PVS: Home Economics Scheme of Work for JSS 1 Federal

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Home Economics scheme of work 2
Home Economics scheme of work

Federal Capital Territory ERC PVS Home Economics Scheme of work for JSS 1. Puberty and Adolescent.-Schemeofwork.com


1-Introduction to Home Economics
– Meaning of Home Economics.
– Areas of Home Economics.
– Relationship of Home Economics to other subjects.
TEACHER: Explain the meaning of Home Economics, Areas and Relationship of Home Economics to other subjects.
-Lead Students on discussion on the issues explained.
Students: 1. Participate actively in discussion.
2-Home Economics and National Development. Home        Economics                   Career opportunities.
Importance of Home Economics to the individual, family and the nation.
TEACHER: List the career opportunities in Home Economics.
1-  Explain     the     importance     to individual, family and nation.
Students: I- Participate in the discussion.
  II- Give example of individual, family and the nation.
2-Puberty and Adolescent. Meaning      of      puberty                      and menstruation.Signs of puberty.Importance of body hygiene.TEACHER : Define the meaning of puberty and menstruation.Identify the sign of puberty and the importance of body hygiene. Students: Participate actively       in discussion.II.
4-Adolescent Meaning of adolescentNeed   and   challenges   of   the adolescentsTEACHER : Explain the meaning of adolescent.Identify the needs and challenges of the adolescents. Students:    I-Response   to                      teacher’s activities.
5-Sexually       Transmitted       Infection (STIs) HIV/AIDS. Meaning of sexually transmitted infection (STIs) and HIV/AIDS.Types and causes of STIs.TEACHER Explain the meaning of the sexually transmitted infection. – Mention types and causes of STIs and HIV/AIDS. Students: participate actively in discussion.
6-Human Rights Meaning of fundamental human rights.Rights of a child eg: right to live, education etcTEACHER : Explain    the    meaning    of      the fundamental human right.Lead the students on the issues explained students:participate actively in the discussion.Copy the board summary.
7.Family needs goals and standards. Meaning and types of family needs and wants.Meaning of family goals and standards.TEACHER: Explain   the   meaning   of     family needs, goals and standards.Leads class in discussion.Gives students assignments. Students: Participate in the discussion.Give examples of individual goals and standards.
8-Family needs goals and standards. Relationship among family needs goals and standards.   Uses of family needs, goals and standard in resource management.TEACHER : Discuss the relationship among the family needs, goals and standard.State the ways family needs, goals and standard help in family resource management.
9-Personal Clothing and Household Articles/Crafts. Meaning of clothReasons for wearing clothes.Guidelines for choosing decent clothes.TEACHER : Explain the meaning of household Articles / Crafts.List the simple household articles and crafts.Discuss the materials, tools, equipments for making simple household articles and crafts.
10-Personal Clothing and Household Articles/Crafts. 1- Care of clothing. E.g. airing,TEACHER: Demonstrates how to make any of the chosen items.
 proper storage.   Cleaning of shoes.   Washing of under wears. 4- Demonstrate how to make income yielding articles.Demonstrates how to make some income yielding articles improvise where necessary.Displays /exhibits products for sale. Students: List house articles.Mention the material and tools for making simple household articles and crafts Iii-Practice the making of a household article and a simple craft.
11-Production of Clothing and household Articles / Crafts List and explain simple relevant household articles and crafts.Tool, equipment and materials for making simple articles and crafts.Teacher : List the simple household articles and craftsDiscuss the materials, tools, equipments for making simple household articles and crafts. Students:List household articles.Mention the materials and tools for making simple household articles and crafts.
12-Production of Clothing and household Articles / Crafts Construction of simple relevant articles. E.g. apron, cap, needle work bag, head rest, table mat etc.Production of income yielding crafts. E.g. Tie/ dye and batik fabrics.Teacher : Demonstrate how to make some income yielding articles improvise where necessary.Display and exhibit product for sale. Students: practice the making of household article and a simple craft.Display / exhibit produced articles.


