Year 5 NERDC Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 5. Materials and Maintenance, Basic Motor Vehicle Parts–
Week 1
Topic: Materials and Maintenance
Performance objectives
- identify materials used in technology
- list types of wood, metal and plastic
- state what these materials are used for
- explain the meaning of maintenance
- state the need for maintenance
- Identification of materials:
- wood
- metal
- plastic
- Type of
- wood
- metal
- plastic
- Uses of materials
- Meaning of maintenance
- Importance of maintenance
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays materials and discusses the materials used in technology
- Guides students to identify and classify the materials
- Explains what these materials are used for
- Discusses the meaning of maintenance
- Leads the pupils to identify the importance of maintenance
Student’s Activities
- Take a survey around the school compound and identify materials used. Suggest reasons why particular materials are used. E.g. metal for door handles
- Touch and feel the nature of the materials
- Participate in class discussions and group activities
Teaching & Learning Material
- Wood
- Metal
- Plastic
- Oil
- Rag
- Piece of metal
Evaluation Guide
- list three types of materials used in technology
- state three uses of each of the following:
- wood
- metal
- plastic
- state two reasons why maintenance is needed
Week 2
Topic: Basic Motor Vehicle Parts (Internal)
Performance objectives
- mention the internal parts of motor vehicle
- identify the internal parts of a motor vehicle
- discuss the basic functions of the internal parts of a motor vehicle
- Internal parts of motor vehicle e.g.
- air bags,
- seat belts,
- steering,
- brakes,
- clutches,
- pedals,
- gear, etc
- Functions of the internal parts of motor vehicle
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads the pupils to list and identify the internal parts of a motor vehicle
- Explains the basic functions of the internal parts of the motor vehicles
- Organizes a visit to a mechanic workshop/organizer the pupils to see
Student’s Activities
- Mention the internal parts of a motor Vehicle
- Identify the internal parts of a vehicle
- Visit a mechanic Workshop.
- Discuss the basic Functions
Teaching & Learning Material
- A motor vehicle
- Labeled diagram of internal parts of a motor vehicle
- Posters
- Labeled diagram of internal parts of a motor vehicle
Evaluation Guide
- identify the internal parts of a motor vehicle
- mention five internal parts of a motor vehicle and their functions
Week 3
Topic: Drawing Instruments
Performance objectives
- identify drawing instruments
- list five drawing instruments
- state the uses of drawing instruments
- Use some drawing instruments
- Definition of drawing
- Identification of drawing instruments
- Uses of drawing instruments
- Draw
- circles using compass,
- straight lines using rulers
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines drawing
- Displays the drawing instruments
- Explains the uses of each drawing instruments:
- T-square
- set square
- drawing board
- dividers
- pair of compass
- protractor
- pencils
- cleaner, etc
- Demonstrates the use of the instruments
Student’s Activities
- Observe the instruments displayed
- Touch and clean the instruments
- Draw circles using a pair of compass
- Draw straight lines using a ruler
Teaching & Learning Material
- T-square
- Set-Square
- Drawing Board
- Drawing Sheets
- Compasses
- Dividers
- Rulers
- Protractor, etc
Evaluation Guide
- define drawing
- list five drawing instruments and their uses
- draw a circle and a straight line
Year 5 NERDC Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 5. Materials and Maintenance, Basic Motor Vehicle Parts-
Week 1
Topic: Energy Conversion
Performance objectives
- explain the meaning of energy conversion
- name forms of energy conversions
- state the importance of energy conversions
- Concept of energy conversion
- Forms of energy conversions:
- electrical to heat energy e.g. pressing iron;
- chemical to heat energy e.g. kerosene stove;
- electrical to mechanical e.g. blender;
- mechanical to electrical e.g. bicycle dynamo
- Importance of energy conversions
Teacher’s Activities
- Discusses the meaning of energy conversion
- Demonstrates the conversion of energy from one form to another
- Discusses the importance of energy conversions
Student’s Activities
- Participate in class discussion
- List the forms and importance of energy conversion
- Carry out simple activities on energy conversion
Teaching & Learning Material
- Electric pressing iron
- Immersion heater (boiling ring)
- Kerosene Stove
- Charcoal Pressing iron
- Bicycle Dynamo
Evaluation Guide
- define energy conversion
- list at least three forms of energy conversion
- state at least three importance of energy conversion
Week 2
Topic: Heat and Temperature
Performance objectives
