Physics Scheme of Work SSS1 Lagos State

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Physics Scheme of work
Physics Scheme of work

Access Lagos State Senior Secondary School Unified Physics Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –

SSS1 Physics Scheme of Work First Term

1Introduction to physics, Definition, importance of physics, branches of physics , scholars and achievement in the field of physicsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] analyse physics as a discipline with emphasis  on its importance in different branches; Ii] investigate the achievements in the field of physicsI] with a view to defining physics the students as a class rub their biros against their heads and use it to pick pieces of paper Ii] the students in small groups brainstorm and provide the importance of physics to mankind Iii] The students go online to research on the achievements in the fields of physics   https: physics* in *physics I] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration, Iii] leadership & personal development Iv] digital literacyAudio Visual resources a) chart comparing the branches and application of physical b) We resources   https://    
2Measurement of length, mass, weight, time and electric current, fundamental derived and supplementary quantities and units Dimensional analysisBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] explain the term “measurement” and identify its importance Ii] distinguish between fundamental derived quantitative and their units Iii] analyse the term ‘dimension’ with emphasis on its application I]The students are provides with several objects to measure their lengths ! weights etc and then provide a definition of measurement Ii] the students in small groups distinguish  between the types of physical quantities and units Iii] The students as a class express various quantities in terms of their dimensions Iv] students go online to source for information on physical quantities and unitsI] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication Iii] leadership & personal development Iv] digital literacyAudio visual resources I] Meter rule Ii] measuring tapes Iii] spring balance Iv] chemical /beam Lever balance v] vernier calipers  screw guage (vi) stopwatch/clock (viii) mercury in glass thermometer (ix) Ammeter Voltmeter Voltimeter Galvanometer B] Web Resources   https://en.m.wikibooks  

3Position, distance and displacementBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (1) describe the position of body relative to another body; (ii) Distinguish  between distance and displacementI] The students are allowed to change positions within few seconds and then provide definitions for distance and displacement Ii] The students in small groups distinguish between distance and displacement Iii] The students go online to get more into on distance and displacement https://physics.inf/distance+and+displacmentcritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication Iii] leadership & personal development Iv] digital literacyAudio visual resources I] A pair of compasses Ii] A string and protractor Iii] Tapes Iv] meter rule b. Web Resources   Khan Academy video (distance & displacement) You tube Nerdstudy  
4Concept of direction: scalars and vectorsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] distinguish between scalar and vector quantitiesI] The students as a class compare and contract scalars and vectors Ii] the students go online for more info on scalar and vectors   https://physics info/scalars +and+vectors critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication Iii] leadership & personal development Iv] digital literacya. Audio visual resources i] a chart listing scalar and vector quantities with their symbols and units b. We resources https://physics.ifo http://en.m.wikipedia   org/wiki//scalars+and+vectors   Khan Academy video (scalars and vectors)
5Time, concept of Time and ways of measuring time i.e. old methods and modern methodsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] distinguish between old ways and modern ways of measuring timeI] the students in small groups compare the old and new methods of measuring time   Ii] The students go online to get more info on the concept of tome  htts://physics.ifo/concept+of+time Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development Iv] digital literacya. Audio visual resources i] Water clock ii] heart beat iii] pendulum iv] stop clock/watch v] water B] Web resources   https://physics.ifo https://em.mwikibooksorrg/wiki/concept+of+time   Khan Academy video (concept of  time)

6Motion in Nature, definition, types, causes, practical examples and effectsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i)Analyse the concept of motion in a given environment (ii) distinguish between the types of motion random rotational, oscillatory and translation motion Iii) investigate the cause of motion; Iv] construct a device system capable of exemplifying any of the types of motionI] The students are allowed to identify non –stationary objects in their vicinity and come up with the definitions of motion ii.The students in small groups to make presentations on the types of motion iii] Students go online to get more info on the types and causes of motion. `critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication Iii] leadership & personal development Iv] digital literacyA audio visual resources [i] rotating fan Ii] toy car Iii] simple pendulum Iv] loaded spiral spring V] wooden block b. Web resources https://en.m.wikibooks or/wiki/types+and+causes+of+motion https://en.wikipediaorg  wiki/types+and+causes+of+motion    
7Mid term test Open day Mid term breakBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: i] explain the term friction ii] state the laws advantages and disadvantages iii] investigate the methods of reducing friction I] The students are allowed to rub surfaces together, say their observations and provide definitions for friction Ii] The students in small groups makecritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication Iii] leadership & personal development Iv] digital literacyAudio visual resources I] rubber types Ii] sliding on a polished surface Iii] lubricants (oil, grease) Iv] using a bath mat & bicycle brakes
   Iv] develop  a device/system which  incorporate one layer sliding over anotherPresentations on the types of friction Iii] the students go online to ge more info on the concept of friction https://physics info/concept+of+frictionB] Web resources https://en.m.wikibooks org/wiki/concept+of+friction you tube Khan Academy Video (concept of friction) Calculation devices

