Pre-Vocational Studies Scheme of Work JSS1

70 Min Read
Scheme of Work

PVS Prevocational Studies Schemes of Work for Junior Secondary School One (1). Lagos State JSS1 Pre-vocational Studies Scheme of Work.


Week: 1



Meaning and Importance of Agriculture.

– Meaning of Agriculture

– History of  Agriculture

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

I. explain what they understood by the term ”,

ii. Describe the history of  Agriculture

Learning Activities:        

1. Students as a class discuss the meaning of Agriculture

2. Students in small groups discuss the activities of the early men as regards their making a living and present to the class.

Embedded Core Skills:

– Leadership and Personal development

– Collaboration and Communication.

Learning Resources:

Some food items: e.g. beans, rice, yam, egg, etc.



Week: 2



Meaning and Importance of  Agriculture

– Branches or Scope of Agriculture

– Importance of Agriculture to individual farmer, the community and the nation

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

I. outline the various branches of Agriculture ,

ii. Identify the impact of Agriculture to individual farmers, community,

iii. Recognize the contributions of Agriculture to the Nigeria economy.

Learning Activities:        

Students in small groups. Each group:

1. Small group brainstorming on the branches of Agriculture and present it to the class.

2. Whole class discussion on the benefits they have derived from Agriculture and how to make a living through

3. Students in the same groups discuss the contributions of Agriculture to Nigeria economy.

Embedded Core Skills:

– Critical thinking and Problem solving

– Collaboration and Communication

– Leadership and Personal development.

Learning Resources:

– Some food items: e.g. beans, rice, yam, egg, etc.

– Chart showing people’s occupations and professions in

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Week: 3



 Forms of Agriculture:

– Apiculture

– Horticulture

–  Heliculture

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

I. describe the process of bee keeping and honey production,

ii. Recognize the advantages and disadvantages of each form of Agriculture,

ii. Demonstrate the practice of planting flowers,

iv. Carryout the activities of raising snails both in the school farm and at home.

Learning Activities:        

1. Whole class discussion on the process of bee keeping and honey production.

2. Students as a class discuss the merits and demerits of each forms of Agriculture.

3. Students as individual plant a flower of their choice in a pot and nurture it.

4. Students in small groups discuss the processes involved in snail rearing and raise snails in the school farm.

Embedded Core Skills:

– Critical thinking and Problem solving

– Collaboration and Communication

– Creativity and Imagination

– Leadership and Personal development

– Citizenship.

Learning Resources:

– Snails, honey, hibiscus flower, pride of Barbados etc.

– Chart showing beehive

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Week: 4



Forms of Agriculture:

– Livestock

– Crop farming

 – Fishery

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

I. identify the processes involved in carrying out each forms of Agriculture,

ii. Outline the materials involved in each forms of Agriculture,

iii. Cultivate different types of crops at the school farm

iv. Carryout the activities of fish farming.

Learning Activities:        

1. Whole class discussion on the processes involved in livestock, fishery and crop farming.

2. Students as a class identify materials used in each forms of Agriculture.

3. Project:

Students are guided to:

I. set up a school poultry farm- battery cage system, deep litter system to rear layers, broilers, cockerels etc.

4. Cultivate different types of crops at the school farm.

Embedded Core Skills:

– Creativity and Imagination

-. Communication and Collaboration

– Critical thinking and Problem solving

– Leadership and Personal development

– Citizenship.

Learning Resources:

Ornamental plants e.g. hibiscus flower etc. honey, snail, catfish, fowl etc.

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Week: 5



Crop plant forms.

– Different parts of plant

– Functions of each part

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to;

I. identify the different parts of a plant

ii. Match each part of plants with its function(s)

iii. Draw and label a typical crop plant

Learning Activities:        

1. Students in small groups observe the flowering plant before them and name all its parts

 2. In the same groups, students discuss how each part of the plant functions

3. Individual student sketch a diagram of a plant on a drawing sheet and label it.

4. Students as individual create a chart of different flowering plants and submit at the next lesson (go online for help).

Embedded Core Skills:

– Critical thinking and problem solving

– Collaboration and communication

– Creativity and imagination

– Leadership and Personal development

Digital literacy.

