Clothing and Textile Scheme of Work SSS2 Lagos State

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Clothing and Textile Scheme of work
Clothing and Textile Scheme of work

Access Unified Building Clothing and Textile Free Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Textile Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State –Schemeofwork

SSS2 Clothing and Textile Scheme of Work First Term

1Welcome test Essential of garment constructionBy the end of the lesson student should be able to: 1. recall their last term examination questions and topics 2. analyse different figure types 3. discuss the influence of figure types on the selection styles1. Student participate in the revision of last  term work   2. Class discussion on different types of figure-Critical thinking and problem solving -communication and collaboration -personal development -creativityExamination question from last term session examination note book text book Collection of pictures and figure types

2Pattern adaptation and alterationBy the end of the lesson student should be able to define the following term: 1. Explain the following term. proffer adaptation 2. Demonstrate how pattern body measurement are taking. 3. Draft some basic bock patternStudent brainstorm to explain pattern adaptation and alteration  Demonstrate how to take body measurementCritical thinking and problem solving personal develop: CreativityChart on pattern drafting and pattern markings Real material Broom, brown, paper pencil Talor chalk, tracing. Web resources
3Pattern adaptation (Block Pattern)By the end of the lesson student should be able to: i. define the following term: ii. Explain in bloc-k pattern iii. Identity their block pattern. iv. Discuss the advantages of closing pattern in the construction of garmentAssist the students to Brainstorm and discuss the block pattern Students, as a class are guide to make a sketch of block pattern usingCritical thinking and problem solving Communication and collaboration personal develop Digital literacy Audio resources Chart on pattern adaptation paper Block pattern Brown paper, ruler, tape, machine pencils textbook   Web:// You.Tube.Km.Dave  

4Pattern markingBy the end of the lesson student should be able to 1. Explain and identify the pattern marking 2.  Adjust pattern marking to a given measurement and styles.Whole class discuss on how to draft pattern for blouse skirt and shirt encourage the students to alter the standard measurement to their own measurement of the same size to compare their pattern.Communication and Collaboration practical works on pattern making Role playingReal objects i e brown paper tools for pattern marking pencil tracing wheel textbook Digital literacy   Web resources  
5Pattern Adaptation and alterationBy the end of the lesson student should be able to: 1. Differentiate between Adaptation and Alteration 2. Marking simple alteration with the use of brown paper 3. Laying and cutting out fitting garmentthink pair and share Teaching strategies Collaboration and Communication.Student Leadership Communication and role playingFlash card showing adaptation and alteration of styles. Real materials e.g. brown and cardboard paper. tools for pattern drafting e.g. pencil, French curve, tracing wheel.   Web resources You Tube.BDancewear

6Pattern alteration on fittings and styleBy the end of the lesson student should be able to: 1. Explain freehand cutting 2. Compare the advantagesGuide the students to discuss their observation of free hand Cutting in local .Communication and Collaboration ExcursionDigital literacy Chart on pattern alteration                 Textbook

8Pattern Drafting Free Hand Cutting Bodies front bodies and back bodies Sleeve, front sleeve and back sleeveBy the end of the lesson Student should be able to: 1. State the body measurement for making garments 2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of free hand cutting 3. Cut a pattern freely without a commercial patternstudents pair up to share examples of pattern drafting Role playing Communication and CollaborationStudent leadership, collaboration and communicationSpecimen samples of a finished garment construction                Brown paper Scissors Needle Thread sewing machine Materials (pieces of fabrics). Sewing 101 pattern
9Costume and fashion designing trendBy the end of the lesson student should able to: 1. Trace the historical development of fashion designing from the local stones to present timeGroup class project work on the trend of fashion designing over the ears and till date student leadership digital literacyGroup work Collaboration and communication think pair and shareFlip chat of a display photograph parent, grand parents Old magazines New papers Web resources

