Access Lagos State Free Visual Arts Scheme of work SSS3. SS3 Visual Art Curriculum for Secondary School –Schemeofwork
SSS3 Visual Arts Scheme of Work First Term
1 | Drawing and Painting | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain naturiaIs and tools for painting. 2. List materials and tools used for drawing and painting and use them effectively. 3. Observed of, objects for drawing and painting purposes. 4. Applied, colour on natural objects. 5. Demonstrate use of colour on drawn objects (nature composition drawing) . | Students as a class: i. Observe and raise questions on still life / natural objects set. ii. Size the still life / natural objects Students as an individual iii. sketch the skill life / natural objects and apply any of the shading techniques Students as a class: | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Leadership personal development 4. Communication and Collaboration | Cardboard, pencil, set of brushes, colour, palette knives, cartridges, drawing board, pads, easels, sheets, canvas. Websites . Video Links m2qN4 https://youtu.’be/ewMKSAbqdBi |
2 | History of Art (Western Art) (Early Christian art, byzantine, lslamic art) Rehaissance Arts, | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Appraise western art, such as early Christian, Islam art renaissance art etc. 2. Analyze the basic knowledge on surface architecture decoration. 3. Highlight the artist in Western aft. 4. List the media used for Western art. 5. State the characteristics of the Western art and apply the skills on the artwork. | Students as a class: i. Appraise western art such as early Christian art, slam art . renaissance art d.c. ‘ ii. Discuss High and low renaissance with emphasis on the following artist: Giotto Donatello, MichElangelo, . Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci. Students in DVOUP . di. Wepat-e assignrnent. paper on tdt an \oe renaissance artists | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Leadership personal development 4. Communication and Collaboration | Local Instructional Materials Picture of western art Works Textbook Journals Brochures Magazines Websites https://www/ Video Link |
christian-art and architecture.html | |||||
3 | Impressionism art movement | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain impressionism art movement of 19th century 2. List the artists involved in the movement. 3. identify the style of the work -impressionism movement 4. Mention the characteristics and functions of impressionism art movement and apply them accordingly. | Students as a class i. Appraise impression is an art movement. ii. Discussion artist involved iii. Identify the movement styles Students in groups iv. Present assignment paper oh characteristics and effect of the movement on present artwork. | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Leadership personal development 4. Communication and Collaboration | Local Instructional Materials Pictures of Artwork of the movement Journals Brochures Textbooks etc Website Video Links |
4 | Nigeria contemporary artists | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the history of Nigeria. Contemporary artist. List the contribution of each artist. Value and criticize the work of Nigeria contemporary artist List their areas of specialization in the field of art and argue for or against. Perform some movement skill to build and encourage creativity | Students as a class: i. Mention and describes the artist they know ii. state the biography of contemporary – Nigerian artist: Students as an individual iii. Seek more knowledge on contemporary Nigerian artists artworks as an assignment. | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Leadership personal development 4. Communication and Collaboration | Local Instructural Materials Picture of some work of each of the Nigeriai contemporary artists on cardboard, books, journals, brochures, magazines e.t.c. . Video Links. https://youtu.bE/KyfYZZzcejE’wBKUE htpps:// |
5 | Cultism | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain cubism art involvement – 29th century. 2. Discuss types and styles used in opbism movement 3.State the characteristics of cultism art. 4. Mention the components of cultism 5. Explain the influence of cultism African art 6. Apply the skills on modern day art | Students as a class: i. Appraise Cultism art. movement ii. Discuss artist involved iii. Identify the movements styles Students in groups iv. Present assignments paper, on characteristics and effect of cubism on African art. | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Leadership personal development 4. Communication and Collaboration | Pictures, Journals, Magazine, textbooks, etc. Websites http:/en.m.wikipediorg/wiki/cultism Video Links https://youtu.b/v6zt170551w |
6 | Furniture | Students should be able, to: 1. State the function of furniture 2. Identify outlets and marketing of furniture products and cover more. 3. Use leather and fabric in furniture. 4. Construct a furniture. | Students as a class: i. Explain the factors to be considered in fixing price on furniture. ii. Mention various outlets of marketing furniture products Students in small, groups: iii. Construct a furniture setter | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Leadership personal development 4. Communication and Collaboration | Local instructional Materials Leather, colour, fabric, brushes, cutting knife/blade, wood nails, hammer, saw, hand paper board, foam, absorber string, an example of furniture, gum etc. Websites Video Link |
7 | MID-TERM BREAK | ||||
8 | Oriental arts (Chinese Japanese and India) Oceanic Arts | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Appraise Oriental /Oceanic art 2. List the characteristics of oriental art (Chinese Japanese and Indian). 3. Value Oceanic art (Malasian, Polynesian and Micronesians) and history 4. Mention the characteristics of oceanic art. | Students as a Class: i. Appraise Oriental art ii. Point out the countries that practiced oriental art iii. Discuss media used for Oriental art. Students as a class i. appraise Oceanic arts. ii. Points out the countries that practiced oceanic art, iii. Present assignment paper on | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Leadership personal development 4. Communication and Collaboration | Lock instructional Materials , Picture, video journals, magazine, textbook, drawing object, figure etc.. Websites Video Link |
Polynesian and Micronesians) | Students should be able to: 1 Discuss Oceanic art 2. State media used for oceanic art and be able to use 3. List the characteristics of oceanic art 4. Explain functions of oceanic art as it is related to modern art: | characteristics and functions of Oceanic arts | | ||