Learning Resources:

– A typical flowering plant carefully uprooted with all its parts e.g. waterleaf

– A chart showing an aquatic plant fully labeled.

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Week: 6



Crop plant forms

– Aquatic plants

– Terrestrial plants

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to;

i. identify aquatic and terrestrial plants,

ii. Outline the adaptive features of some aquatic and terrestrial plants,

iii. Compare and contrast aquatic plants and terrestrial plants using their adaptive features.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students as a class are guided to mention plants found in water and on land.

2. The whole class visit the school farm, observe the fishes in the pond and discuss on the adaptive features of both aquatic and terrestrial plants.

3. Students in small groups discuss how each feature of the plant enables it to survive in its environment and select representatives to present it before the class\

Embedded Core Skills:

– Critical thinking and problem solving

– Collaboration and communication

– Leadership and Personal development.

Learning Resources:

Charts, aquarium, video clips etc.

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Week: 7



Week: 8/9



Classification of crops

– based on their life cycle (annual, biennial and perennial crops)

– based on their morphology (monocots and dicots)

– based on their uses (cereals, legumes, spice, beverages, latex, root and tuber, fruits and vegetables, oil crops)

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to;

I. classify crops into various classes based on their life cycle,

ii. Identify perennial crops

iii. Outline the classes of plants based on their uses.

iv. Contrast monocots with dicots

Learning Activities:        

1. Students are guided to classify crops provided by the teacher into annual, biennial and perennial crops.

2. Students in small groups identify discuss the uses of each crops provided.

3. Students in the same groups make a chart of monocots and dicots plants and place on the classroom wall for a gallery walk.

Embedded Core Skills:

– Critical thinking and problem solving

– Collaboration and communication

– Leadership and Personal development

Creativity and Imagination.

Learning Resources:

Bean seeds, rice, potato, palm oil, ginger, orange, tomato, spinach, picture of rubber trees etc


Week: 10



Distribution of Crops in Nigeria.

– meaning of distribution of crops

– Factors affecting the distribution of crops in Nigeria

– Uses of crops

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to;

i. explain what they understood by ‘crop distribution’,

ii. Determine the factors that affects the distribution of crops in Nigeria,

iii. Discuss the uses of crops.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students in groups of four make a large drawing of Nigeria map on a cardboard, showing the distribution of crops.

2. Students as a class name the factors affecting crops distribution in Nigeria.

3. Students in the same groups discuss the importance of crops

Embedded Core Skills:

– Critical thinking and problem solving

– Collaboration and communication

– Leadership and Personal development

– Creativity and Imagination.

Learning Resources:

A chart showing Nigeria map on how crops are distributed across Nigeria

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Week: 11



Week: 12



PVS Prevocational Studies Schemes of Work for Junior Secondary School One (1). Lagos State JSS1 Pre vocational Studies Scheme of Work.


