Students should be able to: 1. Describe the meaning of physical education 2. List the branches of education 3. Explain the objectives of physical education 4 Discuss physical education in Greece (Ancient nations) as Well as Nigeria West Africa.
ACTIVITY 1: Students in groups engage in mini quiz competition in groups within the class. ACTIVITY 2 With the use of flash cards, Student in pairs identify the branches of physical education. ACTIVITY 3: Students in small groups, discuss the objectives of physical education. ACTIVITY 4 With the use of video clips/charts, students as a class differentiate the different between the Ancient Olympic games and Modern Olympic games and discuss the experiences with the whole class.
1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.
Student should be able to: 1. Explain the term technology in sports 2. Justify the use of technology in sports 3. Highlight the examples of modern technology used in sports e.g. i. Football: V.A.R Synthetic pitch etc. ii. Athletics: Photo-finish, jumps equipment etc. iii. Martial Arts: Sensor socks, IVR and EBP etc. iv. State Economic importance of Technology in sports.
ACTIVITY 1: Students as a class physically examine ACTIVITY 2 With the use of flash cards, Student in pairs identify the branches of physical education. ACTIVITY 3: Students in small groups, discuss the objectives of physical education. ACTIVITY 4 With the use of video clips/charts, students as a class differentiate the different between the Ancient Olympic games and Modern Olympic games and discuss the experiences with the whole class.
1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.
Students should be able to: 1. Discuss the history of the game of soccer. 2. Demonstrate the basic skills of soccer. E.g. kicking, Dribbling, Shooting, Passing etc. 3. Draw a standard soccer pitch and label it correctly. 4. Lit officials of in the game of soccer.
ACTIVITY I: Students as a class watch a short video clips of soccer match. ACTIVITY 2: Students as a class discuss the history of soccer. ACTIVITY 3: Students in small groups demonstrate the basic soccer skills s to develop soccer teams, with a captain for each team. ACTIVITY 4 Student in pairs list official in the game of soccer.
1. Critical Thinking 2. Collaboration & Communication. 3. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 4. Digital Literacy
ACTIVITY 1: Students in groups engage in mini quiz competition in groups within the class. ACTIVITY 2 Student in pairs discuss the meaning of competition ACTIVITY 3: With the use flash card, students as a class highlight types of National Arts Festivals, including Institutional Sports, E.g. N.U.G.A N. I.C.E.G.A N.I.P.O.G. A. etc Students in groups state the importance of. National Sports festivals.
1. Critical Thinking 2. Collaboration & Communication. 3. Digital Literacy. 4. Student Leadership & Personal Development.
Students should be able to: 1. Define tournaments. 2. List types of tournaments e.g. Knock-out Round robin Single elimination etc. 3. Mention factors that determine choice of tournament. 4. Highlight advantages and disadvantages of the types of tournaments.
ACTIVITY 1: Students in groups choose a representative for a mini tournament on dice casting, each group select different type of tournament e.g. 1. Knock-out. 2. Round robin 3. Single elimination etc.
1. Critical Thinking 2. Collaboration & Communication. 3. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 4. Digital Literacy
ACTIVITY 2: Students in pairs highlight the advantages and, disadvantages c different types tournament. ACTIVITY 3: Students in small groups mention factors that determine the choice of tournament.
1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.
Students should be able to: 1. Tell a brief history of table tennis 2. List equipment used in table tennis 3. Draw the table tennis racket and label it. 4. Mention skills and techniques in table tennis 5. Highlight the basic rules and regulations of table tennis.
ACT IVITY 1: Students as a class are shown video clips of table tennis game. ACTIVITY 2: Students in pairs identify equipment used in table tennis ACTIVITY 3: Students in small groups draw and label a table tennis rackets. ACTIVITY 4 Students in pairs demonstrate skills of table tennis ACTIVITY 5 Students as a class brain storm on the rule and regulations to play
1.Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.
Students should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of handicap 2. Identify forms and characteristics of handicap e.g. deafness, mental retarded, physically challenged: visually impaired etc. 3. Differentiate between normal and corrective adaptive physical education programne
ACTIVITY 1: Students shown pictures of different handicap conditions. ACTIVITY 2: As a class, students express individual opinion about the differences between the handicapped. ACTIVITY 3: Students are divided into groups to brainstorm on no help the handicapped person through physical education activities different from the normal physical education.
1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.
WEB LINKS:>ada> cdesped https ://>what> is >ape https://en.wikipedia.Wiki>Ad….>watch AUDIO VISUAL MATERIAL Pictures Posters Diagram
4. List special and emotional problems of the handicap.
ACTIVITY 4 Students in groups list out some social and emotional problems exhibited by the handicapped.
