Year 3 NERDC Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 3. Nuclear and Extended Families, First Aid, Abused drug –
Week 1
Topic: The Nuclear and Extended Families
Performance objectives
- identify a nuclear family and the extended family
- demonstrate how to show respect to members of the nuclear and extended family
- explain the roles each family member plays in raising a child
- Members of a nuclear family.
- Father, mother/mothers and children
- Extended Family i.e. close blood relations
- Respect among family members e.g.
- father/ mother,
- Parents/ children
- Sibling/sibling
- Children/uncles, parents/in-laws etc.
- Functions or roles of extended family members include;
- Assisting the direct parent in the child’s upbringing.
- Extended family members give the child a social identity.
- The also help in keeping family history
Teacher’s Activities
- Asks pupils‟ to find out who are the members of their nuclear families, using questioning method
- Uses questioning method to identify various ways family members respect each other
- Explains how extended family members assist parents or contribute to a child’s upbringing
- Asks pupils to find out from home who are members of their extended family and the roles they play in their upbringing
Student’s Activities
- Find out from home about their nuclear families
- Pupils role play respect among family members/ extended members in the class
- Find out from their parents and elders who are members of their extended family
- Participate in class discussions
- Outline some of the contributions of aunties, uncles, grandparents to their upbringing
- Respond to questions in class
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures of father, mother brother, sister and children
- Pictures showing ways of showing respect
- Pupil’s textbooks
- Pictures of extended family members
- Pictures of a family tree
- Picture of extended/ older people in their community
Evaluation Guide
- draw ways of showing respect to family members
- identify a nuclear family and the extended family
- demonstrate how to respect member of the nuclear and extended family
- Explain who members of nuclear and extended family are
- list four roles extended family members play in their upbringing
Week 1
Topic: Types of Marriages in our Community
Performance objectives
- explain the meaning of marriage
- identify major types of marriages in our community
- Meaning of marriage.
- Lawful and acceptable union of a man and woman to make up a family
- Types of marriages: polygamy, monogamy etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses questioning method to explain meaning of marriage
- Uses role- playing process to demonstrate types of Marriages
Student’s Activities
- Participate actively in answering questions
- Participate actively in the role- playing of polygamous and monogamous families
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures of husbands and wives. (Couples)
- Pictures or photographs that show types of marriages
Evaluation Guide
- explain the meaning of marriage
- identify two types of marriage in our community
Week 2
Topic: Various Ways of Getting Married and the Objects used in the Ceremony
Performance objectives
- Describe how marriages are contracted
- Mention the objects used in contracting marriage
Marriage practices in Nigeria: e.g.
- religious marriage either in the court or mosque,
- traditional marriage or objects used in their court wedding
- agreement by the two families by paying the bride price
Objects used in Marriage ceremonies: Wine, kolanut, food items, wedding gown, money services etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Assigns to pupils the task of discovering how marriage is practiced and the objects used in their communities
- Demonstrates to the pupils the process of marriage practices
- Demonstrates the functions of marriages in the lives of individual and the community at large
Student’s Activities
- Carry out the investigation
- Share their findings in class discussion
Teaching & Learning Material
- Bible, and Qur’an
- Picture of church, mosque and shrine
- Audio visual aid
- Textbooks Resource persons, marriage objects
- Real objects
- Marriage album
Evaluation Guide
1 Describe how marriage is contracted.
2 Write any two objects used in contracting them
Week 1
Topic: Common Drugs in Our Community and the Right People to Give Them
Performance objectives:
- Explain the meaning of drug
- Identify common drugs
- State who must administer drugs
- Explain the meaning of drug – medical substances for curing illnesses
- Identification of modern common medicine/drugs e.g. Aspirin, Daga, Nivaquine, Panadol, Paracetamol, Alabukun Phrenic, traditional e.g. lemon grass
- Who administers the drugs: parents, guardian, teacher or nurses, doctors, etc.?
Teacher’s Activities
- Shows labels with names of drugs to the pupils for the purpose of identification
- Leads class discussions on synthetic and natural medicines /drugs
- Invites medical person to give a talk on the topic
- Organizes nature walk to identify some local herbs
Student’s Activities
- Participate in class discussion on common drugs
- Sample the labels of some drugs e.g. phensic, local herbs etc.