10Costume and fashion designing continuesBy the end of the lesson student should be able to: 1. Predicts the fashion for the coming year 2. Distinguish between a fashion and a fad 3. Identify the mode of dress of Africa, Europia, America and Asia to their cultureSame as week 9Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and collaborationSame as week 9
11ProjectMake a baby dress using free hand cutting methodCritical thinking and problem solving . .Citizenship Student leadershipSample of a baby dress Video clip You Tube. Amazing Womens YouTube, Melly Sews

Access Unified Building Clothing and Textile Free Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Textile Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State –Schemeofwork

Clothing and Textile Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term

1Welcome TestBy the end of the lesson student should be able to: 1. recall their last term examination questions and topics.   2.  review last term topics.Students participate in the revision of last term workCritical thinking and problem solving personal Communication and Collaboration1st term examination question paper. Student note Text book
2Costume and fashion designingBy the end of the lesson student should be able to:   1. Explain fashion and designing and style development of several values into costume design   2. sketch a style for which pattern is to be made   3. adapt block to make pattern for different style featuresWhole class discuss on fashion designing and development on costume design.   Individual students demonstrate on how to sketch a style for pattern Teaching strategiesCritical thinking and problem solving personalAudio resources Catalogs, magazines, block patterns, material, scissors, tape, sewing machine, needles, pins etc   Web resources

3Adaptation of basic block for costume deigningBy the end of the lesson student should be able to: Make a self-garment, draft pattern for the different style features  Practical for each individual studentsCritical thinking and problem solving Personal development Communication and CollaborationSame as week 2
4Adaptation of basic blocks for costume designingBy the end of the lesson student should be able to:   1. discuss the construction of different features.   2. Use the different style feature to flatter the figure during garment construction.  Student brainstorm and discuss the construction of different features in garment   Students in groups discuss on different style of figure in garment construction.communication and collaboration  Critical thinking and problem solving excursion to commercial garment construction Digital literacy Computer aided designed software (CAD) Fashion publicationSame as week 2 and 3   Web Resources You Tube. elewa You Tube. km.dove

5Decorative designs: embroidery work Satin Stem Chain e t cBy the end of the lesson, student should be able: 1. explain different decorative stitches used in embroidery 2. outline the parts to consider when planning embroidery works 3. examine the types of design used for embroideryStudents brainstorm on the general use of decorative stitches guide the student to discuss part to consider when planning embroidery work Students to make specimen of the decorative stitchesCritical thinking and problem solving student leadership demonstration on different types of stitches gallery walkAudio resources album showing Decorative stitches Samples of different embroidery threads student to mount specimens in a folder and label them Web resources https://modelliste

6Decorative design Embroidery works continueBy the end of lesson student should be able to: 1. describe different types of embroidery work 2. Transfer embroidery design unto fabricsStudents in groups (i)  Display sample of the listed decorative design for observation and discuss (ii) students In pairs, demonstrate how to embroidery work in fabrics. students to make specimen of decorative design.Critical thinking and Problems solving Communication and Collaboration Personal develop .Audio resources Thread e.g. Raffené Lurex Needle Tracing paper Carbon Embroidery machine Web resources
7Mid Term break    

8Decoration design Traditional designBy the end of the  lesson, student should be able to: 1. Discuss the traditional background of beads and sequin embroidering 2. List the different methods of designing beads and sequinWhole class discuss the traditional background of beads and sequin embroidering  (ii) students in groups enumerate the different methods of designing beads and sequin. (iii) students in pairs practicalise seading & sequining.Critical thinking Communication and CollaborationSample of beads, sequins.
9Decoration design Needle craftBy the end of the lesson, student should. be able to: 1. List different types of needle craft 2. Make decorative articles, using different types needle craft(i)  Students in groups outline different types of needle craft. (ii) make decorative articles using the different types of needle craft (iii) Each groups, present their work for remark.Communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problems solving creativity and innovationsFlash card showing different types of beads work Real materials e.g. Beads, Tatting tools kits, a pair of scissors, knitting needle pins, tape measure, hooks, chart showing pictures of different needle craft Video clip

10Decorative designs Traditional designBy the end of the lesson, student should be able to: Work with beads in designing persona clothesEach students demonstrates on Practical works on beads designing on the personal clothesCommunication and collaboration, Students leadership and personal development, creativity and innovations.Flash card showing different beads design on clothes Digital literacy Video clip Projects
 Decorative Design, needle craftBy the end of the lesson, student should be able to: Apply the knowledge obtain in the study of decorative design in making soft toysIndividual work Demonstration on practical on embroidery design by students in groups.Communication and collaboration, leadership and personal development; critical thinking and problems solving, creativity and innovations. 

