BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 3

3 Min Read
Basic Technology Curriculum

Year 3 NERDC Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 3. Forms of Technology, Forms of Energy (Light) –


Week 1

Topic: Forms of Technology

Performance objectives

  1. Identify the forms of technology
  2. State two distinguishing characteristics between developed and underdeveloped technology
  3. Developed technology


  1. Forms of Technology:
    • Underdeveloped technology.
    • Developed technology
  2. Examples of:
    • Underdeveloped technology (Farming with hoes and cutlasses; using of town crier, use of stones to make fire, use of donkeys for transportation etc.)
    • Developed technology (Farming with harvesters, tractors, using of ship, airplanes, use of lighter etc.
  3. Characteristics:
    • Underdeveloped technology are low profile or olden days technology;
    • Developed technology are high profile or modern day technology

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides the pupils to name and identify examples of under developed and developed technology
  2. Explains the differences between underdeveloped and developed technology

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussions
  2. Identify examples of underdeveloped and developed technology

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts and posters, Hoes, cutlasses, vehicles, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention the two forms of technology
  2. Give 2 examples each of underdeveloped and developed technology
  3. List three differences between under developed and developed technology

SUBJECT: BASIC TECHNOLOGY                                                           CLASS LEVEL: PRIMARY 3


Week 1

Topic: Forms of Energy (Light)  

Performance objectives

  1. Mention the sources of light
  2. Discuss the uses of light
  3. Identify some objects that reflect light
  4. Use mirrors to form images


  1. Forms of energy
  2. Light energy:
    • Source
    • Uses
    • Reflection of light

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to name the sources of light e.g. the sun, stars, fire, electricity
  2. Guides pupils to realize that light is not fire but fire produces light
  3. Initiates and guides class discussion on the uses of light energy
  4. Directs pupils in use of shiny surface or mirrors to reflect light and form images by placing objects:
    • In front of a mirror;
    • Between two or more mirrors

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussions
  2. Perform the following activities with mirrors and describe the observations:
    • Point a mirror or shiny surface facing a bright light at a dark corner
    • Look at their faces in the mirror
    • Hold a pencil in front of a mirror
  3. Tabulate the observations

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Plane mirrors
  2. Lenses convex and concave lenses
  3. Empty tins with shiny surfaces
  4. Pencil

Evaluation Guide

  1. List five sources of light energy
  2. Mention three uses of light
  3. Use mirrors and shiny surfaces to reflect light
  4. List three things that reflect light
  5. Form images with mirrors



BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 1

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