Access Free Unified SSS1Radio, Television and Electronics Works Scheme of Work. SS1 Radio and Television for Senior Secondary School Lagos State –
Radio and Television Scheme of Work SSS1 First Term
SOURCES AND PRECAUTIONS OF HAZARD •Concept of safety • Sources of hazards like •electric shock, horseplay etc…
By the end the lesson, students should be able to: • describe the concept safety • define safety • explains what hazard is • list sources of Hazards
Students in small groups, uses flash cards, charts and other materials to explain the concept of safety Students as a class, brainstorm sources of hazards
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
SAFETY RULES AND REGULATIONS • Explanations on safety rules and regulations • Safety, rules and regulations • Accident prevention measures • Firefighting materials e.g sand buckets, fire extinguisher
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • explains safety rules and regulations • list the safety rule and regulation • analyze accident prevention measures • state firefighting materials • use the fire extinguisher to quench a fire
Students as individuals uses flash cards, video clips and charts to list and explain safety rules and regulations Students in small groups analyses accidents prevention measure. They also discuss materials used in fire fighting Students share themselves in two groups practice the use of available safety devices e.g., they use the fire extinguisher to quench a simple fire made
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
STRUCTURE OF MATTER •Definition •Structure •Atom and its part
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: •defines a matter •highlight the composition •explain the structure of a matter •explain atom and list its part
Students as a class are asked to identify different matters available in their environments and group them into different physical states. They list the state of matter and draw structure of an atom Students share themselves in two groups. Each group is given a block of ice, the ice is then exposed to the sun and observable differences noted on recording sheet provided. The resulting state of matter is then placed in a small bowl and left under the rays of the sun fort to
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Charts showing the structure of matter WEB RESOURCES
three -days depending on how intensified the rays are. Observable differences are then noted: They are then compared with the results of other pairs in the class and a final conclusion is made by the class in general
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS. •Definition of conductors •Conducting materials •Analysis of Valence electrons •Definition of Insulators •Insulating materials •Valence electron analysis for insulators
By the end of the class, students should be able to: •define a conductor •explain conducting materials •define an insulator •explain insulating materials •give examples of insulating materials
Students in pairs differentiate between the available conducting materials and insulating materials. Students in small groups compare and contrast the conducting and insulating materials. Students as individual give examples of insulating material
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
SEMICONDUCTORS •Meaning •Materials •Comparing semiconductors with conductors and insulators •Analysis of valence electron of semiconductors ‘
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: •define semiconductors •explain the semiconducting materials •give examples of semiconducting materials like Silicon Germanium •differentiate semiconductors from conductors and Insulators •explain/infer valence electron of ‘4’ for semiconducting elements
Students are grouped into three to bring out the differences between conductors, insulators and semiconductors Students as individuals differentiate semiconductors from conductors and insulators Students in small group analyses valence electron of semi-conductors
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
CURRENT VOLTAGE AND RESISTANCE •Definitions •Units and symbols •Instruments for measurements
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: •define current, voltage and ressistance •state the symbols and units of of these parameters •explain the instruments needed for each parameter
Students in pairs state the symbols and units of measurement of current, voltage and resistance Students in small groups explain the instruments needed for each pareameters. Student in small groups define current, voltage and resistance.
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
ATTRACTION AND REPULSION OF CHARGES •Description of the attraction and repulsion of charges •Laws of attraction and repulsion
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: •state the laws of attraction and repulsion •create attraction and repulsion processes
Students in small group, demonstrate attraction and repulsion using a pair of bar magnet Students as individual state the laws of attraction and repulsion
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS I • Identification of components by name, type, graphic symbol, value arid ratings
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: •identify different types of electronic components •differentiate the identified components
Students in pairs identify and differentiate the electronic components in a circuit board. Students in small groups, differentiate the identified components
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
Radio, Television and Electronics Works Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term
WELCOME TEST/ ELECTRONIC HAND TOOLS • Types of hand tools such as screw drivers, soldering iron, lead sucker, stripper etc. • Uses of hand tools
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • answer questions in line with their first term works • identify and select common electronic hand tools • state the uses of the electronic hand tools • sketch hand tools and label their parts use the appropriate tool to remove electronic components
Students as a class identify and select common electronic hand tools Students as individual uses flash cards, posters or charts to state the uses of the electronic hand tools Students in small groups sketch hand tools and label their parts. They also use appropriate tool to remove electromagnetic components
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
ELECTRONCS AND ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS • Electronics • Electronic circuit
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • define electronic • describe an electronic circuit.
Students as individual uses flash cards, charts or posters to give brief explanations on electronic and electronic circuit Students in small groups identify an electronic circuit They affirm the different types of electronic components in the circuit board
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
CONCEPT OF EMISSION • Definition of emission • Types of emission • Application(s) of emission
By the end of the lesson, • Define emission • enumerate various types of emission • justify its meaning with areas of application
Students in small groups enumerate the various types of emission. They also state its application Students in pairs explain the concept of emission and demonstrate it with Cathode Ray Tube.
