Physics Scheme of Work SSS2 Lagos State

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physics scheme of work 2
physics scheme of work 2

Access Lagos State Unified Physics Scheme of work for SSS1. SS2 Physics Curriculum for Senior Secondary School –

SSS2 Physics Scheme of Work First Term

1Concept of position, distance and displacement in relation to X –v plane By the end of the lesson students should be able to:  Refuse the Cartesian system to locate the position of objective on the u-v planeI] The students as a class compare and contrast position distance and displacement Ii] the students go online for more info on position, distance and displacement https://physics kinfolpositionH distance+displacement critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources I] Graph paper & grap board Ii] Ruler, pencil and marker B Web Resources +and+displacement   You tube Khan Academy video (distance and displacement
2Scalar and vector Quantities Vector representation, unit vectors, addition of scalars and vectors, resolution of vectors and ResultantBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] analyse the term resultant of vectors’ Ii] resolve a vector with respect to a given direction Iii] resolve any number of vectors into two components at right angle to each other using analytical and graphical methodsI] The students in small groups compare and contrast scalar and vector quantities Ii] The students go online for more info on scalar and vector quantities https://physicsinfo/scalar +andf+yactor+quantitiesi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio visual Resources (i] force boards pulleys or nails Ii] standard weight Iii] thread, ruler protractor, B Web Resources Https:// Calculation devices  
3Derivation of equations of linear motion: motion under gravity, calculation using these equationsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] Deduce the three equations of motion from the velocity –time graph with initial velocity and constant acceleration;  Ii] define the terms used in the equations of motion  1] the students as a class are provided with the velocity, time graph to deduce the equations of motion Ii] The students in small groups throw objects upward and watch them fall to the group and justify the influence of gravity oni] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy          A audio visual Resources I] graph board Ii] marker Iii] meter rule B Web Resources https://en.m.wikipedia. org/wiki/equations+of+motion calculation devices

  (iii] apply and interpret the equations of motion in simple problemsObject on the earth surface Iii] The students go online for more info on the equations of motion https://physics .info/equations+of+motion  
4Projectile and its applicationBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] to analyse the concept of projectile motion Ii] practically exemplify projectile motion, and objects that can be considered a projectile in sports and warfare;  Iii] distinguish between the following terms Time of Flight, maximum Height range and deduce their expressions V] solve simple problems involving range, maximum, height and time of right     I] The students on the playground  throw stories  at various angles to the horizontal and then provide definitions for projectile Ii] The students in small groups discuss the applications of projectiles Iii] The students go online for more info on projectile motion https://physics info/projectile motion] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy          A Audio visual Resources I] rubber ball Ii] catapult Iii] meter rule Iv] small pebbles V] stop clock/ watch Vi] tennis, ball, javelin, discuss and shot put B Web Resources /wiki/projectiles   Khan academy Video(projectiles) Calculation devices 

5Newton’s law of Motion conservation of linear momentum and conservation of energy collisionsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] differentiate between momentum and linear, momentum of a body; Ii] establish a relationship between impulse and momentum;I] The students in small groups discuss and justify the Newton’s laws of motion Ii] By use of colliding objects the students demonstrate the conservation of linear momentum Iii] The students gocritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy          A audio Visual Resources (i] Trolleys (ii] ticker timer (iii] small oranges Iv] chart showing Rocket propulsion B Web Resources   https://en.m.wikiboks

  (iii] state and analyse the Newton’s law of motion as well as the linertia mass; Iv] state and analyse the principle of conservation of linear momentum; v] solve simple problems based on Newton’s law of motion and the principle of conservation of linear momentum vi] differentiate the various types of collision with examplesOnline for more info on Newton’s laws and linear momentum https://physics .info/linear+ momentum   https://en.m.wikipedia. org/wiki/conservation+of+linear+momentum   Khan academy Video (conservation of linear momentum) Calculation devices

