Physical Education Scheme of Work SSS1 Lagos State

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physical and health education scheme of work

Access free Senior Secondary School Physical Education Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus Lagos State –

SSS1 Physical Education Scheme of Work First Term

1Philosophy of physical educationStudents should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of Philosophy of physical Education   List and discuss the roles of major philosophers in physical Education e.g (Highenington, Dudley, Ekperigin H) etc.   3. Analyse the changes in the concept of physical education as it relates to physical training.Activity I Students as a class discuss on philosophy of physical education and come up-with a personalized idea on philosophy of physical education.   Activity2 Students are divided into groups to discuss the role f each of the philosophers shown in the charts/flash-card. The group leaders make a presentation of the result of the group Discoveries.   Activity 3 Students are grouped into two The first group examines the conduct of physical training in the past, while the second group. compares the past and the present concept of physical Education Leaders of the two groups make a presentation of the analysis to the entire class. For further studies students should visit these sits.– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Web links>filosofia Allen Sargent Video link   Audio visual materials -Posters/charts showing pictures of Past sport heroes Flash cards etc

2Physical Education Ideologies.Students should be able to: 1. Highlight Physical Education Ideologies for Patriotism and Nationalism in relation to Sparta and Athens. 2. Identify the Contribution of P.E & Sports to nationalism in Nigeria under the following subheading: (i) National Unity.
(ii) Socio-religious cohesion
(iii) Sport heroism
(iv) National economic development.
i. Students in small groups discuss and highlight Physical Education ideologies in relation to Sparta and Athens. Leaders of each group make a presentation to the class. 2. Students as a class identify the values and contributions of Physical Education & Sports to Nationalism in Nigeria.– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Website Resource:… /paper=on-greek-vs- I roman-philosophy-on-physical- education Materials: 1. Posters 2. Documentary of Past heroes 3.Video clip

3Competitive SportsStudents Should be able to:. 1.Define Competition 2.State types of competition (e.g.Intramural and Extrahiural) 3. Differentiate between sports and game with examples. 4. Define Warm-up 5. List the importance of warm-up activities 6. Demonstrate warm-up activities.1. Students as a class discuss the definition of competition in sports. 2. Students in small groups compare intramural competition and extramural competition., 3. Students in pairs analyze the different between sports and game with examples. 4. Students in small groups demonstrate warm up activities and state the importance– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy  Website Resource:   video links:, Instructional Materials: Pictures and charts Video clip on Warm – up activities

4AthleticsStudents should be able to 1. Write brief athletics in Nigeria 2. Define Athletics 3. Outline the scope of Athletics 4. Break down the types of track events 5. Construct a standard athletics Oval1. Students as class brainstorm on the history of Athletics in Nigeria 2 Students as a class discuss the definition of Athletics 3 Students are grouped into two to discuss the 3 scope of Athletics, the first group will discuss Track and the second group will discuss Field. 4. Students in small groups discuss the types of track events with a presentation from group Leader 5. Students in groups construct a Standard Athletics Oval– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Links bing com/videos https// Website Resource   Website Resources https://www/ Instructional Materials I Poster 2 Flash cards 3 Charts

5AthleticsStudents should be able to I. Demonstrate different methods of starting races in Athletics. 2-. Itemize the general rules & regulations of track events. 3. Demonstrate the phases of running & Strategies. Perform basic officiating duties of track event in athletics. .1. Students in pairs analyse the different methods of starting races in Athletics 2. Students as a class brain storm on the general rule & regulations of track events. 3. Students in small groups demonstrate the phases of running and Strategies. 4. Students as a class discuss the basic officiating duties of track event in Athletics.– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination*mid=608A4D9473980020 5D6D608A4 0947 39 800205D6D&&FOR M=VRDGAR Website Resource: https://media.special/ Instructional materials TextbookVideo Clip on Athletics

