Wood Work Scheme of Work SSS1 Lagos State

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Wood Work Scheme of work 1
Wood Work Scheme of work 1

Access Free Lagos State Senior Secondary School Wood Work Scheme of work SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –Schemeofwork.com

SSS1 Wood Work Scheme of Work First Term

1Workshop safety Personal safety Personal protective equipment and Personal safety habitsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to State reasons for observing safety measures in a workshop Apply the appropriate safety measures in the workshop Demonstrate precautions to be observed in a workshop  Students use a Futures Wheel to trace the consequence of not observing safety measures in a workshop Students in pairs brainstorm the precautions to be observed in a workshop Students role-play two scenarios showing the effects of using protective clothing and not using protective clothing in a workshopPersonal development Collaboration and communicationDigital content or real objects showing protective clothing used in a workshop Posters and charts

2Machine safety Safety precautions in the use of power machines Safety rules for handling portableBy the end of the lesson students should be able to explain the habit of working safely in the workshop with the woodworking machines Apply safety precautions in the use of woodworking machinesStudents in a whole class session mention some of the safety measures to be observed when using the machinesPersonal development Collaboration and communicationMachine safety device.
Show postal and chart / visit to wood work Machine shop

3-4Hand ToolsBy the end of the lesson Students should be able to identify and classify hand tools Explain how to care for and maintain hand tools Demonstrate the right techniques for using hand tools, Sketch hand tools Select tools for specific jobsStudents in groups demonstrate and practice the uses of the various classes of hand tools Students also demonstrate how to maintain and care for the tools Students prepare an album on hand tools and the jobs they are used forPersonal development Collaboration and communicationReal hand tools for demonstration e.g. Try Square Tape rule

5-6Cutting tools  By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Identify cutting tools Explain uses of cutting tools Use cutting toolsStudents in a whole class session identify cutting tools and discuss their uses Students in groups demonstrate the uses of tools the cuttingPersonal development Collaboration and communicationReal  hand tools for demonstration Different types of bits. Cabinet scraper, Rip saw, Tenon saw, Smoothing plane chisel
7Mid terms    
8 &9Multipurpose tools Special purpose toolsBy the end of the lesson Students should be able Explain the functions of the parts of tools. Describe how to care and maintain the tools. Classify and state the uses of special purpose tools. Sketch special purpose toolsStudents install groups list and describe to tools under each class. Students discus arid demonstrate the maintenance and care of tools Students display special purpose tools in their classificationPersonal development Collaboration and communication:Real tools for demonstration Plough Plane Spoke Shave and Rebate Plane.
10Field trip to a wood work industry to see how machines are used    
11-13Revision and examination    

Lagos State Senior Secondary School Wood Work Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –Schemeofwork.com

Wood Work Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term

1Revision and welcome test 
2Growth and structure of timberBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: identify the cross- cross-sectional parts of a tree describe their characteristics and functions Explain how the characteristics of the cross- sectional parts of a tree affect its timber and woodwork. Describe the functions of the parts of a tree in its growth and developmentStudents as an individual Students to: draw and label the cross-sectional parts of a tree and state their functions Explain the effects of the characteristics of the following on timber: Bark, Bast, Medullary rays, Annual Growth Rings, Sapwood, Hearthwood and Pith. Sketch an label the cross- sectional parts of the treePersonal development Collaboration and communication        Display wood cut from branch tree  

3Classification of timberBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: Differentiate between hardwood and softwood trees by seed leaves, and structure.Students as a class go on field trips to: Places where the softwood and hardwood trees and timber are, e.g. Forest and Sawmill/Chain Saw Operators for students to observe the differences between hardwoods and softwoods.   Students to write a report on the field trip for presentation in class. Students in groups describe the differences between hardwoods and softwoods,Personal development Collaboration and communication          Digital content chart or real objects of hardwoods and softwoods