6Equilibrium of forces, concepts of Equilibrium, centre of gravity and its effects on stability, types of equilibrium and conditions for equilibrium of a body , moment and moment of force, principle  of moment and its calculations, couple and moment of couple with its calculationBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] analyse the concept of equilibrium Ii] distinguish between static  and dynamic equilibrium Iii] experiment to determine centre of gravity of objects and how its affect the stability of an object Iii] investigate the types of equilibrium Iv] experimentally determine the conditions that must be satisfied for a body to be in equilibrium  under the action of parallel and non-parallel forces, v] explain moment and moment of forces Vi] solve simple problems on moment of forces and moment of a coupleI] The students as a class demonstrate equilibrium by use of lever arm balance and seesaw Ii] The students in small groups are provides with the necessary materials to determine the centre of  gravity of objects Iii] The students go online for more info on the concept of equilibrium, https://physics info/concept+of+equilibrium  critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy          A Audio visual Resources (i] meter –rule, Thread, protractor Ii] standard weight Iii] standard weight Iii] knife edge iv] funnel v] spring balance vi] Beaker, water, sand and pieces of stone   PhET simulation B Web Resources https://physics info wiki/equilibrium+of+forces   Khan Academy Video (equilibrium of forces)   calculation device  
7Mid-Term Test Open day Mid-term Break    

8Simple Harmonic motion: definition, explanation of simple harmonic motion, displacement, acceleration, period, frequency and amplitudeBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] analyse the term ‘simple harmonic motion’ Ii] differentiate between the following terms: (a] displacement (b] Acceleration (c] period [d] frequency (e] amplitude (ii) establish the relationship between (a) linear and angular speed (b) linear acceleration and angular acceleration (c) period and frequency Iv] perform an experiment to show that period T is proportional g(acceleration of free fall due to gravity) I] By use of a simple pendulum the students demonstrate simple harmonic motion Ii] The students in small  groups show experimentally that period T is  proportional to gravity) Iii] The students go online for more info on simple harmonic motion https://physics info/simple+harmonic+motioncritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources (i] simple pendulum Ii] stop watch /clock Iii] bob (iv] spiral spring V] sand, water, beaker [vi] turning forks   Web Resources https://physics info https://en.m.wikipedia.   Khan academy video (simple harmonic motion) calculation devices   
9Simple harmonic motion-energy of simple harmonic motion and forced vibration and  resonanceBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] Deduce the energy transformation of simple pendulum; Ii] calculation of the energy in the system Iii] differentiate between forced vibration and resonance  I] The students as a class deduce the energy transformation of simple harmonic motion Ii] the students in small groups discuss forces   Vibration and resonance Iii] the students go online for more info on forced vibration and resonance   https://physics info/forced+vibration+and+resonance  I] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio visual resources I] test-tube Ii] water Iii] sand Iv] glass cylinder   B Web Resources https://physics info https://wikipedia.or /simple+harmonic+motion   calculation devices    

10Machines: types and examplesBy the end of the lesson students should be able to:  (i] explain the term machine’ and compare its types: Ii] distinguish between the following terms  (a) velocity ratio’ (b) mechanical Advantage or force Ration (c) efficiency and derived the relationship Iii] compare the types of machines, (iv) analyse the conservation of mechanical energy and its applications(i] The students as a class identify machines in their vicinity and come up with the definition of machines Iii] The students go online for more info on machine https:physics info/machinei] communication & collaboration ii] leadership & personal development iii] Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources (i] lever [ii] pulley Iii] wheel and Axle tong (v)  Crowbar, Claw hammer Vi] Wheel barrow, Scissors etc B Web Resources https://physics info   you tube Khan academy Video (machine) Calculation devices
11Machines/ calculations and maintenance By the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] investigate the uses of machine (ii) describe the repair and maintenance of machines, Iii] investigate the location of dams for producing electricity in Nigeria Iv] solve simple calculations on machine1] The students as a class discuss the maintenance of machines Ii] the students do calculations on machines Iii] the students go online for more info on maintenance of machines https://physics info/maintenance+of+machinei] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio visual Resources I] lubricants (oil, ball bearing and grease) Ii] spanner, pliers, screw driver and hammer B Web Resources   Khan academy Video (maintenance of machine) Calculation devices