6Health and Personal HygieneStudents should be able to: 1. Relate the concept of health education, and Personal hygiene. 2. Identify the importance of health education. 3. Appraise physical appearance in relation qualities of good health. 4. Dramatise the process of taking care of the body. (Skin, Hair, Teeth, Fingers).1. Students in groups compare the Concept of Health, Health Education and Personal Hygiene. 2. Students as a class discuss the importance of Health Education. 3. students in pairs analyse the physical appearance in relation to qualities of good health,. 4. Students in small groups dramatise the  propose taking care of the body Skin, Hair Teeth and Fingers).– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resources:
https://WWW.binq,com/videos/search?g=Health+and+Personal+Hygiene&&view=detail&mid=AC836A5943559DE17A67AC836A5943559DE17A67&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvictos%2Fsearch%fq%3DHealth%2BaCh%2BPesonBHcDHRSC3   Website Resource…   Instructional Materials: 1 Charts 2 Flash card 3. Flipchart

7Continuous Assessment
8Recreation and Sport TourismStudents should be able to 1. Define Recreation and sport tourism 2. Establish the different between Recreation and Sport Tourism 3. Mention the characteristics of Recreation 4. List the type of recreation with examples 5 Justify how to improve recreation sport tourism in Nigeria.1. Students as a class define the meaning of recreation and sport tourism 2. Students in small groups analyse the different between Recreation and Sport tourism 3 Students in pairs list the types of recreation and sport tourism and identify their basic facilities with examples 4. Students in small groups justify ways of improving recreation; sport tourism in Nigeria.– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resources   Website Resource:… https://opentextbc.calintrotourism/chapter/chapter-5-recreation Instructional Materials: 1. Pictures 2. Charts 3. Video Clips

9National Sports ChampionshipStudents should be able to: 1. Define the term National championship. 2. Outline types of national championship. 3. Compute the organisation & Administration of selected national championship (NYSF, national sports festival). 4.State the significance of national championship. 5. Discuss the importance of various institutional sports festival (NUGA, NIPOGA, NICEGA AND NSSF)  1. Students as a class deliberate on the meaning of National Championship. 2. Students in pairs outline types of national championship. 3. Students as a class discuss the organization & administration of selected national championship. 4. Students in small groups significance of national championship 5. Students in small groups to discuss the importance of various institution sports festival with a presentation from the Leader.– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resources: ?v=CpULXD18 https:/   Website Resource: https:/   Instructional Materials: 1. Charts 2. Posters 3.Video Clip

10The Skeletal SystemStudents Should be able to: 1.Define skeletal system. 2.ldentify the functions of human skeleton. 3.Classify bones. 4.Define joint 5.Mention various types of joints with examples1. Students as a class Define Skeletal System, joints and discuss the classification of bones with examples. 2. Students in pairs list the function of human skeleton.– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video  Resource: 2520skeleton%25.


  6. Demonstrate types of movement that are permitted at the joint (Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction)3. Students in small groups explain the types of joints with examples and demonstrate types of movement that are permitted at the Joint.   4.  students in groups build straw skeletons ad make presentations to the class.-Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  20model%2520for%252Qkid%26gs%3dn%26form%3dQBVDMH%26sp%3d-1%26pg%3dteac hinq%252Oskeleton%252Omode%252Ofor%252Okds%26sc%3dO32%26sk%3d%26cvid%3dB2EAE764DB6D4E3C936F37EBAB6774C5&viewdetail&mizd5C46B351E1O2ECDA95S6C46 B38ED2EFCOA95&isrnd=4BO 92B4BCC6BOOED8Q9F592E6&FORM=VDRVRV÷mpdel+for+tenaer&ru%2fos°02fsearch %3eaching%2520skeleton%252Omodel%2520for%2520tenag er%2Sgs%3dn%2Sform%3dQBVDMH%26sp%3d1.%2Bpg%3dteaching%252Oskeleton%252Omodel%2520for%2520tenager%26sc%3d035%26sk%3d%26cvid%3d893063F91E784A59A8D B126F7E445597&viewdetail&midC42DOC9C7F571CAEBMC42DOC9C7F57I4CAEBAA&&FORM=V £DRVSR   Website Resource: https://wwamazm/tachinskeleton/s7kteaching+skeleton   Instructional Materials: 1. Skeleton work sheet 2. Straw 3. Sticks 4. X-ray 5. Skeleton 6. Charts 7: Flash cards 8. Diagram 9. Posters 10. Projectors

