Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Work Scheme of Work SSS1

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Refrigerator and Air condition scheme of work
Refrigerator and Air condition scheme of work

Access Free Senior Secondary School Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Work Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus Lagos StateSchemeofwork

SSS1 Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Work Scheme of Work First Term

1WORKSHOP SAFETY  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                         i. Explain workshop/accident in a workshop. ii. State the characteristics of an ideal workshop. iii. List the common types of workshop uses of accidents. iv. Define workshop safety precaution. v. List the common workshop safety rules workshop safety devices/equipment.1. Each student attempts the meaning of the Workshop and identities possible accidents that can occur in a workshop.                              2. Students in groups suggest safety/precautions on workshops accident. 3.Students in pairs, identify and uses common safety devices,• Problem Solving • Critical thinking and solving • Leadership and Personal development • Communication • CollaborationHelmet, Safety Goggles, Apron, Overall, Safety Shoe, Earmuff, Nose mask, Hand glove.

2FIRST AIDBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                       
i. Definition of (a) First Aid (b) First Aider (c) First Aid box (d) First Aid treatment. (e) First aid materials, ii. List the common first aid materials and their uses/ application. iii. Select the most effective solution to apply while using the first aid box.
1. Demonstration of the uses of common Fire extinguisher 2. Students in groups, discuss the meaning of First Aid, First Aider, First Aid box, First Aid treatments, and First Aid materials 3. Students in pairs, identify materials in the First id box and their uses. 4. Students in small groups suggest the effective/best way of giving First aid treatment when needed.Communication and Collaboration, leadership and personal development, Critical.Chart; posters, box, common first aid materials 
3ENERGYBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                        i. Definition of Energy. ii. Types of energy. iii. State the law of energy conversion, giving their own experiences as an example. Iv. Explains the processes of energy conversion.1. Students as a class, brainstorm on the” meaning  of Energy and it’s types. 2. Students in groups, spell  out the law of energy conversion, using their own experiences as examples. 3. Students in small groups, explain the process of Energy conversion. 4. Practical demonstration of melting Solid ice block to water (liquid)or vapor (Air).Communication and . Collaboration, Critical Thinking and problem solving; Leadership and personal development, creativity, and innovation.Chart/posters showing various forms of energy and conversion processes.

4MATTERBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                        L Definition of Matter. i. Stages of Matter. iii. Examples of each matter and the common change of state of matter with a practical illustration. iv. Explain and justify the common changes of state of matter.i. Individual student, attempt the definition ‘ of Matter and its . State. 2. Students small groups, outline and give practical illustrations or examples of each Matter and the common changes. 3. Students in small groups, Justify the common changes of the state of matter..Critical Thinking and solving; communication and collaboration Creativity and innovation leadership, and personal development.Common forms of matter (solid, liquid, and vapour,-Updated%20June%202005&text=matter%20occurs%20in%20four%20states,and%20turn%20water%20into%20steam
5POWERBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Meaning of Power. ii. Unit of Power. iii. Simple calculation on power, using the most basic formulas.1. Students in pairs attempt the meaning of Power as related to Science. 2. A student in the group identifies the units of Power. 3. Students in small groups practice some calculations on power, using the most basic Formulas. 4. The whole class demonstrates the use of an Avometer for voltage, current/Resistance.Critical Thinking and solving, Communication and Collaboration, Leadership and personal development, Creativity, and innovation.Avometer, socket, plugs, Extension with charts/posters.

6TEMPERATUREBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                        i. Define Temperature. ii. State the units of temperature. iii. Describes and identifies the term Thermometer and n types. iv. Explains with diagrams the comparison of Temperature Scales (Degree/Fahrenheit) – Simple calculation on Temperature Conversion.1. Students as a class discuss the meaning of Temperature and States its units. 2. Students in pairs,: identify and describes the term, Thermometer and, its typed aid shares with the class. 3. Students in small groups, explains with diagrams, the compression of Temperature Scale (Degree/Fahrenheit 4. In whole class, practice some simple calculations on Temperature Conversion. Samples of Thermometer and their application.
8PRESSUREBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define Pressure. ii. Explain the concept of pressure. iii. State the unit of pressure. iv. Simple calculation on pressure1. Students as a class, brainstorm on the meaning of Pressure. 2. Students in groups, discuss the concept of Pressure, and share with the class. 3. Students in pairs, Measure pressure using appropriate measuring , instruments. 4 Students in small groups, state the unit of pressure and practically make some calculation on pressure and share with the dase,’ 5 Students in pairs, describe the common pressure measuring, device and state the application of- pressure measuring devices.Critical Thinking and solving, communication and collaboration, Leadership and personal V development, creativity, and imagination. ,Charts, posters, and measuring pressure devices.
9TYPES OF PRESSURE MEASURING DEVICESBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Describe the common pressure measuring devices, : ii. Explain the pressure measurement e.g. Atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure.1. Students in groups demonstrate bourdon tube gauge — operation and ice block for the cooling process. Charts, posters of the common measuring devices. of-pressure-measuring-devices-fluid-mechanics/46972
10HISTORY OF REFRIGERATION ONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define Refrigeration about science. ii. explains briefly the History of refrigeration.1. Individual student, attempt the definition of Refrigeration about science. 2. Students in a small groups briefly narrate the History of refrigeration.Critical Thinking and solving, communication and , collaboration, Leadership and personal development.

11REFRIGERATION ON TOOLSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Define tool used refrigeration and Air Conditioning ii State the categories of tools (Hand tools and Power tools) iii Practical construction of simple letter words ‘U T, Elbow joint with copper pipes.1 Students in pairs, define tools about refrigeration and Air conditioning and share them with the class. 2 Students in groups, categories tools into (Hand tools and Power tools) 3 Group practical project (construction of simple letter words, T, Elbow joint with copper pipe).Communication and collaboration critical thinking and problem solving, leadership and personal development creativity, and innovation

Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Work Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term

1MAJOR COMPONENTS OF REFRIGERATIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                        i. List the basic (major) component of the Refrigeration Unit.
ii; Identify all the major components of  Refrigeration/functions.
1. Students in pairs, identify and list the major components of the Refrigeration unit and identify their functions.
2. The whole class, visit the school workshop/nearby ref refrigerator workshop to practically carry out servicing or the Refrigerator condenser for practical understanding.
3. Students in groups, present and discuss their experiences in the class.
Critical Thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration, leadership and personal development, students.  Refrigerator unit/workshop, instructor, parts/components of a refrigerator.
2MINOR COMPONENTS OF REFRIGERATIONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. List the minor components of the Refrigeration unit. ii. Identify all the minor components of Refrigeration and their brief function, troubleshooting the equipment by using logical deductions1. Individual students identify the minor components of a refrigerator through their last visit experience, and
2. Differentiate it from the major components with Their functions.
3 Students in groups, trouble the  equipment by using Io cal deductions  
Critical Thinking and problem solving. Communication and  Collaboration,   leadership and personal development Creativity, and innovations.Identification Of all the common basic cornponen1s. /6-main- components-refrigeration-system/

3SIMPLE WORKING PRINCIPLE OF REFRIGERATION SYSTEMBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:  Draw and explain the simple working operation that involves all the major components of Refrigeration, while criticizing which better parts can be replaced with the simple working operation.1. Students in a small group, draw, label, and explain the Connecting a working operation that involves all the major components of refrigeration and suggests the best/better parts that can be replaced with the simple working operation.
2. Students in small groups, sketch the diagram of a simple Refrigeration cycle that involves all communication
Collaborating and problem solving/ communication collaboration, creativity and innovation Leadership and personal development.Scraps of both the major and minor components of a refrigerator.,depending%20the%20existing%20abient%20temperature.,it%20passes%20to%20the%20condenser.&text=The%20lower%20temperature%20absorbs%20heat,compressor%20and%20the%20cycle%20repeat

4&5INSTALLATION OF REFRIGERATOR UNITBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. highlight all the procedural steps o installing a new Refrigerator unit. ii. State the common precaution any measures to observe when installing a Refrigerator unit.1. Students in small groups all the procedures of installing a new Refrigerator unit.
2. State the Styles/precautionary measure of handling the system on transit/installation,
Communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, leadership and personal development, creativity, and innovations.The real model of a Refrigerator.
6INSTRUCTION TO THE USERSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Highlights the rules and guides to leave for the refrigerator users after installation of the unit.1. Students in groups, suggest rules and guides for the, refrigerator users after installation. The whole class involves practical servicing of a refrigerator unit.Communication and collaboration, creativity and innovation Citizenship, leadership, and personal development.Posters, charts, and real objects (Refrigerator).