12Practical/ project/ Revision Construction of simple  machinesThe students in small groups construct simple machines of their choicescritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development 

Access Lagos State Unified Physics Scheme of work for SSS1. SS2 Physics Curriculum for Senior Secondary

Physics Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term

1.Revision /Heat energy Temperature and its measurementsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] distinguish between heat and temperature and between temperature points and temperature intervals Ii] Compare the  instruments used for measuring temperature of objects or an environment iii] convert a given temperature on the Celsius scale to a temperature on the Kelvin scale and Fahrenheit scale I] The students as a class discuss heat energy Ii] The students in small groups compare and contrast various types of thermometers Iii] The students go online for more info on heat energy] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources (i] water, beaker, source of heat, ice block Ii] connecting wires Iii] ammeter, voltimer and multimerter   B Web Resources +energy   Calculation devices    
2Heat capacity and specific heat capacity, methods to determine specific heat capacity, calculation on specific heat capacityBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] differentiate between the terms heat capacity and ‘specific heat capacity’  Ii] justify the fact that there is unequal rise in temperature for different substances  of the same mass supplied with the same quantity of heat Iii] Experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a solid by  mixture method and by electrical method, Iv] calculate unknown quantities using the equation e=mc^T when no change of state is involved; (v] solve simple problems involving specific heat capacityi] The students as a class discuss heat capacity and specific heat capacity Ii] The students in small groups experimentally determine the specific heat energy of various substance Iii]The students go online for more info on-specific heat capacity https://physics info/specific+heat+capcity i] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  [i] beaker of warm water Ii] thermometer Iii] calorimeter/empty milk tin Iv] pieces of ice block V] solid of known SHC Vi] test tube, source of heat Vii] stop watch /clock B web Resources calculation devices /wiki/heat+energy +energy x

     Khan academy video (heat energy) Calculation devices
3Evaporation, boiling and melting points and their determination Effects of impurities and pressure on boiling and meltingBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] explain evaporation with reference to day-to-day activities; Ii] experiment to determine the melting point of a solid and boiling point of a liquid Iii] investigate the effects of impurities and pressure on melting and boiling points V] investigate the factors that affect evaporationI] The students as a class compare and contrast evaporation and boiling Ii] The students in small groups verify the effects of impurities and pressure on boiling and melting Iii] The students go online for more info on evaporation and boiling +and+boiling  i] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio Visual Resources (i] Round bottom flask (ii) running water (iii) source of heat (iv)  cork to cover flask (v] clamp to hold flask B web Resources https://physics.inf https://en.m.wikipedia.//en.m.wikipedia.or/wiki/evaporation +and+boiling   Khan academy Video (evaporation & boiling)
4Latent heat-fusion and vaporization and verificationBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: [a] explain the concept of latent heat; Ii] distinguish between its types Iii] differentiate between the following terms [a] boiling [b] freezing [c] freezing point [d] solidification (e) vaporization (f) sublimation (g) perform an experiment to determine the boiling point on a small point on quantity of water, (v] describe the working principle of such common devices as (a) refrigerator [b] air conditioner [c] pressure cooker [vi] experiment to determine the specific latent heat of fusion and I] The students as a class discuss the latent heat of fusion and of vaporization Ii] The students in small groups experimentally verify the latent heat of fusion and of vaporization of various substances Iii] The students go online For more info on the concept of latent heat https://physics info/latent +heati] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio Visual Resources i] Beaker Ii] dry ice, cold water Iii] weighing scale Iv] steam [v] stop wash vi] source of light vii] thermometer B web Resources https://physics. .info https://en.m.wikibooks. //   Khan academy Video (latent heat) calculation devices    