9 | Sculpture: (Relief Sculpture) | By the end of th0e lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain relief Sculpture 2. List arid use the materials tools arid equipment in sculpture 3. Create and cast a relief sculpture using appropriate processes 4. Participate the relief sculptural piece as a finishing stage. | Students as a class: i. Describe relief sculptural piece they have seen in hei environment. ii. Explain casting and patination in sculptures. iii. Explain and use the sculptural materials, tools and equipment. Students on an individual basis: iv. Create a relief sculpture, cast and patinate it. | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Leadership personal development 4. Communication and Collaboration | Local Instructional Materials – Examples of relief sculptural work within our environment Pictures of relief sculptural work Lump of clay -Plaster of Paris (POP) -Fibre glass -Sand Cement, stone, iron rod etc Website https://en, Video Link |
10 | Photography | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Analyse what photography is. 2. Operate a Camera. 3. List materials and tools used in photography and operate them. 4. Mention the terminologies in, photography and relate them to [photography proper. 5. Film parking. 6. Operate every part of a Camera 7. Explain relevance of photography in visual art | Students as a class: i. Give a general notion on photography ii. discuss general parts of a camera iii mention different types of camera iv mention various films available v. have a feet of camera Students as an individual basis vi. Take a photo with camera file and process it unto picture prints. | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Leadership personal development 4. Communication and Collaboration | -camera, special paper picture, fabric (black) table -Phone (analogue. computer system. Websites . Video Link |
11 | Revision | ||||
12-13 | Examination |
Visual Arts Scheme of Work SSS3 Second Term
1 | Cultural and Creative arts -State the Cultural and creative art – Components of cultural and creative art (fine art, applied art, drama, music, dance, media art) -Function of cultural and creative arts in the society – a basic knowledge of each of the components is needed | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Value and appraise cultural and creative art 2. State components of cultural and creative art i.e. (fine art, applied art, music, dance, rama, media art) 3 Highlight use functions of cultural and creative and in the society. 4. Discuss difference between fine art and applied art. | Student as a class Define cultural and creative arts Explain the components of cultural aim creative arts. State the function of cultural and creative arts Analyze the difference between fine and applied arts | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Communication and Collaboration | Local instructional materials 1. Textbook 2. Pencil 3. Pen 4. Model 5. Picture 6. fabric 7. Clay 8.Wood e.t.c. websites |
2 | Imaginative, Composition -Definition of Imagination composition -Items and events that can be imagined e.g. kettle, basket | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to 1. Explain imaginative composition. 2.List types ground in imaginative composition e.g. foreground, middle ground – 3 draw different types of imagination composition market scene, still life, festivals, village scene) 4. Make an imaginative composition 5. List the materials used in imaginative composition and use them effectively. 6. Organize imaginative composition, paintings | Student as a class Describe imagists composition Enumerate the positioning of form in painting from imagination foreground, middle ground List the material used for imagined composition. Use the material to sketch and paint. object and sucenery from imagination. | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Leadership personal development 4. Communication and Collaboration | Local instructional materials. 1. Objects, pencil, pen, brushes, colour, cardboard, paper, picture, textbook e.t.c. Websites |
3 | Craft in Nigeria Definition of crafts -Typed of Craft -Materials for craft production Products and | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Explain the meaning of Art and Craft ii. List and use materials | Student as a class Describe various craft works List the material and tools used for making various crafts | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Leadership personal development | Local instructional materials. Paper, thread, marker, gum, scissors; blade, cala bussi hard board |
functions of crafts – Location of production – Styles used – Characteristics of craft | and tools for craft iii. Demonstrate some methods of producing at and crafts (styles and used) iv. Mention the origin / location of craft production and discover more v. List the function / characteristics of craft and relate them to modern art. | Demonstrate the making of various craft Explain the origin, and locations of various craft items. Students as an individual State the function of various craft in Nigeria Use the materials to produce different craft works | Roll paper, straw seed, bottle tops, needles beads. Brushes, glues, fabric, clay, calabash, etc. Websites |
4 | Art terminologies General -Definition of art terminologies – Mention some terminologies in the field of art | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1 Explain art terminologies general 2. Mention art terminologies used in the field of art 3. Apply the terminologies in art work. | Student a a class Describe various art terminologies Student as an individual Apply the art terminologies in art works | 1. Creativity and imagination 2. Critical thinking and problem solving | Local Instructional material. Picture of art work i.e. sculpture, painting. ceramic, graphics, drawing etc. Website |
5 | Terminologies on Two and Three dimensional arts -Definition of two dimensional art – Definition of three dimensional art | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain two and three dimensional art works. 2. Differentiate between two dimensional artworks and Three dimensional art work. 3. List terms used in two dimensional art works. 4. Discover more terms used in two dimensional art works. | Student as a class Explain two or three dimensional arts. Demonstrate and illustrate two and three dimensional arts. State the difference between two and three dimensional arts. Student as an individual Research to discover more term used in two and three dimensional arts | 1. Creativity and imagination 4. Communication and Collaboration | Local instructional materials Picture of two and three dimensional at works, object of three dimensional art works. Websites |