Access free Unified Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Work Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State –
SSS2 Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Work Scheme of Work First Term
By the end of the lesson, students should be. able to revise the previous topics from the previous class and provide correct answers to the evaluation questions given.
Students as a class, the previous topics. Individual student provides answers to the evaluation questions given.
Communication and Collaboration, thinking and Problem-solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define compressor ii. Identify and describe the types of compressors. iii. analyze the functions of the compressor.
1. Students as class, discuss the meaning of Compressor and share with the class, 2. Students in pairs, describes the different types of compressors. 3. Students in groups, draw arid label the different types of compressor assembly and analyze their functions.
Communication and Collaboration, thinking and Problem-solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Describe the types of compressor e.g. (a) Reciprocating (b)Hermetic and Semi-Hermetic. (c)Rotary (d) Centrifugal (e) Screw compressors.
Students in groups, identify different types of compressors by their construction and components.
Communication and Collaboration, thinking and Problem-solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Explain the operation of a reciprocating compressor with a diagram. ii. State the function of an open-type recipr6catipg compressor.
Students in small groups, draw the open type reciprocating compressor and label all its parts and functions.
Communication and Collaboration, thinking and Problem-solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Distinguish the types of compressors both serviceable and non-serviceable. ii. explain the of Hermetic and semi- Hermetic compressor. iii. analyse the difference between Hermetic and semi- hermetic compressors.
1. Students in pairs. identify major/minor components of a semi-hermetic reciprocating compressor. 2. Students in small groups, enable difference between Hermetic and semi- hermetic compressors.
Communication and Collaboration, thinking and Problem-solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development.
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: ii. Describe the constructions and operation of the centrifugal compressor. ii. explain the basic principle of the centrifugal iii. differentiate between centrifugal, rotary, and screw
1. Students in groups, sketch centrifugal compressor, Rotary compressor, and Screw Compressor 2. The same group, analyze the basic working principle of the centrifugal compressor. 3. Students in pairs, distinguish’ between the centrifugal, Rotary, and screw compressor and with the class.
Communication and Collaboration, thinking and Problem-solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development.
By the end of the lesson: students should be able to: i. Define condenser. ii. enumerate types and function is of condensers classify condenser. iv. analyse the construction of the condenser v. design, constru9t, and service condenser.
1. The whole class discusses the meaning of Condenser and share it with the class. 2. Students in pairs classify Condenser. 3. Students as a ‘group, analyse the construction of the condenser. 4. Sane group of students, draw, design, construct different types of condenser and service it(practical)
Communication and Collaboration, thinking and Problem-solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i define and justify the function of the evaporator. ii. estimate the diameter and length of refrigeration piping.
1. Students as a class, Identify various types of evaporators, refrigeration piping. 2. Students in small groups, estimate the diameter and length of refrigeration piping.
Communication and Collaboration, thinking and Problem-solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Identify, select, suitable basic tool in the Refrigeration workshop and observe safety precautions.
each student, displays, draws, explains basic tools and demonstrates their uses.
Communication and Collaboration, thinking and Problem-solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development
Access free Unified Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Work Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State –
Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Work Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term
By the end of the, lesson, students should be able to: i. apply the location of the liquid receiver ii. select and explain the most effective operation of the liquid receiver iii. Explain and justify the construction of a liquid receiver
1. Students in groups, draw two different diagrams to show the location of liquid rethinking 2. Each group selects and explains the effective operation of the liquid receiver 3. Same groups, construct a liquid receiver
Critical thinking and Problem solving, Creativity, variety and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration, Leadership, and Personal development
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. define refrigerant ii. describe types of refrigerants; iii. Identify the cylinder: color of all refrigerants.
1. Students as a class, brainstorm, on the meaning of refrigerant and with the class. 2. Student in pair identify the cylinder color, of all refrigerants prostrates.
Communication and Collaboration, Critical thinking and Problem-solving, Creativity and Innovation, Leadership, and Personal development
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Analyse the properties of Refrigerant. ii. State and explain the uses of refrigerants. iii, Explain chemical names and formulae.
1. Students in small groups, discuss the properties of Refrigerants. 2. Students in pairs, Identify the properties, of good refrigerant. 3. Students in the same group, outline and explain the uses of
Critical thinking and Problem solving, Creativity, variety and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration, Leadership, and Personal development
iv. Identification of types of refrigerants ‘using color-coding.
refrigerants and with the class. 4. Students in pairs, identify the chemical. names and formulae of a refrigerant, in tabular form: 5. Students in small groups, identify types of refrigerants, using, color coding and share with the class.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Identification of different types of refrigerant flow control. ii. State the functions of Refrigerants flow controls.
I. Students,\croups, practicalise how to couple and service different types of flow controls. 2. Same groups, demonstrate the installation and servicing of the controls, 3. Explain the operations of the Controls,
Critical thinking and Problem solving, Creativity, variety and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration, Leadership, and Personal development
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain or write out the most effective operation of TEV ii. State the functions of TEV iii. identify the operation of TEV
1. Students as a class Describe, the most effective operation of TEV 2. Students, in groups outline the functions of TEV and identify the location.
