Visual Arts Scheme of Work for SS 1 Federal

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Visual Arts Scheme of work
Visual Arts Scheme of work

Humanity Senior Secondary Teaching Syllabus. Federal Visual Arts Scheme of Work for SS 1. Life drawing Schemeofwork


1NIGERIAN CULTURAL ARTS (200BC – 1900AD) Characteristic features location and origin of Nok arts (tera cotta) Igbo Ukwu arts of Benin and Ife art.Discuss on the location, origin and characteristic features of Nigerian art cultures. Resources – photographs of some features and maps, textbooks and illustration from magazines.
2CONTINUATION OF NIGERIAN CULTURAL ART Characteristic features, location and origin of esie soap, stone, works, tsode bronze and wood carving of ekpo, ibibios and annangs.-Discussions on the characteristic features, location and origin. -Production and use of the art works. Participate in class talk. -Resources- illustration from books and magazines. Students copy notes.
3MUSEUMS IN NIGERIA -Definition of museum, dates of establishment, locations and history. Types of museum and their functions. Preservation and antiguities.For Historical research.For tourismDefine museums, history of museums, and location, types of museum and dates of establishment and preservation. -Resources- maps o location and photographs, containing illustrations of museums. Set a mini museum in class with historical articles.
4.ARTS GALLERIES IN NIGERIA Definition of art gallery, location, dates of establishment and functions. – For promotion of artists, and their works. -Sales of artworks, preservation and entertainment.Discuss the location of art gallery, establishment and functions. Discuss how artifacts and artworks of galleries are preserved. Resources- photographs containing art galleries, pictures of local arts and crafts.
5VISUAL ARTS -Definition of visual art Classification of visual arts – Fine arts; Drawing painting and sculpture. – Applied art; Graphics, textile, ceramics.Define visual arts; discuss the components of each class of visual arts and the function. Resources- works of art that represent each of the classes. Students copy notes.
6VISUAL ARTS -Functions of visual arts; -Uilitarian (teacups,clothesetc) -Advert posters, asthetic (painting etc) -Religious( carved, images, masks) etc Political (chiefly stools) -Symbols, and to educate.Discuss the function of visual arts. Resources- pictures of art works and house hold materials.
7PROFESSION AND JOB OPPORTUNITIES Professions of visual artists Graphic designers e.g. video editors, cartoonists, designers for lithographic painting Industrial designers e.g. textile designer. Painters Sculptors CeramicDiscusses job prospects in visual arts. Mention some of the products from the profession. Dramatise the job n visual arts (students participate in drama). Resources- magazines and newspapers write-ups showing pictures of professionals.  
8CONTINUATION OF PROFESSIONS AND JOB OPPORTUNITIES -Photographer, cultural officers, medical illustrators, investigative illustration.Mention some of the products from these professions. Resources- magazines and newspaper write ups, showing pictures of professionals.
9VISUAL SENSE – The dynamic of basic shapes in every object e.g. cylinder or bottles. * The basic shapes of natural and man-made objects. * House hold objects like – bottle, flask etc. * Objects in surface likeness (texture)Discuss the dynamic of basic shapes in every object. Use variety of natural and man-made objects to illustrate the concept. Students identify shapes which objects could be reduced to. Resources:- selected household objects like bottle, flask, fruits, sprays etc.  
10TEXTILE DESIGNS – Practical: Basic shapes in every object * Draw basic shapes of natural and man-made objects. *Arrange objects on table.Students participate in drawing the arrange objects on the table by the teacher. Resources: Different types of object from natural and man-made.
11THE NUACE OF COLOUR – Colour mixture on surfaces of objects * Using colour on an object that seem to have one colour (tint).The teacher discuss colour mixture and explain one colour (tint). Students participate using colour. Resources: Different objects with one colour.
12ELEMENTS OF DESIGNED – Elements – line, texture, colour, size, shapes, value and space. – Principle – balance, contrast, proportion, variety, aradation and harmony.Explains all the elements and principle of design. Uses picture to illustrate the principle of design and when to apply a particular one in Art making. Resources: work art portraying elements and principle of design. Students make works applying the principle of design.

Humanity Senior Secondary Teaching Syllabus. Federal Visual Arts Scheme of Work for SS 1. The trade routes Schemeofwork