Clothing and Textile Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term

1Welcome test / beading craftStudent actively involved in the revision of last term’s work Critical thinking Problem solving Communication and CollaborationPast Question and their note books
2Garment features: style features e.g. colar, sleeves, yoke, belt, frills, cuff and pocketBy the end of the student should to: Draft patterns for style features lesson, be able different style features .students in groups, draft pattern for different stylesCritical thinking Collaboration and communication creativity and innovations.Garment with different style features Brown paper Pencil Eraser And tape measure

3Garment featuresBy the end of the lesson,  student should be able to: 1. Use the different style feature to flatter the features during garment construction 2. Discuss the function of different styles features.Students In Groups Use the different style feature to flatter the features during garment construction. -Whole class discuss the function of different styles features.Collaboration and Communication Group discussion Problem solving Student leadership .Flash card showing different features in garment construction Video clip
4Household laundry             Dry cleaningBy the end of the less student should be able to: 1. List different dry- cleaning agents used for cleaning clothes  2 Observe the general rules for removing stains during dry cleaning 3. State the advantages of dry1) students in pair list dry-cleaning agents (ii) whole class observe and identity the general rules for removing stains during dry cleaning  (iii) students in small groups, outline the advantages and disadvantages of dry cleaning clothesCritical thinking Communication and CollaborationWebsite and Video resources .

5Household laundry dry cleaningBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. State the types of dry cleaning 2. Demonstrate the use of some dry-cleaning stains during laundry agents to removePractical work on laundry and stain removalCommunication and Collaboration Group discussion Problem solvingSample of soiled George wrapper textbook

6Care of clothing repairBy the end of the lesson, student should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of repair in clothing and textiles. 2.  List the types of repairs given to clothes.  Students as a class discuss the meaning of repairs in clothing and textiles.   Students in groups enumerates the types of repairs given to clothes.Communication and Collaboration. Students leadership and personal development Critical thinking and problems solving.Sample of torn garment Piece of plain fabric, Needle, Thread, Sewing machine and textbook
7 Mid-term Break   

8Care of clothing repair patching Daring Other sample of the clothes. E.g. loose button, broken zipper, slack elastic.By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: 1.  State the effect on simple repair on cloth 2. Discuss the factors that determines the type of repair to effect on clothStudents in groups enumerate the effects of simple repairs on clothes and discuss the factors that determines the types of repairs.Critical thinking Communication and Collaboration.  Sample of torn garment, piece of plain fabrics, needle, thread, sewing machine and textbooks
9Care of clothes Renovation processorBy the end of the lesson, student should be able to: 1 Explain the meaning of reconstruction, remodeling and renovation 2. Discuss the techniques of renovation(i) Whole class brainstorm the meaning of reconstruction remodeling and renovation and (ii) discuss the techniques of renovation .Communication and Collaboration. Students leadership and personal development Critical thinking and problems solving.Household article faded garment scissors needle and thread, plastic, hand gloves

10Care of cloth renovation processBy the end of the lesson, student should be able to: 1. Renovate some household articles and old garment 2. Renovate an old garment by dyingClass group practical on renovation of garments and dying of garments.Communication and Collaboration. Students leadership and personal development Critical thinking and problems solving.Sample of torn household article Faded garment, Scissors, Needle and thread, Plastic basing Hand glove Sticks Water Thread Textbooks


At the end of the session, Students are able to:

Classify fibre into different categories

Differentiate between fibre and fabric

Handle different types of fabrics e.g. sorting and stain removal

Demonstrate how to take measurement and pattern drafting

Predict fashion for coming year

Make baby dress using free hand cutting

Decorate dresses with different decorative stitches

Work with beads designing of a dress

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