- Participate in class discussion on who administers drugs
- Participate in the answering of questions from the talk
Teaching & Learning Material
- Samples of readily available labels of empty packets of common drugs
- Posters showing various drugs and who must administer them
- Colorful charts
- Samples of local herbs and drugs
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the meaning of drug
- Identify two common drugs;
- State two persons who administer drugs
Week 2
Topic: Ways of Identifying Someone who has Abused Drugs
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of Drug Abuse
- Recognize someone who has abused drug/medicines
- Mention ways of helping someone who has abused drugs
- Drug abuse intake of medicine without prescription
- Ways of knowing someone who has abused drugs:
- Untidy appearance
- Drunken behavior
- Frequent fighting
- Disobedience
- Convulsion
- Inattentiveness,
- having frequent accidents
- Ways of helping someone who has abused drugs/ medicines: e.g. reporting any change of behavior to parent, teacher and other adults:
- Seeking medical attention, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads class discussions on methods of taking drug/medicines into the body (swallowing, drinking, inhaling)
- Asks pupils to describe ways they have been taking medicines/drugs
- Invites resource persons to give talks on
- How to identify someone who has misused drugs
- To help someone who has abused drug/medicines
- Teaches pupils songs, and rhymes that discourage drug abuse
Student’s Activities
- Describe ways of taking medicines/drugs
- Sing songs
- Recite poems and rhymes
- Dramatize caring for people who have abused drugs
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts/posters illustrating some methods of taking medicines
- Resource person
- Charts of health centers and health personnel
- Posters showing a drug addict
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of drug abuse
- List three ways by which drugs/medicines are taken into the body
- Mention two ways to identify someone who has abused drugs and ways of helping such people
Week 3
Topic: Ways of preventing common Illness
Performance objectives
- Identify common illnesses in their community
- Mention symptoms of common illnesses in their community
- Identify causes of common illnesses
- Mention ways of preventing common illnesses
- Common illnesses in the community:
- Malaria
- Dysentery
- Diarrhea
- Cholera, etc.
- Symptoms of common illnesses in the community:
- General weakness
- Lack of appetite
- Headache/cold etc.
- Causes of common illnesses like dysentery or diarrhea:
- Dirty and polluted surroundings.
- Infections
- Prevention of common illnesses.
- Cleaning of one’s environment.
- Eating balanced diet.
- Regular medical checkup etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Prevention of common illnesses.
- Cleaning of one’s environment.
- Eating balanced diet.
- Regular medical checkup etc.
- Assigns pupils into group work to come up with other common illnesses
- Asks pupils to find out symptoms of common illnesses
- Uses guided questions to find out the causes of common illnesses the pupils have suffered before
- Leads pupils to find out how common illnesses can be prevented in the community
- Uses guided questions to generate more ways of preventing common illnesses
Student’s Activities
- Respond to the questions
- Participate in the group assignment
- Find out the symptoms of common illnesses and report to the class
- Report findings to the class. In group assignment pupils discuss the causes of common illnesses in their community
- Find out ways of preventing common illnesses from the community and report to the class
Teaching & Learning Material
- Posters
- Pictures showing people suffering from one illness or the other
- Community resources
- Pictures of some causes of common illnesses
- Charts
- Pictures of clean environment
Evaluation Guide
- Identify two common illnesses in their community
- Mention three symptoms of common illnesses in their community
- Identify two causes of common illnesses
- Mention three ways of preventing common illnesses
Week 4
Topic: Causes of Road Accidents
Performance objectives
- explain road accident
- list the causes of Road Accidents
- Meaning of road accidents:
- Sudden bad happen(s) on the road which can cause damage or loss of property, physical injury or loss of life
- Causes of road accident include:
- Bad roads.
- Poorly built roads by corrupt and inappropriate workers.
- Poor use of resources.
- Bad vehicles.
- Careless & unsafe driving
- Inability to read and interpret road signs etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses guided questions to teach the causes of road accident
- Uses charts to demonstrate further examples/ causes of road accidents
Student’s Activities
- Give examples of causes of road accidents
- Demonstrate some causes
- Respond to questions
- The pupils read the charts
Teaching & Learning Material
- Resource persons such as Road safety personnel
- Pictures
- Photographs
- Pupils. textbooks
- Charts
Evaluation Guide
- explain the meaning of road accident
- explain causes of road accident
- explain the meaning of first-aid in road accident
Week 5
Topic: Giving First Aid Treatment to Road Accident Victims
Performance objectives
- identify the items found in a first-aid box
- describe how simple first- aid could be applied to one of those injured
- Objects found in first-aid box:
- scissors
- bandage
- pain relieve tablets
- razorblade
- cotton wool
- iodine
- Izal etc.
- Simple first-aid treatment:
- Clean the wound with antiseptic.
- Cover with plaster or bandage.
- Administer pills as recommended by doctors, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guide pupils to suggest ways to assist an accident victim
- Directs pupils to inquire from home how cuts or burns are treated
- Invites a nurse/dispenser to give a talk on first-aid treatment
Student’s Activities
- Give examples of ways to help an accident victim
- List some items that will be needed
- Respond to questions
- The pupils read the charts
Teaching & Learning Material
- Resource persons such as the school nurse or Red Cross personnel
- Real objects in the First Aid Box
- Photographs
- Pupils‟ textbooks
- Charts
Evaluation Guide
- Identify five objects found in first-aid box
- Describe how simple first-aid could be applied to one of those injured
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 1
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 2
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 4