9Speed, velocity, acceleration: Distance-time , graph, density, relative density, Archimedes principle, laws of floatation, upthrustBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: i) differentiate between the following terms (a) speed, (b) velocity (c) acceleration (d) uniform /non-uniform acceleration uniform/non uniform velocity  (e) plot a distance time graph and deduce acceleration from a velocity –time graph (f)  differentiate between density and relative density (g) state the Archimedes principle and laws of floatation (h) experiment to justify the Archimedes principle (i) analyse up trust and density   1] The students in small groups compare and contrast speed, velocity and acceleration Ii] The students go online to get more info on speed, velocity and acceleration as well as the Archimedes principle  https://physics .info/ speed+velocity+acceleration   https://physics info/   https://physics info Archimedes+principlei) communication & collaboration ii] Leadership & personal development iii] digital literacyA. Audio visual resources (i) stop watch/clock (ii) meter rule (iii) graph sheets (iv) pair of scissors (v) water/kerosene vi) conical flash /beaker vii) retort stand B. web resources   https://physics .info https://en.m.wikibooks   you tube Khan Academy video (concept of acceleration) calculation devices 
10Pressure: Definition, Formula and practical application Viscosity : definition and effects, terminal velocity and its experimental verificationBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] Define pressure and deduce its formula Ii] investigate its application using empty can Iii] analyze viscosity and compare some viscous liquids; (iv) experiment to verify terminal velocityI] The students are provided with high heels and flat heels shoes to walk on sandy soil and then give definitions of pressure Ii] The students in small  groups compare and contrast pressure and viscosity Iii] The students do online for pressure and viscosity / pressure+and+viscosityI] Critical thinking and problem solving    Ii] communication & collaboration iii] Leadership & personal development iv] digital literacyA. Audio visual resources i. empty can ii] heat iii] syringe iv] forting pump v] engine oil, palm oil, Grease water , kerosene B. web resources   https://physics info https://en.m.wikibooks org/wiki/viscosity https://e.n.m.wikipedia org// you tube Khan Academy Video (concept of viscosity     
11Project The students in small groups construct devices of highest density than water yet able to float comfortably on waterI] Critical thinking and problem solving    Ii] communication & collaboration iii] Leadership & personal development   

Access Lagos State Senior Secondary School Unified Physics Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –

Physics Scheme of Work SSS 1 Second Term

1Revision /work, energy and power, measurement and units,  work done in a force field, types of energy, energy conversion and law of conversion of energy Work –energy theoremBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i) analyse work, energy and power Ii] measure and deduce the unit of work, energy and power; Iii] distinguish between types of energy and state the law of conservation of energyI] The students are allowed to carry their chairs  from one point to another in a bid to provide definitions for work, energy and power, Ii] students in small groups compare and contrast work energy and power Iii] The students go online for more info on work, energy and power https://physics info/work+energy+and+power  Critical thinking and problem solving    Ii] communication & collaboration iii] Leadership & personal development iv] digital literacyA. audio visual resources I] wooden  box Ii] strings /rope Iii] inclined plane (plank) Slotted weights of different grams B. web resources https://physics info https://en.m.wikibooks orgwork+energy+and+power hhts:// work+energy + and +power   Khan academy  Video (work, energy and power) Calculation devices
2Heat energy? Concept of heat and temperature, Effects of heat, Uses of heat,  challenge of phase, rise and fall in temperature, expansion/contraction change of resistanceBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i)compare heat and temperature, (ii) investigate the effects of heat and state the uses of heat Iii] use kinetic theory to explain change in temperatureI] The students are provided with Bunsen burner with several objects to place over it and then provide definitions for heat energy Ii] The students in small groups justify the effect of heat on temperature change Iii] the students go online for more info on heat and temperature +and + temperatureI] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A. Audio visual resources (i) water, iodine, wax (ii) Source of heat Iii] ice block B. web Resources https://en.m https://www  
3Thermometers and its types , calculatorBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i) describe thermometer and compare its types(i) the students in small groups are provided with several types of thermometers to compare and contrastcommunication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  Audio visual resources i) Different types of thermometer Cold and hot water B. Web Resources   Khan academy 
  (ii) convert Kelvin scale to Celsius scale Fahrenheit scales (iii) distinguish the lower and the upper fixed points of thermometers; (iv) solve simple problem on the topic Ii] the students go on line for more info on thermometers https://physics.Info /types+of+thermometers   https://en.m.wikibooks .org/wikithermometers     Khan academy   https://www