1-Production of Cleaning Agents Types homemade cleaning agents.Uses of homemade cleaning agents.Discuss types of homemade polish and cleaning agents.Explain steps in the production of home polish cleaning agents.
Students: I- Examine samples of homemade furniture polish and cleaning agents. II- List and discuss the steps in the production of homemade polish.
2-Production of Cleaning Agents Preparation of homemade cleaning agents.Using home-made polish and cleaning agents.Demonstrate making of home-made furniture polish and cleaning agents.Prepare different samples of home- made furniture polish and cleaning agents and display in class. 3-
3-Deodorants and Cosmetics. Types of cosmeticsMaterials and tools for making cosmetics, eg pomades, creams and deodorants.List materials and tools for making pomade, cream etcExplain the steps in making pomade and cream. Students: I- practice the making of pomade/cream and deodorant.
4-The Healthy Feeding Habits 1- Meaning of eating habits. 2- Good Feeding Habit 3- Table Manners1- Explain the meaning habits. 2- List the good feeding habits 3- Lead students on discussion on the issues explained. Students: I- Participate actively in discussion.
5-The family 1- The meaning of family. 2- Types of family e.g. nuclear, polygamous. 3- Roles each family member and family as a whole.1- Explain the meaning of family. 2- Mention the types of family. Identify the roles of each member of the family. Students: Participate in the class discussion.Dramatize    the    role    of        each member of the family.
6-The Family Family relationship.Tracing your family tree, functions of the family, roles of family membersList the relationship of each member of the family.Explain the family tree, functions and roles of family members. Students: 1- Participate actively in the discussion.
7-The Home 1- Meaning of a home. 2- Differences between homes. 3-  Functional    areas    in the home.Explain the meaning of a home.List the differences between homes. 3- Identify the functional areas in the home. Students: I- Guide students in personal discussion
8-Housing the family Types of houses in Nigeria.Choice and location of a family house.Practical on plan of a building.List the types of houses in Nigeria.Explain   the   location   of   a                 family house. Students: – Participate in the class discussion.
9-Care of the family houses Resources of caring for the family house.Equipment and tools, materials for the familyList resources of caring for the family house.Mention the equipment and tools. Students: Participate actively in discussion.Give examples of equipment and tools.
10-Care of the family houses Daily and weekly cleaning.Waste disposal, site and methods.Explain how to perform the daily and weekly cleaning.List types of waste disposal and methods. Students: I- Participate actively in discussion.


1Healthy feeding and eating practices Healthy feeding practices include e.g. Eat adequate diet, use food in season.Healthy eating habits e.g. washing hands before and after eating- taking a small quantity of food at a time- chewing food properly. Etc.– Discuss healthy feeding eating practices
– Demonstrate good feeding and eating practices.
Students: Participate    in    the    class discussion.Discuss effects of:
-Talking while eating
-Eating too much
-Drinking water while eating.
2Healthy feeding and eating practices
1- Effect of healthy eating habit e.g. stomach ache. 2- Effect of unhealthy feeding practice e.g. Marasmus, kwashiorkor, Obesity etc
Discuss the effects of unhealthy feeding and eating practices.Discuss effects of drug abuse.
Students: Dramatize the effects harmful substances to the body
3Healthy feeding and eating practices Food    additive:    uses              and misuses and detectionFood contaminants.Explain food additives and contaminantsDiscuss harmful substances that should not be taken into the body. Students: Participate actively in the discussion.
4-Healthy feeding and eating practices Harmful substances that should not be consumed e.g. banned additive, spoilt fruits, under-cooked food etcFood contaminantsDisplay diagrams of harmful substancesGive a broad summary
5-Healthy feeding and eating practices Meaning of drug abuse.Effects of drug abuse in theDiscuss the effects of drug abuse.Display diagrams of harmful substances.
 body.Students; Dramatize the effects of harmful substances to the body.Display and identify diagrams of harmful substances.
6-Family needs and resources. Meaning    of     Needs                    and Resources.Types of family needs and resourcesUse a chart on family needs and resources.Explain the meaning of needs and resourcesList the types and uses of family needs and resources. Students: Participate actively the discussion.
7-Entertainment in the home. 1- Meaning of entertainment. 2- Simple cooking and serving equipment.Explain     the      meaning      of entertainment.Identify cooking and serving equipment Students: I- Participate actively in the discussion.
8-Entertainment in the home Table layingImportance of entertainment and table laying.Identify the equipment for table layingExplain the importance of entertainment and table laying. Students: I- Practice how to lay a table.
9-Entertainment in the home Preparation for entertainment.Characteristics    of    a                              good host / hostess.Preparation     for     a                          good hostess.Explain the characteristics of a good host / hostess.Prepare how to entertain Students: I- Participate actively in the discussion.
10-Simple sewing tools and equipments. Meaning of tools and equipment.Importance     of    each                         tool mentioned.Classification of tools e.g.Explain the meaning of sewing tool and equipment.List the importance of each tool and equipment.Classify the tools and equipments
Students: I- Participate
 manual non-manual.actively in the discussion.
11-Sewing tools and equipment.
– Care and storage of sewing tools
– Guidelines for choosing sewing tools and equipment
1- Demonstrate how to take care and store of sewing tools. Students: I- Participate actively in the discussion.

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