Year 4 NERDC Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 4. Social Environment, Members of the Family, Forms of Accident –
Week 1
Topic: Social Environment
Performance objectives
- Explain social environment.
- Man is a social being:
- He enjoys and depends on the company of others.
- People live together in groups
- Established set of patterns of behavior regarding customs
- People organize their daily lives, like the kind of food they eat, their dress, language, occupation and culture; guided by religion and moral values
- Passed these from one generation to another.
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads the pupils to discover the social environment.
Student’s Activities
- Participant in the discussion
- Respond to the teacher’s question.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupils textbook
- Video clips.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain social environment.
Week 1
Topic: The Relationship of some Members of the Family
Performance objectives
- name members of a nuclear family;
- identify and name members of the extended family;
- describe the various kinds of relationship among family members as aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, cousin and ward;
- draw the family tree (extended family);
- State the benefits of good relationship between family members.
- Members of the nuclear family and the extended family:
- The nuclear family consists of father, mother and the children.
- The extended family consists of father, mother, children, grandfather and grandmother, uncles, aunts, cousins and nephews.
- Relationship of members of the extended family:
- Uncle, i.e. brother of our father and mother.
- Aunt, i.e. sister of our father and mother
- Cousin, i.e. the children of our uncles and aunts.
- Family tree.
- Benefits of family relationship e.g. love, concern and interest for one another, sense of belonging.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of the nuclear and extended family.
- Draws a family tree and uses it to explain the various kinds of relationship among family members e.g. uncle, aunt, nephew, niece and cousins.
- Leads pupils to mention the benefits of family relationship e.g. love, concern and interest for one another, sense of belonging etc.
Student’s Activities
- Give examples of members of both nuclear and extended families
- Draw their own family tree using the teacher’s example
- Explain the words aunt, uncle, cousin and play the role of each member of the extended family
- Discuss in groups under the guidance of a teacher the benefits of various kinds of relationship among family members.
- Demonstrate how members of the extended family show love and concern for one another.
Teaching & Learning Material
- A chart showing the nuclear and extended families.
- Photographs of family members.
- Picture of an extended family which showing its membership.
- Drawings/ pictures showing members of the family carrying out some duties.
Evaluation Guide
- Name three members of the nuclear family.
- Name three members of the extended family.
- Explain the meaning of aunt, uncle and cousin.
- draw a family tree;
- State two benefits of members of the family to one another.
Week 1
Topic: Culture
Performance objectives
- Give a simple meaning of culture;
- Identify the elements of culture;
- Explain why people’s languages, dressings and eating habits differ from community to community;
- Meaning of culture
- Way of life of a people.
- Elements of culture- languages, foods, clothes, religions, festivals and, ceremonies.
- Why different people have different customs:
- Differences in histories
- Differences in geographical positions.
- Differences in external influences.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides the pupils to explain what is meant by culture.
- Leads pupils to mention types of food eaten in their areas, dresses etc.
- Guides pupils to identify and classify similar aspects of culture in their areas.
Student’s Activities
- Discuss and explain the concept and elements of culture.
- Pupils display items of their culture.
- Demonstrate some values like respect, tolerance, etc. which can be promoted with a better understanding of cultural similarities.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Demonstrate some values like respect, tolerance, etc. which can be promoted with a better understanding of cultural similarities.
- Pictures showing different ways of greetings, eating, etc.
- Real cultural materials and objects
Evaluation Guide
- give a simple meaning of the concept of culture;
- mention three Nigerian foods;
- give two reasons why people’s languages, dressings and eating habits differ;
Week 2
Topic: Other People’s Beliefs and Traditions
Performance objectives
- explain ways in which other people’s beliefs and traditions differ from ours;
- Mention some values that can be promoted with a better understanding of the differences among our culture.
- Ways our beliefs and tradition differ from and similar to others:
- The names they call God
- The methods of worship
- The style of dressing, etc.
- Some of the values that can be promoted with better understanding of cultural differences include respect of other people’s views, beliefs and traditions; fairness; unity; good neighborliness etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Give 3 reasons why our beliefs and traditions differ.
- Mention some values that can be promoted with a better understanding of our cultural differences.
Student’s Activities
- Explains why our beliefs and traditions differ.
- Guides pupils to show how to respect other people’s views, beliefs and traditions; to be fair to other people from different cultures etc.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Real copies of Bible, Qur’an, Candle, dresses associated with different religious groups, etc.
- Pictures of people with different cultural backgrounds and beliefs in an interaction.
Evaluation Guide
- Discuss the differences in our beliefs and traditions.