weeksTopicsLearning objectivesLearning activities
Wk1PVS (Home Economics) The family Meaning of the familyTypes of the family Responsibilities of the father, mother and the childrenFamily relationsBy the end of the lesson ,students should be able to discuss the meaning of family indicate the different types of family examine the functions of father, mother and the children diagram the relationship in the family   Student as a class discuss the meaning of family  -students  as individual indicate the different types of family -students in small group examine the functions of father  ,mother and the children Students in pairs diagram the relationship in the family   
Wk 2PVS (AGRICULTURE) Classes of farm animals Classes Work animals Diary animals Guard animal Poultry birds Aquatic animals    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: recall the six classes of farm animalsclassify farm animal according to the class the belong justify the importance of classifying farm animals  Whole class discussion the classification of farm animals Students individually write out the names of farm animals around them and arrange each of them in appropriate class Students in a small groups analyze the importance of classifications
3PVS (Home Economics) The home different between a home and a housemeaning of violence domestic violence types of domestic violence and causeBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to explain the meaning of a house and housedescribe violence and domestic violenceidentify the causes of domestic violence  – Students as a class discuss the meaning of a home -students in pairs discuss the meaning of violence and share with the class – students in small groups discuss the cause of domestic violence and provide solution to it 
Wk 4PVS (Agriculture) Applications of selected farm animals Large animal Cattle Sheep goats By the end of the lesson, student should be able to describe the characteristic futures of catles, sheep, goat and rabbit Identify their feed habits Describe the body part of a goatWhole class brainstorming on characteristic features of poultry birds and rabbits Students visit the school poultry draw and label parts of a fowl Small group discussion on similarities and differences between large and small animals 
Wk 5PVS  (HOME ECONOMICS  Production of cleaning agents, types of clearing agents uses of clearing agents preparation of clearing agentsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to identify some  clearing agents specify the types of clearing agents describe various clearing agents prepare homemade clearing agentsmake use of the clearing agents     Students as an individual identify some clearing agents and specify types of clearing agents Students in pairs describe various and their uses Students in small groups prepare homemade clearing agents and make use of it
Wk 6PVS (Agriculture) PVS  (HOME ECONOMICS  Cosmetics Safety quality and regulations, control of cosmetics products in Nigeria Roles of regulatory bodies e.g. NAFDAC, SONS etc Point to consider in the choice and use of cosmetics and deodorantBy the , students should be able to identify animals that are kept for security purposesoutline animal products that serve as food give reasons why some animals are kept as pets        Students as a class mentions animal kept for security and food purpose Small group discussion the importance of keeping animals as pets Student check on youtube how to start my own small livestock business
 Importance of keeping farm animals Food, protection, pet, income, etcBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Differentiate cosmetics and deodorant Define the roles of regulatory bodies of NAFDAC, SONS etc Gives reasons why we must obtain permission from regulatory bodies before we can sells our products Indicate the point to considered in the choice and use of cosmetics and deodorant  Students in small group differentiate cosmetics and deodorant Students as a class identify some roles of cosmetics regulatory bodies and participate in field trip to the bodies ***** 
Wk7Mid term breakMid term break 
Wk 8Common weeds and methods of control Meaning Common weeds Effects of weeds on vegetation and soil Methods of weed controlBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Recall the names of the common weeds  around themDifferentiate between cultural and chemical methods of controlling weedsControl weeds found in their locality and in the school  Students in small group the differences between cultural and chemical methods of controlling weeds Students visits the school farm and carryout weeds control measures Students in small groups prepare simple weed album
Wk 8PVS (Home Economics) family needs goals and standard 1.meaning of family needs wants  goals and standard 2. types of need and examples By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Explain the meaning of family needs goals and standard Signify types of family needs and give  examples of each typeRecognize the differences between needs and wants Aim for good standard for family livingStudents as a class explain the meaning of family needs with examples Students to pairs recognize the differences between needs and wants Students as an individual aim for good standard for family living  
9-10PVS (Agriculture)  
 Crop pests and methods of control Meaning of pests Classification of pests (insects /invertebrate pests) Classes of  insect pests bread based on their mouth part (biting and chewing piercing and sucking boring insects) Names and descriptions of important insect pests Methods of pest  control (physical, chemical and  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Explain what they understand by pestIndentify different insect pestsDescribe the methods of pest control Apply any of the methods to pest control on the school farm and around their homes Give reasons for controlling pest    Whole class brainstorm on pest Students visit the school farm to identify crop pests Small group discussion on method controlling crop, pest, under their teacher’s supervision Students individually demonstrate the various methods of pest control Students individually visit the internet and research on important pest of agriculture 
 PVS (Agriculture) family resources Meaning of resourcesTypes of resourcesCharacteristics of resources     By the end of the lesson , student should be able to Explain the meaning of family resources Assess types of family resources Cite the characteristic of these resources Effectively manage resources available to theStudent as a class explain the meaning of family resources Students in pairs assess types of family resources Students as an individual cite the characteristics of family resources and effectively manage  it  
10PVS (home Economics)  
 Decision making in the family Meaning and steps making in the family Importance  of decision making Factors that influence decision making   By the end of the lesson, students should be able to  Give the meaning of decision making Arrange the steps in decision making Name the factors that influence decision making Make meaningful and good decisions-Students in a small group arrange the steps in decision making -Students in small group arrange the steps indecision making -Students in pairs name the factors that influence decision making  Students as an individual make a meaningful and a good decision


