Year 1 NERDC Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 1. The Family, Qualities of a good family, Types of Culture, Substances –
Week 1
Topic: Meaning of Social Studies
Performance objectives
- Pupil should be able to explain the meaning of social studies.
- Meaning of social studies
- The study of man and how his problems are solved in the environment
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains and guides the pupil to explain the meaning of social studies
Student’s Activities
- Listen and respond to questions in class on the meaning of social studies
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupils‟ text and work book
Evaluation Guide
- Pupil to explain the meaning of social studies.
Week 1
Topic: The Family
Performance objectives
The pupils should be able to
- explain the meaning of family
- identify types of family
- explain types of family
- Meaning of a family (father, mother, and children)
- Types of family
- The Nuclear Family: father, mother and children.
- Extended Family: father, mother children, grandfather and grandmother, uncles, aunts, cousins and nephews.
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads pupils to find out the meaning of the word family and through guided questions explains the types of family
- Leads pupils to identify types of family
Student’s Activities
- Find out from home the meaning of the word “family” and report back to class
- Listen and respond to questions in class
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupils text books
- Family photographs cartoons, video CDs RMs, etc.
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to
- explain the meaning of the word “family”;
- mention 2 types of family;
- Explain types of family.
Week 2
Topic: Qualities of a good family
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to:
- State the qualities of a good family
- Qualities of a good family: honesty, contentment, interest of others, not greedy, not selfish, discipline, obedience, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to identify and explain qualities of a good family
Student’s Activities
- Role play the family showing the qualities of a good family e.g. honesty, love, caring, etc.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures and Charts showing moral values as honesty, contentment, obedience, discipline etc.
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to
- Mention 3 qualities of a good family.
Week 1
Topic: Meaning and Types of Culture
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to
- Explain the meaning of culture
- list types of culture;
- Meaning of culture e.g. Peoples‟ ways of life that include dressing, dancing, eating, etc.
- Types of culture e.g. material, non-material.
Teacher’s Activities
- Through guided questions and role play, leads the pupils to understand the meaning of the word “culture”
- Leads pupil to outline types of culture.
Student’s Activities
- Listen and respond to questions in class and participate in role play
- Outline and write types of culture.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures of people wearing traditional dresses State the meaning of
- Pictures showing material, and non-material culture.
Evaluation Guide
- Pupils to state the meaning of culture;
- Explain types of culture.
Week 2
Topic: Values that Show Good Morals in Our Society
Performance objectives
- Explain values which show morals e.g. what is right and what is wrong
- Examples of morals to show what is right i.e. greeting, respect ,loyalty, kindness, honesty, contentment, tolerance, etc. and what is wrong e.g. e.g. stealing, bullying, fighting, lying etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads pupils to identify values which show morals in the society and attitudes that are wrong
Student’s Activities
- Demonstrate different values which types of good and bad values.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Cartoons, posters, ROM film and video clips, regalia, photographs, exhibit etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain values which are considered right and wrong
Week 1
Topic: Reasons for Taking Substances into the Body
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to
- give reasons for taking substances into the body
- Mention the effect of taking substances into the body.
- Reasons for taking substances into the body:
- stay alive,
- hunger,
- thirst,
- enjoyment,
- imitation,
- curiosity,
- Availability, etc.
- Effects of taking substances into the body e.g. stomach pain, vomiting, stooling, sleeplessness or restlessness, dullness, dizziness, nausea, fainting, death, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Calls on the pupils to demonstrate each of the reasons
- Drama showing the reasons for taking substances into the body
- Uses stories; to highlight effects of taking substances into the body
- Asks pupils to narrate their experiences of taking substances into the body.
Student’s Activities
- Demonstrate and dramatize the reasons
- Listen to the teacher’s stories and make comments
- Narrate their own experiences of taking substances into the body
Teaching & Learning Material
- Posters, charts and pictures of the reasons
- Charts, pictures, posters and drawing materials
Evaluation Guide
- give reasons for taking substances into the body
- Mention 4 effects of taking substances into the body.
Week 2
Topic: Overdose (too much eating, drinking or smoking)
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to
- demonstrate the looks and behaviors of people who take too much food, drink or smoke
- mention the effects of drinking too much
- say what to do to help somebody who is suffering from too much eating, drinking or inhaling
- Causes and Observable signs/ symptoms of overdose: e.g. coughing incessantly, fainting, stooling, etc.
- Effects of too much eating and drinking:
- Frequent urinating, bed wetting, intoxication, etc.
- Watery eyes, coughing, chocking fainting, dizziness,
- Loss of memory, etc.
- How to help people suffering from Foods or drug overdose:
- Once observed, report to parents, teacher or any adult around.
