Economics Scheme of Work for SS 2 Federal

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Economic Scheme of work
Economic Scheme of work

Senior Secondary School Teaching Humanities Curriculum. SS 2 Economics Scheme of Work Federal –


1TOOLS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Simple linear equations Measures of dispersion Pie chart    Teacher to test previous knowledge of basic tools taught in year one. Give relevant examples on the new topic (draw tables, graph and calculate given data) Learning material; Graph paper and other relevant materials. 
2TOOLS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Bar charts Calculation of charts    Teacher to test previous knowledge of basic tools taught in year one. Give relevant examples on the new topic (draw tables, graph and calculate given data) Learning material; Graph paper and other relevant materials. 
3CONCEPT OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY Meaning of demand and supplyLaws of demand and supplyFactors affecting demand and supply.Teacher to emphasize the role of price system in resource allocation in economics. Guide students to plot the demand and supply schedules to obtain curves.  Learning materials; Graphs.
4CONCEPT OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY Distinguish between factors that cause shift in demand and supply curves and those causing movement along demand and supply curvesTypes of demand and supply (with curves)Teacher to emphasize the role of price system in resource allocation in economics. Learning materials; Graphs.
5THE PRODUCTION POSSIBILITY CURVE Meaning of production possibility curve (PPC)Plotting the PPC from possible dataTeacher to give hypothetical production data and figures to plot the PPC and to calculate marginal product (MP) and average product (AP). Guide students to draw PPC on graph sheets.
6THE PRODUCTION POSSIBILITY CURVE Concept of total, average and marginal productivity. Laws of variable proportionTeacher to guide students to plot graphs, calculate average, total and marginal productivity Learning materials: Graphs and tables
7COST CONCEPTS Basic cost concepts: total, average, marginal, fixed and variable cost. Different cost curvesTeacher to ask students to state what they consider as cost and highlight the distinctions between cost to individual, the business enterprise and to the nation Learning materials; Graphs.
8COST CONCEPTS Short-run and Long-run Costs Distinction between economist’s and accountant’s view of cost  Teacher to ask students to state what they consider as cost. Identify costs incurred in the running of schools. Draw cost curves and go on excursion to local factories to identify cost items. Learning materials; Graphs.
9REVENUE CONCEPTS Concept of revenue – total, average and marginal revenueRevenue schedules and curves  Teacher to explain the concepts of total, average and marginal revenue to students and use raw relevant revenue schedules and curves. Learning materials; Graphs.
10TYPES AND FEATURES OF ECONOMIC SYSTEM Basic features of economic system (Capitalism, Socialism, Mixed economy etc)Teacher to explain the features of  the various economic system, drawing examples from defunct USSR, United States and Nigeria. Learning materials: Political Map of the world.
11LABOUR MARKET Supply of and demand for labourWage determinationTeacher to emphasize the role of government institutions and wage commissions in the determination of wages. Discuss the introduction of the new minimum wage. Invite labour leader and employer of labour or official of ministry of Labour, Employment and productivity to give talk on labour matters. Draw out distinction between real and nominal wages. Simulate wage bargaining by grouping students into employers and union leaders. Discuss with students activities of NDE; National Directorate of Employment. Mention some jobs a young school leaver could engage in. Learning materials: Newspaper clippings, hypothetical price level wage rate and productivity data. Graph paper and pencil.
12LABOUR MARKET Trade Unions and other related institutions.Teacher to discuss the introduction of the minimum wage and invite labour leader and employer of labour or official of ministry of Labour, Employment and productivity to give talk on labour matters.Learning materials: Newspaper clippings

Senior Secondary School Teaching Humanities Curriculum. SS 2 Economics Scheme of Work Federal –


1LABOUR MARKET Concept of unemploymentTypes of unemployment, causes, effects and solutions. Concept of self employment, job creation and dignity of labour.Teacher to briefly review the relationship between size of the labour force and population treated in SS1. Ask students to state the population of their various households and the number who are effectively employed. Mention some jobs young school leavers could engage in. Discuss with students activities of NDE; National Directorate of Employment. Mention some jobs a young school leaver could engage in. Learning materials: Newspaper clippings, hypothetical price level wage rate and productivity data.
2ELEMENTARY TREATMENT OF UTILITY THEORY Concept of utility – average, marginal and total utility. The law of diminishing marginal utility.  Teacher to explain with real life examples, the concept of average, marginal and total utility. Explain the principle of diminishing marginal utility with drinking water or soft drinks. Calculate with students total, average and marginal utilities from hypothetical schedule given and draw relevant graphs. Learning material; drinkable water/soft drinks and cups. graphs 
3PRICE DETERMINATION Determination of equilibrium price and quantityEffects of changes in demand and supplyTypes of demand and supply e.g. joint demand, joint supply etc.Teacher to demonstrate with students the effects of changes of demand and supply on equilibrium price and quantity using graphs to explain the changes. Illustrate discussion with local examplesLearning material; Appropriate illustrations e.g. bread and butter, petrol and car. Illustrate complimentary demand and other types of demand and supply. Use graphs and diagrams.   
4PRICE DETERMINATION Concept of elasticity and its applicationSimple application of price theory e.g. minimum and maximum price legislation.Teacher to recall Nigeria’s experiences with fuel price/wage increases. Give students examples and calculate elasticity values. Learning material; Use graphs to illustrate the elasticity of demand and supply.  
5MARKET STRUCTURE Concept and types of markets Review of cost and revenue curves.Teacher to emphasize the distinction between market and market place. Revise cost and revenue concepts.. Learning materials; Graphs. 
6MARKET STRUCTURE Price and quantity determination under perfect competition and monopoly.Teacher to identify and explain the basic features of the perfect and monopoly market using real life examples. Learning materials; Graphs. 
7MARKET STRUCTURE Price and quantity determination under duopoly and monopoly.Teacher to identify and explain the basic features of the perfect and imperfect market using real life examples. Learning materials; Graphs. 
8INDUSTRIES IN NIGERIA Definition of industrial concept – plant, factory, firm, industry and industrial estate.Teacher to arrange an excursion to local factories, construction companies and mining sites and industrial estates where possible.  Think out reasons for siting certain factories in their neighbourhood where they are sited. List firms of the same industry close to one another Learning materials; map of Nigeria showing industrial activities. 
9INDUSTRIES IN NIGERIA Location and localization of industries in Nigeria. Advantage and disadvantages of localization of industries. Factors that influence location and localization of industries.  Teacher to arrange an excursion to local factories, construction companies and mining sites and industrial estates where possible.  List some advantages derivable from having firms of the same industry close to one another.  Learning materials; map of Nigeria showing industrial activities. 
10AGRICULTURE Problems of agricultureAgricultural policies in Nigeria.Teacher to encourage students to participate in farms activities at home and school. Invite agricultural extension worker or agricultural science teacher to give talk on agriculture generally.  Learning materials: Display agricultural commodities. Pie charts to show the contributions of agriculture to the economy over the years. Visit large scale farms.  
11AGRICULTURE Marketing of agricultural commoditiesProspects of agriculture  in Nigeria.Teacher to invite agricultural extension worker or agricultural science teacher to give talk on agriculture generally. Suggest ways to solve agricultural problems in Nigeria.  Learning materials: Display agricultural commodities. Pie charts to show the contributions of agriculture to the economy over the years. Visit large scale farms. 

