Radio,Television and Electronics Works Scheme of Work SSS2

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Radio and Television Scheme of Work SSS2 First Term

1SAFETY CHECKS IN SERVICING TELEVISION WORKSHOP Power supply Picture tube Extra high voltage section Component ratingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                              • discharge smoothening capacitors in the power supply section of the Television • Clean debris and dust collected around high voltage cage on the anode of the tube •take care and dispose picture tube property.Student as a class clean debris and dust collected around high voltage cage on the anode of tube   Students in pairs discharge smoothening capacitors in the power section of the television  • Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Television Set, Screw drivers, digital voltmeter   WEE RESOURCES
2KIRCHHOFFS LAW Definition of kirchhoff’s first and second laws Diagram and Algabraic expression of kirchhoff’s laws Calculation involving Kirchhdff’s laws Applications of kirchhoffs LawsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                      • define and state vector diagram of kirchhoff’s laws: the current law and the voltage law • explain the current law using vector diagram • solve simple numerical problems involving current and voltage low.Students as individual state the algebraic expression for Kirchhoiff’s laws. They use vector diagram to explain the laws                                     Students in small groups solve simple, numerical problems involving current and voltage law• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationVISUAL RESOURCES Calculator, Ruler, Pencil, Graph Sheet RESOURCES’s-voltage-law-kvl/

3  FAULT FINDING EQUIPMENT Identification, uses operations of: Oscilloscope, Signal Tracer Digital Frequency Counter.. TV Analyzer.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: identify each of the instrument explain the operations, uses of functional parts and limitation of fault finding equipment localizing fault to a component using test equipment‘Students in small group discuss the techniques for troubleshooting in a Television set, list the common faults the various stages of a Television e.g. receiver starting with a tuner stage, IF amplifier stage, video amplifier stage etc.,• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                Black and White TV set, signal generator, signal tracer, power supply, pattern generator, I.F generator WEB RESOURCES
4RESISTIVE INDUCTIVE, CAPACITIVE RLC CIRCUITS Calculations of capacitance reactance – Calculation of inductive reactance Calculation involving RC,RL,LC circuits Calculation involving series and parallel RLC circuitsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * solve simple problems involving inductive and capacitive reactance’ solve sin.ple problems involving RC,RL,LC and RLC circuitStudents in small groups solve simple problems involving inductive and capacitive reactance Students in pairs discusses The difference between purely reactive and purely resistive load circuit• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Charts showing the various circuits WEB RESOIJRCES

5FEEL BACK IN AMPLIFIER Concept of feedback in Amplifier Negative and Positive feedback and their differences.        Advantages of negative feedback Effect of a positive feedback on Amplifier, bandwidth, noise, gain end distortionBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: •explain the basic concepts feedback in Amplifier •enumerate types of negative feedbacks and their characteristics                 •explain the effects of positive feedback on Amplifier •state the advantages of negative feedbackStudents share themselves in two groups, Each group discuss the differences between the safety & and positive feedback. They illustrate the types of feedback using circuit diagram, They also demonstrate the effect of positive feedback cc an Amplifier using a radio set. Students vi smell groups uses charts, flash cards or posters to explanations on the basic concept feedbacks in amplifier• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Radio Receiver set, Television receiver set schematic diagram of a radio and television set WEB RESOURCES
6OSCILLATORS AND MULTIVIBRATORS Principle of Oscillators Hartley, Colpitt, Tuned collector etc.                        Types of Multi-vibrator (IC 555), bistable monostable of a typical Oscillator circuitBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                   • explain the principles, design and application of simple oscillators and multi-vibrator Build a simple Oscillator and Multi-vibrator                                   • explain the various types of Oscillator and their applicationStudents as individuals gives examples where principle oscillator. and multi vibrators are applied                                    Students as a class explain the principles, design and applications of simple oscillators and multi-vibrator.• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Schematic diagram of a Radio and television Set, Radio Set, Oscillator and Multi-vibrator components, Tools, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope                 WEB RESOURCES

8TELEVISION TRANSMITTER Basic working principle of a Television transmitter Block diagram of a Television transmitter Stages of a Television transmitterBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                        * explain the basic working. principle of a Television Transmitter * draw the block diagram of a Television TransmitterStudents in small groups, discuss the working principle Television transmitter in order to generate the information video and audio signals, modulate, amplify and process the signal for transmission• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL. RESOURCES  Charts showing the block diagram of a Television transmitter.                     WEB RESOURCES
9PRODUCTION IN T.V RECEIVER Principle of scanning Video SignalsE3 the end of the lesson, students should be able to: ‘ describe how image is – ‘reproduced by the process of scanning in a television receiver “ explain the video signal “pith from the antenna to the picture tube or the ‘display unitStudents in pairs explains the sequence of movement of the electron, gun in the cathode ray tube (CRT) while the TV is working. Students in small groups explains how the video signals enter the set through the antenna to-the circuit and then the CRT.• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Video Camera, Television Sett Flow chart/Sketch WB RESOURCES