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
PHOTOELECTRIC DEVICES • Definition of Photoelectric devices • Application of photoelectric devices
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to • explain the photoelectric devices • illustrate photoelectric devices with various area of application
Students in small groups, illustrate photoelectric devices with various area of application Students as individuals draws at least two photoelectric devices with full labeling on a cardboard. The cardboard is then pasted in class and marks
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
SEMl CONDUCTOR • Simple semi-conductor junction • Types of semiconductor devices • Rectification on semi- conductors
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • explain the formation of PN-junction • enumerate types of semi-conductor devices • describe the concept of rectification
Students in small groups demonstrate the formation of PN-junction. They also design a rectifying circuit. Students in pairs enumerate types of semiconductor device
• Problem solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • Collaboration
SEMI CONDUCTOR DEVICES • Principles of operation of semiconductor diodes • Characteristics of. semiconductor diodes • Application of semiconductor diodes.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • explain the principles of operation of semi conductor diodes • analytically state the characteristics of . semiconductor diodes • devise by practical means the application of semi-conductor diode.
Students in pairs state the symbols and units of measurement of current, voltage and resistance Students in small groups explain the instruments needed for each parameter. Students as individuals define current, voltage and resistance.
• Problem solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • Collaboration
ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS • Definition of electronic communication system. • Types of communication systems and their difference. • Block diagram of electronic communication system
By the end of the lesson, students should be able • define electronic communication system • differentiates the types of communication system • Interpret the block diagram of an electronic communication system after drawing it
Students as individual uses charts to define electronic communication system Students in small groups differentiate the types of communication system Students in pairs interpret the diagram of an electronic system after drawing It
•Problem solving •Critical thinking •Personal development •Communication •collaboration
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Students in pairs identify and differentiate the electronic components in a circuit board.
• Problem solving • Critical thinking • Personal development
AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Block diagram of an electronic
• Operation and function of each stages of electronic communication system • Noise in communication system: internal and external noise
• define noise as related to communication system • classify noise into the broad categories generate noise in a means of communication
Students in small groups differentiate the identified components. Students as a class generate noise as,a rneans,of . communication.
• Communication • Collaboration
communication system showing source channel, and destination WEB RESOURCES bp/’ mlnoise-incommunicatcns tkan,html
ELECTROMAGNETICSPECTRUM • Definition of electromagnetic spectrum. • Propagation of radio waves
By the end of the lesson, students should be able: • define electromagnetic spectrum. • describe how radio waves are propagated
Students in small groups, discusses concept of electromagnetic spectrum and how waves are propagated Students as individuals learns types of electromagnetic spectrum waves with its propagation and then discuss it to the class,
• Problem solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • Collaboration
PRACTICAL/ PROJECT Design a full wave rectifier to power a 5v device
Radio, Television and Electronics Works Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term
WELCOME TEST/ ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM •Frequency ranges of electromagnetic spectrum •Applications of frequency range in electronic communication
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: •answer questions in line with second term works •Breakdown the electromagnetic spectrum into ranges frequency such as: Ø VLF:<30KHZ Ø LF: 30KHZ -300KHZ Ø MF: 300KHZ -3MZ Ø HF: 3MZ- 30MZ Ø VHF:30MZ -300MZ Ø UHF:300MHZ-3GHZ Ø SHF:3GHZ- 30GHZ Ø EHF:30GHZ- 300GHZ Analyze the applications of these frequency ranges
Students in pairs itemize and materials needed to design a circuit operation at a frequency Students in small groups breakdown the electromagnetic spectrum in ranges
• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking Personal development • Communication • Collaboration
TRANSDUCERS •Definition of transducers in electronic communication system •Types of transducers •Functions of transducers like microphone, loudspeaker, video camera, ORT, LCD
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: •define transducers •outline the types of, transducers •infer the importance of the transducers
Students as a class analyse the features of the transducers and their composition Students in small groups outline the types of transducers. They also Infer the importance of transducers.
• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking Personal development • Communication • Collaboration
SOLDERING AND DE-SOLDERING IN ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS •Techniques of soldering and de- soldering •Precautions while soldering and de- soldering
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • explain soldering and de- soldering •carry out soldering and de soldering processes •observe precautions while soldering and de- soldering
Students as a class carry out soldering and de-soldering processes. They also observe precautions while soldering and de-soldering.
• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking Personal development • Communication • Collaboration
SOLDERING AND DE–SOLDERINGELECTRONIC CIRCUIT II Types of soldering Types of flux (a) Amber resin (b) Sodiurñ Chloride solutions
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: •enumerate types of solder • identifies the suitable soldering process • apply the right flux while soldering or de- soldering
Students as Individuals uses charts to enumerate types of solder. They also identify the suitable solder fore particular solder process Students share themselves in two groups. Each group uses the solder to join components to Veroboard. They apply the flux to the surface where soldering is taking place to allow for smooth fIow of the solder
• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking Personal development • Communication • Collaboration
USING MULTIMETER MEASURE VALUES of Current, Voltage and resistance of active and passive electronic components and circuits
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able: Use the instrument such Multimeter to measure the value of current, voltage and resistance of some components and circuit board
Students in pairs use the Multimeter to measure the value of current, voltage and resistance of components and circuit board available
• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking Personal development • Communication • Collaboration