Students should be able to: 1. To discover the true living condition of the handicapped.
ACTIVITY: Students in groups visit and empathise with handicapped. 1. Students in small groups socialise and take pictures.
1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.
Students should be able to: 1. Tell brief history handball 2. Draw the handball pitch and label correctly. 3. Demonstrate the skills and techniques handball game. 4. Highlights the rules and regulation of handball game. 5. List officials and explain their duties in handball game.
ACTIVITY 1: Students as a class watch a short video cps of a handball game and relate their experience as a class. ACTIVITY 2 Students in groups: Copy the diagram of the handball court while a group leader facilitates. ACTIVITY 3: The use of a flash card, students list out the skills and techniques of handball game. ACTIVITY 4: Students in groups demonstrate the basic skills of handball game. ACTIVITY 5: Students list the officiating officials and highlight their duties during play.
1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.
Physical Education Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term
Students should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of Track to field events 3 List events track events and give examples (e.g. Sprints races e.g. 100m ii. Middle distance faces e.g. 800m iii. Long distance iv. Relay races e.g. 300cm, 50cm, 10,00cm marathon iv. Relay races e g 4x100m 4x 400m etc. v: Hurdle e.g. low and high
ACTIVITY 1: Students are divided into groups with a group leader to facilitate discussion on the meaning and the history of athletics. ACTIVITY 2 With the use flash card, student identify the major division of athletics i.e. Track and field events. ACTIVITY 3 With the use of electronic device students watch video documentary of athletics at its best@>watch. And list out all events accordingly.
1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.
METHODS OF STARTING RACES e.g. Standing ii. Crouch
Students should be able to: 1. Demonstrate the methods of starting races in track event e.g i. Bunch or Bullet ii. Medium iii. Elongated
ACTIVITY 1: Students are divided into groups, each with a group leader to facilitate demonstration of activities. ACTIVITY Students watch and study diagram of the major starting methods i.e. the stand and the crouch.
1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.
2. Identify two major methods namely:. a. Standing b. Crouch 3. Apply the command in starting races e.g. On your marks”, “Set”, “GO” 4. Highlight the phases of cunning and strategies e. g. i. Start ii Acceleration iii. Running/sprinting iv. Finish Constructor – draw a standard track and label correctly
ACTIVITY 3: Students watch the picture of the various styles crouch method. ACTIVITY 4; Each group leaders gives a command to the members of his/her group e.g. On your marks Set. Go ACTIVITY 5: A student demonstrates the phases bf running. ACTIVITY 6: Groups draw the standard athletic track and label on cardboard.
1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.
Students should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of relay race. 2. Identify types of Relay races 3. Demonstrate the methods of Batonings 4. Explain the meaning of change-over-zone 5. Highlight the rules and regulations of relay races.
ACTIVITY 1: Students watch a video clip of relay races competition https// g>watch. As a class students describe and explain the meaning of relay race. ACTIVITY 2 As a class students describe and explain the meaning of relay race. ACTIVITY 2 Students as a grouped to demonstrate the methods of Baton change. ACTIVITY 4: With the aid of a diagram students explain the CHANGE-OVER- ZONE on the track. ACTIVITY 5: In their groups, students brainstorm on the rules and regulations of relay races.
1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership & Personal Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.
Students should be able to: 1. Describe hurdle race 2. List hurdling events e.g. 100m (for women) 110m (For men) 3. Demonstrate the basic skills in hurdle e.g. 1. Take-off ii Acceleration iii. Clearance iv. Landing etc 4. Identify facilities and equipment of hurdle. 5. Construct a hurdle stand. 6. Discuss the rules and regulations of hurdle race.
ACTIVITY 1: Students watch a video clip of hurdle races for both male and female @ https//<watch ACTIVITY 2: As a unit class, students describe the meaning of hurdle race, and list the hurdling events watched in the video. ACTIVITY 3: Students are divided into groups with leader to facilitate the demonstration of the basic skills of hurdle races. ACTIVITY 4: With the ad of pictures or diagram facilities and equipment used in hurdle race. ACTIVITY 5: Students brainstorm on the rules and regulations of hurdle face. ACTIVITY 6:(GROUP PROJECT) Each group of students to construct a hurdle stand.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
Student should be able to: 1. Define Ossification. 2. Identify bones and joints of the human skeleton. 3. Discusses types of bones with examples. 4. Define joints and describe types of joints in .the skeletal system. 5. List types of movements in the joints e.g.