11Ball Game (Soccer)Students should be able to 1. State the nature of the game in soccer. 2. Outline the facilities and equipment in soccer. 3. Draw and label a standard playing field in soccer 4.Demonstrate the basic skills in soccer 5. List the rules and regulation in soccer 6. Itemise the officials and their duties in soccer (Referee, Assistant I Assistant Referee II, Reserve Referees Assessor, Match Commissioner, and Video – Assistant Referee (for international competition) 7. Demonstrate 5Aside Game of, soccer for 10 mins.1. Students as a class brain storm on the nature of the game in Soccer and the facilities/equipment. 2. Students as a class list the rules and regulations in Soccer and discuss the duties of the officials 3 Students in small groups draw and label a standard playing field in Soccer. 4 Students in pairs demonstrate the basic skills in Soccer.-Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Web Resources: 66E5D9146EB2059&&FORM=VRDG5AR&ru%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%FQbasic%2Sskills°/Bat28Ogg/22Bame%2DHDRSC3   Website Resource: nature of game.html for-soccer.htm   Instructional Materials: 1. Soccer ball 2. Diagram 3. Whistle 4.Cards (Yellow & Red)

Access free Senior Secondary School Physical Education Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus Lagos State –

Physical Education Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term

1Revision (Welcome Test)Students should be able to:   1. Revises the last term work Philosophies of P.E. Competitive  Sports and Athletics   2 Summarise the last term on Health & Personal hygiene, Recreation and Soccer1. Students as a class discuss Philosophies of  P. E Competitive Sport and Athletics 2. Students in small groups discuss their perception on Health & Personal Hygiene, Recreation and Soccer.1.Digital literacy 2.Communication and Collaboration 3. Student Leadership and Personal Development  Video Resources:’&U’2Fvideos%2FseSrcn%3Fg%3 Cbasic%2SkillsS%2B pi2Bsoccer%2Bgame%Bfor%2Bage%2B16%26FORM%3D HDRSO3 http//   Website Resource: https://www.everydayhealth .com/healthy-living/guide-to-good-asx.   https://www.heaIth/line com/health/mentalhealth.   Instructional materials: 1. Soccer ball 2. Diagram 3. Whistle 4. Cards (Yellow & Red)

2First AidStudents should be able to: 1. Define First Aid. 2. List the objectives of First Aid 3. Highlight the qualities of a First Aider. 4. Mention the content of a First Aid box and uses. 5. Outline the basic principles of  First Aid 6. Construct a first aid boxStudents as a class brain storm on the definition of First Aid. 2. Students in small groups discuss the principle and objectives of First Aid. 3. Students n pairs discuss the qualities of a First Aider. 4. Students in groups describe the content of a First Aid Box and its uses. 5. Students in groups construct a First Aid Box and present to the class.1.Digital literacy 2.Communication and Collaboration 3. Student Leadership and Personal Development  Video Resource: 62DA5ACBFC577D3CB45E62DA5A&FORMVDQVAP   Website Resource: good-first-aider/   Instructional Materials 1. First Aid / box. 2. Charts 3. Posters 4. Projectors

3Sports InjuriesStudents should be able to: Analyse sports injuriesDistinguish the common sports injuries (Wound,1.  Students as a class analyse sports injuries. 2. Students pairs discuss common sports injuries. 3 Students in groups assess the causes, symptom, and-Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource:    


3First AidDislocation, Sprain, Strain, Fracture, Muscle fatigue, Muscle cramp, etc).   3. Assess the common sports injuries under the following heading (causes, symptom and treatment)treatment of an injured person with the use a manikin-Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fg%3Dsport%2Bijury%26FORM%3DHDRSC3   Website Resource:   https://www.healthline.cóm/health/sports-injuries   Instructional Materials: 1. Flip Chart 2. Projector 3. Flash cards  

4Ball Game (Handball)Students should be able to 1. State the nature of the game in Handball   2 Outline the facilities and equipment in Handball   3 Draw and label a standard playing field in Handball   4 Demonstrate: the basic skills and strategies in Handball   5. List the rules and regulations in Handball.   6. Itemise the officials and their duties in Handball.1. Students as a class brain storm on the nature of the game in Handball   2 Students as a class discuss the facilities and equipment used in Handball   3 Students in groups draw and label a standard playing field in Handball   4 Students in small Groups  demonstrate the basic skills in Handball.   5. Students as a class brainstorm on the rules and regulations in Handball.   6. Students as a class discuss the duties of officials in Handball.-Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource: htts://   Web site  Resource   Instructional Materials: 1. ball 2. Diagram 3. Whistle, 4. – Cards  (Yellow & Red)

