Early Childhood Education Safety Measures Curriculum Ages 0 – 5 Years. Accident,First Aid Schemeofwork.com
Safety Measures Curriculum (0-3 years)
Week 1
Topic: Accidents and their Prevention
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Make the environment safe
2. Identify and remove dangerous objects
3. Identify dangerous actions
4. Explain how these actions cause accidents among children
5. Simulate safety or accident prevention measures
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to: By 24 months
1. Recognize safe environment
2. Recognize dangerous objects
3. Identify dangerous objects, actions and situations
4. Keep away from dangerous objects
5. Demonstrate some safety or accident prevention measure
1. Safe environment
2. Dangerous objects
3. Dangerous actions
4. Lists of some safety or accident prevention measures such as fire drills proper crossing of roads
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Describe safe environment to children
2. Show child some dangerous objects Such as: blades, knives, needles, sharp edges, medicines, matches, hot liquid, cellophane bag
3. Tell child about some dangerous actions and situation that can cause accidents playing with dangerous objects, swallowing pins, and putting seeds and bead into ear-hole and nostrils
4. Take children through some safety and accident prevention measures: e.g. Tell child not to cross road alone, not to follow strangers, etc.
Activities – Child:
1. Keep within safe environment
2. Avoid dangerous objects, and fires, situation.
3 Role-play some dangerous actions and situation
4. Role-play some safety and accident measures
Caring/Learning Materials:
1. Dangerous object
. Blades
. Knives
. Pins
. Needles
. Kerosene etc.
2. Fire extinguisher
. Sand
. Bucket of water
. Blankets
3. Posters, Charts, newspaper cuttings
On dangerous object
Evaluation Guide:
1. Safe environment identified
2. Dangerous objects and actions avoided
3. Ability to role-play some safety and accident prevention measures
1. Safe environment, maintained
2. Child kept away from dangerous objects
3. Dangerous actions and situations Prevented.
Early Childhood Education Safety Measures Curriculum Ages 0 – 5 Years. Schemeofwork.com
Week 2
Topic: First Aid
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
- provide First Aid to children
- show children a First Aid box and name the contents and tell them the uses
- Demonstrate first aid techniques
- show children how to use the content in a First Aid box
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
- name the contents in a First Aid box
- tell situations requiring First Aid
- Call caregivers attention when Firs Aid is required.
1. First Aid for
I. cuts
ii. Wounds
iii. Fever
iv. Minor burns
V. poison
vi. Choking
T vii. Snake bite
viii. Nose bleeding
ix. Simple fractures
X. insect bites
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
- Get First Aid box for the home or center
- Take child through use of the contents in a First Aid Box
- Tell child about minor ailments requiring first Aid
Demonstrate First Aid techniques
Activities – Child:
By 36 months:
- identify a First Aid box
- Name some contents of a First Aid box
Caring/Learning Materials:
. First Aid box containing
a) Plaster
b) Bandage
c) Cotton wool
d) Scissors
e) methyl-laded spirit
f) Iodine
g) Disinfectant
. Soap
. Water
. Hand towel
. Sponge
. Charts & poster
Evaluation Guide:
- First Aid Box identified
- Some contents in a First Aid Box named
- Knowledge of First Aid box and contents
- Ability to apply First Aid appropriately
Early Childhood Education Safety Measures Curriculum Ages 0 – 5 Years. Schemeofwork.com
Week 3
Topic: Coping with Emergencies
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Show understanding of emergency and Emergency situation
2. Explain emergency Situations to child.
3. Demonstrate how to cope in emergency situation to child
4. Show child correct behaviors in emergencies.
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
By 24 months
1. Recognize emergency situation
2. Exhibit correct behavior during emergencies
Emergency situations
a) Accidents
b) Fire outbreaks
c) Collapsed buildings
d) Floods
e) Conflicts/wars
f) Bomb blast
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Talk to children about emergencies and how to cope
2. Get children to role play how to cope in emergencies
3. Tell stories of emergency situations to Children, using folktales and songs
4. Show pictures of emergencies situation to children, and how to cope.
Activities – Child:
1. Role play how to cope in emergencies
2. Talk about emergency situation to their mates and other People.
3. Listen to and obey instructions during Emergency.
Caring/Learning Materials:
. Pictures
. Posters
. Story books
Evaluation Guide:
1. Emergency situation explained correctly to child
2. Coping in emergencies explained
3. Correct behavior during emergencies Displayed.
Safety Measures Curriculum (3-5 years)
Week 1
Topic: Accident and their prevention
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Explain types of accidents
2. Know how to prevent accidents
3. Explain how these actions cause accidents among children.
4. State safely or accidents preventive measures.
5. Teach child to avoid accidents
6. Make the environment safe for the child
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
1. Recognize dangerous objects, actions and situations that can cause accidents.
2. Avoid dangerous objects, actions and situation that can cause accidents
• Dangerous objects:
• Dangerous liquids
E.g. mentholated spirit, bleach, kerosene.