 Vaporization of a substance using  (a) mixture method (b) electrical method; (vii) solve simple problems on specific latent heat of fusion and vaporization   
Vapour pressure; saturated and unsatured vapour pressure and its relationship with boiling demonstration of vapour pressure using simple experiments humidity, relative humidity, dew point and its relationship with weatherBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] analyse the term vapour pressure’ with reference to saturated and unsaturated vapour pressure Ii] distinguish between melting point and boiling Iii] compate boiling and evaporation with emphasis on similarities and differences Iv] distinguish between the following terms (a) humidity (b) relative humidity (c) dew and dew point (d) cloud and rain (e) mist and fig: (v) investigate the effects of humidity on personal comfort (air conditioning): (vi) solve simple questions on relative humidityI] The students as a class discuss vapour pressure, Ii] the students in small groups compare and contrast melting point, mist and fog, dew and dew point etc Iii] The students go online for more info on vapour pressure https://physics .info/vapour+ pressurei] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio visual Resources (i] methylated spirit /petrol Ii] round bottom flask Iii] running water Iv] source of heat v] cork to cover flask  vi] clamp to hold flask vii] pressure cover   B web Resources https://physics .info/ https://en.m.wikibooks. Org/wiki/vapour+pressure   Khan academy video (vapour pressure)

6Gas, law, Boyle’s Charles, pressure, general gas law and Graham’s law of gaseous diffusionBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] state and explain the following laws (a) Boyle’s law and its application (b) Charles’ law and its application © pressure law and its application (d) general gas law [e] Graham’s law of gaseous diffusion; (ii) the laws should be verified using simpleI] The students as a class discuss the gas laws Ii] The students in small groups experimentally verify the Boyle’s law, Charles law and pressure laws Iii] The students go online for more info gas laws https://physics .info/gas+lawsi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio Visual Resources Audio Visual Resources i] Barometer Ii] Bowl of water Iii] Test tube Iv] J-tube Iv]Source of  heat vi] meter rule vii] Thermometer viii] Alcohol/mercury B web Resources   
  Apparatus e.g. barometer, (iv) solve simple problems using the gas laws (f) perform experiments to verify the laws   Khan academy video (gas laws) calculation devices

7Mid Term Test Open Day Mid- term Break    
8Production and propagation of waves-ripple tank, types of waves, general wave equationBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1]Descry the terms ‘wave’ and wane motion’ I] compare a classes of waves and give examples B] types of waves and give examples Iii] distinguish between all the terms used in wave motion; Iv] derive and use the relationship between wave velocity; V] use the wave equation to solve problems = (-2) = (-2)I] The students as a class discuss waves and its types Ii] With the aid of ripple tanks the students in small groups generate waves Iii] The students go online for more info on the concept of waves  i] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio visual Resources (i] rope Ii] water in a bowl Iii] white transparent plastic bowl (v] guitar string B Web Resources https://physics .info https://en.m.wikibooks. Org. https://en.m.wikipedia.or/wikiproduction+and+propagation+of+waves   Khan academy video (production and propagation of waves) Calculation devices
9Properties of waves-reflection, refraction, diffraction, Interference and polarization and application where necessaryBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] investigate the properties of waves (ii) produce  plain and circular waves using ripple tank iii] Demonstrate stationary waves; iv] explain the term ‘polaroid’ with emphasis on its applications; v] differentiate between ordinary light and plane polarized lightI] The students as a class discuss the properties of waves Ii] The students in small groups distinguish between reflection from refraction, diffraction and interference Iii] The students go online for more info on the properties of waves properties+i] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio visual Resources [i] Wide transparent plastic bowl Ii] Thin horizontal bar ruler Iii] water B Web Resources    