8&9CLASSIFICATION OF REFRIGERATORBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. State the common classification of Refrigeration ii. Explains and gives examples of each classification of Refrigeration iii. State the application of each Refrigeration1. Students individually identify each classes of Refrigeration 2. Students in pairs, give and explain examples of Refrigeration 3. Students in small groups, outline the application of each classificationCommunication and collaboration, creativity and innovation Citizenship, leadership, and personal development.Posters, charts, and real objects (Refrigerator).

10METALSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Outline the source of metal ii. Enumerate the common properties of the metal.1. The whole class discussion the definition of metal
2. Student in small groups identify every metals by its properties
3. Student in the same small group, enumerate the common properties of the metal.
Communication and collaboration, creativity and innovation Citizenship, leadership, and personal development.Samples of various forms of metals.


11CLASSIFICATION OF METAL AND PROJECT.By The end of The lesson, students should be able to:
i. Classify metal.                    ii. Describe and give examples of each of the classes of metal.                iii. Construction of Condenser, with a short  Copper pipe. (project)
1, Students in small groups classify Metal.                                       
  2. Students in pairs Identify ferrous metals/nonferrous metals with examples.                                               3. Students in groups, practically Construct Condenser with a short W copper pip.
Critical Thinking and problem solving                        Communication and Collaboration. leadership, and personal development.Steel Copper, aluminum     
12&13REVISION AND EXAMINATION.Revision and examination   

Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Work Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term

1WELCOME TEST/ ALLOY.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                               
i. Define an alloy.                  
ii. Identify an ally.               iii. State two types of alloy                                       iv. Give examples of each type of alloy with examples visible to them.
1. Whole class brainstorm on the definition of Alloy.                  2. Students in pairs an state types of Alloy with examples.Critical Thinking and problem solving                        Communication and Collaboration. Leadership and personal development.Brass, Bronze,,2C%20pewter%2C%20and%20sterling%20silver
2SOLDERINGBy the end of the lesson students should ‘be able to;                                           i. Define soldering in his own words.                           
   ii. State the common types of soldering.        
  iii. Describe the two types of soldering (soft and Hard soldering)
1. Students as a class, discuss the meaning of Soldering cables soldering iron.
2. Students in pairs, identify and describe the types of soldering and share with the.                        3. Students in groups practically sold cables (both soft and hard) with irons.  
Communication and Collaboration. Critical Thinking and problem solving                        Leadership and personal development.             Creativity and innovation.Soldering bit.                                        Soldering iron, lead, spellerçesscreate%2O%2Ostrong%20electrical%20bond

3FLUXESBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                       i. Define flux.                          ii. Analyze the functions of flux in Refrigeration.                          iii. Describe types of flux (passive and active)1. Students as a class, discuss the meaning of flux and share with the class.                                         2. Students i small groups identify and analyze the functions of flux in refrigeration.                    
3. Students in the same small groups, identify and describe types of Flux with, Identification of flux powder, Brass, aluminum, silfos, etc.  
Communication and Collaboration. Critical Thinking and problem solving                        Leadership and personal development.             Creativity and innovation.Flux powder, Brass rod, silfos rod.             

4BRAZINGBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                   i.  Define Brazing.                    ii. Describe brazing equipment Oxyacetylene brazing (find out a better method instead of the brazing equipment with the most effective solution)1. Individual students attempt the meaning of Brazing.                             2. Students in groups, identify and describe brazing equipment.    
3. Students in pairs, practice Lighting and putting off of flames/nozzle                                       
 4. Students in groups suggest the best method for brazing
Critical Thinking and problem solving                        Communication           and Collaboration. leadership, and personal development.       Creativity and innovation.           Brazing equipment, oxygen, acetylene gases, cylinder etc.,of%20several%20different%20heatinq%20methods  
5BRAZING FLAMESBy the end of the lesson students should be able to:                                                   i . Meaning and functions of Oxidising flame Carburizing flamed                                       ii. Neutral flame.                      iv. Criticize the types of Brazing flames.1. Students as a class, discuss the meaning and functions of Oxidising flame Carburizing flame and Neutral flame,              
2. Students in small’ groups, identify and distinguish between the Oxidising, Carburizing, and Neutral flames with a Practical showing of the three flames.             3. Students in groups, criticize each of Brazing flames.
Communication and Collaboration. Critical Thinking and problem solving                        Leadership and personal development.             Creativity and innovation.Oxyacetylene Brazing equipment Flames application     ,used%20on%20copper%20and%20zinc        

6TUBIN/PIPES  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                    
i.  Justify the function of tubes and pipes in Refrigeration.                                           ii. Calculate/measure the Sizes/diameter of tubing/ pipes:
1 Students in groups, practice the Cutting of pipes with the uses of a Tube cutter/Side cutter.          2. Same groups calculate the sizes/diameter of tubing/pipes and present in class.                                     3. Students in small groups Justify the function of tubes and pipes inCritical Thinking and problem solving                        Communication and Collaboration. Leadership and personal development.             Creativity and innovation.Copper tube/ pipes,   Aluminum pipes, and tubes.  
7MIDTERM BREAK                           MIDTERM BREAK                    MIDTERM BREAK                   MIDTERM BREAK

8PIPE/TUBE BENDINGBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                                  i. Describe tube/pipe bending.                                   
ii. Stat the reason for tube/pipe bending.                 
iii. analyze the methods of bending pipes.
1. Student in pairs, describe tube/pipe bending and share with the class,                                                     2. Students in groups, outline the reasons for tube/pipe bending and discuss with the class.          3. Students in groups, analyze the, methods of bending pipes, using copper pipes to form various shapes or curvature.Communication and Collaboration. Critical Thinking and problem solving                        Leadership and personal development.             Creativity and innovation.Tube cutter/ side cutter, assorted pipes) tube sizes. https://www.csemagcom/articles/how-to-perform-a-pipe-stress-analysis/
9SWAGING. (PIPES/TUBE  By the end of the lesson students should be able to:                                                             i. Defines the word Swaging1. Individual students attempt the definition of Swaging                          2. Students in small groups highlightCommunication and Collaboration. Critical Thinking and problem solving                       Punches, mallet hammer, swaging cone.


  ii. Highlight the purpose of swaging tubes/piping.                     iii. Enumerate the common swaging tool and their uses.the purpose of staging tube/ piping.                                                                   3. Students in the same groups, enumerate the common staging tool and their uses.Leadership, and personal development.  definition-of-swaqing/#:-:text=A%20swaqe%20is%20the%20shpedsp%20through%20pressure%20or%20hammering.

10FLARING OF TUBES\PIPESBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                        1. Define Flaring about Refrigeration                            
    ii. Outline and explain the common flaring tool.          
3. Highlight the procedural steps of flaring.
1. Students as a class, brainstorm the meaning of Flaring about Refrigeration,                                2. Students in pairs, outline and explain the Common Flaring tools and share with the.                   3. Students in then group, enumerate the procedural steps of pipe flaring.                                          4. The whole class practice Flaring size a copper tubes in pairs and present in class.Communication and Collaboration. Critical Thinking and problem solving                        Leadership and personal development.             Creativity and innovation.1. Flaring Cone, flaring block, tube cutter/ side cutter.
11SWAGING/ FLARING  PRECAUTIONARY  MEASURESBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                              
1. Appraise all common precautionary measures to observe in swaging/ flaring tubes/pipes.
1. The whole class identifies and mentions common precautionary measures to observe in staging/flaring tubes/pipes.                         2. Individual students, suggest the best precautionary measure in all.Critical Thinking and problem solving                        Communication and Collaboration.The flared/waged project. http://multiformtubesengineering/>UEEA.  
12&13REVISION AND EXAMINATION                               

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