4Heat transfer, conduction, convection , radiation and their application; Land and sea Breeze , thermos flaskBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i) differentiate between conduction, convention and radiation in terms of the kinetic molecular theory (ii) compare land and sea breeze; Iii] analyse the working principle of a thermos flask Iii] Perform an experiment to compare the conductivity of metalsI] The students are given different metals covered with wax to experiment on the rate at which heat flows through them Ii] the students in small groups compare and contract conduction, convection and radiation Iii] the students go online for more info https://physics info/heat+transfercritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  Audio visual resources I] source of heat Ii] metal rods coated with wax Iii] polished and unpolished metallic materials e.g. empty tin milk iv] Charts on Land and Sea Breeze B. Web resources https://en.mwikibooks .org/wiki/heat   khan academy video (heat transfer)     
5Expansivity Expansion of solid, effects and application of expansivity By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] Explain thermal expansion; Ii] compare the advantages and disadvantages of expansion Iii] investigate the  effects of expansion on substances e.g. solid, liquid and gasI] the students are allowed to: experiment with ring and metal bulb and then come up with definition of expansivity Iii] The students in small groups make presentations on the applications of expansivity Iii] The students go online for more info on expansivity https://physics info/expansivitycritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A.  Audio Visual resources (i] water Ii] sources of heat Iii] ice block B. Web resources https://en.m.wikibooks org/wikiexpansivity https://www
6Expansivity: Linear, area and volume, anomalous expansion of water, real and apparent expansivityBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i) distinguish between linear, area and volume Expansivity Ii] analyze the anomalous expansion of waterI] The students in small groups are provided with iced water   to study its behavior as it changes state Ii] The students go online  for more info on the anomalous expansion of  water https://physics info /anomalous+expansion+of+wateri] communication & collaboration ii] leadership & personal development iii. Digital literacy  Audio Visual Resources I] iron rod Ii] water Iii] beaker Iv]Source of heat v] thermometer B. Web Resources https://en.m.wikibooks. Org/wiki/expansivity

  Iii] establish a relationship between linear, Area and volume expansivity Iv] distinguish between real and apparent expansion of a liquid and explain the relationship between them; V] perform an experiment to show that expansivity is proportional to temperature change  https://en.m.wikipedia   khan academy video ( expansivity) https:// physicsnote   
 Electric charges: production, types, distribution, storage, gold-leaf electroscope and its uses, Lighting and lighting conductorBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] charge a body by  friction induction and contact Ii] produce charges by rubbing two suitable materials against each other Iii] make simple electroscope and state its uses v]investigate the action of lighting conductor at a point v] describe the cold leaf electroscope I] The students in small group are provided with bar magnets and iron fillings to demonstrate the field pattern around a magnet Ii] The students go online for more info on the  concept of fields https://physics info/concept+of+fields] communication & collaboration ii] leadership & personal development iii. Digital literacyAudio Visual Resources Bar magnet Iron fillings Pendulum bob String and retort stand (iv] compass needle (v] The globe   B.web Resources https://e.m.wikibooks   Khan academy Video (concept of fields) Calculation devices

10Production of continuous electric current via, chemical heat, mechanical and solar energyBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] generate a continuous flow of charges; Ii] experiment to show that charges in motion constitute electric current Iii] compare the various sources of electricity  I] The students in small groups are provided with battery, ammeter, electric bulb, connecting wires etc to demonstrate the production of electricity from chemical Ii] The students go online for more info on the production of electricity thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A. Audio visual resources I] electric cells Ii] wires (conductor) Iii] ammeter, voltmeter galvanometer Iv] plug key V] pheostat B. web resources   khan academy video (production of electric+current)
11Projects and practical Students in small groups produce gold-leaf Electroscopescritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development   

Access Lagos State Senior Secondary School Unified Physics Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –

Physics Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term

1Revision /concept of electricity: electric current,  potential difference and electromotive force, resistance and their units Ohm’s law and its verification  conductors that do not obey Ohm’s lawKBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I]differentiate between electric current potential difference electromotive force and resistance ii]  State Ohm’s law and explain its verification, iii] distinguish between Ohmic  conductors with examples iv] perform an experiment to establish the relationship between V and 1I] the students in small groups  are provided with battery, rheostat , connecting wires, ammeter etc to verify the Ohm’s law experimentally ii] K  students go online  for more info on the ih m’s law https://physics kinfollphysics kinfolelectricity https://physics kinfolohm’s+ lawcritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A. Audio visual resources (i] connecting wires Ii] ammeter voltmeter Galvanometer and multimeter Iii] battery Iv] Rheostat V] bulb   B Web Resources  wiki/concept+of+electricity https://en.m.wikipedia org/wikiconcept  
2Resistors in series and parallel, cells in series, and parallel, calculations. Resistivity and conductivity Factors affecting the electrical resistance of a conductorBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] draw simple electric circle to distinguish between series and paralled connections Ii] solve simple questions  on series and parallel connections Iii] distinguish between resistivity and conductivity Iv] investigate the factors affecting the electrical resistance of a conductorI] the students in small groups are provided with resistors, cells and connecting wires to demonstrate series and parallel connection of resistors of resistors as well as of cells Ii] The students go online for more info on resistivity and conductivity https://physics info/resistivity+and+conductivitycritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A. Audio visual resources I] connecting wires Ii] metals of different conductivity Iii] cells/ batter B web resources   https://physics info /wiki/resistor   Khan academy video (resistors) calculation device   

3Electric energy and power, buying electric current, safety devices and detecting faults in currentBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] deduce the formula of electrical energy and power Ii] solve simple; problems using the deduced formula; Iii] investigate the commercial unit of electrical energy Iv] solve simple problems on buying /cost I] the students as a class discuss the electricity safety devices Ii] the students in small groups demonstrate the application of switches and fuses Iii] The students go online for more info on electric energy  https://physics info/electric+critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio visual resources I] electric bills Ii] fuse Iii] switch Iv] wire V] bulb B Web Resources   https://en.m.wikibooks .org/wiki/electric+energy  

6Electricity: Hooke’s law, Tensile stress, Tensile strain and young modulesBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] analyse the term electricity (ii] State Hooke’s law Iii] distinguish between the following terms [a] elastic Limited (b) yield point (c) breaking point (d) maximum load )e) tensile strain and tensile train and tensile stress (f) young module (iv) differentiate between tensile strain and tensile stress v] perform an experiment to establish the relationship between force F and extension eI] The students are provided with spiral spring, metal masses and retort stand to verify the Hook’s law experimentally Ii] The students as a class compare tensile stress and tensile strain Iii] The students go online for more info on Hooke’s law to verify the Hook’s law https://physics info/Hooke’s+lawcritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio visual resources I] spring balance Ii] slotted weight /masses Iii] spiral spring Iv] retort stand Vi] stop watch Vii] plasticine /chewing gum Viii] coloured marker B web resources https://en.m.wikibooks https://en.mwikipedia   Khan academy video (elasticity) calculation devices 
7Mid term Test Open day Mid-term break    

8Energy in Elastic materials and calculationsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i) device formula for calculating energy stored in elastic material; Ii] use the derived formula to solve simple calculationsI] the students as a class discuss the energy in elastic materials Ii] the students go online for more info on energy in elastic materials https://physics info/energy+in+ elastic+materialcritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio visual Resources Calculator B. web resource https://en.m.wikibooks org/wikienergy+in+ elastic+materials   Khan academy video (energy in elastic (materials)  calculation devices
9Practical The students as a class do revision on all the practical done so far  
10Project The students in small groups design circuit comprising of resistors and cells in series and in parallelcritical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development   
12 – 13Examination    


At the end of the session, students are able to:

  1. Define measurement, physical quantities and their units
  2. Distinguish between scalars and vectors
  3. Identify the causes, types and basic equations of motion
  4. Describe friction, its types and methods of reduction
  5. Identify the relationship between upthrust, density and viscosity
  6. Establish the relationship between work, energy and power
  7. Distinguish between the various methods of heat transfer
  8. Distinguish the relationship between work, energy and power
  9. Distinguish between the various methods of heat transfer
  10. Explain the effect of heat energy and temperature on materials (solid & fluid)
  11. Define field and differentiate between the various types
  12. Identify the three states of matter and their various characteristics
  13. Define elasticity and expansivity and highlight their applications
  14. Analyse the concept of electricity

Describe the mode of functioning of the gold –leaf electroscope

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