10Light waves-sources, reflection, reflection in plane and curved mirrors, refraction of light, refractive index, its determination, total internal reflection and critical angleBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] investigate the sources of light; (ii) compare the terms (a) reflection (b) refraction and state their laws, to  draw ray diagrams to show the formation of  images by plane and curved mirrors and explain some practical applications of these mirrors. (v) describe the rectil linear propagation of light and its application; [v] calculate the number of images in an inclined mirror vi] measure angles of incidence and refraction and hence deduce a value for the refraction and hence deduce a value for the refractive index of a given material; vii] distinguish between critical angle and total internal reflection and justify the conditions under which they occur and their applications, viii] experiment to establish the relationship between critical angle and refractive index and apply it to the solution of simple problems  iv] perform an experiment to determine the mirror formula  (i] the students as a class discuss light waves Ii] The students in small groups experimentally verify that light can be reflected , refracted, polarized and interfered B The students go online for more info on light waves https://physics info/light+wavesi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources (I] Torch light Ii] dry cell, water, oil paper, tissue paper   Concave plane mirror  iv] drawing board v] Thumb tag optical pin vi]  complete mathematical set vii] charts/pictures/film show on sun’s radiation on the earth viii] transparent nylon, tissue paper, plank, football B web Resources  https://www. Khana academy org/light+waves calculation devices    
11.Practical/project The students in small groups construct ripple tanks i] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development   

Access SS2 Physics Curriculum for Senior Secondary

Physics Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term

1Revision/triangular prime, rectangular glass prism, angle of deviation and calculations , real depth and apparent depthBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i]  perform an experiment that involves tracing light rays through a triangular prism and obtain graphically the value of the angle of minimum deviation Ii] obtain the spectrum of white light Iii] compare real depth and apparent depth and solve related questionsI] The students in small groups experimentally determine the angle of deviation of glass prisms Ii] the students in small groups experimentally determine the real and apparent depth of  objects in transparent liquid Iii] The students go online for more info on refraction of light /refraction+of+liquidi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio Visual resources I] triangular prism Ii] optical pins Thumb pins Iii] drawing board Iv] mathematical set B Web resources   https://physics .info   Khan academy Video (refraction)

2Lenses: concave and convex, Ray diagrams; lens formula and calculations, power of lensBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] describe all the lens related to terms Ii] compare the types of lenses Iii] with the aid of a diagram distinguish between concave lens; Iii] trace rays of light through concaving and diverging lenses and obtain images  formed by the lenses at different positions Iv] Deduce the lens formula and use it to solve numerical problems on lenses, V] deduce the power of a lens and solve related problemsI] The students as a class distinguish between concave and convex lenses diagrammatically and experimentally Ii] The class in small groups deduce the lens formula Iii] The students go online for more info on lenses https://physics .info/lensescritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources i] ray lox ii] convex lens and concave lens iii] screen iv] meter rule v] source of light   B web resources   Khan academy video (lenses) Calculation device    
3Optical instruments: camera, projector, telescope and periscope By the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] analyse the optical  principles involved in snap shot camera; Ii] with the aid of a well labeled diagram, describe a photographic camera; (iii] describes the formation of images by the camera and the projector by tracing rays of light through them, Iv] compare the formation and mode  of functioning of the following in details  with the aid of diagrams a] telescope (b] simple and compound microscope periscope I] The students as a class discuss optical instruments Ii] the  students in small groups analyse the mode of functioning of microscope, telescope, periscope , projectors, cameras etc Iii] The students go online  for more info on optical instruments https://physics info/optical+ instruments     critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources I] camera Ii] telescope Iii] simple and compound microscope Iv] planks, Gum, plane, mirror, empty cartons v] small cardboard box  e.g. empty sugar pack, Lipton tea pack vi] convex lenses of various focal length B Web Resources https://en.m.wikibooks.   Khan academy video (optical instruments) Calculation device     
4Optical instruments Binoculars, human eyes and its defectsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] describe the working principle of Binoculars Ii] investigate the role played by some parts of the eyes in the formation of image on the retina Iii] compare and contrast the eye and the camera Iv] distinguish between the defects the defects of the eye with emphases on their causes and correctionsI] the students as a class discuss the defects of the human eyes Ii] the students in small groups compare and contrast the human eyes and the camera Iii] the students go online for more info on optical instruments critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources I] The model of the human eye, camera (box) standard camera Ii] Binoculars B web Resource https://en.m.wikibooks.or/wiki/opticular+instruments   Khan academy video (optical instruments)
5Dispersion of white light: pure and impure spectrum, recombination of components of spectrum using colour filter, Newton DiscBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] explain the dispersion of white lightI] students in small groups are provided with glass prisms , screens and sources of white light to demonstrates dispersion of white lightcritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personalA Audio Visual Resources i] triangle prism Ii] complete mathematical set Iii] narrow slit Iv] screen v] converging lens v] source of ligh
  Differentiate between pure and impure spectrum; Ii] experiment to produce a pure spectrum   (v] compare the components of spectrum using colour filterI] The students also demonstrate recombination of the components of the spectrum Ii] The students go online for more info on spectrum https: // Iv] Digital literacyB web Resources    