1PVS (Agriculture) Welcome test/revision of last term’s work (crop pest and method of control)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Recall some topics taught last termPupils participate in the resumption test Group discussion and revision work  
1.PVS (Home  Economics) Revision /Pre resumption TestBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Recall some topics taught last termStudents  participate in the welcome test Group discussion on revision of last term work
2PVS (Agriculture) Factors of agricultural production (Land, Water, Labour, Capital and Farm Manager): -Land -How farmers acquire land for Agricultural Production. -Characteristics of Land -Reward for land -Methods of improvement  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I. Outline the factors of agricultural production. ii.Describe the characteristics of land. Iii Explain the purpose/importance of land. iv.Develop methods of improving land for agricultural production  1 Students are guided to describe the factors of agricultural production. 2 Whole class discussion on the characteristic features of land. 3 Students in pairs discuss the importance of land as a factor of agricultural production and share with class. 4 Students in small groups develop various ways in which the school farmland can be improved upon and a leader present to the class
2PVS (Home  Economics) Basic sewing processes 1.meaning of stitches 2. classification and uses of stitches Rules to follow when making  stitches By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Discuss the meaning of stitches Classify stitches into temporary permanent and decorate stitchesDescribes the rules to follow when making stitches Produce different basic stitches in an album  *******************
3PVS (Agriculture) Factors of agricultural production Water Importance of water to agricultural production Sources of water forBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Recognize the importance of water to agricultural productionIdentify order uses of water Explain rain-fed and imagination agriculture Students are guided to mention the things they use water for at home and in schoolStudents in small groups discuss rain fed and imagination agriculture and share their idea with the classStudents in the same groups
 Agriculture Rain –fed agriculture Irritation agricultureIv. Name the various sources of water available for agriculture productionCreate charts of different sources of water a variable for agricultural production and paste on the wall for a gallery walk 4 students visit the link below to see how irrigation agriculture is practiced
3PVS (Home Economics) basic sewing processes  Meaning of seamTypes and uses of seamProcess  of making different types of seamBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Explain the meaning of seamClassify types and uses of seam Make different types of seamsPoint out the guidelines for choosing seams-student as a class explain the meaning of seam -students in pairs classify types and uses of seams -students as an individual make different types of seams and point out the guidelines for choosing seams 
4PVS (Agriculture) Factors of agricultural production Types of labour Reward for labourBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Recall the labour Describe the types of labourDetermine why labour is important to agricultural production    Whole class discussion on the reward and types of labour 2. Small groups discussion on important of labour to agricultural production 3. students are divided into groups and appointed duties of – cleaning the school poultry – feeding the poultry Feed the poultry birds Weeding the school farm   
4PVS (Home Economics) Simple sewing tools and equipment Meaning of sewing equipment Types and uses of sewing equipment Guidelines for choosing equipment and toolsBy the end of lesson, students should be able to Explain meaning of sewing equipment Classify types of sewing tools and equipment Make use sewing tools and equipment-Student as a class explain the meaning of sewing equipment. -Students in small groups classify types of sewing tools and equipment. -Students as an individual make use of sewing tools and equipment and give the guidelines for choosing sewing tools and equipment  
5PVS (Agriculture) Factors of agriculture production Capital Types of capital Importance of capital Source of capitalBy the end of lesson, students should be able to give reason why we need capital for agricultural production identify the sources of capital to finance agricultural productions differentiate the different type of capital     Whole class discussion the importance of capital for agricultural production Students as a class are guided to mention finance institutions for raising capitalStudents in small groups compare and contrast between the types of capitalStudents in the same groups write a proposal  to the school principal requesting for finance for the school finance
5PVS (Home Economics) Production of clothing and house hold activities and crafts Tools and material for making household articles and craft  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Specific tools and materials for making needle work e.g. bag, apron, cap, tray cover, paper craft etc. Make craft articles the needle work, belt cap, socks, apron, scarves, pot holder etc.Students in small group  specify tools and materials for making needle work and make a craft article
6PVS (Agriculture) Factors of Agricultural production Farm manager Functions of farm faced by  farm managerBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Describe the functions of a farm managerGive reasons for the need for a farm managerIdentify the likely problems that farm managers could face Proffer solutions faced by farm managersWhose class brainstorm on the functions of a farm managerStudents in pairs deliberate on the need for a farm manager and share with the classStudents in small groups discuss problems faced by farm managers and provide solution to it Students as a class choose a farm manager for the school farm 
