Social Studies Scheme of Work for JSS1 Federal

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Social Studies Scheme of work
Social Studies Scheme of work

National Values Education Syllabus, Federal Social Studies Scheme of work for JSS1. Culture, socialization –


1Meaning of social studies.Definition of social studies as the study of man and his relationship or interaction between his social, physical and technological environment.Discusses the meaning of social studies in relation to man’s physical, social and technological environment.-Define social studies -List the various man’s physical, social, and technological environment.
2Brief history of Nigeria’s social studies education.The history started from USA, Europe Africa, then to other parts of the world through seminars, workshops, and conferences. Nigeria developed social studies as a subject in the early 70s during the time of General Yakubu Gowon’s Regime. Today the subject is taught in basic education schools, NTI, Colleges of education and universities and a course at the PhD. Level. It is one of the core subjects in schools today.Discusses history of social studies education.-Participate in the discussion and identify the twelve states in the map of Nigeria in the 70s.
3Family as a primary social group; meaning of primary social group.Explains the meaning of primary social group.Guides in the explanation and discussion.-Participate -Provide relevant charts and pictures
4What makes the Family a primary social group.What makes the family a primary social group? -It serves as unity of socialization. -Members belong to the family unity.Arranges the students in groups and distribute cardboard papers to make groups to write out what makes the family a primary social group. Each group’s representative to give a 2 minute presentation. Assignment: identify four roles and responsibilities of members of a family as a social group.Respond to what the teacher asks them to do.
5The role and responsibilities of members of the family as primary social group.-Work for the development of the community. -Population growth. -Political social and economic environmentWrites them out and makes clarification.Present their points from previous assignments.
6Consequences of large/small family size.Characteristics of large family size. Father, mother(s) and many children.Displays charts, pictures, posters, video clips of large family size.Given chance to react.
7Consequences of large family size on individual lives.-Consequences of large family size on individual’s quality of life. -Consequences of large family size on the nation’s economy.Discusses the consequences on the quality of an individual’s life and that of the nation’s economy.Discuss few cases of large and small family sizes. Ask student their family sizes.
8Meaning of small family size.Characteristics of small family size.Discusses characteristics of small family sizes using relevant pictures, and charts.Identify charts, pictures posters, video clips of small family size.
9Consequences of small family size on individuals.Consequences of small family size on individual’s quality of life and the pressure on the nation’s infrastructure.Discusses the consequences of small family size on the national economy.Given rom for active participation.
10Meaning and characteristics of culture. Meaning and components of culture.Culture: is a total way of life components, materials and non-materials.Explains culture, gives examples.Ask questions, visit museum nearest to the school. Charts and pictures of cultural display.
11Meaning and characteristics of culture. Features of cultureLanguage, food, dressing, religion, craft, technologyGuides students to identify different features of new cultures.Identify samples of our food, crafts and regalia etc.
12Meaning and characteristics of culture. Cultural differences in Nigeria.Learn our culture. Mention  different activities such as food, religion, music and dances, etc.Organizes cultural day with the permission of the school management to display our cultural heritage.Participate in learning material, costumes and other culture.


1Similarities and differences among cultures in Nigeria. Cultural similarities in Nigeria. Identify cultural similarities and differences in Nigeria. Identify some cultural similarities in Nigeria such as burial practices, marriage practices, extended family, respect for age, patriarchy.Guide students to identify tracts, similarities among the differences and Nigerian people.Participate in identifying varieties of cultural differences and similarities in Nigeria. Learning materials, video clips, pictures, etc.
2Similarities and differences among cultures in Nigeria. Shared norms and values.Communalism, respect for elders, respect for traditional rulers, marriage, religion.Discusses share norms and values of Nigerian people.Participate in the discussion. Learning, materials, charts, drawing of models in socialization.
3Agents and processes of socialization. Meaning and significance of socialization.-Life long process of inheriting and passing on the norms, customs and ideologies of social group. -It provides skills and habits for positive participation within our society.Discusses and explains the meaning and significance of socialization.Participate in then discussion. Learning, materials, charts, drawings of models in socialization.
4Agents and processes of socialization. Agents of socialization.-Family -School -Religious organizations  Lists agents of socialization and explain them.Role-play socialization in the class.
5Agents and processes of socializationDiscussion of agents of socializations. Family, school, market, peer group, place of worship, mass media, club, societies.Discusses agents of socialization.Explain agents of socialization.
6Agents and processes of socialization. Direct learningIncidental learning, role model etc.Discusses processes of socialization and allow active participation by the learners.Identify their role models and give reasons. Use cardboard papers to identify process.
7Agents and processes of socialization. importance of socialization.Acquisition of necessary skills by members of the society.Explains the importance of socialization.Participate by answering and asking questions.
8Road safety club as an agent of socialization.Structures and process of forming a road safety club, role of road safety clubs in the socialization of youth.Explains process of forming road safety club in schools. Charts construction for forming road safety club and draw an organogram of road safety club.Identify charts, cardboard/drawing.
9Road safety as an agent of socialization.Process of forming road safety club in schools.Explains process of forming road safety club in schools. Use cardboard paper to write out process of forming road safety club in schools.Participate by asking questions.
10Road safety club as an agent of socialization.Roles of road safety club in the socialization of youths.An officer from road safety is invited to give talk on the role of FRSC in the socialization of Nigerian youths.Write summary notes. Resource person from FRSC use power point in the presentation.