6Dispersion of white light-colours and paints, mixing, determinations  of refractive indexBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: i] distinguish between objects via their cours and describe mixing of coloured light (additives and subtractive ii] experiment to determine refractive index of glassI] The students as a class demonstrate the mixing of primary colours to provide secondary colours Ii] The students in small groups are provided with glass blocks to determine/deduce their refractive index Iii] The students go online for more info on primary and secondary colours https://physics .info/primary+and+secondary+colourscritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources (i] paints , colours Ii] triangular prism   B Web Resources   calculation device
7Mid-Term Test Open day Mid-term break    

8Sound waves production transmission, speed of sound in solid, liquid, Air, noise and music, velocity of sound, Echo, reverberationBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] describe sound waves with emphasis on its production and transmission Ii] distinguish between (a noise and music (b) intensity and loudness   I] the students in small groups are provided with tuning fork to generate sound waves Ii] the students as a class compare the speed of sound in solid, liquid and air experimentally Iii] The students go online for more info on production andi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio visual  Resources I] turning fork Ii] electric bell Iii] vacuum pump Iv] glass jar Resources https://en.mwikipedia   Khan academy   Video (sound waves)    

  Pitch and frequency as applied to sound iii] Determine the speed of light in various medium; iv] explain the term Echo and solve related questions v] investigate the disadvantages and advantages of Echo vi] explain beats and  state its uses vii] verify the characteristic of sound vii] investigate the factors that affect the velocity of soundTransmission of sound waves   https://physics .info/production+andtransmission+of+sound+waves Calculation devices
9Sound waves musical instruments, functions of hearing, aids, vibrations in pipes and strings, harmonics and overtones ResonanceBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] classify musical instrument into (a) wind instruments (b) string instrument (c) percussion instruments; ii] describe the term ‘hearing’ aids’ with emphases on functions, features and types Iii] distinguish between vibrations of air in string and pipes,  Iii] distinguish  between vibrations of air in string and pipes Iv] differentiate between harmonics and overtones as applied to open and closed pipes, v] investigate the applications of resonance ii] describe the physical principles involved in the uses of wind, string and percussion instrumentsI] The students are provided with strings, open and closed pipes  to compare the vibration of air column in them Ii] the students as a class compare the various existing musical instruments Iii] The students go online for more info on vibrations in pipes and strings +strings i] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio Visual Resources (i] drum, violin, gutter, flute, percussion, Xylophone, saxophone, trumpet, piano (iii] invisible in the canal (IIC), completely in canal (CIC), in the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) B web Resources   Khan academy Video (musical instruments) Calculation devices

10Project The students in small groups construct periscopesi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy   
11PracticalRevision of all practical done so farThe students revise all the practical done ‘so far’  


At the end of the session students are able to:

  • Define projectiles and derive the various equations associated with it
  • Describe equilibrium and distinguish between the various types
  • Define machines, identify the types and their corresponding velocity ratios
  • Determine latent heat and specific heat capacity of various substances
  • Distinguish between evaporation and boiling as well as saturated vapour pressure and unsaturated vapour pressure
  • State the law of linear momentum and use it to solve problems
  • Analyze the concept of simple harmonic motion (SHM)
  • State and experimentally verify the Gas laws
  • Define waves, identify the types and distinguish between the various properties
  • Describe the mode of functioning of optical instruments
  • Identify eye defects and their various corrections

Explain vibrations in pipes and strings  

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