Senior Secondary School Teaching Humanities Curriculum. SS 2 Economics Scheme of Work Federal –


1ELEMENTARY TREATMENT OF FISCAL POLICY Meaning of fiscal policy in public financeObjectives of public finance Revenue allocation (including resource control)Sources of government revenueTeacher to illustrate discussions with Nigeria data at different stages of teaching.Budget statement of any year.  
2ELEMENTARY TREATMENT OF FISCAL POLICY Direct and indirect taxation Effects and incidence of taxation Structure of effects of public expenditure on government budgetTeacher to use demand and supply curves to analyze the incidence of taxation Learning Material: Budget statement of any year.  
3BALANCED AND UNBALANCED BUDGET Meaning of balanced budgetReasons for balanced budget Meaning of surplus and deficit budgetTeacher to use a budget  statement to illustrate government fiscal operations and students to list their own sources of revenue and items they spend money on e.g. in the previous week. This will illustrate the idea of revenue and expenditure at the individual level. Learning material; List of government fiscal operations.   
4BALANCED AND UNBALANCED BUDGET Ways of financing deficit budget and their effects (e.g. debt burden, debt relief and debt buy back)Teacher to use a budget statement to illustrate government operations. Guide students to list their own sources of revenue and items they spend money on e.g. in the previous week. This will illustrate the idea of revenue and expenditure at the individual level. Learning material; List of government fiscal operations.   
5ELEMENTS OF NATIONAL INCOME ACCOUNTING Meaning of national income concepts and their usesWays of measuring national income and their limitationsTeacher to guide students in learning the ways of calculating national income. Identify local economic activities that contribute to total National Income. Apply the concept of income determination to solve simple economic problem. Learning materials; Charts to illustrate components of National Income.   
6ELEMENTS OF NATIONAL INCOME ACCOUNTING Uses and limitations of National income estimatesTrends and structure of national incomeTeacher to guide students in learning the ways of calculating national income. Identify local economic activities that contribute to total National Income. Apply the concept of income determination to solve simple economic problem. Learning materials; Charts to illustrate components of National Income.  
7TYPES OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS Money Market institutions Capital Market institutionsOther Market agencies.  Teacher to emphasize the importance of (AJO/ESSU/ASUSU) and similar arrangements as examples of traditional institutions. Explain peculiar problems of each type of financial institution. Go on excursion with students to central bank/commercial bank/development bank and stock exchange where possible. Learning materials; Cheque books, pass books, teller etc and quarterly annual and periodical publications of the Central bank, NDIC, Stock Exchange Commission etc.   
8TYPES OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS Functions of capital market institutions How the stock exchange operatesSecondary and primary markets  Teacher to emphasize the importance of (AJO/ESSU/ASUSU) and similar arrangements as examples of traditional institutions. Explain peculiar problems of each type of financial institution. Go on excursion with students to central bank/commercial bank/development bank and stock exchange where possible. Learning materials; Cheque books, pass books, teller etc and quarterly annual and periodical publications of the Central bank, NDIC, Stock Exchange Commission etc.  
9MONEY: DEMAND FOR AND SUPPLY OF MONEY Determinants of supply and demand for money.Value of money and the price level.      Teacher to explain various motives for holding wealth in the form of money. Provide illustration of coins, paper money and cheques as well as specimens of items that could serve as commodity money.Learning materials; Coins, cheques, paper money and commodity money.   
10MONEY: INFLATION AND DEFLATION Meaning and types of inflationCauses, effects of inflation/deflation     Teacher to emphasize that conventional explanation may not capture all cases of inflation, particularly in the developing countries. Ask students to narrate their experience of inflation in their environment. Testify to the hoarding cause’s inflation. Plot graphs to illustrate price changes over time. Organise students in smaller groups to discuss the effect of rising prices on their allowances and what they can buy.Learning materials; Time series data on prices, consumer price index information published by the Central bank of Nigeria and their institutions. .  
11MONEY Control of inflation/deflation Inflation in Nigeria.  Teacher to ask students to narrate their experience of inflation in their environment.Learning materials; Time series data on prices.  

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