10SOUND PRODUCTION ON TELEVISION RECEIVER Principle of F.M detectorBy the end of the lessons, students should be able to: * describe how sound signals are formed and path from the loud speakerStudents as a class i.ise the block diagram available to describe how audio signals are recovered and reproduced.  • Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Flowchart for audio signals recovering and reproduction of sound WEB RESOURCES https://www.britannica.corn/technology/television/receiver


11MONOCHROME TELEVISION RECEIVER Concept of Television. Receiver Application of Television system Function and operation Black and White Television receiverB the end of the lesson students should be able to explain the basic concept of Television Receiver draw the block diagram of a monochrome television receiver ,explain the function and operation of a monochrome TelevisionStudents in small groups discuss the basic system of television Receiver. Students in pair explain the block diagram drawn for monochrome television receiver. They also explain’, the operation of each stages of the monochrome television receiver starting from the antenna to the tube• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Flow chart of monochrome Television receiver, Panel showing the various, stages of the TV receiver WEB RESOURCES

Radio, Television and Electronics Works Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term

1WELCOME TEST/ ELECTRONIC MEASURING INSTRUMENTBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * define measuring instrument * describe the principle of operation of measuring instrument with their functional part * state the different types of measuring instrument and their using e.g. voltmeter, Ammeter, . Ohmmeter, voltmeterStudents in pairs uses measuring instrument to measure electrical quantities Student in small groups describe the principle of operation of measuring instruments with their functional part; They also state the different types of measuring instruments and their uses• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Multimeter, Ohmmeter, Voltmeter, wattmeter, Ammeter, Oscilloscope WEB RESOURCES
2POWER.SUPPLY UNITBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * describe power supply unit * identify types of power                   supply unit with reference to dry cells, color cells, accumulator, power pack, AC supply. * Identify each stage of a regulated power supply’ unit using a block diagramStudents as a class uses flash cards, posters or chart to gives: brief understanding of the concept of power supply . Students as individuals used the power supply unit and Multimeter to check their output voltages : Students in pairs use the power supply unit and Multimeter to. check their output voltages .• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO V1SUAL RESOURCES Multimeter, Diode/Rectifier, Resistor Phone Charger, Laptop Charger WEB RESOURCES
3AMPLIFIERS.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * define Amplifier with its” circuit symbol * Outline the functions of an Amplifier * describe each class of. Amplifier, (A,B,C and AB)Students in small groups participate in the instruction of a single stage Amplifier Students in pairs outline the functions of an amplifier. They also describe each class of amplifier (A, B, C, and AS)• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Multimeter, Transistor: Resistor, Capacitor, Breadboard/Vero board Soldering Iron/LED WEB RESOURCES

4RADIO TRANSMITTER  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: explain the function operation of a radio transmitter with block diagram. identify :he function each stage of a radio transmitterStudents in small groups,’ participate in identifying the’ function of each block of a radio transmitter after successful studying charts of block diagram of a radio transmitter .• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Charts of the block diagram of a radio transmitter WEB RESOURCES


5RADIO RECEIVERBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: explain the function and operation of a radio receiver with block diagram identify the various types of radio receivers, stating their advantages and disadvantagesStudents as individuals identifies the function of each block of a radio receiver after successfully studying charts o block diagram of a radio transmitter Students in pairs explains the function and operation of a radio receiver with block diagram• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • Collaboration Communication, CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Chart showing the blocs diagram of various types of radio receiver WEB RESOURCES

6SELECTIVITY AND SENSITIVITYBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: *define selectivity and sensitivity. *explain the function of tuner in radio receiver. * identify the tuner in a radio receiverStudents in pairs dismantle and reassemble a radio receiver to identify the tuner and understand its working principle   Students in small groups explain the function of tuner radio reciever2• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Radio receiver WEB RESOURCES https://k4.corn/faq/whats-the-difference-between-sensitivity-and-selectiviy/#:-:text=Sensibility%refers%20to%radar,automatic%20%doors%%2C%20etc.)  
8RESONANCE CIRCUIT I  By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: * define resonance * define resonance frequency * derive mathematical representation of resonance frequency * identify the types of resonances : series and parallel resonance  * identify the frequency ranges for bandwidthStudents in small groups discuss their basic understanding on resonance frequency of different local radio stations. Students in pairs identify the types of resonance. They also derive representations of resonance frequency Students in small groups, discuss the bandwidth of operation of some local radio stations by varying the frequency using a radio receiver students in pairs identify the frequency ranges for bandwidth• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Chart of resonance circuit, Radio Receiver, Hand Tools WEB RESOURCES