6PVS (Home Economics) Production of clothing and house hold activities and crafts Construction of simple relevant articles and craft e.g. purse, curtain, bibs, tablemate, etc  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Explain the procedure involved in making simple articles like purse curtain bibs etc Produce simple, house hold articles and craft for saleStudents in pairs explain the procedure involved in making simple article -students in small groups produce simple house hold articles and craft for sale ­ -students as an individual outline the precautions involved when making simple articles
WK 7                                        MID TERM BREAK
WK 8PVS (Agriculture) Simple farm tools Use of each of the farm tools General maintenance of farm toolsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Identify some simple farm toolsDescribe the function of each toolDemonstrate the maintenance practice for the farm toolsStudents as a class name some farm tools brought to the class by the teacher Whole class discussion on functions of each farm toolsStudents individually demonstrate the use of the farm tools at the school farm Students in small groups practice the general maintenance of these farm tools
8PVS (Home Economics) Puberty and adolescence meaning of puberty, adolescencesign of puberty in boys and girls meaning of menstruation and menstrual hygiene   body odourcauses and preventioncharacteristics of adolescenceBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to explain puberty and adolescent identify signs of puberty in both boys and girls describe menstruation and menstrual hygiene outline the causes and prevention of body odourexamine the characteristics of adolescence observe good personal hygiene  Students as a whole class explain puberty and adolescent Students as an individual; identify signs of puberty  in both boys and girls Students in small group describe menstruation and menstrual hygiene Students in parts outline the causes and  prevention of body  odour -students as an individual examine the characteristics of adolescence
9PVS (Agriculture) Economic empowerment through agriculture Meaning and  purpose Benefits importance Challenges Some empowerment project by the federal and state governmentBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain economic  empowerment Outline the benefits of economic empowerment Enumerate some agricultural  empowerment projects in the country Provide solution to some of the challenges face by agricultural empowerment programmesWhole class brainstorm on the meaning of economics empowerment Small groups discussion the benefits of economic empowerment through agriculture Students as a class mention some agricultural empowerment project programmes they know   in the country Students discuss the challenges faced by agricultural empowerment programmes and proper solution to the problems 
9PVS (Home Economics) Sexuality transmitted  infections (STDs) and HIV/AIDS Meaning of sexually transmitted in infections (STDs) Types of (STIs) Causes  and prevention of (STDs) Signs, symptoms of (STIs) Self-medication Sources of sexuality information and consequences, of self-medicationBy the end of the lesson, students should be  able to Explain the meaning of sexuality transmitted infections (STIs) Categories types of sexuality transmitted infection (STIs) Indicate the causes and prevention of (STIs) Specify the signs/symptoms of (STIs) Outline consequences of self medicationName the sources of sexuality information   -students  as a class explain the meaning of sexuality transmitted infections -student in small group categorize types of sexuality transmitted infections and prevention -student in pairs explain self medication and outline the consequences of self-medication   
10PSV (Agriculture) Field trip (excursion to an established farm)By the end of the trip, student should be able to Write report on their observations, Apply what they learn at site of excursion on the school farmsStudents individually write a report of their visit and  submit to the teacher Students in groups share ideas/ knowledge they derive from the trip and apply some on the school farm Students visit the internet and research more on how to be a good farmer and make the school farm better 
10PVS (Home Economics) Fundamental Human Right Meaning of fundamental human right Right of a  child and women Violation of right Remedy for breach of fundamental right Types of entertainment Setting of tableBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define fundamental human right Defend the rights of  a child and women Identify the consequences of violating human rights Itemize the  remedy for breach of fundamental right Identify types of entertainment e.g  buffet, table, tray service etc.-Students as a class define fundamental human right. -Students in pairs defend the rights of a child and women. Students in small group identify the consequences of violating human rights and remedy for breach of fundamental right              
11PVS (Agriculture) Revision  
11PVS (Home Economics) Entertainment in the  home Meaning of entertainment Importance of entertainment Writing of invitation cardBy the end  of the  lesson, students should be able to: Explain entertainment Decide the importance of entertainment Write an invitation cardStudents as a class explain entertainment and decide the importance of entertainment Student in small group  write an invitation card and identify types of entertainment Students as an individual
12-13Revision and Examination  



