National Values Scheme Junior Secondary School, Federal Security Education Scheme of work for JSS 3 –
1 | Common crimes and associated punishments. | Meaning and punishments for Rape Meaning of murder. Punishment for murder | Guides students into the meaning and punishment of rape and murder. | Participate in the discussion on the meaning and punishment of murder. |
2 | Common crimes and associated punishments | Meaning of Robbery Punishments for Robbery. Meaning of Kidnapping. Punishment for Kidnapping. Meaning of Vandalization. Punishment for Vandalization. | Discusses the terms; robbery, kidnapping and vandalization to the students. | Listen and participate in class discussion. |
3 | Common crimes and associated punishments | Meaning of Arson. Punishments for arson. Meaning of stealing Meaning of fraud. Punishment for Fraud. | Explains the meaning and punishments of arson, stealing and fraud. | Listen attentively to the teacher. |
4 | Common crimes and associated punishments | Meaning of human Trafficking. Punishments for human trafficking. Meaning of drug trafficking. Punishment for drug trafficking. | Explains the meaning of human and drug trafficking. | State the meaning of human and drug trafficking. |
5 | Crimes and national security | Meaning of crime and national security. Consequences of crime in Nigeria. | Guides students into the meaning of crime and national security. Discusses the consequences of crime in the society. | Define crime and national security. Participate in class discussion. |
6 | Crimes and national security | -Methods used in preventing crime. -Elements of national security e.g. political security, societal security, energy security etc. | Discusses different methods used in preventing crime. Enumerates the different elements of national security. | Listen and participate actively in the discussion. |
7 | Crimes and national security | Role of citizens in maintaining national security. Crimes that affect national security. | Guides students on the role of citizens in maintaining national security. Enumerates the different crimes that affect national security. | State the role of citizens in maintaining national security. Discuss the different crimes that affect national security. |
8 | Crimes and national security | Meaning and effects of vandalism and oil bunkering on national security. | Discusses the meaning and effects of vandalism and oil bunkering on national security. | State meaning of vandalism. Explain meaning and effect of oil bunkering on national security. |
9 | Crimes and national security | Meaning and effects of terrorism on national security. | Explains the meaning and effects of terrorism on the society. | Identify the meaning of terrorism. |
10 | Crimes and national security | Effects of arson on national security. | Discusses the effects of Arson on national security. | Participate actively in class discussion. |
11 | Crimes and national security | Effects of stealing on national security. | Discusses the effects of stealing on national security. | Contribute to the discussion. |
12 | Crimes and national security | kinds, and effects of human trafficking on national security. | Guides students to the kinds and effects of human trafficking. | State the meaning of human trafficking and enumerate the effects on national security. |
13 | Revision. | |||
14 | Examination. | |||
National Values Scheme Junior Secondary School, Federal Security Education Scheme of work for JSS 3 –
1 | Crimes and national security. | Effects of drug trafficking on national security e.g. bad image to the country, shame and disgrace to the citizens etc. The meaning of corruption and effects of corruption on national security e.g. it creates bad image | Discusses the effects of drug trafficking and corruption on national security. | State the effects of drug trafficking and corruption on national security. |
2 | Crimes and national security | Major problems of national security. | Enumerates the major problems of national security in Nigeria. | Contribute positively to the discussion. |
3 | Crimes and national security | Ways of avoiding criminal behaviors in the society. | Lists ways to avoid criminal behaviors in the society. | State ways to avoid criminal behaviors. |
4 | First aid | Meaning of first aid. First aid in traditional society. Scope of first aid. Responsibilities of a first aider. | Discusses meaning of first aid with the students. Explains first aid in traditional society. Enumerates the necessary steps of first aid. Mention the responsibilities of the first aider. | Participate in the discussion. Discuss first aid in traditional society. State the steps of first aid. Demonstration of the responsibilities of the first aider. |