9SATELLITE COMMUNICA11ON SYTEMSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the basic principles of satellite systemStudents as individual are asked to give their understanding of the principles of satellite and how they feel communication takes place Student as a class-tekd field trip• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO RESOURCES Chart showing a TV broadcast station WEB RESOURCES


10(a) Basic concept of entrepreneurship (b) Entrepreneurship education (c) Qualities an entrepreneur (d) Importance of entrepreneurshipBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: explain the term entrepreneurship; 2. examine the concept entrepreneurship education critically; 3. outline the importance entrepreneurship 4. analyse the qualities of an entrepreneur,1.Whole class discussion on the meaning of entrepreneurship, Students in small groups discuss the term entrepreneurship education and share their knowledge with the class. 3. Students, as a class, discuss 4. Students, In the same groups, critically analyse the qualities of an entrepreneurship• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • Charts Pictures  
11PRACTICAL /PROJECTSBy the end of the students should be to: Construct a 9V power supply unitStudents design and construct a 9V power supply unit on a breadboard and then on a Veroboard• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationTransformer, Bridge rectifier, capacitor, resistor, zener diode

Radio, Television and Electronics Works Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term

1WELCOME TEST/ SATELL1TE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSBy the end of the lesson students should able to: explain the basic elements of socialite communication system explain the types of satellite systemsStudents in small groups uses charts to explain the basic elements of satellite communication systems Student as class take a field trip to a cable network station the locality• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES   Chart showing a satellite communication system WEB RESOURCES
2SATELLITE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSBy the end of ft lesson students should be able to: * explain the transmission and reception of Satellite communication system install a Satellite Communication System Use parabolic dishStudent as a class take a field trip Students as individuals participate in tracking signal using decoder and dish Students in small groups participate in the installation of Satellite Television signal independently of other groups• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RSOURCES Chart showing a Satellite Communication system dish set up WEB RESOURCES
3ELECTRONIC REPAIRS IBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * dismantle and reassemble power supply unit in a radio set * dismantle ad reassemble RF, IF, detector stages in a radio receiver setStudents in pairs are handed necessary tools for dismantling and reassembling power supply unit in Radio Set Students in small groups are- handed necessary tools for dismantling and reassembling RF, detector stage of radio set and were guided• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Radio Receiver, Multimetre Set of Hand Tools WEB RESOURCES
4ELECTRONIC REPAIRS IIBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * install and maintain a Radio setStudents in pairs are handed necessary tools for dismantling and repairing car radio sat an reassembling back with guidance• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • Collaboration.AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Car Radio, Multimetre, set of Hand Tools WEB RESOURCES

5FAULTFINDING AND REPAIRS IN RADIO RECEIVER IBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * diagnose fault by using fault finding pieces of equipment and logical trouble shooting procedure * identify the types of fault in radioStudents in small groups diagnose faults and troubleshoot such faults in a radio set• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Electronic gadget, Multimetre, Set of Hand Tools WEB RESOURCES

6FAULT FINDING AND REPAIRS IN RADIO RECEIVER IIBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Identify specific components responsible faultsStudents as a class traces rectifies faults in Radio set created by another pair• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Multimetre, Hand tools WEB RESOURCES
8FAULT FINDING AND REPAIRS IN RADIO RECEIVER IIIBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Remedy to faults in Radio Receiver.  Students as individuals participate in fault finding and R cuss their basic understanding on resonance of different local radio stations Students in pairs identify the types of once They also derive mathematical representations of resonance frequency• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Multimetre Hand tool WEBRESOURCES

9Basic concepts of marketing (a) Meaning of marketing (b) Methods of marketing (c) Importance of marketing (d) Marketing/distribution channel chartBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1 describe the term  marketing, 2. Examine the methods of marketing 3. Analyse the importance of marketing, 4. Create a flow chart of the Marketing of channel distribution1. students as a class brainstorm on the term marketing 2. Whole class discuss on the different method of radio marketing 3. Students In small group discussion on why marketing is important Small groups, activities on chart of distribution channels of marketing.• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • Collaboration pictures chart
10Marketing continued (a) Product Branding (b) Product Packaging (c) Costing (d) PricingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. highlight the factors to be considered in product price tag 2. distinguish between the term packaging & Branding 3. develop a feasibility study for setting up a profitable business or a production unit; 4. creatively design a befitting package for their products,Whole class discussion on the factors to be considered before fixing a product price Students in pairs discuss the differences between packaging & branding, 3. Students in email groups, present a feasibility study of a said production or business setup (Group project). 4, Students, in the same groups produce or come up with befitting packages for their products.• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationBranded products Packaged products Pictures Charts

11PRACTICAL/ PROJECTSSatellite signal tracking using different satellite ASTRA INTELSATStudents participate in the tracking of signals from different Satellite in space.• Prolem Solving • Critical thinking • Personal development • Communication • CollaborationSet up box, Satellite Tracker, Parabolic dish, Coaxial cable, LNE Television set

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