• Hot liquid e.g. blades, knives, needles, pins etc.
• Medicines especially sweet-coated tablets.
• Fire, matches, burning candles, lamps
• Cellphones bags
• Live wire and electrical appliances
• Dangerous actions;
• Drinking unknown or dangerous liquids e.g. kerosene, medicines
• Drinking or playing with hot liquids
• Playing with sharp object
• Playing with or getting near fire.
• Using cellphone bags to cover head can lead to suffocation
• Pushing object into the ear, nose, or mouth
• Playing with live wire, electrical appliances
• Climbing height
3. Dangerous situations:
• Fire outbreak
• Walking bare footed on open field
• Crossing the highway without escort
4. Preventive measures.
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Caution the child not to play with dangerous objects.
2. Discuss the common accidents and their prevention.
3. Attend training sessions on accidents and their prevention organized by early childhood specialist.
4. Create a safe environment by removing dangerous objects from the child’s reach.
5. Protect child from dangerous objects e.g. fire hot liquids.
6. Remove child from unsafe situation e.g. fire, staircase, high bed,
7. Invite doctor, firemen, police to discuss causes and prevention of accidents with caregiver/parents and children
Activities – Child:
1. Mention action that lead up to accident.
2. Assist in keeping environment accident free.
3. Avoid dangerous objects and aggressive play.
4. Obey simple instruction.
Caring/Learning Materials:
1. Various dangerous objects and liquids e.g. blades, pins, kerosene etc.
2. Charts, posters, newspaper, cuttings
3. Films strips, slides, projectors.
4. Video tapes/video player and television.
5. First aid box
Evaluation Guide:
1. be aware and avoid dangerous objects, action and situations.
2. Help in keeping environment clean and safe.
1. Safe environment maintained.
2. Knowledge of safety and preventive measures.
3. Occurrence of common accidents at home/Centre reduced.
4. Correct application of first aid when necessary
National Early Childhood Education Curriculum for Safety Measures Ages 3 – 5 Years. Schemeofwork.com
Week 2
Topic: First aid
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Display a first aid box/kit and, show child the contents
2. Demonstrate first aids technique.
3. Apply or give first aid when necessary
4. Provide first aid materials when exhausted
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
1. Seek first aid when injured
2. Name contents of the first aid box/kit
First aid techniques for:
• Cuts
• Wounds
• Fever
• Minor burns
• Poison
• Choking
• Snake bite
• Nose bleeding
• Simple fracture
• Insect bites
• Other instances
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Attend training sessions for first aid application technique
2. Discuss the first aid box/kit child
3. Demonstrate various first aid technique to child
4. Demonstrate to children when and
Activities – Child:
1. Ask for help when injured.
2. Seek first aid when needed.
3. Recognize the content of first aid box.
4. Role play the first aide
Caring/Learning Materials:
• Well stocked first aid box/kit
• Charts posters showing first aid application.
• Water
• Soap
• Cotton wool
• Bandage
• Plasters
• Iodine
• Scissor
• Disinfectant splints
Evaluation Guide:
1. Ask for first aid when necessary.
2. Content of first aid box/kit named.
3. Situations required first aid identified.
1. First aid box/kit and materials displayed.
2. Knowledgeable in first aid application.
3. First aid minor injuries and accidents administered when necessary.
Early Childhood Education Safety Measures Curriculum Ages 0 – 5 Years. Schemeofwork.com
Safety Measures Curriculum (0-5 years)
Safety Measures Curriculum (3-5 years)
Safety Measures Curriculum 0-3 years
Protection Issues Curriculum (0 – 5 Years)
Safety Measures Curriculum (0-5 years)
Water and Environment Sanitation Curriculum (0 – 5 Years)
Health Curriculum (0 – 3 Years)
Food and Nutrition Curriculum (0 – 5 Years)
Health Curriculum (0 – 5 Years)
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Affective and Psychosocial Development Curriculum (0 – 5 Years)