Year 6 NERDC Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 6. Living Together, External Influences on Nigerian Family Life –Schemeofwork
Week 1
Topic: Living Together
Performance objectives
- Explain factors that can make our living together peaceful
- Factors that can make our living together peaceful:
– Taking instructions from appropriate authority
– Tolerate individual differences
– Honesty and science with one another
– Readiness to serve the community and defend it
– Readiness to work hard for the progress of the community/society
Teacher’s Activities
- Explain factors that can make our living together peaceful
Student’s Activities
- Participant in the discussion
- Respond to the teacher questions
- Outline and explain factors that can make our living together peaceful
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupil textbooks
- Pictures, posters and drawings
Evaluation Guide
- Explain factors that can make our living together peaceful
Week 1
Topic: External Influences on Nigerian Family Life
Performance objectives
- List the foreign influences on Nigerian family life
- Explain how religion influences Nigerian Family Life
- Influence from foreign countries on Nigerian family life:
- Language
- Family system
- Behavior of family members
- Food
- Music
- Education
- Influence of religion on Nigerian family life:
- Marriage pattern;
- Relationship between family members
- General behavior of family members
- Influence of working parents on the Nigerian family life.
- Inadequate attention to the children.
- Use of baby sitters;
- Putting children in day- care institutions.
- More income is generated for the family
Teacher’s Activities
- Brings some foreign articles to the class and leads the pupils to identify them
- Explains the influences of these articles on Nigerian family
- Explains the influences of religion on the Nigerian family life
- Asks pupils to describe the behavior of people in relation to their religious belief
- Explains the influence of working parents On the Nigeria family life
- Asks pupils to narrate their experiences when their parents go to work
Student’s Activities
- Asks pupils to narrate their experiences when their parents go to work
- Name some other foreign materials
- Identify various influences which these materials have had on the Nigerian family life
- Describe the behavior of some people in relation to their religious beliefs
- Narrate their experiences when their parents go to work
Teaching & Learning Material
- Foreign articles and materials
- Pictures of churches, mosques and shrines
- Pictures and photographs of parents working in their offices
Evaluation Guide
- State two foreign influences on the Nigerian family life today
- State two ways they influence Nigerian family life
- Mention some of the influences of religion on the Nigerian family
- State two influences of working parents on the Nigerian family
Year 6 NERDC Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 6. Living Together, External Influences on Nigerian Family Life –Schemeofwork
Week 1
Topic: Inter Marriage
Performance objectives
- Explain the concept of intra-ethnic marriage
- Explain the concept of inter-ethnic marriage
- State the advantage and disadvantages of inter- ethnic and intra ethnic marriages
- Identify relevant values of inter-marriage
- Meaning of inter-ethnic marriages.
- Inter-ethnic marriage occurs between people from different ethnic groups;
- Intra-ethnic marriage occurs between people within the same ethnic group
- Advantages of inter marriages:
- National unity;
- Mutual economic support;
- Reduction of immorality.
- Reduction of inter-ethnic crisis.
- Communal peace
- Disadvantages of Intermarriages
- Long geographical distance between families
- Values that foster Intermarriages:
- Affection, tolerance, unity, cooperation, understanding etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides the pupils to recall the elements so of marriage traditions discuss issues related to intra ethnic and inter-ethnic marriages
- Asks pupils to dramatize intra and inter-ethnic marriages
- Guides the pupils to discuss issues and values related to inter-ethnic marriage
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the dramatization of inter and intra ethnic marriages
- Dramatize the two types of marriages
Teaching & Learning Material
- Resource persons
- Relevant Pictures
Evaluation Guide
- Give simple meanings of inter-ethnic and intra- ethnic marriages
- List two advantages of inter-ethnic marriage
- State two values of intra and inter-ethnic marriages
Week 2
Topic: The Characteristics of Healthy Boy- Girl Relationship
Performance objectives
- Identity what makes good and healthy boy-girl relationship?
- Identify the dangers of not practicing healthy boy-girl relationship
- Meaning of Healthy Boy— Girl relationship-the kind of relationship that will not put either of the two in health or social problems now or later
- Healthy Boy-girl relationship:
- Say no to sex before marriage.
- Say no to negative peer pressure.
- As boys don’t be too pushy
- As girls always keep your clothes on and have the fear of God etc
- The dangers of unhealthy boy-girl relationship:
- Involvement in risky sexual behaviors that can promote STDS/AIDS e.g.
- Having multiply sex partners.
