher demonstrate how to boot a computer system
- Practice booting a computer
- Boot a computer system
Teaching & Learning Material
- Computer system
- Power source
Evaluation Guide
- Define booting
- Mention three steps in booting a computer system
- State two ways of booting
Week 4
Topic: Data and Information
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of data and information
- Mention sources of information
- Describe computer as Input – Process – Output (IPO) system
- List characters on the keyboard as data
- Meaning of:
- Data (unprocessed facts)
- Information (processed facts)
- Sources of information:
- Radio;
- Television;
- Newspaper;
- Computer
- Computer as IPO system:
- collects data and enter it using keyboard;
- processes data through central processing unit;
- produces results as information through the output devices
Teacher’s Activities
- Brings some information devices to the classroom and plays/shows them to the pupils
- Demonstrates the uses of computer as a source of information
Student’s Activities
- Observe and make use of information devices
- Use keyboard to enter data
Teaching & Learning Material
- Radio
- Television
- Newspaper/ magazine
- Computer System
- Charts
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of data and information
- List three sources of information
- List three way computer can be used as sources of information
- Use keyboard to enter characters as data
Year 4 ICT, NERDC Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 4. History of Computers, Data and Information –
Week 1
Topic: Common IT Gadgets
Performance objectives
- State what IT stands for
- Identify IT gadgets
- Operate common IT gadgets
- IT: Information and Communications Technology
- IT gadgets:
- Computer
- Mobile phones
- Remote control
- V sat dish
- DVD, etc
- Operating common IT gadgets:
- Computer
- GSM phone
- Remote control
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays common IT gadgets in class
- Guides pupils to identify the gadgets
- Leads pupils in class discussion on use of IT gadgets
- Guides pupils to draw the IT gadgets
- Demonstrate how to operate IT gadgets and guides them to operate them
Student’s Activities
- Observe and recognize each IT gadget displayed
- Participate actively in class discussion
- Operate IT gadgets under teacher’s supervision
- Draw IT Gadgets
Teaching & Learning Material
- Computer
- Remote control
- Mobile phones
- V-sat dish
Evaluation Guide
- State what IT stands for
- List at least two common IT gadgets
- State at least one use of any two different IT gadgets
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 1
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 2
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 3