1Common Social Problem i)Contemporary Social Problems in Nigeria(Examination malpractice.) ii)Effects and solution to examination malpractice-Meaning of examination malpractice and the causes of examination malpractice.   -Discuss the effect and solutions to examination  malpractice-The teacher leads the Students to define examination malpractice and list the causes. -The teacher leads them to mention the effects and solutions to examination malpractice-Students participate in the discussion.     -Students participate in the discussion.
2Common Social Problem. i)Cultism ii)Effects and solutions to cultism-Meaning of Cultism and its causes.       -List the possible consequences and solutions to cultism-The teacher guides the Student to describes causes and effect of cultism -The teacher mentions solutions to cultism-Student participates in the discussion and asks questions.     -Students participate in the class discussion.  
3Common Social Problems -HIV AND AIDS                 -Mode of transmission, effect and solutions.-Meaning of HIV and AID their causes. -HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks cells that helps the body fight infection. -AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). An infectious disease of the immune system caused by an human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). -List transmission, effects and solutions to HIV and AIDS.-Invites an expert to explain the meaning and causes of HIV /AIDS.         -Experts explain the mode of transmission and solutions to HIV and AIDS.      -Listen to the expert and ask questions.                 -Listen to the expert and ask questions.
4Common Social Problem -Care for those infected and affected with HIV/AIDS.-List ways to show care for the infected and affected person.-Experts list out ways to show care for those infected and affected.-Listen to the expert and ask questions.
5Common Social Problems in Nigeria: i)Poverty ii) Effects and solutions to poverty.  -Meaning of poverty and its causes.     -Effects and solutions to poverty.-Ask Students to define poverty and state the various causes of poverty. -Leads them to explain the effect and solutions to poverty.-Defines poverty and list the causes of poverty. -Explains the effects of poverty and its solutions.
6Common Social Problems In Nigeria i)Corruption     ii) Types and solutions to corruption.-Meaning of corruption and the causes of corruption. -Corruption means dishonest or fraudulent conduct especially by people in position or power. -List types of corruption and solutions to corrupt practices in Nigeria.-Invites an expert to explain corruption and its causes.   -Expert itemizes the various types of corruption and solutions to them.-Listen to the expert and ask questions, and take note.     -Listen, ask questions and take note.
7Common Social Problems. -Ways of solving common social problems.-Ways of solving social problems –Government policy, personnel discipline, life imprisonment etc.-Guides the students on the general ways of solving common social problems.-Participate in the discussion.
8Our Roles in Promoting Safety in Schools. -Safety guidelines for motorists-Safety guidelines for Pedestrians and cyclists-Invites FRSC personnel to explain the safety guidelines for pedestrians and cyclist.  -Participate in the discussion and take note.
9Safety Guidelines for Motorists-Safety guides for motorist-Expert explains the safety guidelines for motorists.-Listen asks questions and take note.
10Need for Safety and Safety Measures in The Home.– Need for safety and safety measures in the home.-Leads the Students to discuss need for safety and safety measures in the home.-participate in the discussion.
11Need for Safety and Safety Measures in The School and Work Places.-Safety measures in the Schools and work places.-Guides them to explain the safety measures in the Schools and work places-Participate, ask questions and take note.