Week: 1



Introduction to Home Economics.

1. Meaning of Home Economics.

2. Areas of Home Economics.

3. Relationship of to other Subject.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Explain the meaning of Home Economics.

2. Indicate the areas of Home Economics.

3. Construct the relationship of with other Subject.

Learning Activities:        

-Students as a class explain the meaning of Home Economics.

-Students as an individual indicate the areas of Home Economics.

-Students in small groups construct the relationship of with other Subject.

Embedded Core Skills:

-Communication and


-Critical thinking and problem solving.

-Leadership and personal development.

-Creativity and imagination.

Learning Resources:


– Chart showing areas of


Relationship between Home Economics.



Week: 2



and National Development

1. Careers Opportunities in Home Economics.

2. Career requirements in Home Economics.

3. Importance of to the individual, family and nation.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Draw and label parts of human body;

2. Enumerate functions of the hair;

3. Care for hair, combs and brushes;

4. Justify hair infections and ways of preventing them and causes.

Learning Activities:        

-Students as a group work on different parts of human body.

-Students in pairs discuss the functions of the hair and specify types of hair with examples.

Embedded Core Skills:

-Communication and


-Creativity and imagination.

– Leadership and personal



Learning Resources:


– Real objects on hair care products e.g. shampoo, hair oil pomade, spray, hair cream, hair wig etc.

2. WEB RESOURCES.                             


Week: 3



The Human Body

1. Parts of human body.

2. Structure of the hair.

3. Types and ways of caring for the hair.

4. Hair care products.

5. Hair infections, causes, prevention and treatment.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Draw and label parts of human body;

2. Enumerate functions of the hair;

3. Care for hair, combs and brushes;

4. Justify hair infections and ways of preventing them and causes.

Learning Activities:        

-Students as a group work on different parts of human body.

-Students in pairs discuss the functions of the hair and specify types of hair with examples.

-Students as individuals justify hair infections and ways of preventing them.

Embedded Core Skills:

-Communication and


-Creativity and imagination.

– Leadership and personal



Learning Resources:


– Real objects on hair care products e.g. shampoo, hair oil pomade, spray, hair cream, hair wig etc.

2. WEB RESOURCES.                             


Week: 4



The Human Body

1. Structure and parts of the eye, nose and the ear.

2. Functions of the eye, nose and the ear.

3. Care and grooming of the eye, nose and the ear.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson,

Students should be able to:

1. Draw and label the structure of the eye, nose and the ear.

2. Point out the functions of the eye, nose and the ear.

3. Care for eye, nose and the ear.

Learning Activities:        

-Students in small groups work on structure and parts of the eye, nose and the ear.

-Students in pairs point out the functions of the eye, nose and the ear.

-Students as individual care for eye, nose and the ear.

Embedded Core Skills:

– Communication and


-Critical thinking and problem solving.

-Leadership and personal development.

-Creativity and imagination.

Learning Resources:


– Diagram of labeled eye, nose and the eye.



Week: 5



The Human Body

1. Structure of the skin and parts of the skin.

2. Functions of the skin.

3. Types and care of the skin.

4. Skin diseases skin injuries and prevention.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1 Draw and label the structure of the skin.

2 Examine the function of the skin.

3 Cite some skin injuries, diseases and prevention.

Learning Activities:        

-Students in small groups sketch and draw the structure of the skin.

-Students in pairs examine the functions of the skin.

-Students as an individual cite some skin injuries, diseases and prevention.