- Participate in a demonstration of how to respect and tolerate other people’s views, beliefs and traditions.
Year 4 NERDC Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 4. Social Environment, Members of the Family, Forms of Accident –
Week 1
Topic: Characteristics of Drug Abusers, their Treatment and Rehabilitation
Performance objectives
- List commonly abused drugs and identify them by their street names;
- List some characteristics of abusers of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis.
Street Names of Commonly Abused Drugs: Cannabis- hemp, stone, ganja, Igbo etc.
Characteristics of Abusers of
a. Alcohol
– Aggressiveness – convulsion;
– Slowed speech- hallucination;
– Shaking of the hands- inability to maintain balance, disobedience
b. Tobacco:
– Smells, discoloration of lips, burnt/dark fingers, and colored teeth, incessant coughing from lung congestion, lack of appetite, etc.
c. Cannabis:
– Undue excitement
– False source of confidence and pleasure etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses relevant posters to highlight and guide discussion on street names for commonly abused drugs.
- Organizes guided class discussions on characteristics of alcoholics, tobacco addicts and addicted users of cannabis.
- Invites a resource person to give talk on the subject matter.
Student’s Activities
- React to posters on street names of commonly abused drugs.
- Discuss what signs to watch out for early reporting.
- Listen to the talk and ask questions after the talk
Teaching & Learning Material
- Posters on street names of commonly abused drugs
- Cases/stories on the characteristics of different kinds of abusers.
- Resource persons.
Evaluation Guide
- List three street names of commonly abused drugs.
- List three characteristics of abusers of – alcohol, tobacco and cannabis.
Week 2
Topic: Prevention of Drug Abuse- Life Coping Skills
Performance objectives
- List behaviors that promote physical, mental and social well – being;
- Mention some life skills that are needed for maintaining positive healthy behaviors.
- Health promoting behaviors:
- Stress reduction: regular exercises, constructive plays
- Positive and good relationship with peers etc.
- Life Coping Skills:
- Choosing good friends – avoiding bad company, establishing acceptable measures of discipline,
- Choosing good habits and values of discipline, honesty hard work, contentment, and courage respect for others, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Arranges a guided class discussion on behaviors that can help in the promotion of physical and mental health;
- Helps to organize life club activities aimed at preventing drug abuse.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the guided discussion on behaviors that can help in the promotion of physical and mental health.
- Discuss on life club activities and how they can help in preventing drugs abuse.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Posters illustrating appropriate positive health behaviors.
- Eminent or respected persons in the community as resource persons.
Evaluation Guide
- List three behaviors that promote physical, mental and social well-being among youths;
- Give two examples of skills that are needed for maintaining positive healthy behaviors.
Week 3
Topic: Attitude to Different Forms of Accident
Performance objectives
- List other forms of accident and their causes;
- Explain types of first aid treatment to be given to victims of burns, scalds, bruises and road accidents;
- Describe some of the different kinds of positive attitude to accident victims.
- Meaning and types of accidents
- Road,
- Air, water, rail, fire, hot water etc. which can cause physical injuries, burns, scalds, bruises and sometimes death.
- The first aid treatment:
- Burns and Scalds – do not torch the affected area; cover the affected part with clean cloth; take him/her to hospital;
- Bruises: put ice block in a towel and place it on the surface of the bruise.
- Positive attitudes to Accident and Accident Victims:
- Being more careful
- Avoid rough play
- Prompt attention
- Show of concern
- Reporting to the right agencies
- Avoid neglect
- Take victim to clinic/hospital etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Lead pupils to discuss the meaning, forms and causes of accident.
- Asks pupils to explain the differences in the various forms of accidents.
- Demonstrate how to administer first aid treatment on victims of burns, scalds, bruises and road accidents.
- Guide pupils to role play, identify and discuss positive attitudes to accident and accident victims.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the discussion on the meaning, forms and causes of accidents.
- Express how they feel when they come in contact with hot metals.
- Watch teacher’s demonstration and practicalise first aid treatment following the teacher’s demonstration in groups.
Teaching & Learning Material
- First aid materials/box;
- Pictures of different types of accidents.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the following: burns, scalds; bruises and list what causes each;
- Explain the types of first aid to be given to victims of burns, scalds bruises and road accidents;
- Demonstrate accident scene and practice first aid delivery.
- State any two positive attitudes which people should have towards accidents and accident victims.
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 5
Social Studies Curriculum for Primary 6
NVE: Social Studies Curriculum for Lower Primary School 1 – 3 (NERDC)