Protection Issues Curriculum (0 – 3 Years)

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Protection issues Curriculum Schemeofwork

Early Childhood Curriculum Protection Issues Ages 0 – 3 Years. Birth Registration, Child Abuse, Child Right/ Responsibilities.

Week 1

Topic:  Birth Registration

Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:

 1. Ensure that every child is given a name

2. Ensure that the child is registered at birth

3. Ensure that issued birth certificate is properly kept.

Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to: By 24 months

1. Tell his/her name.

 2. Identify his/her family name

3. Say his/her fathers/ mothers Names


Child Rights e.g. rights to a name, right to birth registration and right to National identity

 Importance of Birth registration

Activities – Parent/Caregiver:

Register the child at birth or at any other time

Obtain the Birth Certificate of the child and keep safe

Discuss the advantages of birth registration

Discuss the disadvantages of not registering a child

Assist in birth registration of children in especially difficult circumstances (CEDC)

Activities – Child:

1. Answer to his/her name

2. Tell his/her family name

Caring/Learning Materials:

. Posters/charts/books on birth registration

. Books/Posters on rights of child.

Evaluation Guide:


  1. Knowledge of names
  2. knowledge of father’s mother’s name


1. Knowledge of the right the child to a name family and nationality

2. Knowledge of birth registration

3. Registration of children and collection of birth certificates.

Week 2

Topic: Child Abuse

Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:

  1. identify practices that violates the right of the child
  2. list various forms of child abuse
  3. discourage practices that lead to child abuse
  4. encourage child to interact freely with the physically challenged  orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC)

Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to;

1. Interact freely with other children

2. Report incidents of abuse to peers and older people.


  1. Rights of the child

2. Child abuse practices e.g. child trafficking, child labor, harmful traditional practices,

3. Forms of child abuse

. Child labor

.  Begging

.   Hawking

. Sexual exploitation

. Emotional abuse

. Battering

. Neglect

. Starving (In terms of care, good nutrition and medical attention)

4. Harmful effects of stigmatization e.g. Corporal punishment e.g. beating/battering, severe sparking with the palms E.g. ear slaps, knock on the heads etc., fowl abusive languages e.g. cursing

Activities – Parent/Caregiver:

  1. Prevent child abuse practices
    1. Take appropriate action when abuse occurs
    1. Discourage stigmatization and discrimination

Activities – Child:

  1. Interact freely with other children
    1. Report incident of child abuse

Caring/Learning Materials:

Posters/Charts on child abuse

Newspaper cutting on child abuse

Evaluation Guide:


  1. Free interaction
  2. Incident of abuse reported


1. Knowledge of rights of child

2. Knowledge of practices that constitute child abuse

Early Childhood Curriculum Protection Issues Ages 0 – 3 Years.

Week 3 

Topic: Child Right/ Responsibilities

Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:

  1. identify the rights of the child to

.        Survival

.        Development

.        Protection

.        Participation

  • State the effects of denial of parental care, love affection, proper upbringing and protection on the child.

Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to: By 24 months listen to and obey

Parents/Caregivers and others in the Community.


  1. Child Rights to:
    • survival
    • development d c. protection

D. participation

  • Harmful practices affecting children e.g. tribal marks, food tab female genital cutting
  • Parental care and responsibilities
  • Effects of denial of parental care to child

Responsibilities of the child.

Activities – Parent/Caregiver:

  1. Create awareness on child rights by sensitizing parents and other community members
  2. Observe child rights in child. Management (e.g. Adequate meals)
  3. give quality meal to


Activities – Child:

  1. Listen to and obey simple instruction by Parents and caregivers
  2. Participate in events

Express his/her choice in any Situation.

Caring/Learning Materials:

. Posters/charts/books on

Rights of the child and violation of these rights

. CEDAW document

Evaluation Guide:


. Simple instructions obeyed

. Free interaction with others

. Free expression of opinions


1. Knowledge of child rights and CEDAW

2. Child rights understand

3. Harmful practices eliminated

4. Clean, safe and child friendly environment Maintained.

Week 2

Topic: 4. Harmful Traditional Practices (HTP)

Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:

1.            Identify harmful traditional practices

2.            Advocate for eradication of all forms of harmful practice

3. Mention alternative healthy practices.

Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to: l By 36 months.

Beware of harmful f Practices.


Harmful Traditional Practices e.g.

. Female genital cutting

. Tribal marks

. Tattooing

. Non-feeding of color to babies

. Forced feeding

. Early and forced mar etc.

Activities – Parent/Caregiver:

Show examples of harmful traditional practices to child.

Activities – Child:

By 36 months give example of harmful traditional Practices.

Caring/Learning Materials:

Charts/posters on harmful traditional Practices.

Evaluation Guide:


Examples of HTP mentioned


1. Knowledge of harmful traditional practices

2. Knowledge of harmful traditional practices Shared.

Early Childhood Curriculum Protection Issues Ages 0 – 3 Years.

Week 5

Topic: Care of children with Special Needs

Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:

  1. define and identify special needs
  2. Identify ways of managing child with special needs
  3. protect and support child requiring special attention
  4. Encourage Interaction with special need child.
  5. Discourage discrimination and stigmatization.

Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:

  1. Interact with other children
  2. Support children with special needs.


  1. Rights of the child

. Survival

. Development

. Protection

.  Participation

  • Needs of special children
  • Care and support for children with special need Including OVC.

Activities – Parent/Caregiver:

1.            Encourage the child to use available facilities in the environment

2.            Encourage child to child- child interaction

3.            Support child to cope with challenging tasks and situations

4.            Encourage participation in group activities

5.            Obtain and display, poster’s pictures, and charts on the rights of the child

6. Discuss the effects of denial of care, love and affection.

7. Discourage any form of stigmatization and discrimination.

Activities – Child:

  1. Take part in group work.
  2. Use available facilities
  3. Mix freely.

Caring/Learning Materials:

Posters/Charts/Pictures, on

. Rights of the child

. Child with special needs

Evaluation Guide:


  1. Free interaction with other children
  2. Cooperative attitude Exhibited.


  1. Knowledge of care and support for special needs Children.
  2. Improve management of special needs Children.


Protection Issues Curriculum (0 – 5 Years)

Protection Issues Curriculum (3 – 5 Years)

Safety Measures Curriculum 0-3 years

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