BST: Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 4

6 Min Read
Information Technology Curriculum

Year 4 ICT, NERDC Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 4. History of Computers, Data and Information 


Week 1

Topic: Computer hard ware

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of computer hardware components
  2. List the hardware components of a computer


  1. Meaning of Computer Hardware: (Hardware is the part of computer system we can see and touch)
  2. Hardware Components
    • Keyboard
    • Monitor
    • System unit
    • CD /DVD -ROM

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Shows the hardware components that make up the computer
  2. Displays pictures of the hardware components

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe the hardware components in groups
  2. Draw and label the hardware components

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Keyboard
  2. Monitor
  3. System unit
  4. Joystick
  5. Mouse
  6. Pictures

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain the meaning of hardware
  2. Identify two components of the computer hardware

Week 2

Topic: Computer Software

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of software
  2. Mention common operating system, games and word processing software and state the uses of the software above
  3. List examples of each type of software above
  4. Play games software on a computer
  5. Type text using MS-Word
  6. Draw and paint simple objects using the PAINT


  1. Meaning: (A set of instructions given to computer to make it function)
  2. Types of software (Mention only common operating systems including those of mobile phones

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Boots the computer to demonstrate what the operating system does
  2. Guides pupils to identify different types of common operating systems and that of phone.
  3. Types short text to demonstrates word processing
  4. Draws objects to demonstrate graphics
  5. Plays available game in computer/mobile phone to demonstrate entertainment
  6. Writes notes on the chalkboard for pupils to copy

Student’s Activities

  1. Repeat each activity demonstrated by the teacher

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A computer system with all the necessary software installed

Evaluation Guide

  1. State what software means
  2. State three different types of software
  3. Write down two examples of each type of software
  4. Mention the uses of each type of software mentioned
  5. Use PAINT software to draw a chair and ball

Week 3

Topic: Starting up the Computer

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the term booting
  2. List ways of booting
  3. Describe the steps for booting a computer
  4. Boot a computer


  1. Meaning of Booting
  2. Types of Booting:
    • Cold booting
    • warm booting
  3. The steps for booting

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Displays an already connected computer set
  2. Explains what booting is
  3. Demonstrates how to boot a computer system

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe the teacher demonstrate how to boot a computer system
  2. Practice booting a computer
  3. Boot a computer system

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Computer system           
  2. Power source   

Evaluation Guide

  1. Define booting
  2. Mention three steps in booting a computer system
  3. State two ways of booting

Week 4

Topic: Data and Information

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of data and information
  2. Mention sources of information
  3. Describe computer as Input – Process – Output (IPO) system
  4. List characters on the keyboard as data


  1. Meaning of:
    • Data (unprocessed facts)
    • Information (processed facts)
  2. Sources of information:
    • Radio;
    • Television;
    • Newspaper;
    • Computer
  3. Computer as IPO system:
    • collects data and enter it using keyboard;
    • processes data through central processing unit;
    • produces results as information through the output devices

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Brings some information devices to the classroom and plays/shows them to the pupils
  2. Demonstrates the uses of computer as a source of information

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe and make use of information devices
  2. Use keyboard to enter data

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Radio
  2. Television
  3. Newspaper/ magazine
  4. Computer System
  5. Charts

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of data and information
  2. List three sources of information
  3. List three way computer can be used as sources of information
  4. Use keyboard to enter characters as data

Year 4 ICT, NERDC Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 4. History of Computers, Data and Information


Week 1

Topic:    Common IT Gadgets

Performance objectives

  1. State what IT stands for
  2. Identify IT gadgets
  3. Operate common IT gadgets


  1. IT: Information and Communications Technology
  2. IT gadgets:
    • Computer
    • Mobile phones
    • Remote control
    • V sat dish
    • DVD, etc
  3. Operating common IT gadgets:
    • Computer
    • GSM phone
    • Remote control

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Displays common IT gadgets in class
  2. Guides pupils to identify the gadgets
  3. Leads pupils in class discussion on use of IT gadgets
  4. Guides pupils to draw the IT gadgets
  5. Demonstrate how to operate IT gadgets and guides them to operate them

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe and recognize each IT gadget displayed
  2. Participate actively in class discussion
  3. Operate IT gadgets under teacher’s supervision
  4. Draw IT Gadgets

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Computer
  2. Remote control
  3. Mobile phones
  4. V-sat dish

Evaluation Guide

  1. State what IT stands for
  2. List at least two common IT gadgets
  3. State at least one use of any two different IT gadgets


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