Year 2 NERDC Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 2. Forms of Energy (Sound), some musical instruments –
Week 1
Topic: Forms of Energy (Sound)
Performance objectives
- Identify different forms of energy
- Identify different sounds
- Name some instruments that produce sounds
- Make local instruments that produce sounds
- Make different kinds of sounds with the instruments they made
- Forms of energy
- Sound energy:
- Things that produce sounds;
- Musical instruments
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to identify different forms of energy
- Discusses sound and leads pupils to identify sounds
- Uses the chart to guide pupils to identify different instruments that produce sounds
- Guides pupils to make musical instruments from local materials
Student’s Activities
- Participate in class discussions
- Make sounds with different parts of their bodies (e.g. feet, hands, mouth
- Identify and name instruments that produce sound
- Construct local musical instruments from available materials
- Play games with sound using the musical instrument they made
Teaching & Learning Material
- A chart showing some musical instruments
- Bamboo Stem
- Paw-paw stalk
- Knife
- String
- Some musical instruments e.g. talking drum, mouth organ, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Mention the different forms of energy
- Identify sounds made from different sources
- List three instruments that produce sound
- Make sounds with different parts of their bodies
- Make local musical instruments and make melodies with them