5 | First aid | How to act in an emergency e.g. stoppage of breathing, keep the patient calm, give the patient assurance of safety etc. Materials inside a first aid box. | Guides the students on how to act in an emergency. Lists some materials that are found in the first aid box. | Demonstration on how to act in an emergency. Enumerate materials that are found in the first aid box. |
6 | First aid | Meaning and first aid treatment for bleeding. Meaning and types of wounds. | Guides the students on the meaning and first aid treatment for bleeding. Explains the meaning and types of wounds. | Demonstration on the meaning and first aid treatment for bleeding. State the meaning and types of wounds. |
7 | First aid | Meaning, signs, symptoms, and treatment for fractures | Explains the meaning, signs, symptoms, and treatment for fractures. | Identify the meaning, signs, symptoms and meaning of fractures. |
8 | First aid | Meaning, signs, symptoms, and treatment for fainting and shock. | Explains the meaning, signs, symptoms, and treatment for fainting and shock. | State the meaning, signs, symptoms, and treatment for fainting and shock. |
9 | First aid | Meaning of poison and ways in which poison enters the body. Signs, symptoms, and treatment for poison. Meaning of burns and scalds and their treatment. Signs and symptoms of burns and scalds. | Discusses the meaning and ways in which poison enters the body. Lists the signs, symptoms, and treatment for poison. Explains the meaning, signs and symptoms of burns and scalds. | Contribute positively to the class discussion. |
10 | First aid | Meaning, signs, symptoms, and treatment for nose bleeding and bites. | Discusses the meaning, signs, symptoms, and treatment for nose bleeding and bites. | Contribute to the discussion. |
11 | Revision. | |||
12 | Examination. |
National Values Scheme Junior Secondary School, Federal Security Education Scheme of work for JSS 3 –
1 | Diseases. | Meaning and types of diseases: communicable non-communicable | Discusses the meaning of diseases. Enumerates some of the communicable diseases to the students. | Participate actively in the discussion. State the types of diseases. |
2 | Diseases. | Causes and prevention of communicable diseases. | Explains the causes and prevention of communicable diseases. | Identify the causes of communicable diseases. State the types of diseases. |
3 | Diseases. | Meaning and control of typhoid fever. | Defines typhoid. Enumerates the control of typhoid fever. | State the meaning and control of typhoid fever. |
4 | Diseases. | Meaning and prevention of cholera. | Define cholera. Guides the students on how to prevent cholera. | State the meaning of cholera. Demonstrate how to prevent cholera. |
5 | Diseases. | Meaning types and prevention of dysentery. | Enumerates the meaning and types of dysentery. Guides the students on the control of amoebic dysentery. | State the meaning and types of dysentery. Demonstrate the control of amoebic dysentery. |
6 | Diseases. | Meaning and groups of non-communicable diseases. | Discusses the meaning and various groups of non-communicable diseases e.g. environmental, metabolic, cancer inherited diseases etc. | Listen attentively and contribute positively to the discussion. |
7 | Diseases. | Some diseases associated with nutrition. | Guides the students to explain some diseases associated with nutrition. | Participate actively and contribute to the discussion. |
8 | Fake and adulterated foods and goods. | Meaning of adulterated foods and goods e.g. medicinal drugs, processed foods, films, electronics etc. | Explains the meaning of adulterated foods and goods to the students. | Contribute positively to the discussion. |
9 | Fake and adulterated foods and goods. | Reasons why people produce and distribute fake and adulterated goods e.g. greed, selfishness, lack of morals, lack of patriotism etc. | Discusses the reasons why people produce and distribute fake and adulterated goods with the students. | Listen attentively and contribute to the discussion. |
10 | Fake and adulterated foods and goods. | How to stop the sales of fake and adulterated goods e.g. through honesty, showing love to one another, respect for authority etc. | Enumerates the possible ways the fake and adulterated goods can be stopped. | Participate actively in the discussion. |
11 | Fake and adulterated foods and goods. | Agencies that tackle the problems of fake and adulterated goods e.g. NAFDAC, SON, NDLEA. | Guides the students to discuss the various agencies that tackle the problems of fake and adulterated goods. | List the agencies that tackle the problems of fake and adulterated goods in the society. |
12 | Revision. | |||
13 | Examination. |