5Indigenous Physical Education & Sports in West AfricaStudents should be able to: 1. Explain the concept of indigenous physical education  & sports (Origin and importance) 2.  Classify the types of indigenous physical education and sport in West Africa *  Combative Langa, Dambe, Traditional Wrestling * Recreation & Festival boat regatta * Past Time, Ayo Aann * Competitive Abula1. Students as a class discuss on the concept of indigenous Physical Education & Sports (Origin and Importance). 2.Students are divided into groups for discussion and presentation on types of indigenous physical education and sports in West Africa. * Combative Langa Dambe Traditional  Wrestling * Recreation & Festival boat Regatta. * Past Time: Ayo Aarin. * Competitive Abula-Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination – Critical Thinking and Problem solving  Video Resource: Instructional Materials: 1.  Posters 2. Video Clips 3.  Charts

6.The All Africa GameStudents should be able to: 1.  Discuss the early attempts to organize the All Africa Game 2.  List the years/venues of the past All Africa Game 3. Give reasons for disparity it the timing of the game. 4. Identify the Nigeria heroes and heroines of All Africa game. 5. Discuss the headquarters, membership and functions of the council.Students as a class 1. Discuss the early attempts to organize the All Africa Game 2. Students as a class discuss years and venue of the past All Africa Game 3. Students in groups identify Nigeria heroes and heroines of  all Africa Game. 5. Students as a class brain storm on the headquarters, membership and functions of the council.  -Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource: Website resource materials I.  Posters 2. Charts 3. Video Clip

8Racket Game (Tennis)Students should be able to: 1.Write brief history on Tennis 2. Draw and Label the Tennis court and the Racket. 3.Outline the equipment used in Tennis 4. Demonstrate the skills in Tennis 5. List the rules and regulations. 6.Mention officials and their duties in Tennis1. Students s a class discuss brief history on Tennis. 2. Students in groups draw and label the Tennis court and the Racket. 3. Students in pairs categories the facilities and equipment used 4. Students in groups demonstrate the skills and techniques in Tennis: 5.Students in small groups examine the rules and regulations in Tennis, 6. Students as a class identify the official and their duties in Tennis.Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource:   Website Resource…   Instructional Materials:   1. Charts 2. Posters 3.Tennis Racket 4. Tennis call 5. Canvass

9Racket Game (Tennis) Practical DemonstrationStudent should be able to 1.  Demonstrate the skills in Tennis (e g. Service, Grip, Foot working and Smash etc.   2.  Construct tennis racket.1. Students in groups demonstrate the skills of Tennis 2. Students in groups construct in Tennis, Racket and present to the class.Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource: httns:// httns://énnis÷racket&&view=detail&mid=DC5A7588OB3FEE4F7587DC5A75880B3FEE4F7587&rvsmid=37062468D4145O6031B37062468D414C506C31B&FORMVDRVRV   Website Resource:   Instructional Materials: 1. Charts 2. Posters 3. Tennis Racket 4. Tennis Bail 5. Canvass

10Respiratory SystemStudents should be able to:   1. Describe the structure of the lungs   2. State the functions of the lungs   3. Discuss types of Respiration.   4. Describe how the  lungs works during exercises1. Students as a class discuss on the structure of the Lungs.   2.Students as a class discuss the functions of the lungs   3. Students in pairs analyse the types of respiration.   4 Students in groups describe what takes place Respiratory organ during exercises.Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource: exercise&&view=detail&mid83766B35A8BAE74F52AC83766B35A8BAE74F52AC&&FORM=VRDGAR   Website Resource:   https://www lung org/lung health-diseases/wellness/exercise-and-lung-health   Instructional Materials I Diagrams 2. Projectors 3. Pictures 4. Charts
11Circulatory SystemStudents should be able to: 1. Describe the structure and functions of the heart.   2. Label Parts of the heart.   3.  Identify the different blood vessels (i.e. Veins, Arteries and Capillaries).   4.  List the effects of Training on the Heart.1. Students as a class brain storm on the structure and functions of the heart with the use of a heart model.   2. Students in groups draw and label parts of the heart, identify the different blood vessel.   3. Students as a class discuss the effect of heart Training exercise.Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource:   Website resource https//   https:/   Instructional Materials: 1.Diagrams 2. Projectors 3.Pictures 4. Flash cards 5.Heart model
12Revision  / Examination

