National Early Childhood Curriculum Protection Issues Ages 3 – 3 Years. Child Right and Responsibilities Birth Registration.
Week 1
Topic: 1. Child Right and Responsibilities
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Identity child rights;
2. Recognize effects of denial and violation of child rights;
3. Discourage violation of child rights.
4. Create child friendly environment;
5. Encourage child to express views on issues affecting children;
6. Ensure provision of all the rights of the child.
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
1. Mention the right of the child.
2. Demand for their rights.
3. Carry out expected respected responsibilities
- Rights of the child.
- Denial and violation of child rights (i.e. traditional community practices that deny the child of rights).
- Denial of parent care and protection
- All forms of physical and mental violence injury, neglect, exploitation torture, cruel and inhuman treatment.
- Child Labor
- Sexual exploitation
- Child traffic king and sale
- Drug abuse
3. Child friendly environment
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
- Discuss child rights
- Discuss the harmful effects of violation and denial of child rights.
- Teach advantages of child friendly environment and adequate provision of needs of the child
- Encourage protection of child rights.
- Provide safe environment for play
Provide child rights
Activities – Child:
1. Ask question about child rights
2. Express opinion and understanding of child rights.
3. Run simple errands for parents/caregiver
Caring/Learning Materials:
- Child rights act (2004)
- CEDAW documents
- Books/pamphlet s/charts/posters on rights of the child.
- Broom, duster, mop, other cleaning materials,
- Disinfectants, water.
Food, safe water, snacks, drinks.
Evaluation Guide:
1. Participate in acceptable cultural activities.
2. Express views about child rights
3. Examples of denial and violation of rights cited.
1. Knowledge of child rights and CEDAW.
2. Absence of harmful practices.
3. Clean safe environment provided and friendly sexes
Week 2
Topic: Birth Registration
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver:
Should be able to:
1. Ensure that every child is registered at birth and certificates obtained and kept safe.
2. Ensure that children can say their names, parent’s names etc.
3. Teach children about nationality.
4. Makes children about nationality.
5. Make children tell their dates of births
Performance Objectives – Child:
Should be able to:
1. Say his/her name
2. Identity family name
3. Write his/her names.
4. Tell his/her age and birth date
1. Child rights, e.g. rights to registration and right to identity.
2. Importance of birth registration.
3. National identity
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
- Register child at birth or any other time.
- Obtain birth certificate and keep safe.
- Discuss advantages and disadvantages of birth registration.
- Teach child how to write their names, parent’s names and nationality.
- Teach child the:
- National anthem
- Pledge
Color of Nigerian flag
Activities – Child:
1. Say your first name and last name.
2. Say your age and your birthday.
3. Write your names
Caring/Learning Materials:
Books on birth
* Registration and rights of the child.
* Admission and withdrawal register.
Evaluation Guide:
Child to:
1. Ability to say his/her first and last name.
2. Ability to write his/her name correctly.
3. Ability to say his/her age and dates of birth
1. Knowledge of child rights to a name, family and nationality.
2. Birth of child registered.
National Early Childhood Curriculum Protection Issues Ages 3 – 3 Years.
Week 3
Topic: Child Abuse
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Identity practices that violate the rights of the child.
2. List the various forms of child abuse;
3. Discourage practices that lead to child abuse;
4. Encourage child to interact freely with physically challenged, orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC)
Performance Objectives – Child:
Should be able to:
Express his/her feeling when abused.
1. Meaning of child abuse
2. Child abuse practices e.g.
• Child abuse practices e.g.
• Child trafficking
• Child Labor etc.
3. Forms of child abuse
• Child Labor
• Begging
• Hawking
• Sexual exploitation
• Battering
• Neglect
• Starving, etc.
4. Stigmatization of OVCs
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
Stigmatization and discrimination.
4. Encourage openness and curiosity in children
Activities – Child:
1. Avoid use of foul language.
2. Express curiosity and ask questions
3. Interact freely
Caring/Learning Materials:
Evaluation Guide:
Child to:
1. Situations of child abuse identified
2. Ask questions on child Abuse.
Caregiver/Parent to:
1. All forms of child abuse prevented.
2. Absence of child abuses practices
Absence of stigmatization and discrimination.\
Week 4
Topic: Care of children with special needs.
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Define and identity special needs
2. Identity ways of managing children with special needs.
3. Protect and support child requiring special needs.
4. Encourage interaction among all children irrespective of their physical challenges.
5. Discourage discrimination and stigmatization.
6. Identity ways of protection measures to be used
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
- develop positive sell concept
- interact freely with other children
1. Rights of the child
• Survival
• Development
• Protection
• Participation
2. Needs of special children.
3. Care and support for children with special needs.
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Rights of the child
• Survival
• Development
• Protection
• Participation
2. Needs of special children.
3. Care and support for children with special needs.
Activities – Child:
1. Play with other children.
2. Participate in group actives.
3. Obey simple instructions
4. Talk and ask questions
5. Mix freely
Caring/Learning Materials:
A. poster/charts and pictures on:
• Fights of the child
• Children in especially difficult circumstances
Evaluation Guide:
1. Interaction with others children.
2. Participation in group actives.
Improved handling of children with special needs.