4Wood felling and conversionBy the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: Identify and sketch the methods of conversionStudents as a class organize visits to saw-mills! Chain saw operator at work for students to observe the methods of conversion and students write group report and discuss in class. Students in groups discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the methods of conversionPersonal development Collaboration and communicationfilms, charts that discuss methods of conversion
5-6Seasoning of timberBy the end of the lesson Students should be able to: Demonstrate methods of seasoning timberStudent as a class organize field trips to visits saw-mills to observe the various methods of seasoning timber. Students perform the tasks in seasoning timber using the various methodsPersonal development Collaboration and communicationPosters and Charts on pieces of 1” by 1” wood
7Mid terms    
8Defects in timberBy the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: Detect defects in wood identify and sketch    types of defectsStudents go around the school premises to see defects in growing trees, wood around the premises    Personal development Collaboration and communicationPostal and Charts Decayed woods  
9TIMBER PRESERVATIVEBy. the end of the lesson, Students should be able to:        Describe wood preservatives. Demonstrate method of applying wood preservativesStudent go on field trips to timber treatment plants for students to observe and practice the methods. Postal and Charts Chemical, Brush, Spraying machine


   Students in groups the merits and demerits of using Ta Oil and Water borne in preserving wood  
10MANUFACTURE BOARDS OR MAN MADE BOARDS 1. Veneer & Veneering 2. Plywood, cheap board and batten boardsBy the end of the lesson Students should be able to: Explain types of manufactured boards. State advantages of manufactured boards over solid wood. Sketch types of manufactured boards.Students discuss the economic of wood piece and waste from converted timber i.e. shavings, sawdust etc. in producing some of the manufactured boards. Students in pairs discuss the processes of manufacturing board Students sketch types of manufactured boardsPersonal development Collaboration and communication        Postal and Charts pieces of plywood Particles board, Block board
11-13Revision and examination    

Access Free Lagos State Senior Secondary School Wood Work Scheme of work SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –Schemeofwork.com

Wood Work Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term

1Revision and Welcome test    
2Manufactured BoardBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Plywood Explain how plywood is produced State the advantages of plywood over solid board Identify the advantages of plywood over solid wood Debate briefly on cheap board, hard board Particle board  List the uses of these boardsStudents display 1/8ply ¾ , ½ ¾ (3mm,6mm,12mm,18mm ly) cheap board, hard board, particle board, laminated board (HDF, MBF) for exhibitionPersonal development Collaboration And communicationPostal and charts on boards , real boards

3Timber PreparationPrepare a timber to a given size using the formula FEWTEL
F- First Face
E –First Edge
W –Width
T – Thickness E – End
Student as a class demonstrate each of the stages and check for errorsPersonal development Collaboration Collaboration And CommunicationReal object for demonstration

4-6  Wood Work Joint Classes of Joint Widen joint Carcass jointBe aware of different types of joint used in woodwork Be able to construct different types of jointProject design and make usable items involving the carcass joints listed in constant project design and make usable items including the widening joints listed in content project design and make usable items involving framing jointsPersonal development Collaboration Collaboration And CommunicationCharts, postal, types of widen joints Charts postal Frame joints cabinet for demonstration Chart or postal showing types of carcass joints
7Mid Term    

8Furniture Drawing and design List the drawing instruments use by furniture designersStudents in groups demonstrate how paper is fixed of a board to prepare board linesPersonal development Collaboration Collaboration And CommunicationDrawing board Tee square
Drawing Set
Set square

 8DRAWING INSTRUMENT AND USES2. Drawing board, Tee Square, Set Square, (450, 600) sets, French Curves,                        3. Explain the usesand title blocks and demonstrate the uses of the set squares  
9PRODUCE THE WORKING DRAWING OF A SIMPLE STOOL,By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: Produce the working drawing of a stool showing, front elevation, side elevation plan, pictorial drawing, detail joint.  Students use drawing instrument to produce working drawing for a stool    Personal development Collaboration and communicationworking drawing of a drinking stool, Drinking stool for demonstration
10-11Production of the stool and entrepreneurship skills on projectBy the end of the lesson, Students should be able to Catalogue presentation on wood work Estimate Cost on wood Work.                       Contrast BindingCatalogue presentation on wood work Estimate Cost on wood work Contract BidingPersonal development Collaboration and communication Critical thinking 
12-13Revision and exam    

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