Physical Education Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term

1Revision (Welcome Test)Students should be able to: 1 Revises the last term work on First Aid and Sports. Injuries; Handball. 2. Summarizes the last term work on Tennis Respirator System and Circulatory system1. Students in small groups discuss the concept of First Aid, Sports Injuries and Handball 2. Students in small groups discuss their perception on Tennis Respiratory System and Circulatory system.Digital literacy Communication and Collaboration Students Leadership and Personal Development    Website Resource: www.nia.nih.qov/health/safety-tips-exercising-outdoors-older-adults Instructional Materials 1. Diagrams 2. Projectors 3. Pictures
2Historical Background of Physical Education in NigeriaStudents should be able to: 1.Summarise the historical development of Physical Education and Sports in Nigeria 2. Enumerate. the contributions of the pioneers of Physical Education. Physical Education Nigeria.1. Students as a whole class brain storm on the history and development of Physical Education and Sports in Nigeria. 2. Students in small into groups discuss the contributions of he pioneers of Physical. Education in Nigeria.Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Web site Resource: Instructional Materials: 1. Charts 2. Posters 3. Pictures of Pioneers

3  Dance and RhythmStudents should  be able to: 1. Analyse the concept of Dance and Rythm. 2. Classify the types of Dance with examples. 3. List the Uses for Traditional dances. 4. Demonstrate different traditional dance. 5. Outline the values of Dance / Rhythmic activities.1. Students as a class analyse the concept of dance and Rhythm. Students in pairs classify the type of Dance with examples. 3. Students as a class discuss. Lie uses of Traditional dances. 4. Students in groups demonstrate different traditional dance with their various costumes and equipment. 5.’Students in groups analyze the values of dance / Rhythmic activities.Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource: Website Resource: Instructional Materials: 1. Pictures 2. Different Dance Costumes

4TournamentStudents should be able to: 1.  Outline Tournament 2.  Discuss the types of Tournament 3.  Analyse factors that determine the choice of tournament1. Students as a class brain storm on the definition of Tournament. 2. Students in small groups discuss the types of Tournament. 3. Students in pairs analyse factor that determine the choice of Tournament.Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource:  Website Resource: Instructional Materials: 1. Charts 2. Posters  
5Ball Game (Basketball)Students should be able to: 1. Narrate the history of basket ball   2. Outline, facilities and equipment of in Basket ball Draw and label a standard Basket ball court Demonstrate the basket skills in Basket ball. List the rules and regulations in Basket ball Game.1. Students a a class explain the history Basketball game 2 Students in pairs categorise the facilities and equipment in Basket ball 3. Student in groups label a standard Basketball Court, state the official and their duties. 4. Students in groups demonstrate the basic Basketball skills by playing a-10mins game on the court. 5. Students as a class and regulations in Basketball-game.Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource: Website Resource: Instructional Materials 1. The Basketball 2. Stop Watch 3.The Whistle
4. The Store sheet/board 5. The Basketball rule Book. 6. Hand Bell. 7. Cardboards

6  Digestive System3.Ahalyse the process of digestion. Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource Website Resource: Instructional Materials Diagrams Pictures
8Athletics (Field Events)Students should be able to:. 1 Identify the equipment used for Throws and Jumps Events. 2.Draw and Label the sectors of throw events. . 3.Demonstrate the basic phases in throws events (Javelin Shotput, Discus) Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination  Video Resource: Website Resource: instructional Materials: 1. Diagrams 2. Javelin 3. Shotput 4. Discus 5. Upright/crossbar