Week 5
Topic: Care of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
- Identity OVC in their care
- Take special interest in such a child for counseling and home visits
- Assist child not to drop out of school
- Protect such child from all forms of abuse
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to talk frankly and freely with the teacher.
- Drug abuse
- Forms of drug abuse
- Effects of drug abuse preventions
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
- counseling
- Visitation Refers child to appropriate authorities’ e.g. social welfare religious leaders.
Activities – Child:
Participate in schools activities
Caring/Learning Materials:
Evaluation Guide:
Child Stable OVC
Parent/caregiver Teacher
1. Interest in OVC shown.
2. OVC assisted and protected
Week 6
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. State the meaning of
3. Teach prevention of transmission of HIV/AIDS
4. Prevention stigmatization
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
1. State the signs and symptoms of IDS.
2. Say ways of preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS
1. Basic Facts about HIV/Aids:
• Meaning
• Mode of transmission
• Signs and symptoms
• Prevention
• Stigmatization
2. Living with people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWA)
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Discuss the facts about HIV/AIDS
2. Teach how to live with and care for people living with AIDS
Activities – Child:
Mention ways of:
• Transmitting HIV/AIDS
• Not acquiring HIV/AIDS
Caring/Learning Materials:
• Charts/posters
• Films, video
• Television.
• Newspaper cuttings
Evaluation Guide:
1. Meaning of HIV and AIDS recalled.
2. Modes of transmission and prevention of HIV and AIDS listed.
Caregiver/parent to:
1. Stigmatization prevented.
2. Love and care for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS expressed.
National Early Childhood Curriculum Protection Issues Ages 3 – 3 Years. Child Right and Responsibilities, Birth Registration.
Week 7
Topic: Harmful Traditional Practices (HTP)
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Identity harmful practices.
2. Identity and mention effects of harmful practices.
3. Discourage all forms of harmful practices
4. Mention alternative healthy practices.
5. Improve child care practices.
6. Identity the harmful effect of female genital cutting
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
Mention harmful traditional practices
1. Harmful practices
• Female genital cuttings
• Gender discrimination
• Tribal marking
• Tattooing
• Neglect
• Forced feeding
• Fowl language
• Burning of body parts
Use of cow dung and etc.
2. Dangerous effects of harmful practices
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Obtain and display posters picture/charts showing harmful practices and their dangerous effects.
2. Discuss the dangers of harmful practices
3. Discourage all forms harmful practices and their effects
4. Tell stories about harmful practices and their effects
5. Teach songs on harmful practices
6. Discuss dangers of female genital cutting (FGC) and other cuttings
Activities – Child:
1. Sing songs on harmful practices and their effects.
2. Role-play situated of harmful practices
Caring/Learning Materials:
1. posters/charts/pictures on harmful practices and their effects
2. films/TV/radio programs showing Healthy practices against harmful practices e.g. FGC
3. Story books
Evaluation Guide:
Child Harmful practices mentioned Parent/caregiver
1. Knowledge of harmful practices and their effects
2. Knowledge of healthy practices as alternatives to harmful practices
3. Child care practices improved.
4. Close relationship with the child
5. Free communication with the child.
6. Practices of female genital cuttings eliminated
• Eyes
• Ears
• Nose
• Mouth
• Teeth
• Hands
• Legs/feet
• Skin etc.
2. Care of the body using various cleaning materials
3. Dangers of eating too much sweet
4. Correct technique of teeth/oral cleaning
5. Ear cleaning using appropriate cleaning materials such as cotton bud.
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Demonstration to child proper care of different parts of the body
2. Check different parts of child’s body regularly
3. Teach body parts to children through
• Games, songs, pictures, drawings
• Question and answer sessions
4. Supervise child’s use of cleaning materials
5. Provide opportunities for children to engage in role play using dolls and themselves.
6. Teach child to brush teeth and rinse mouth after eating sweet things, correct oral hygiene procedure
Activities – Child:
1. Wash hands and legs after play
2. Brush teeth
3. Role play care of the body
4. Help younger siblings to keep their bodies clean.
Caring/Learning Materials:
• Toys
• Dolls
• Soaps
• Tooth
• Brush
• Tooth paste
• Basin
• Bucket
• Sponge
• Body cream
• Oil
• Lotion
• Powder
• Towel
• Cotton wool glycerin
• Water
• Song books
• Charts
• Posters
• Games
• Paper
Model of teeth
Harmful practices mentioned Parent/caregiver
- Knowledge of harmful practices and their effects
- Knowledge of healthy practices as alternatives to harmful practices
- Child care practices improved.
- Close relationship with the child
- Free communication with the child.
- Practices of female genital cuttings eliminated.
Protection Issues Curriculum (0 – 5 Years)