Upholstery Design and Construction Scheme of Work SSS1 Lagos State

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Upholstery Scheme of work 1
Upholstery Scheme of work 1

Access free Senior Secondary School Upholstery Design and Construction Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus Lagos State – Schemeofwork.com

SSS1 Upholstery Design and Construction Scheme of Work First Term

1Introduction to upholstery workBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                    (i) Define upholstery                        (ii) Analyze the character of a good upholstery articles              (iii) Analyze types of upholstery articles(i) Teacher display upholstery articles for student to see                     (ii) Writes definition on board for students to copy                       (iii) Asks students to mention types of upholstery articles and write on board.• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  (i) Upholstery article posters, charts video lips, visit to local upholstery workshop.
2History of upholstery (Names of common first upholsterersBy the end of the lesson Students should be able to:                                 (I) Explain the origin of upholstery                                              (II) State early styles of upholstery                                                 (Ill) State the first upholsterers(i) whole class discuss. upholstery works                     (ii) student in small groups identify different upholstery styles• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  Photo clips of styled of upholstery. https://en.m.wikiedia.org https://www.infolesson.com  Upholstery styles https://queenanneupholstery.com  

3Careers in upholstery work and job opportunityBy the end of the lesson students should be able to:                                   (I) Enumerate special areas in upholstery work.                                   (ii) Discover the skills require for the special areas.                        (iii) Outline job opportunities in upholstery worksTeacher allows students to state special areas Why he write on board                (i) Explain these areas List the skills required in each area• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              â€¢ Creativity and imagination.  Posters, charts visit https://thefunkylitttechair.com
4Safety rules and regulationsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                           (i) Define safety precautions?                                 (ii) Enumerate the reason for observing safety in upholstery workshop.                                  (iii). Itemize the classes of safety precaution for workshop use.                                               (iv) Observe general safety precaution.(I) Teachers allows students to state why we should observe safety.                                                            (ii) Teacher list the classes of safety on the board.                                         (iii) Define general safety precautions                              (iv) List five (5) General safety precautions• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  Posters, charts, Video clips https://www.slideshare.net (or)         https://www.otaogo.ac

5Safety rules and regulation                             1) Environmental safety                                                     2) Safe handling of materials                            3) Use of tools safety precautionsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                 (i) Explain environmental safety rules                                                   (ii) Enumerate five safety available for safe working environment for both inside and outside work area.                           (iii) Justifies some environmental safety for safe working environment                                 (iv) What is materials handling safety(i) whole class explains safety in handling of materials                                        (ii) think pair share on safety in handling materials• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  Charts, posters video clips.


  (v) Outline 6 precautions observe for safe handling of materials                                    (vi) Write 6 precautions observe in the use of tools(vi) He explains use of tools safety                                                      (vii) He list or, the board safety observe in the use of tools  

6Industrial visit to standard upholstery shopBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (1) Observe workshop setting (2) Observe and identify tools. (3) Observe and identify machines (4) Observe how patterns are mark and cut (5) Observe the use of sewing machine (6) Observe foam cutting (7) Observe various sills in upholstery workshopStudents must go with                                      (i) Writing materials for writing   (ii) Take photograph of what s done and what they see.• Communication and collaboration.                                      • Leadership and personal                                 • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.(i) Writing materials              (ii) Cameral
8Personal Safety habitBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (I) Select PP.E (personal protective equipment) (II) Identify each of the equipment (III)State the uses of the equipment identify (IV) Enumerate personal safety habit (V) Outline personal safeties to be observe in an upholstery workshop(I) Teacher display P.P.E wears for students to see                                        (II) allows students to identify and state the names of the P.P.E          (III)Allows students to state the use of the equipment                               (IV) Allows student to explain what they understand by personal safety habits                                            (V) State personal safety habits (VI) Apply safety rules for practical operation• Communication and collaboration.                                      • Leadership and personal                                 • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.P.P.E for demonstration charts, posters, video clips.
9Upholstery toolsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i) Compare wood work bench as upholstery tools (ii) Explain what hand tools means and list 10 tools (iii) Describe power tools use in upholstery work list four (4)(i)Teacher displays some tools for student to see on the work table                                                  (ii) Teachers gives brief explanations and the uses of work table                                            (iii) Teacher exp sins what hand tools are and allow students to mention them.                                        (iv) Teachers explains what power tools are, list some and allow students to state their functions.• Communication and collaboration.                                      • Leadership and personal                                 • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.(i) Upholstery work bench                (ii) Hand tools                               (iii) Power tools                    (iv) Charts, posters               (v)Video clips

