Year 6 NERDC Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 6. Primary and Secondary Colors, Drawing Instruments, woodwork –
Week 1
Topic: Primary and Secondary Colors
Performance objectives
- separate white light into the component colors
- identify and name the colors of light; (rainbow)
- name objects that have characteristics of natural colors
- collect and list materials that produce colors
- sort primary and secondary colors from a collection of colored plates;
- identify characteristics of color shades
- mix primary and secondary colors and identify the shades of colors produced
- The components of light i.e. (ROYGBIV)
- Primary colors (Red, Blue, Green)
- Secondary colors e.g. Purple, Magenta
- Producing known colors from primary colors
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides the pupils to separate white light into its components, using glass prism
- Uses the color chart to help pupils identify various colors e.g. primary and secondary
- Provides pupils with colored plates or discs and guide them to use it to blend the colors
- Takes pupils on a nature walk to collect materials that produce colors
- Provides pupils with color filters, colored discs/plates
- Guides pupils to produce new colors by mixing two or more colors
Student’s Activities
- Guides pupils to produce new colors by mixing two or more colors
- Use memory and (ROYGBIV) to list the colors of light (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)
- Sort colored plates into primary and secondary colors
- Collect materials that produce colors, e.g. kolanut, acalypha leaves, bitter leaf, water leaf, clay soil etc
- Make and spin their colored wheels to obtain different shades of colors
- Mix different dyes to obtain various color shades
Teaching & Learning Material
- Glass prism
- White screen or wall
- A color chart
- Colored plates or discs
- Flowers
- Leaves
- Clay soil
- Water
- Mortar and pestle
- Cardboard papers Crayons
- Water Color
- Color filter
- Various colored objects
- Color poster
- Color discs
Evaluation Guide
- separate white light into the component colors
- identify and name the colors of light; (rainbow)
- name at least two objects that have characteristics of natural colors
- collect and list at least three materials that produce colors
- sort primary and secondary colors from a collection of colored plates
- identify characteristics of color shades
- mix colors and identify the shades of colors produced
Week 2
Topic: Use of Drawing Instruments (Board Practice)
Performance objectives
- use drawing instruments
- draw circles using compasses
- draw horizontal lines using T – square
- Draw vertical lines.
- Use of drawing instruments.
- dividers
- compasses
- rules
- T-square
- set square
- drawing board, etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Demonstrates the use of each instrument
- Demonstrates how to place drawing sheet on the drawing board
Student’s Activities
- Watch and practice the use of the various instruments
Teaching & Learning Material
- Drawing Instruments.
- T-square
- set square
- drawing board
- compasses
- dividers
- masking type
- ruler
- protractor etc
Evaluation Guide
- draw a circle
- draw horizontal lines
- draw vertical lines
Week 3
Topic: introduction to woodwork hand tools.
Performance objectives
- Explain what hand tools are
- list three cutting tools in woodwork
- list three marking tools in woodwork
- identify measuring tools
- Hand Tools
- Measuring tools:
- tape rule
- metal rule
- Marking tools
- scriber
- divider
- center punch
- Cutting tools:
- saws
- planes
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines hand tools
- Displays the woodwork tools
- Explain the uses of tools
- Shows how to handle the tools correctly
Student’s Activities
- Handle the tools correctly
- Identify the cutting tools
- Identify measuring tools
- Identify marking tools
Teaching & Learning Material
- T-square
- Tape rule
- Scriber Saws
- Centre punch
- Planes Divider
Evaluation Guide
- Explain what hand tools are
- list at least two cutting tools in woodwork
- list at least two marking tools in woodwork
- identify at least three measuring tools
Week 4
Topic: Maintenance and Safety on Our Roads
Performance objectives
- explain the meaning of maintenance
- list types of maintenance
- state the importance of maintenance
- define safety
- list some safety precautions
- state two causes of accident in the workshop and on the road
- list some safety devices
- Meaning of Maintenance
- Types of maintenance
- corrective
- preventive
- Meaning of safety
- Methods of preventing accidents in the workshop and on the road
- Safety precautions
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of maintenance
- Explains the types of maintenance
- Defines safety
- Explains safety precautions in the workshop
- Explain some safety precautions to be taken on our roads
- Displays safety devices and demonstrates the use:
- fire extinguishers
- apron
- boots
- hand gloves
- eye shield
- caution signs
- seat belts
- road signs
- zebra crossing
Student’s Activities
- Participate in class discussions on safety and safety precautions
- Watch teacher’s demonstration of the safety devices
- mention some dangers in the workshop and on the road
Teaching & Learning Material
- Safety devices
- apron
- boots
- hand gloves
- eye shield
- Reflective Caution triangle
- Road Safety Manual
Evaluation Guide
- explain the meaning of maintenance
- list two types of maintenance
- state the importance of maintenance
- define safety
- list at least three safety precautions
- state two causes of accident in the workshop and on the road
- list at least four safety devices
Week 1
Topic: Simple Machines (i) Levers
Performance objectives
- collect and identify simple machines
- identify the parts of the lever
- list common uses of levers
- Meaning of:
- machine
- lever
- Examples of levers
- Parts of a lever
- Use of levers
Teacher’s Activities
- Collects examples of levers for pupils to identify, name and group
- Guides pupils to identify parts of lever
Student’s Activities
- Collect and identify some simple machines
- Take turns to play with lever, e.g. the see-saw and explain how it works
- Make and use simple lever
- Draw the different types of lever and identify the parts
- List common uses of levers
Teaching & Learning Material
- Bottle opener
- Can opener
- Scissors
- Pliers
- Chart/diagram of some common levers
- Nut cracker
Evaluation Guide
- name five common levers and machines in their homes
- locate the Pivot, Load and Effort arms in common lever machines
- state five common uses of levers
Week 2
Topic: (ii) Pulleys
Performance objectives
- recognize and identify simple pulley machines
- identify and describe the different uses of pulley machines in everyday life
- distinguish between fixed and movable pulleys
- make and use pulley machines to do work
- Types of Pulleys
- fixed
- movable
- Examples of pulley machines
- Common applications of pulleys
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides and helps in the collection of simple pulley machines
- Guides pupils to identify the application of pulleys
- Guides pupils to construct and use pulleys
- Takes the class on visits to places where they can observe the application of pulleys
Student’s Activities
- Collect simple pulley machines
- Identify the application of pulleys
- Examine and observe pulleys at work
- Construct simple pulleys
- Use pulleys to lift loads
Teaching & Learning Material
- Strings
- Metal/ wooden/plastic rollers
- Nails
- Wood
- Charts showing uses of simple pulleys
- Simple pulleys
Evaluation Guide
- give three examples of simple pulleys
- state two applications of pulley machines
- differentiate between fixed and movable pulleys
- construct and use pulleys
Week 3
Topic: Inclined Plane
Performance objectives
- mention examples of inclined plane
- construct and use inclined plane to lift loads
- state the advantages of inclined plane
- Examples of inclined plane
- Advantages of inclined plane
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to give examples of inclined plane
- Arranges for pupils to visit construction sites to observe the use of inclined plane
- Leads class discussions on the advantages of inclined plane
Student’s Activities
- List examples of inclined planes
- Use planks to make inclined plane
- Observe the use of inclined plane at construction sites
- Participate in the discussion of the advantages of inclined plane
Teaching & Learning Material
- Wooden plank
- Charts showing inclined plane and staircases
- Cement blocks
- Drums
- Nails
- Saw
- Hammer
Evaluation Guide
- mention three examples of inclined plane
- construct and use inclined plane to move objects
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum Primary 4
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary 5
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum for Lower Primary School 1 – 3