Store Management Scheme of Work SSS 3 Lagos State

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Store Management Curriculum
Store Management Curriculum

Access Store Management Scheme of work for SSS 3. Lagos State Curriculum Store Management for Secondary School. SS3 Schemes of Work.

SSS 3 Store Management Scheme of Work First Term

1Welcome turnoverBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: – Recall the meaning of sales – Recall the meaning of sales turnover  – Students as class discuss the meaning of sales and sales turnover   – Students in small groups dramatize sales turnover  – Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development
Real objects -goods such as cartons, tin etc.  
2Introduction to management Meaning of risk   Meaning of management  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Explain the meaning of risk ii. Give the meaning o risk management in their own words  – Students as a class groups discuss meaning of risk and management.   – Students in  small groups wait to display chart on the board.– Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development
Real objects; fire extinguisher, matches.>financial-risk    

3Methods of management  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Explain avoidance as a method of risk management ii. Explain reduction risk retention, combination as . methods of risk management iii. Compare and contrast avoidance and reduction as a method  of risk management  Students in small group discuss risk and methods of risk management   Students as a class demonstrate the management of risk management.  – Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development
Real objects: expired foods and drugs>financial-risks  
4– Transfer – Acceptance – Hedging – CombinationBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Explain transfer in risk management ii. Explain acceptance in risk management– Students as a class groups discuss methods of risk management   – Students in small groups discuss acceptance in risk management and present to the class.– Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development
Real objects: fake cables and cables that meet the standard of SON>financial.risk  

5lmprest system – Meaning – Cash float – Petty cash cashier – DescriptionBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Explain terminologies used in impress system ii. Give the meaning of petty cashbook  -Students in pairs discuss the meaning and operation of the impress system. – Students dramatize the operatic of the petty cash cashier  – Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development
Real objects: voucher, petty cashbook accounting>blog    
6Preparation of impress systemBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Prepare petty cash book ii. Balance the account– Students as a class prepare petty cashbook  – Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development
Real objects: voucher, petty cashbook>blog  
8Operation of impress Petty cash cashier Disbursement of impress Petty cashbook – Items covered by impressBy the end of the lesson. Students should be to: i.  Explain Petty cash cashier ii. State the items covered by impress iii. Apply the impress system in businessStudents as a as discuss the functions of a petty cash cashier   –  Students dramatize the operation of petty cash cashier  – Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development
Real objects; voucher, petty cash book , www.acconin>biP  

9Proceeds from sales – Meaning – Methods of housing cash Using safe                   ii. Bank etc.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Explain the term sales in their own words ii. State the importance of recording sales iii. State methods of housing cash iv. Construct box that can be used to keep cash.– Students in small groups discuss the meaning of sales and the importance of recording all sales – Students in small groups construct box, wooden / mental for keeping cash.– Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development
Real objects; – wood – metal – Nail etc:  
10Investment – Capital market: meaning & procedure for investing in the capital market – Nigerian Stock Exchange: meaning and functionBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Give the meaning of  Investment ii. Explain capital market and procedure for investing in it is. iii. Explain the state of iii. Explain the state of Nigeria stock exchange
iv State the functions of the Nigerian stock exchange
– Students in pairs discuss meaning and procedure for investing in the capital market – Students in small groups discuss the functions of the Nigerian stock exchange– Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development
Business report, business hint and alert>terms>a…      

11The money market i Meaning Ii instrument used in the money market i.Treasury bill  ii Bonds iii Commercial PaperBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I Give the meaning of money market. ii. State the instrument used in the  money market-Students in small groups discuss the meaning of money market and the instrument used.  – Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development>term>a

Access Store Management Scheme of work for SSS 3. Lagos State Curriculum Store Management for Secondary School. SS3 Schemes of Work.

Store Management Scheme of Work SSS 3 Second Term

1Welcome Test /capital and money marketBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Recall meaning of capital and money market ii. Recall the instruments used in the money market  Students as a class discuss the meaning of capital and money market — Students in small groups discuss the instruments used in the money market.  – Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development  
Treasury bill www.investopedia>terms>a… >topic>histo..
2Taxation Meaning of tax – Importance of taxation – Types of business taxes direct, indirect, back, withholding value added, salesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i.  Explain the meaning of tax ii. State the importance of taxation. iii. Mention types of tax  -Students as a class brainstorm on the Meaning of tax . -Students in small groups discuss the importance of Taxation   -Students as a class list the types of  tax.  – Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development>topics>histo…  

3Documents used in home trade – Meaning trade – Trade of home Documents used in home trade, invoice, debit note, credit notes, etc..By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Give the meaning of trade ii Explain home trade, iii. Mention documents used in home tradeStudents in pairs discuss the meaning of trade and home trade   – Students in small groups list e documents  card in home trade– Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development
Real invoice, receipts etc.>documents    
4Documents us foreign tradeBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Give the meaning of reign trade ii.  List the documents used in foreign trade e.g. certificate of company registrationStudents as a class brainstorm on the meaning of foreign trade – Students in small groups list the documents used in foreign trade – Students in small. groups walk to display chart on the board.– Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Communication
and collaboration.
Creativity and
– Leadership and
personal development
Real objects: e.g. company    

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