Teacher’s Activities
- Presents drawings and paintings of sad faces, protruding stomach to emphasize the effects of drinking too much
- Asks pupils to narrate their own experiences
- Shows drawings and paintings of sad faces
- Shows pictures of people exhibiting these symptoms or signs.
- Asks pupils to say what they will do to help and summarize their suggestions
- Guides a play or drama on the topic
Student’s Activities
- Pupils study pictures shown by the teacher
- Narrate own experiences.
- Copy drawing and painting.
- Demonstrate the behaviors and looks shown in the pictures
- Suggest what should be done
- Dramatize the suggestions.
- Dramatize the suggestions
- Say what to do to help those who eat, drink and smoke too much.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts, pictures, posters and drawing materials
- Pictures and Charts
- Posters of children helping sufferers.
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to
- mention the effects of drinking too much
- mention 3 effects of inhaling too much
- demonstrate the behavior s and looks of people who eat, drink and smoke too much;
Week 3
Topic: Food
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to
- define food
- mention some of the foods eaten in their locality
- Mention the sources of food in the community.
Contents; Meaning of food.
“Food is anything we eat, drink or take into our body to give us energy and help us grow
Foods eaten in the locality (bread, eggs, yam, garri, fish, meat, tuwo etc.)
Sources of food in the locality/farms, markets, rivers, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Asks pupils to bring samples of these food items from homes
- Asks them to identify the food they brought from home
- Asks pupils to find out from home the sources of food they eat
- Asks pupils to paint any of the food items mentioned
Student’s Activities
- Bring food items from homes and participate in identifying the food items
- Participate in the discussion on meaning of food
- Find out from home sources of food in their locality
- Paint any of the food items mentioned
Teaching & Learning Material
- Real food items
- Picture of foods
- Video Clips on food
- Pictures of farms and markets where food items are produced, sold and bought
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to
- define food
- mention 5 of the foods eaten in the locality
- mention the sources of food in the community
Week 4
Topic: Food Safety
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to
- define food safety
- Mention ways of ensuring food safety.
- Meaning of Food Safety:
- How to ensure that what we eat, drink or take into our body is not harmful to health
- Guide to Food Safety:
- Reading food Labels;
- Observe signs of food spoilage and causative organisms;
- Washing hands before and after food preparation, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads pupils to define food safety
- Asks questions to lead pupils to identify ways of making sure that food is safe
Student’s Activities
- Define food safety
- Participate in mentioning ways of ensuring food safety
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupils Textbooks
- Pictures showing different ways of making food safe
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to:
- mention ways of
- ensuring food safety
Year 1 NERDC Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 1. The Family, Qualities of a good family, Types of Culture, Substances –
Week 5
Topic: Risk Factors in Food
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to
- explain risk factors
- state risk factors in food
- identify risk factors in food distribution and preparation
- Identify risk factors in food distribution and preparation.
- Meaning of Risk Factors: “Those factors that drive the occurrence of a hazard”
- Examples of Risk Factors in Food:
- Adulteration
- Food fraud incidences
- Agro-chemical induced death, etc.
- Risk Factors in Food distribution and Preparation:
- Poor storage conditions;
- Poor handling:
- Poor Hygiene;
- Other Unknown Risks
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads pupils to identify and explain risk factors
- Presents pictures/photographs of risk factors in food distribution and preparation
- Guides pupils to state risk factors in food distribution and preparation
Student’s Activities
- explain risk factors
- Participate in class discussion on risk factors associated with food distribution and preparation
- Ask and answer questions
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupils Textbooks
- Video clips on risk factors in food
- Pictures /photographs of risk factors in food distribution and preparation
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to
- explain risk factors
- state risk factors in food;
- identify risk factors associated with food distribution and preparation
Week 6
Topic: Sources and Uses of Water
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to
- mention sources of water supply in the locality
- Enumerate the uses of water in homes.
- Sources of water supply in the locality:
- Stream
- Spring
- River
- Tap
- Bore-hole
- Rainfall,
- Well etc.
- Uses of water:
- Drinking;
- Washing;
- Cooking, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads pupils to discuss sources of water supply
- Uses pictures and questions to guide pupils in enumerating the sources of water in homes
Student’s Activities
- Participate in discussion
- Interpret the pictures
- Enumerate the sources and uses of water supply in homes
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures depicting sources of water supply
- Pictures showing domestic uses of water
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to
- mention 4 sources of water supply in the locality
- Enumerate 3 uses of water in homes.
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 1
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 2
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 3
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 4
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 5
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 6
NVE: Social Studies Curriculum for Lower Primary School 1 – 3 (NERDC)
NVE: Social Studies Curriculum for Upper Primary School 4 – 6 (NERDC)