1DRAWING 1.Concept of lines: -Type of lines e.g. vertical, horizontal, wavy, spiral zig-zag etc. -Qualities of lines e.g. thick, thin, heavy, flexible etc.  -Discuss the nature, types, and qualities of lines. -Demonstrate various types of line. -Students use line to construct objects. RESOURCE:-Different objects e.g. Chairs, pencil and paper
2DRAWING 1. Functions of drawing. -Demonstration and description of shapes e.g. Forms, texture, shapes composition.-State functions of drawing. -Leads the class in various exercises involving lines, student observe lines in nature and man-made objects of various shapes. RESOURCE-Shapes of different object from nature and non man-made.
3CONTINUATION OF DRAWING 1. Lines as patterns in nature and man-made objects. Man-made object. Nature: -wood land (trees without leaves) -lines on animals e.g. Zebra Skeleton of animals and veins in leaves Man –Made -Power and railway lines, Bridges, Fence and structure of buildings –-Students are directed by teacher outside. -Guide students to observe lines in nature and man-made object. Draw lines to form pattern focuses on the object. RESOURCES: Outside objects of man-made and nature pen. (Ball point pen)
4.SHADING TECHNIQUES 1. Various shading techniques. -Cross hatching -Hatching -Pointilism -Blurring-Mention the various shading techniques on the board and demonstrates the various shading techniques. -Student practices the various shading techniques. RESOURCES: Cardboards, pencil, ball point pen.
5STILL LIFE DRAWING 1. Composition of inanimate objects like bottles, table and chair. Laying emphasis on proportion, textures and shading. * Lines, qualities direction of shapes and forms and simple perspective.Explains various inanimate objects using photographs or illustration. Arrange composition of related objects for students to draw. Resources – inanimate objects like table and chair, cups and flask, pencils and cardboard.
6DRAWING FROM NATURE – Study of nature e.g. flowers, rocks, fruits vegetables, insects and fish.Talk about nature and arrange composition of natural objects for students. Resources: natural objects of different types/kind.
7LIFE DRAWING – Drawing of human figure. * composition * proportion * tonalityDemonstrate the correct methods of observing the human figure, using pencil for measuring. Half closed eyes for focusing and carrying out the human figure as a silhouette. Students make sketches. Resources: A model posing before the class.
8LANDSCAPE DRAWING – Outdoor scenery made up of grass, (different sizes and colours) house and hills showing space, composition and perspective showing:- * Foreground * Background and middle groundDiscuss and explain with illustrations, what landscape refers to and other scene shown. Student – observe and draw landscape scenery. Resources:- Landscape scene outside.
9IMAGINATIVE DRAWING – Compositional scene, e.g. festival, accident scene ceremonial scenes.Explain imaginative drawing. Students to recall scene from memory and draw. Resources:- showing of drawn composition of scenes.
10ART TERMINOLOGIES Terminologies in two dimensional art:- vanishing point, medium chiaroscuro, foreshortening, aerial view, repeat, motif, etc.Explains the terminologies in 2 dimensional art as stated. Explain the aspect of 2-D Art the terms belong. Students listen and discuss the terminologies, copy notes. Resources:- Different art works of 2 dimension.

Humanity Senior Secondary Teaching Syllabus. Federal Visual Arts Scheme of Work Schemeofwork


1ART TERMINOLOGIES -Terminologies of words in (3-D) * Three dimensional art e.g. Terra cotta, sculpture in the round. * Green ware, leather hand, Relief etc.-Teacher and students state the terminologies in 3-D art. -Explains the terminologies in 3-D RESOURCE-Art reviews, Art essays chart and 3-D art work
2INTRODUCTION TO MODELLING -Ceramics (meaning) * Types of clay (primary and secondary) * Properties of clay e.g. plasticity * ceramic tools and equipment’s * Function of ceramics._Explains the meaning of ceramics. -State the types of clay and mention ceramic tools and their uses, student mention some uses. RESOURCES-Clay, ceramic tools like-sponge, twine, wheel etc.
3METHODS OF MODELLING -Different methods of making ceramic works. * coiling * slabbing * pinching * process of drying and firing-Enumerate the different methods and demonstrate various methods of molding. Student participates in class demonstration. RESOURCES-Clay, table, buckets, sponge, spatula
4.SCULPTURE -Meaning of sculpture. -Common tools and materials in sculpture -Technique of using sculptural tools, and types of sculpture e.g. metal, cement, wax, wood tera cotta, plaster of Paris (POP) etc-Discuss the meaning of sculpture and types. -Demonstrates the use of tools in sculpture and some techniques in sculpture. -Students practice simple modeling and identify tools. -Resources – clay, wood etc.  
5INTRODUCTION TO ART APPRECIATION -The analysis and evaluation of works of arts. -Forms and their suggestions. -Use of elements and their principle of design. -Composition in art work for harmony.Defines Art Appreciation. -Explains the criteria for evaluating art works such as use of element and principles of design. -Copy note Resources:- pictures of art works, magazines, newspaper.
6INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS -Computer hardware; the visible and tangible components of the computer, e.g. monitor, system unit, printer, keyboard, mouse, and scanner.Define computer hardware and show the components. -Students, listen to teacher’s definition, and practice on the computer. -Resources- computer, scanner, printer, monitor etc.
7INTRODUCTON TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS. -Computer software; The intuition that tells your system what to do e.g- coral draw, hardware graphics, Adobe photoshop. The 4 basic mouse techniques are; pointing, clicking, double clicking, and dragging.Define computer software and demonstrate the 4 basic mouse techniques. Students practice the four basic mouse techniques and copy notes. Resources- computer, scanner, digital camera.  
8INTRODUCTION TO GRAPHICS -Block lettering and calligraphic lettering. Features- spacing formation of letters streamlining, of letters, skills and craftsmanship curves, ascenders and descendersDiscactuss different letter chars. -Demonstrate using pen to make strokes, curves, spirals etc. -State the different types and faces of block letters. -Students practice the construction of simple letters, practice the use of calligraphic pen.
9INTRODUTION TO GRAPHICS (CONT). -Forms of graphic advertisement. -Newspaper adverts, posters, handbills, invitation cards, book cover, etc. -Advertisement features- suitable design, legibility of letters, technical proficiency, communication, colour distribution and harmony.-Display and explain various forms, qualities and characteristics of advertisement. -Guide students to make cards and posters, and visit printing press or T.V houses. -Resources- Newspaper, magazines, colour, pencils, drawing set, ruler.
10TEXTILE DESIGNS Textile design on paper. -Motif; A single unit of design. -Repeat patterns e.g. block half drop, mirror repeat diamond etc.Define motif and their sources. Lead discussion on various arrangements of motif and repeat patterns. Illustrate examples of motif on board. Students crate various types of motif and create patterns. Resources:- Board, cartridge paper. Tracing paper, colour, pencil and shells for motif.
11PRINTED TEXTILE DESIGN -Printing techniques -Block -Lino cut -Wood cut -Yam cut -Screen printing.Define printing and the techniques and prepare the motif for printing leads the class in print leads the class in print-making and students prints on fabrics. Resources- printing table, fabric wood block, scissors, paper, squeeze thickner and mesh.

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