Embedded Core Skills:

-Communication and


-Critical thinking and problem solving.

-Leadership and personal development.


Learning Resources:


-A chart showing the structure of the skin.

– Students used as learning resources.


Week: 6



The Human Body

1. Structure of the teeth, hands and feet.

2. Functions of the teeth, hands and feet.

3. Care of the teeth, hands and feet.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                           

1. Identify the teeth, hands and feet.

2. Draw and label teeth, hands and feet.

3. Care for teeth, hands and feet.

Learning Activities:        

-Students as a class identify the teeth, hands and feet.

-Student in small groups draw and label the teeth, hands and feet.

-Students as an individual demonstrate on care of the teeth, hands and feet.

Embedded Core Skills:

– Communication and


-Critical thinking and problem solving.

– Leadership and personal


-Creativity and imagination.

Learning Resources:


– Real objects e.g.

Toothbrush and paste, chewing stick, manicure set foot wear e.g. shoes, socks, sandals etc.


Week: 7



Week: 8/9



Good Posture and Exercise

1. Definition of Posture and Exercise.

2. Importance of posture and Exercise.

3. Factors that influence posture.

4. Consequences of using drugs in Exercise and sport.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson,

Students should be able to:

1. Explain the meaning of Posture and exercise.

2. Specify the importance of good posture and exercise.

3. Outlines the factors that influence posture.

4. Discover the consequences of using drugs in exercise and sport.

Learning Activities:        

-Students as a class explain the meaning of posture and exercise.

-Students in small group specify the importance of good posture and exercise.

-Students in pairs outlines the factors that influence posture.

– Whole class discussion on the consequences of using drugs in exercise and sport.

Embedded Core Skills:

-Communication and collaboration. 

-Critical thinking and problem solving.

-Leadership and personal development.


Learning Resources:


-Posters showing different postures and exercises.

– Demonstration.



Week: 8/9



Healthy Feeding Habits

1. Meaning of food.

2. Functions of food.

3. Food groups with examples

4. Meaning of food habits and food additives.

5. Importance of healthy feeding habits.

6. Effects of unhealthy feeding Habits.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Explain the meaning of food.

2. Describe the functions of food.

3. Classify food groups with examples.

4. Differentiate between food habits and food additives.

5. Asses the importance of healthy feeding habits.

6. Specify the effects of unhealthy feeding habits.

Learning Activities:        

-Students as a class explain the meaning of food.

-Students in small groups classify food groups with examples.

-Students in pairs differentiate between food habits and food additives.

-Students as an individual asses importance of healthy feeding habits.

Embedded Core Skills:

-Communication and collaboration.

-Critical thinking and problem solving.

-Leadership and personal development.

-Creativity and imagination.

Learning Resources:


 -Pictures of unhealthy feeding children.

– A chart showing good sources of foods. (Adequate diet).

2. WEB RESOURCES. https;//

Week: 10



Healthy Feeding and Eating Practice.

1. Effects of unhealthy eating habits e.g. stomach upset.

2. Food contaminant.

3. Food poisoning.

4. Symptoms of food poisoning.

5. Drug abuse and effect of drug abuse.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Discuss the effects of unhealthy eating habits.

2. Differentiate between food contaminant and food poisoning.

3. Give the symptoms and effects of food poisoning.

4. Define the term drug abuse.

5. Examine the effects of Drug abuse.

Learning Activities:        

-Students as a class discuss the effects of unhealthy eating habits.

-Students in pairs differentiate between food contaminant and food poisoning.

-Students in small groups discuss the effects of drug abuse and share with the class.

Embedded Core Skills:

-Communication and collaboration.

-Critical thinking and problem solving.

-Leadership and personal



Learning Resources:


 -Poster showing a drunkard and different drug abuse.