- Sudden break in the boy or girl’s education
- Health risk
- Unwanted pregnancy etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains what is meant by healthy Boy-Girl relationship
- Asks pupils to give examples of boy-girl relationship which they know and expands on the pupils’ responses
- Uses futures wheels to discuss the dangers of practicing unhealthy boy-girl relationship
Student’s Activities
- Give examples of boy- Girl Relationship which they know
- Participate in the building and expansion of the futures wheels
Teaching & Learning Material
- Relevant Pictures, Newspapers and Magazines
- Product of the futures wheels
Evaluation Guide
- State what a healthy Boy-Girl relationship is
- List examples of healthy boy-girl relationship
- List any three dangers of practicing unhealthy boy-girl relationship
Week 3
Topic: Some Foreign cultures that are affecting our values and culture
Performance objectives
- Mention some foreign cultures that are affecting our values and culture
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of foreign culture on our culture
- State some of the ways through which we can promote our culture
- Some foreign cultures that are affecting our values and culture:
- Dress
- Foods
- Religious practices
- Music, etc
- Advantages of foreign culture on our culture.
- Better ways of doing things.
- Education
- Good health systems
- Organized security and judicial systems
- Disadvantages:
- Destruction of traditional value
- Immorality
- Violence, etc
- How to promote our culture.
- Cultural festival.
- School programmers
- Mass media
- Preserving our artifacts
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the concept of foreign cultures
- Asks pupils to mention some foreign cultures found in the school and community
- Explains the advantages and disadvantages of foreign culture on our culture
- Asks pupils to give examples of advantages and disadvantages of foreign culture
- Show some cultural materials and explain the ways in which we can promote our culture
Student’s Activities
- Mention some of the foreign cultures in the school and community
- Give examples of the advantages and disadvantages of foreign culture
- Examine the cultural materials and make their comments
Teaching & Learning Material
- Relevant Foreign items and Pictures
- Cultural materials
- Pictures and charts
Evaluation Guide
- Mention two major foreign cultures that are affecting our value systems
- State two advantages and disadvantages of foreign culture on our culture
- Examine the cultural materials and make their comments
Week 1
Topic: Gender Discrimination and its consequences
Performance objectives
- Identify areas in which gender discrimination are occurring in their community
- Discuss the consequences of such acts of gender discrimination
- Suggest ways through which gender discrimination can be reduced
- Discrimination in:
- Education.
- Employment.
- Politics.
- Family roles.
- Inheritance.
- Social activities, etc
- Consequences of Gender Discrimination:
- Underutilization of human resources;
- Denials of equal opportunities;
- Denial of fundamental human rights;
- Demoralization, etc
- Ways of Reducing Gender Discrimination
- Equal opportunity for men and women;
- Respect for the fundamental human rights of women;
- Abrogation of culture which are inimical to women, etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Enumerates and discusses areas in which gender discrimination occurs
- Guides pupils to mention more areas of gender discrimination in their community
- Guides pupils to ask questions on the consequences of gender discrimination
- Lists and discusses the solutions to gender discrimination
Student’s Activities
- Mention more areas of gender discrimination in their community
- Ask questions on the teacher’s explanations
- Participate in the discussion on ways through which gender discrimination can be reduced in our community
Teaching & Learning Material
- Relevant Posters and Photographs
Evaluation Guide
- List three areas in which gender discrimination occurs
- State two consequences of gender discrimination
- List two ways through which gender discrimination can be reduced in the community
Week 2
Topic: Conflict and Cooperation
Performance objectives
- Give simple meaning of conflict and cooperation
- Discuss the importance of cooperation
- Discuss how group conflicts can be controlled or avoided in our community
- Meaning of conflict and cooperation:
- Conflict is disagreement among a group or groups of people;
- Cooperation is agreement or understanding among a group or groups of people
- Importance of cooperation:
- Promotes unity.
- Promote peace
- Promote love and progress
- Promote understanding, etc
- Controlling/Avoiding Group Conflicts in our Community:
- Tolerance
- Understanding each other
- Concern for others
- Honesty and sincerity, etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses guided discussion to explain the concepts of conflict and cooperation
- Asks pupils to cite instance of group conflicts in their societies
- Highlights the importance of cooperation
- Guides pupils to identify and discuss various values that can help discourage group conflict in their community
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the guided discussion on the concepts of conflict and cooperation
- Cite instances of group conflicts in their societies
- Participate in the guided discussion on the importance of cooperation
- Participate in the guided discussion on the values that can help discourage group conflict
Teaching & Learning Material
- Relevant Posters and pictures
- Videos on conflict resolution meetings and efforts
Evaluation Guide
- Define conflict and cooperation
- Mention two importance of cooperation
- List any three values that can help reduce or discourage group conflict in our community
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 1
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 2
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 3
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 4
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 5
NVE: Social Studies Curriculum for Upper Primary School 4 – 6 (NERDC)