  4.Demonstrate the basic phases in Jumps events (High jump, Long jump) 5.State the General rules & regulations of various throws and jumps event. 6. Mention the officials in field events. 7. Describe how to break Tie  in jumps. 8. Outline way of distances in throws and Long jump event.4. demonstrate the basic phases in Jumps events (High jump an Long jump). 5. Students as a class brain storm on the general rules & regulations of various throws and jumps event. 6. Students in pairs identify the officials in field event. 7.Students as a class brain storm how to break ties in jumps 8-Studerits as a class of measuring distances in throws arid Long.  
9GymnasticsStudent should be able to 1. Write brief history on Gymnastics 2. State the scope Gymnastics (Stunts Tunbling/Agilities, Activities on Ropes, and Activities on Beam/Vaulting). 3. Highlight Gymnastics facilities/equipment and their uses. 4. Demonstrate activities done on Box work (Neck Spring, Astride Vault, Through Vault, Side Vault) 5. Demonstrate activities done on Mat (Hand Spring, Cart wheel, Forward roll, backward roll).Students as a class brain storm on the history on Gymnastics 2. Student in small groups state the scope of Gymnastics. 3. Students in pair highlight Gymnastics facilities / equipment and their uses. 4 Students in small group demonstrate activities done on Box work Students in groups demonstrate activities done on mat work. Video Resource: Website Resource: Instructional Materials: 1. Diagrams 2. Video clip 3. Mat 4. Box 5: Pictures  

10Physical FitnessStudents should be able to: 1. Define Physical Fitness. 2. Outline the importance of Physical Fitness. 3. Explain the meaning of: (a) Health related Physical Fitness (b) Performance related Physical Fitness. 4. List the components of (a) Health related Physical Fitness (b) Performance related physical Fitness. 5. Demonstrate selected Physical Fitness, Tests (Push-ups, Pull-ups, Sit-ups, Shuffle run, Trunk Flexion..Standing).1. Students as a class define Physical Fitness. 2. Students in small groups discuss the importance of Physical Fitness. 3.Students in pairs explain Health related Physical Fitness and Performance related Physical Fitness. 4. Students in small groups identify the components of Health related Physical Fitness and Performance, related Physical Fitness. 5.Studen,ts in groups demonstrate selected Physical Fitness Tests. (Push-ups, Pull-ups, Sit-ups, Shuttle run, Trunk Flexion Standing).1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership     & Personal               Development. 3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking. 5. Creativity & imagination.Video Resource: Website Resource: Instructional Materials: 1. Poster 2. Charts – 3. Benches 4. Mats 5. Pictures 6 .Stop Watch 7.  Jotters
11Nutrition in SportsStudnth6uld b able to: 1 Explain the meaning of Nutrition, Food and Metabolism 2. Outline the functions of Food. 3. Classify food based on Nutrients and their functions. 4. Illustrate the difference between adequate diet and inadequate diet. 5. Plan the types of food to be taken before, during and after Sports.Students as a class discuss the meaning of Nutrition Food and Metabolism Students in large group discuss the functions of Food. 3., Students in small groups classify food based on Nutrients and their functions. 4. Students in pairs analyze the difference between adequate diet and inadequate diet. 5. Student in groups discuss/plan the types of food to be taken before, during and after sports.1. Collaboration & Communication. 2. Student Leadership     & Personal               Development.
3. Digital Literacy 4. Critical Thinking.  
Video Resource: Website Resource: Instructional Materials: 1.Poster 2. Food Samples 3. Charts  
12.Revision    /Examination   


At the end of the session, students are able to:

  • Understand the changes in the concept of physical education as it relates to physical training.
  •  Describe Physical Education Ideologies for Patriotism and Nationalism in relation to Sparta and Athens.
  • Understand the concept of competition in sports with the types of competition (e.g. Intramural and Extramural).
  • Perform different methods of starting races, phases of running & Strategies and phases in throws & Jumps events in Athletics.
  • Demonstrate the process of taking care of the body. (Skin, Hair, Teeth, Fingers).
  • Understand the difference between indoor and outdoor activities in recreation.
  • Describe the importance of various institutional sports festival (NUGA, NPOGA, NICEGA and NSSF).
  • Describe the structure and functions of Skeletal System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System and Digestive System.
  • Demonstrate the basic skills & techniques in soccer, Handball, Tennis and Basketball
  • Identify the content of first aid box with their uses and its application to common sports injuries.
  • Understand the types of indigenous physical education & sports in West Africa
  •  Describe the years/venues of the past All Africa Game
  • Explain history and development of Physical Education and Sports in Nigeria
  • Perform &classify the types of dance with examples.
  • Discuss the types of Tournament.
  • Demonstrate activities done on Box work and activities done on Mat work
  • Identify he components of Health related Physical Fitness and Performance related Physical Fitness.

Understand the classification of food based on Nutrients and their functions.

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