Critical thinking and Problem solving, Creativity, variety and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration, Leadership, and Personal development
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Explain the operation of AEV. ii. State the functions of AEV iii. Identify the location of AEV
Servicing the construction of refrigerant flow control.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. State the operation of the capillary tube. ii. Justify and criticize the functions of the capillary tube. iii. practice installation and servicing of the capillary tube
1. In the whole class, Brainstorm on the operation of the Capillary tube and share with the class. 2. A student in small groups, justify/criticize the usefulness/functions of a capillary tube. 3. In the same group, identify/differentiate another form of the tube from the capillary Hand V expansion valve. 4. The whole class, in groups, practice the installation and servicing of the
Communication and Collaboration, Critical thinking and Problem-solving, Creativity and Innovation, Leadership, and Personal development
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. explain the term entrepreneurship;
I. Whole class discussion on the meaning of entrepreneurship
Communication and Collaboration,>basci-corn
(b). Entrepreneurship education (c) Qualities of an entrepreneur (d). Importance of entrepreneur ship
2. examine the concept entrepreneurship education critically: 3. Outline the importance of entrepreneurship; 4. analyse the qualities of an entrepreneur.
2. Students, in small groups, discuss the term entrepreneurship education and share their knowledge with the class. 3. Students, as a class, discuss the importance of entrepreneurship. 4. Students, in the same groups, critically analyze the qualities of an entrepreneur.
– Critical thinking and Problem solving, – Leadership, and Personal development
Access free Unified Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Work Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State –
Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Work Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term
By the end of the, lesson, students should be able to: i. analyse the Concept of charging Refrigerant. ii. Define charging of Refrigerant. iii. justify the purpose of Refrigerant charging
1. Students in groups, explain the concept charging Refrigerant and share with the class. 2. Students in pairs, identify refrigerant charging components. 3 Whole class, discuss the meaning of charging of Refrigerant. 4. Students in groups, justify the purpose of Refrigerant charging and share with the class.
Communication and Collaboration, Critical thinking and Problem solving, Leadership, and Personal development
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. State the process of charging refrigerant. ii. highlight the functions of refrigerant in the system.
1. Students in small groups, outline the’ process of refrigerant charging. 2. Students In the s.rne small group, practically Connect the charging equipment for better understanding. 3. Whole class visit a refrigeration workshop and observe the application of each of and present their observations in the class,
Communication and Collaboration, Critical thinking and Problem solving, Leadership, and Personal development
4. Students in pairs, highlight the functions of refrigerant in a system
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Differentiate and criticize the types of liquid receivers and service .valves (accumulators). Justify the best of its usage. ii. State the purposes and functions of valves. iii. Explain the principle of operation of the liquid receiver and service valves. iv. Service and repair of service valves.
I Students in groups, displays types of service valves. 2. explain its functions and operations. 3. demonstrate the installation; service, and repair of service valves.
Communication and Collaboration, Critical thinking and Problem solving, Leadership, and Personal development
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. State the process of charting oil into the system ii. Detect pure oil iii. Identify and analyse different methods of charging oil.
Students in small groups demonstrate the, charging procedure of oil into the system.
Leadership, and Personal development Communication and Collaboration, Creativity and Imagination.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define Lubricating oil. ii. justify the usefulness of Lubricating oil. iii. Explain the properties of lubrication oil. iv. Explain the two methods of oil lubrication i.e. force-feed (using a pump) and splash.
1. Students as a class discuss the meaning of lubricating oil. 2. Students in groups, justify the use of lubricating oil and with the class. 3. Students in pairs, explain the properties of lubricating oil.
Communication and Collaboration, Critical thinking and Problem solving, Leadership, and Personal development
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define leak detection with relatable examples. ii. analyze methods of detecting leaks in the system. iii. explain different types of detecting leakages in the system.
1. Students as a class, discuss leak detection with typical examples. 2. Students in groups; critically analyze ways of detecting leaks in the system and with the class. 3. Students in small groups, explains different types of leakages in the system utilizes
Communication and Collaboration, Critical thinking and Problem solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development
various equipment to detect points of leakages in the system and with the class. 4. Students in groups, suggest the method that is economical to adopt/ use
By the end Of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Install refrigerators. ii. Servicing procedure for the refrigerator. .
1. Students in groups list the tools and procedures for installing a refrigerator and servicing the refrigerator. 2. Same groups, practically install and service a Refrigerator and present to the class
Communication and Collaboration, Critical thinking and Problem solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development
1. Students as a class, brainstorm on the term marketing. 2. Whole class discussion on the different methods of marketing 3. Small group discussion oh why marketing is important. 4. Small groups activities on chart of distribution channels of marketing.
Communication and Collaboration, Critical thinking and Problem solving, Creativity and Imagination, Leadership, and Personal development
1. highlight the factors to be considered in product price tag; 2. distinguish between the term packaging & Branding; 3. develop a feasibility study for setting up a profitable business or production unit; 4. creatively design a. befitting package for their products:
2. Students, in pairs, discuss the differences between packaging & branding. 3. Students, in small groups, present a feasibility study of a said production or business setup (Group project). 4. Students, in the same groups, produce or come up with befitting packages for their products.
Critical thinking and Problem solving, Leadership, and Personal development Creativity and Imagination,