10Upholstery tools (work bench) (Tailors work bench)By the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i) Define upholstery work bench (ii) Draw and upholstery work bench (in) Label its park (iv) State it uses(i)Teacher shows upholstery work bench to students                       (ii) Sketch upholstery work bench on board                                 (iii) Label the work benches pasts                                                (iv) Stem the use of the upholstery work bench• Communication and collaboration.                                      • Leadership and personal                                 • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.(i) poster showing the Upholstery bench with labels                                       (ii) Real upholstery bench for demonstration

Upholstery Design and Construction Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term

1Revision and welcome testRevision and testRevision and test  
2Upholstery Tools (Hand Tools) Cabriole hammer, Tack hammer scissors, knife, web strainer ripping chisel, mallet tailor chalk, measuring tape, staple gun etc.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                        (1) Identify hand tools use in upholstery workshop                                       (2) List at least 10 upholstery tools                                                      (3) State the uses of the tools                    (4) Sketch any of the tools(l) Teacher displays samples of tools for students to identify  (ii) Teachers writes on the board students mention tile tools                                         (iii) Students slate the uses of tools identified and teachers makes correction                    (iv) Teacher sketch on board for students to copy.• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  Real tools for, demonstration charts, poster, video clips.
3Upholstery tools, land tools maintenanceBy the end of the. lesson, students should be able to:                                                 (i)Use upholstery tools effectively  (ii) Clean and preserve tools after using                                                                   (iii) Apply grease or oil when tools are to be store for long period                                                        (iv) Prevent lost or theft(i) Teachers demonstrate the use of available tools to prevent damage                        (ii) Teacher show students how to clean and preserve tools for upkeep                                  (iii) Apply grease or oil on tools for long time keeping for long time keeping for students to sea and practice.                   (iv) Show students how to hold tools when walking to prevent accident                     (v) Inform student to safe keep their tools• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  Real tools, oil, grease for demonstration.

4Upholstery tools (power tools) foam cutler, cloth cutter, power staple gumBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                             i. Identify power tools use in upholstery workshop                                ii. Outline power tools use in upholstery works                                          iii, Demonstrate the uses of tools practically or show dei. Teacher lists tools or shows poster or video clips of tools ii. State and demonstrate the uses of tools practically pr show video clips• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  Real tools available posters, charts video clips.
5Project produce simple loose seat for a dining chairBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                         i. Produce solid platform seat from plywood to a given specification size.                                      ii. Drill holes for ventilation                      iii. Fix foam with the use of contact glue.                                                iv. Cut fabric to size                                   v. Lay fabric and fix with stapler or tack nailsTeacher demonstrates or students to seek                        i. Cutting of solid platform                           ii. Drilling holes                                iii. Laid foam and glue with contact glue                                             iv. Cut fabric to sizes                                         v. Lay fabric and fix with stapler or tack nails                                                              vi. Allow student td produce their owner loose seat. with materials provided• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  l/2 Plywood                             (2) One inch foam                        (3) Fabrics                                                (4) Drilling machine                  (5) contact glue                     (6)Tack nails

6Upholstery materials                   (1) Nails and tacks                             (2) Upholstery twine                          (3) Wood, plywood, cheap board etcBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i) Identify materials for producing solid platform for upholstery seats                     (ii) Select types of nails and tacks for upholstery seat                                            (iii) Differentiate types of upholstery cords and twines and their USES(i) Explain solid platform                           (ii) List materials use for solid platform                                                                             (iii) List types of nails and tack                  (iv) Explain the uses of each nails and tacks                                               (vi) List types of cords use in upholstery                                                       (vii) State the uses of each cords listed• Communication and collaboration.                                      • Leadership and personal                                 • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.Real objects for demonstration postal, charts video clips
8Materials for upholstery platform (webs)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i) List & describe, the types of webs(jute web, Black and white web, rubber webs) (ii) explain briefly each types of web (iii)show the  methods of fixing webs (iv) Demonstrate how In fix a Webbing rubber to a platform(i) list types of webbing rubber                                   (ii) briefly explain each webs             (iii) list 3 methods of fixing webs       (iv) Demonstrate fixing of web for students to see and demonstrated.• Communication and collaboration.                                      • Leadership and personal                                 • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              â€¢ Creativity and imagination.(i) Webs available                                           (ii) postal’s, charts                            (iii) Video clip framed wood for demonstration of how to fix web tack nails