The history started from USA – USA, Europe, Africa, then to other parts of the world . Through seminars, workshop and conferences, Nigeria developed social studies as a subject in the early 70’s during the time of General Yakubu Gowon’s regime. Today the subject is taught in Basic Education schools, NTI, colleges of Education and Universities, and a course at the PHD level. It is one of the core subjects in schools today.
Teacher discusses history of social studies education while students participate in the discussion and identify the 12 states on the map of Nigeria in the 70s. \ Learning Materials: Video clips, social studies materials, map of Nigeria with 12 states In the 70’s.
2FAMILY AS A PRIMARY SOCIAL GROUP Explain the meaning of primary social groupTeacher guides in the explanation and discussion while the students participate. Provides relevant chart and pictures.
3FAMILY AS A PRIMARY SOCIALTeacher arranges the students in
 GROUP What makes the family: It serves as a unit of socializationMembers belong to the family unitgroups and distributes cardboard papers to make groups to write out what makes primary social group. Each group representative to give a 2minutes presentation. Assignment: identify four roles and responsibilities of members of a family as a social group. Learners and cardboard papers.
4FAMILY AS A PRIMARY SOCIAL GROUP (ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A FAMILY) Work for the development of the communityPopulation growthPolitical, social and economic developmentStudents present their points from previous assignment while teacher writes them out and makes clarifications.
5CONSEQUENCIES OF LARGE AND SMALL FAMILY SIZES Characteristics of large family sizes. father, mother(s) and many childrenTeacher displays charts, pictures, posters, video clips of large family size Gives chances for the students to react.
6CONSEQUENCIES OF LARGE AND SMALL FAMILY SIZES Characteristics of small family sizes. Father, mother and very few children.Teacher: discusses characteristics Of small family sizes using relevant pictures, charts, etc. Charts pictures posters, video clips of small family size.
7CONSEQUENCES OF LARGE AND SMALL FAMILY SIZES Consequences of family sizes on the quality of individual. – Affects the quality of individual lifeteacher discusses the consequences on the quality of an individual Students discuss few cases of large and small family sizes. Ask students their family sizes. Learners.
8CONSEQUENCES OF LARGE AND SMALL FAMILY SIZES Consequences of family sizes on the national economy. – Affects the quality of the national economy.Teacher discusses the Consequences of family sizes on the national economy. Students are given room for active participation.
9MEANING AND CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE Meaning and components of culture. Culture: Total way of life components: Material and non – material.Teacher explains culture, give examples. Students to ask and answer questions. Visit any cultural centre or museum nearest to the school. Charts and pictures of cultural displays.
10MEANING AND CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE Features of culture: Language, food, dressing, religion, craft, technology, etc.Teacher guides students to identify different feature of few cultures. Samples of our food, crafts and regalia, etc.
11MEANING AND CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE Characteristics of culture: Teaches good behaviourGood morals and hard worklearn our cultureIt tell us our different activities is carried out.Teacher guides the students to discuss the characteristics of culture. Learner.
12MEANING AND CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE Cultural differences in Nigeria.Teacher organizes cultural day with the permission of the school management to display our cultural heritage. Learning Materials: Regalia, costumes.

National Values Education Syllabus, Federal Social Studies Scheme of work for JSS1. Culture, socialization –


1SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES AMONG CULTURES IN NIGERIA Cultural similarities in Nigeria. Identify cultural similarities and differences in Nigeria.Teacher: Guide students to identify tracts, similarities among the differences and Nigerian people. Students participate in identifying varieties of cultural differences and similarities in Nigeria. Learning materials: Video clips, pictures, regalia, etc.
2SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES AMONG CULTURES IN NIGERIA Shared norms and values.Teacher: Discuss shared norms and values of Nigerian people, while students participate actively. Help students identify our shared values and norms. Assignment: find out our norms and values shared by different ethnic groups. Learners: flash cards indicating the norms and values e.g. purity, honesty,
  faithfulness, education, etc.
3AGENTS AND PROCESSES OF SOCIALIZATION Meaning and significance of socialization Life long process of inheriting and Passing on the norms, customs and ideologies of social group.It provides skills and habits for Positive participation within our society.Teacher: Discuss and explain the meaning and significance of socialization while students participate in the discussion. Learning Materials: Charts, drawings of models in socialization.
4AGENTS AND PROCESSES OF SOCIALIZATION Agents of socialization FamilySchoolReligious organizationsTeacher: List agents of socialization and explain them accordingly Students role-play socialization in the class.
5AGENTS AND PROCESSES OF SOCIALIZATION Agents of socializations: Social mediaAge gradePeer groupClub/societiesTeacher: Discuss agents of socialization Students participate actively. Use of handset, laptop, computers, radio and students or learners.
6AGENTS AND PROCESSES OF SOCIALIZATION Direct learning Incidental learningRole model etc.Teacher: Discuss processes of socialization and allow active participation by the learners. Students to identify their role models and give reasons. Use cardboard papers to identify the process.
7AGENTS AND PROCESSES OF SOCIALIZATION Importance of socialization: – Acquisition of necessary skills by Members of the society.Teacher: Explain the importance of socialization. Students participate by answering and asking questions.
8ROAD SAFETY CLUB AS AN AGENT OF SOCIALIZATION Structure of forming Road safety club in schools.Teacher: Explain structure of forming Road Safety Club in schools. Charts on structure for forming      Road Safety Club and draw an organogram of road safety club. Learners, charts, card board/drawing.
9ROAD SAFETY CLUB AS AN AGENT OF SOCIALIZATION Process of forming Road safety club in schools.Teacher: Explain process of forming Road Safety club in schools. Use Cardboard paper to write out process of forming Road Safety club in schools.
10ROAD SAFETY CLUB AS AN AGENT OF SOCIALIZATION Roles of Road Safety club in the Socialization of youthsTeacher: An officer from Road Safety is invited to give talk on the roles of FRSC in the socialization of Nigerian youths. Students write summary notes. Resource person from FRSC, use of power point in the presentation

