Wood Work Scheme of Work SSS3 Lagos State

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Wood Work Curriculum
Wood Work Curriculum

Access Lagos State free Wood Work Scheme of work for SSS3. SS3 Technology Curriculum for Senior Secondary School –Schemeofwork.com

SSS3 Wood Work Scheme of Work First Term

1Revision Of First Term Works
2West African their usesBy the end of the lesson Students should able to: Differentiate between various types of timber and state their uses Analyse the effects of depletion of timber species in wood industryStudents in small groups use digital content or real wood to show types of defects and draw them. Discuss the effects of defects on woodwork. Use digital content/real objects/ charts to differentiate the various types of timber listed in content. Discuss the characteristics of the timber and state their uses.Digital literacy Personal development Collaboration and communicationPosters Real wood samples
3-6Wood Adhesive Types of adhesives: a. Protein: b. Synthetic c. Contact- rubber based Characteristics of adhesives Methods of preparing of adhesives. Application of adhesives. Safety precautionsBy the end of the lesson Students should able to: Identify types of adhesives. State the characteristics of adhesives Describe the uses of adhesives Demonstrate the methods of preparing of adhesives Apply adhesives on work pieces. Observe safety precautionsStudents discuss the various types of adhesives, characteristics of adhesives. In groups, student discuss the uses of adhesives. Student in pairs demonstrate preparation of adhesives and uses brush to apply adhesives for:Personal development Collaboration and communicationPosters Real wood samples Samples of casing Glue. Samples of Animal Glue white glue Evostic casing glue Exposy glue

  During application of adhesiveStudents as a class 1.bonding plastics to wood surfaces
2. Jointing (students to practice)
Demonstrate Safety precautions to be observed when using  adhesives
7Mid terms    
8-11Wood project Design of center tableBy the end of the lesson students should able to: produce the working drawing of a center table showing
(i) Front Elevation (ii) Side Elevation (iii) Side Section (iv) Plan (
v) show a detail (vi) show the pictorial view. Prepare the materials for the control Designed Mark out the joints Cut the joints accurately. Pre assemble of joints. Glue and clamp the table. Sand paper ready for finishing
Students undertake suggested projects involving the use of machines and tools in a wood work machinePersonal development Communication and collaborationWood materials tools; Saws, planes, Chisels, Try squares, Mortise guage, pencils. Prepare wood. Sash cramp. Glue hammers Nails. Pincers
12-13Revision and examination

Wood Work Scheme of Work SSS3 Second Term

2-3Wood fitting or Iron mongary or Metal fitting. These 3 refers to the same thing Types of fitting lock hinges bolts castors stays catches use the fittingsby the end of the lesson students should be able to Identify types of fitting State the uses of fittingProjects on display: Students demonstrate how to bang cabinet cupboard doors with hinges, catches, etc.  Student makes sketch on the different types of fittings for a hall of fame paradePersonal development Communication and collaboration  Poster of wood hinges.
4Wood fittings (stays and locks)1 List types of stays. 2. What are the uses of the stays listed? 3. Sketch three of the stays listed. 4. Identify types of locks used in wood trade. 5. State the uses of the locks listed 6. Sketch three of the locks listed 7. Fix a stay 8. Fix a lockStudents fix one type of lock and one type of stayPersonal development Communication and collaboration  1. Posters, charts, real object for demonstration      2. Stay and lock

5-6Screws and nails Types of nails Differences in nails Types of screwExplain the uses of different type of nails different types of screwsStudents in groups identify the different types of nails and screws displayed to them. Students use charts to illustrate the types of nails. Discuss with students the uses of nails. Discuss reasons for using the various metals for specific jobs.Personal development Communication and collaboration  1. Posters and charts 2. Real objects
 8 – 13Pre-test and mock examination

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