ACTIVITY 1: Student watch video clip of the human skeletal system > Watch ACTIVITY 2: Students are divided into groups to – discuss types of brains and its location in human body. ACTIVITY 3: Students: with the aid of the video clip discuss the functions of the human skeleton.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy>watch>aqualor https//>wiki>Oss>science>art diagram picture model of human skeleton>co….
flexion, extension abduction, adduction etc. 6. Explain the functions of the human skeleton.
ACTIVITY 4; With the aid of a diagram, pictures, students define the feints of the human body. ACTIVITY 5: Students in groups demonstrate types of movements possible at the joints.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
Students should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of field events 2. Mention the scope of field events 3. List the phases of jumps. 4. Name the facilities and equipment of the jumps. 5. Highlights the rules and regulations and safety precautions.
ACTIVITY 1: Students watch a video of jumping event @ https//>watch ACTIVITY 2: Student write down the categories of field events in their notes. ACTIVITY 3: With the help of pictures, poster or diagram, students draw the facilities and equipment used in the jumping events and label them. ACTIVITY 4: Students are divided into groups with a leader for each. Each group leader leads his or her group to demonstrate the phases of the jump. ACTIVITY 5: In their groups, students brainstorm on the rules, regulations and safety precautions in the performance of the jumping activities.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
Students should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of field events 2. Mention the scope of field events 3. List the phases of jumps. 4. Name the facilities and equipment of the jumps. 5. Highlights the rules and regulations and safety precautions.
ACTIVITY 1: Students watch a video of jumping event @>watch ACTIVITY 2: Student write down the categories of field events in their notes. ACTIVITY 3: With the help of pictures, poster or diagram, students draw the facilities and equipment used in the jumping events and label them. ACTIVITY 4: Students are divided into groups with a leader for each. Each group leader leads his or her group to demonstrate the phases of the jump. ACTIVITY 5: In their groups, students brainstorm on the rules, regulations and safety precautions in the performance of the jumping activities.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
hammer. Phases in Throws e.g. Skills & techniques Materials; facilities & equipment.. The rules and regulation officiating
2. Describe a missile in athletics 3. List types of throw and describe the phases with examples. 4. Demonstrate the skills and techniques in throws. 5. facilities and equipment for throws
concepts of a good throws. 3. Student’s in pairs describe a missile in athletics and list types of throws with examples. 4. Students in small, groups take turns to demonstrate the skills and techniques in throws. 5. Students in pair identify the equipment for throws.
Students should be able to:- 1. Discuss the history of volley ball 2. Outline the court specification 3. Demonstration basic skills and team formation of volleyball. E.g. service, digging, blocking and spiking etc. 4. Highlights volleyball team formation e.g. 3-1-2, 3-2-1, etc. 5. Identify equipment and facilities in volleyball 6. Mention the rules and regulations in volleyball 7. State the officials of volleyball e.g. referee, umpire, recorder etc.
1. Students as a class watch short video clips of a good volley ball match and relate their view with their classmates. 2. Students as an individual draw a volley ball court and mention the rules and regulations. 3. Students in small groups demonstrate basic skills and team formation of volleyball.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
P. E. for Snr. Sec. Sch. Curriculum FME (NERDC) -Online research https //
Ball Games
Students should be
1. Students as a class watch a short
1. Collaboration and
P. E. for Snr. Sec. curriculum
(Basketball) History of basketball The court dimension The skills/techniques e.g. passing dribbling, shooting ec Team formation! playing strategy rules and regulation officiatiting
able to 1. Narrate the history basketball 2. Outline the court specification in basketball 3. Mention the skill in basketball e.g. dribbling, shooting, paing etc 4 9emonstraa basketball team foçmatron e g 3 2 2-1-2 etc 1 5 Identify the equrDment and facility in basket ball 6 Mention the rules cand regulations 7 State the officials p in basketball e.g umpire time keeper, recorder etc –
video clips of basketball match ad relate their views in the class for few minutes. 2. student in pairs analyse/identify Flash cards containing pictures of basketball stars 3. Students in small groups draw and label standard, basketball court on a card board paper. 4. Students in groups demonstrate basic basketball skills/formation on a basketball court 5. Students as a class state the basket ball and list the equipment.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
Student should be able to: 1. Define Somatotye 2. Highlight body types e.g. (endomorph), mesomorph and ectomorph 3. State characteristics of each Body type (s) 4. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of reach body (types) to physical performance
1. Students as a class are shown flashcards containing diagrams of different body types. 2. Students in small groups highlight different body parts endomorph mesomorph and ectomorph 3. Students in pairs state characteristics of each body parts. 4. Students groups mention the advantages and disadvantages of each body types to physical performance.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
Student should be able to:- 1. Define Muscular System 2. Maintain on types of Muscles and their location e.g. voluntary involuntary and cardiac muscle e.g. 3. Discuss functions of muscles in relation to movements. 4. Types of muscle in contractions (e.g.) isotonic and Isometric contraction. 5. Differentiate between Isometric and Isotonic contraction of muscles.
