Year 5 NERDC Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 5. Man and his environment, Responsible Parenthood, physical development –Schemeofwork
Week 1
Topic: Influence of man and his environment
Performance objectives
- Mention types of influence between man and his environment
- Explain types of influence between man and his environment
- Man as a human being is affected both physically and socially by his environment
- He himself may also have an influence on his environment depending on his circumstance and needs
Teacher’s Activities
- Guide pupils to identify and explain types of influence between man and his environment
Student’s Activities
- Find out from home types of influence between man and his environment
- Listen and respond to question
Teaching & Learning Material
- Picture of physical and social environment
Evaluation Guide
- Pupils to mention types of influence between man and his environment
Week 1
Topic: Other People in the family
Performance objectives
- Identify other people that can be found in a family
- List the obligations of other people in the family
- State the importance of tolerating other people in the family
- Other people that can be found in the family and how they relate with other members of the family- stewards, house-helps, nieces, nephews, cousins etc
- Obligations of other people in the family: caring for others; teaching some part of the culture; greetings, fairness, respect, folk story, correcting our misbehaviors, etc
- Importance of tolerating other People in the Family:
- Love is shown
- Peaceful living
- Care and respect etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses picture to explain other people found in the family and their relationship
- Guides pupils to recall the duties which other people living with the family play in their individual homes
- Uses case studies to carry out a guided discussion on the importance of tolerating other people in the family
Student’s Activities
- React to pictures on other people living with the family by indicating their names and relationship
- Recall the duties of other people living with the family
- Answering questions based on the content of the case studies presented in order to get a list of importance of tolerating other people in the family
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures labeling other people living with the family
- Cases on the importance of tolerating other people living with the family
Evaluation Guide
- List all other people living with their family and how they relate to the members
- List the obligations of other people in the family and state why they are necessary or importance
Week 1
Topic: Unity in Cultural Diversity
Performance objectives
- Explain the words: culture, diversity and unity
- Explain in simple terms what unity in cultural diversity means
- Give examples of different ways of promoting unity in cultural diversity in our community
- Meaning of culture, diversity and unity:
- Culture as a people’s way of life
- Unity refers to oneness;
- Diversity refers to differences
- Unity in cultural diversity refers to oneness in spite of differences
- 3 Ways of Promoting Unity in Cultural Diversity in our Community
- Making friends with mates who are not from our ethnic group.
- eating foods from other people’s culture
- wearing dresses from other cultures
- learning to speak languages of other ethnic groups been truthful in you interaction with people etc
Teacher’s Activities
1 Explains the concepts; Unity, culture and diversity using relevant pictures and charts
2 Organizes pupils to dramatize the concepts
3 Leads pupils to reflect on the meaning of unity in diversity and guides them to bring out different ways by which unity in cultural diversity can be promoted in their community
Student’s Activities
1 Participate in the guided discussion on the meaning of the three concepts and the relationship among them
2 Dramatize in small groups
3 Participate in the reflective thinking exercise and come up with different ways by which unity in cultural diversity can be promoted in their community
Teaching & Learning Material
- Relevant Pictures and Charts
Evaluation Guide
- Give simple meaning of the words culture, diversity and unity
- Explain unity in cultural diversity
- List any three ways by which unity in cultural diversity can be promoted in their community
Year 5 NERDC Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 5 –Schemeofwork
Week 2
Topic: Responsible Parenthood
Performance objectives
1 list various characteristics of responsible parenthood
2 mention some of the problems of irresponsible parenthood
3 identify values that can be developed to avoid irresponsible parenthood
- Characteristics of responsible parenthood:
- Ensuring readiness for new baby;
- Attending ante-natal regularly;
- Caring for the child
- Providing family needs;
- Ensuring immunization;-
- Using exclusive breastfeeding;
- Providing children with proper parental guidance; etc
- Values that Foster Responsible Parenthood (love, respect, care, concern for others, honesty, tolerance, cooperation, etc.)
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses case studies to explain the characteristics of responsible parenthood and the problems of irresponsible parenthood
- Invites qualified health officer and social welfare officer as a resource persons to talk on the problems irresponsible parenthood and the kind of values that can be developed to avoid it
- Asks pupils to summarize their discussion with resource person
Student’s Activities
- React to case studies
- Ask questions based on the resource persons’ presentations
- Summarize the talks given by the resource persons
Teaching & Learning Material
- Relevant cases
- Resource persons
- Fliers, and posters of AIDS patients, posters of localized areas of STDs/STIs
Evaluation Guide
- List various characteristics of responsible parenthood
- State three problems of irresponsible parenthood
- List any three values that should be developed to avoid becoming irresponsible parents
Week 3
Topic: Personal Hygiene and Physical Development
Performance objectives
- Describe physical development of children from ten years and above
- Mention some of the factors that hinder physical growth in children
- Characteristics of physical development of children at pre-adolescent stage:
- Girls initially grow taller than boys.
- Growth of hairs in pubic areas.
- Changes in the voice of boys, etc
- Factors that can hinder growth in children:
- Infections transferred from mother to child (HIV).
- Poor feeding; too much labor; Illness; heredity, early child-bearing
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads class discussions on physical development of children from pre- adolescent stage
- Discusses factors that hinder growth in children
Student’s Activities
- Participate in class discussions and identify characteristics and discuss each fully
- Discuss factors that hinder growth in children
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts and pictures showing the features of girl and boy at this stage
- Chart on the factors that hinder growth in children at this stage
Evaluation Guide
- List some of features of the physical development of children at preadolescent stage
- State some factors that hinder growth in children
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 1
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 2
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 3