- distinguish between heat and temperature
- identify and name different types of thermometers
- identify and write the units and symbol of temperature scale
- use the thermometer to measure the temperature of objects accurately
- Differences between Heat and Temperature
- Temperature
- Thermometer
- Units and symbols of temperature scale (degree Celsius (0C)/ degree Farenheight (0F))
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils discussion of differences between Heat and Temperature
- Provides the pupils with different types of thermometers
- Uses charts to guide the pupils to:
- identify different types of thermometers;
- identify and name the units and symbols for temperature
- Demonstrate the correct method of using the thermometers to measure the temperature of objects
Student’s Activities
- Handle and examine thermometer
- Practice, measure and record accurately the temperature of things e.g. hot water, their bodies, etc
Teaching & Learning Material
- A chart showing different thermometers
- A chart showing the units and symbols of temperature correctly
- Different thermometers
- Flask of hot water
- Some ice water
Evaluation Guide
- state the differences between heat and temperature
- name any three types of thermometers
- write the units and symbols of temperature
- use thermometers to measure temperature accurately
Week 3
Topic: Basic Electricity
Performance objectives
- identify types of electricity
- explain how electricity is produced (generated) and used
- explain how electricity
- travels (conducted) from one point to another
- group materials into conductors (metals) and nonconductors (wood, glass, plastic)
- make a simple electric circuit connection
- Types of electricity:
- static
- current
- Methods of Generating Electricity
- Conductors and nonconductors
- Electrical circuits
- Uses of electricity
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to produce electricity from:
- friction
- magnets
- chemicals
- Provides a variety of materials and guides pupils to:
- produce electricity;
- sort materials into conductors and non- conductors;
- make an electric circuit
- Uses electric circuit to demonstrate that it can:
- light bulbs;
- make magnets or magnetic field;
- generate heat
- Guides pupils to complete an electric circuit
Student’s Activities
- Rub wool materials firmly on a hard rubber rod or comb and move the rod close to small pieces of paper or pins. Note what happens
- Rub fur or silk material on a glass rod and move the rod close to small pieces of paper or pin and note what happens
- Record findings and draw conclusions
- Using a simple dry cell (Battery), wires, and a light bulb, make a simple electric circuit
Teaching & Learning Material
- Wool, fur or silk
- Hard rubber rod or comb
- Glass rod
- Dry cell (1.5v)
- Bar magnets
- Nails, pieces of paper, ropes, threads
- Light bulbs
- Connecting wires
- Circuit board
- Lamp holders
- Switch key
- Pins
- Iron fillings
- Paper clips
- Coins
- Rubber bands
Evaluation Guide
- name types of electricity
- describe how electricity is generated and conducted from one point to another
- group materials into conductors and non- conductors (insulators) of electricity
- use the materials provided to complete an electric circuit
Week 4
Topic: Magnetism
Performance objectives
- state the properties of magnets
- group materials into magnetic and non- magnetic
- state the common application of magnetism
- make use of magnets
- Properties of magnets
- Uses of magnets
- Making magnets
Teacher’s Activities
- Collects different type of magnets, e.g. horseshoe, bar
- Plans and organizes simple activities to enable pupils find out about magnetism
- Leads class discussions on the uses of magnets in some household appliances e.g. doorbell, loudspeakers, magnetic stickers for fridge’s, magnetic screw drivers etc
- Guides pupils to make temporary magnets
- Soft iron
Student’s Activities
- Play with magnets to discover their properties e.g.
- magnets will attract or repel one another
- can act through non- magnetic materials, etc
- Examine toys and household appliances for magnets
- Group materials as magnetic and non- magnetic
- Make temporary magnets
Teaching & Learning Material
- Bar magnets
- Nails, pieces of paper, ropes, threads
- Light bulbs
- Connecting wires
- Circuit board
- Lamp holders
- Switch key
- Pins
- Nails
- Iron fillings
- Paper clips
- Coins
- Rubber bands
- Paper
- Cork
- Thread
- Wires
- Wool
- Wooden blocks
- loud speaker
Evaluation Guide
- state two of properties of a magnet
- name three common appliances that use magnets
- group materials into magnetic and non- magnetic materials
- make temporary magnets
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 1
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 2
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 3
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 4