National Values Education Syllabus, Federal Social Studies Scheme of work for JSS1. Culture, socialization –


1COMMON SOCIAL PROBLEMS Contemporary social problems in Nigeria. – Examination malpractice, cause, effects and solutions.Teacher: Ask students to identify common social problems in Nigeria. Use newspaper cut out on issues at hand. Students take home an assignment to collect information on common social problems in Nigeria today. Newspaper, cut outs, pictures, etc.
2COMMON SOCIAL PROBLEMS Cultism: Meaning and causes of cultism.Teacher: Explain meaning and causes of cultism. Students participate by answering and asking questions on the topic discussed. Learners knives, machetes, daggers, masks, charms and amulets, etc.
3COMMON SOCIAL PROBLEMS Effects and solutions to cultism.Teacher: Explain effects and solutions to cultism. Active participation by the students through contributions. Use of knives, daggers, masks, charms, machetes, etc.
4COMMON SOCIAL PROBLEMS HIV/AIDS: meaning and causes of HIV/AIDS – Mode of transmission, effects andTeacher: Explanation of terminologies while in the students’ activity, group work of shared topics to brainstorm and choose a representative to present
 preventiontheir work. Clarifications be made Pictures, video clips, charts of infested persons.
5COMMON SOCIAL PROBLEMS Care for those infected and affected with HIV/AIDSTeacher: explanation and discussion on how to care for infected and affected persons Samples of relevant food and drugs needed
6CAUSES OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL PROBLEMS Poverty: meaning, cause and effects of poverty. – solutions to poverty.Teacher: Explanation and Discussion on poverty, Causes, effects and solutions. Participation and contribution by the students. Newspaper, magazines pictures etc. of poverty stricken victims.
7CAUSES OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL PROBLEMS Corruption: meaning, causes and types of corruption.Teacher: Explanation with Examples of Corruption cases in Nigeria, while with contributions.Pictures, charts of arrested suspects inhandcuffs.
8CAUSES OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL PROBLEMS Solutions to corruption in Nigeria. Note: other social problems are lack of parental care, greed, etc.Teacher: List and discuss the solutions to corruption in Nigeria today. Pictures of lawmakers, law enforcement agents, law courts. Summary of solutions corruption written on a cardboard paper
9WAYS OF SOLVING COMMON SOCIAL PROBLEMS Effects of social problems and ways of solving common problems: Government policyParticipation in civic societypersonal discipline i.e. contentment, Loyalty, faithfulness, etc.Teacher: Discuss effects of social problems and ways of solving problems. Students contribute to the discussion. Internet, newspaper cut out, textbooks and documentaries.
10OUR ROLES IN PROMOTING SAFETY IN OUR SCHOOLS Need for safety and safety measures in the home, school and work place.Teacher: Explanation on needs for safety in our environment. Students listen to guest speaker, ask questions and answer questions and take notes. An invited guest speaker. Uses the computer to present teaching using power point.
11OUR ROLES IN PROMOTING SAFETY IN OUR SCHOOLS Safety guidelines for pedestrians, cyclists, motorist, etc.Teacher: Explain and discuss safety guidelines. Active participation by students. Use cardboard paper to list safety guidelines.


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