1. Students as a class define muscular system 2. With the use of a model Muscular system Students are grouped to i. Identify Cardiac Muscles. ii. identify Muscle of the limbs. iii. identify Muscle of the main body iv. Identify Muscle reproductive system 3. Students in small groups discuss functions of muscles in relation to movements. 4. Students in pairs differentiate between isometric and isotonic contraction of the muscle and make a presentation to the class. .
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
Student should be able to: 1. Define Posture and postural defects 2. Discuss postural defeats e.g. scoliosis, kyphosis, k-leg, bowleg etc 3. Mention the cause of postural defect e.g. Heredity, Habit, diseases, accidents, etc
1. Students as a class discuss posture and postural defects. E.g. Scoliois, lordosis, kyphosis etc. 2. Students in small groups identify each posture by name. 3. Students in pairs mention the cause of posture defects. E.g. heredity, habit, diseases accident etc.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
Student should be able to 1. Define Nervous System 2. Draw and Label the structure of Nervous System a. Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary actions 4. Highlight the disorders of the Nervous Systems.
1. Students as a class watch motion pictures of the body nervous system. 2. Students in groups mention substances that directly affect the nervous system. 3. Students in pairs draw and the diagram or the nervous system 4. Students in small groups differentiate between voluntary and involuntary actions. 5. Students as a class highlight the disorder of the nervous system.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
Student should be able to: 1. Define Nutrition 2. Classify food into types 3. Define balanced and unbalanced diet 4, Discuss functions of food 5. Draw a simple dietary plan for athletes (before, during and after competitions)
1. Students as a class discuss the meaning of nutrition. 2. Students in groups classify different types of food containing balance and unbalance diet on display 3. Students in small groups mention nutrients derivable from each food on display.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
4. Students in groups draw a simple dietary meal plan for students who just finished participating in an inter house sport
Hockey games (Theory and Practical)
Student should be able to: 1. Narrate brief History of Hockey 2. Draw and Label Hockey Pitch. 3. Demonstrate the basic skills in the game of Hockey e.g. passing dribbling, shooting, flicking and shooting etc. 4. List the facilities and equipment of Hockey stick, ball shin guard etc. 5. Outline rules and regulations used in Hockey games 6. Mention the terminologies in hockey.
1. Students as a class are shown a short video tape of a hockey match 2. Students in pairs list Hockey equipment 3. Student in small groups demonstrate the basic hockey skills on the field of play. 4. Students in pairs highlight the following: i. facilities/equipment ii. rules and regulation. iii. draw and label any hockey equipment
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
Student should be able to: 1. Define drugs 2. List various type of drugs 3. Highlight reasons why people use drugs. 4. Mention effects of hard drugs on athlete’s physical performance 5. Identify reasons why people misuse drugs 6. Highlight effects of drug use on sports performance 7. Define doping (ergogenic aids) in sports 8. Discuss effects of doping in sports. 9. Mention the effects of the steroid to
1 Students as a class discuss the meaning of drugs 2. Student as a class observed different types of drugs on flashcards display. 3. Students as a class are shown shortly video clips of drug abuse scenes and the adverse effects. 4. Students in small groups identify drug regulating body in sport, full names of the agencies regulating drug issues at the wall, continental and
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
Discuss the dangers of anabolic steroid to sports performance
National Levels. 5. Students in small groups highlight the following: i. Defines doping ii. Effects of anabolic steroid to sport performance iii. Discuss the effect of doping in sport. v. State the reasons for drug misuse among athletes The leaders of each groups presents their results to the class.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy
RACKET GAMES (Badminton Theory and Practical)
Student should be able to 1. Highlights the history of Badminton 2. Draw and label badminton court and racket 3. Demonstrate the basic the skills in the game of badminton e.g. service, rally, grip smash, lob etc football work. 4. List the facilities equipment of badminton e.g. racket, net support, shuttle cork. dress outfit, towel etc 5. State rule and regulations of badminton 6. Mention Badminton officials and their duties 7. Explain Badminton terminologies in badminton.
1. Student as a class are shown video clips of Badminton games. 2. Students in small groups highlight the following i. History of badminton ii. Demonstrates basic skills in the game badminton iii. List the facilities and equipments. iv. State the rules and regulation v. Mention the officials and their duties. vi. Draw and label a badminton court.
1. Collaboration and Communication. 2. Leadership and Personal Development. 3. Creativity and Imagination. 4. Digital Literacy