9Upholstery material [springs]By the end of the lesson, students should be able: to:                                          (i) Brief history of spring (ii) Selected types of springs (iii) sketch 3 typos of springs (iv) Design method of fixing each types offspring listed.(i)state briefly the history of springs                                                   (ii) List types of springs use in upholstery work                                           (iv) Display types of spring for students to identify                                          (v )Sketch different t mean of securing springs                                                      (vi) Produce a wood platform and show the fixing of springs• Communication and collaboration.                                      • Leadership and personal                                 • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.(I) Types of springs                    (ii) Postal, charts                                   (iii) Video Clips.
10Upholstery materials other types of platform e.g. solid platform, canvas or leather, metal, cane or raffia, center plate.By the end of the lesson, students should be ebb to: (i) Construct other types of platform (ii) Itemize the materials use Sketch, any two of the other types of platform(i) Teacher lists other types of platform on the board for students to copy (ii)Teacher displays platform (real object where available, show video or postal or hart (iii) Teacher allows students to sketch the platforms in their note book• Communication and collaboration.                                      • Leadership and personal                                 • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.Real objects, video clips, chart, postal
11REVISIONS AND TEST                                   REVISIONS AND TEST

Upholstery Design and Construction Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term

2Stuffing materialsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                        (i) Define Stuffing’s                            (ii) Categorize the stuffing’s materials                                                     (iii) Discover types of stuffing’s under traditional stuffing’s(i) Teacher displays types of stuffing for students to see                    (ii) Teacher asks students to explain what they understand by stuffing                                                                                   (iii) Define stuffing                       (iv) He asks students to list the two classes of stuffing while he write on board                                 (v) Teacher writes types of. traditional stuffing on4he board for students to copy• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  Real tools for, demonstration charts, poster, video clips.
3Stuffing materials (Modern Stuffing)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:               (i) Define modern stuffing               (ii) Compare and contrast traditional stuffing and Modern stuffing                                  (iii) Select the two types of modern stuffing’s                                (iv) Distinguish the production of each stuffing’s (latex foam and synthetic foam).(I) Teacher define modern stuffing                                                          (ii) He asks students to differentiate between traditional and modern stuffing                                                         (iii) Students are to list the types of modern stuffing’s they know.                                       (iv) Teacher explain briefly the production of the stuffing and write it on board for students to copy• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         â€¢ Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  poster, video clips.

4Stuffing’s materials (character of a good stuffing’s, advantages of modern stuffing over traditional stuffingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:               (i) state the characteristics of a good stuffing’s                               (ii) Outline the advantages of modern stuffing over traditional stuffing’s                               (iii) Differentiate between stuffing’s and stuffing’s(i) Teacher asks students to state characteristic of good stuffing while he write the correct answer on the board.                                       (ii) Students list the advantages teachers make correction and. write on the board                                                   (iii) State the differences between stuffing’s and stuffing’s• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  Charts, postal
5Parts of an Upholstery chairBy the end of the lesson. students should be able to:         (i) sketch a full upholstery chair                                              (ii) Label the parts of the chairs                                   (iii) State the functions of the labeled parts.(i) Teacher displays an upholstery chair                                                           (ii) Teacher sketches an upholstery chair for students to copy                                                       (ii) Students label and teacher shows the parts• Communication and collaboration.                      â€¢ Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  Real objects charts, postal’s, video clips
6 By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:      (i) Sketch a full upholstery chair                                               (ii) Label the parts of the chairs                                              (iii) Explain briefly the parts labeled.(i) Teacher displays an upholstery chair                                                           (ii) Teacher sketches an upholstery chair for students to copy                                                       (ii) Students label and teacher shows the parts .• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.   

    â€¢ Creativity and imagination 
7MID TERM BREAK                            MID TERM BREAK                       MID TERM BREAK                           MID TERM BREAK
8Construction of an upholstery chair (Cutting of wood frame parts and template)By the end of the lesson. students should be able to: (i) Produce the template for the curved parts of the chair (front arm, Back rest etc).                            (ii) Cut other parts and assemble them together(i) Mark out curved shape, cut on band or jig saw                                     (ii) Cut other parts on a circular saw                                                                (iii) Assemble the part together with students• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  Wood, Nails, Glue, Hessian or calico, Nails (Assorted)
9Construction of upholstery chair. (Laying of upholstery stuffing’s, fixing of springs covering coring with hessianBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i) Fix web or spring platform well secured to the wood frame                        (ii) Cover the platform with hessian (sack or cartoons)                                             (iii) Laid the stuffing’s and gum them with contact glue(i) Teacher and the students to fix webbing rubber or spring to frame (ii) Cover the platform with hessian.                                                (iii) Laid the stuffing’s correctly and glue to place.• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  (i) Platform material                     (ii) Platform covering                 (iii) Stuffing materials  (iv) Glue tacks

10Construction of upholstery chair (covering with fabrics and finishBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i) Cut fabrics to shape of chair (ii) Fix fabrics to position with tack Nails(i) Fabrics is cut to shape and sew.                                                                 (ii) Fabric is fixed to position and tacked                                                                                           (iii) Casters fixed and other accessories.• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.  Sewing machine fabrics, scissors Tacks nails, Tack hammer.

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