Week: 11



Week: 12



Home Economics Unified Schemes of Work for Junior Secondary School One (1). Lagos State JSS1 Home Economics Scheme of Work.


weeksTopicsLearning objectivesLearning activities
Wk1PVS (Home Economics) The family Meaning of the familyTypes of the family Responsibilities of the father, mother and the childrenFamily relationsBy the end of the lesson ,students should be able to discuss the meaning of family indicate the different types of family examine the functions of father, mother and the children diagram the relationship in the family   Student as a class discuss the meaning of family  -students  as individual indicate the different types of family -students in small group examine the functions of father  ,mother and the children Students in pairs diagram the relationship in the family   
Wk 2PVS (AGRICULTURE) Classes of farm animals Classes Work animals Diary animals Guard animal Poultry birds Aquatic animals    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: recall the six classes of farm animalsclassify farm animal according to the class the belong justify the importance of classifying farm animals  Whole class discussion the classification of farm animals Students individually write out the names of farm animals around them and arrange each of them in appropriate class Students in a small groups analyze the importance of classifications
3PVS (Home Economics) The home different between a home and a housemeaning of violence domestic violence types of domestic violence and causeBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to explain the meaning of a house and housedescribe violence and domestic violenceidentify the causes of domestic violence  – Students as a class discuss the meaning of a home -students in pairs discuss the meaning of violence and share with the class – students in small groups discuss the cause of domestic violence and provide solution to it 
Wk 4PVS (Agriculture) Applications of selected farm animals Large animal Cattle Sheep goats By the end of the lesson, student should be able to describe the characteristic futures of catles, sheep, goat and rabbit Identify their feed habits Describe the body part of a goatWhole class brainstorming on characteristic features of poultry birds and rabbits Students visit the school poultry draw and label parts of a fowl Small group discussion on similarities and differences between large and small animals 
Wk 5PVS  (HOME ECONOMICS  Production of cleaning agents, types of clearing agents uses of clearing agents preparation of clearing agentsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to identify some  clearing agents specify the types of clearing agents describe various clearing agents prepare homemade clearing agentsmake use of the clearing agents     Students as an individual identify some clearing agents and specify types of clearing agents Students in pairs describe various and their uses Students in small groups prepare homemade clearing agents and make use of it
Wk 6PVS (Agriculture) PVS  (HOME ECONOMICS  Cosmetics Safety quality and regulations, control of cosmetics products in Nigeria Roles of regulatory bodies e.g. NAFDAC, SONS etc Point to consider in the choice and use of cosmetics and deodorantBy the , students should be able to identify animals that are kept for security purposesoutline animal products that serve as food give reasons why some animals are kept as pets        Students as a class mentions animal kept for security and food purpose Small group discussion the importance of keeping animals as pets Student check on youtube how to start my own small livestock business
 Importance of keeping farm animals Food, protection, pet, income, etcBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Differentiate cosmetics and deodorant Define the roles of regulatory bodies of NAFDAC, SONS etc Gives reasons why we must obtain permission from regulatory bodies before we can sells our products Indicate the point to considered in the choice and use of cosmetics and deodorant  Students in small group differentiate cosmetics and deodorant Students as a class identify some roles of cosmetics regulatory bodies and participate in field trip to the bodies ***** 
Wk7Mid term breakMid term break 
Wk 8Common weeds and methods of control Meaning Common weeds Effects of weeds on vegetation and soil Methods of weed controlBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Recall the names of the common weeds  around themDifferentiate between cultural and chemical methods of controlling weedsControl weeds found in their locality and in the school  Students in small group the differences between cultural and chemical methods of controlling weeds Students visits the school farm and carryout weeds control measures Students in small groups prepare simple weed album
Wk 8PVS (Home Economics) family needs goals and standard 1.meaning of family needs wants  goals and standard 2. types of need and examples By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Explain the meaning of family needs goals and standard Signify types of family needs and give  examples of each typeRecognize the differences between needs and wants Aim for good standard for family livingStudents as a class explain the meaning of family needs with examples Students to pairs recognize the differences between needs and wants Students as an individual aim for good standard for family living  
9-10PVS (Agriculture)  
 Crop pests and methods of control Meaning of pests Classification of pests (insects /invertebrate pests) Classes of  insect pests bread based on their mouth part (biting and chewing piercing and sucking boring insects) Names and descriptions of important insect pests Methods of pest  control (physical, chemical and  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Explain what they understand by pestIndentify different insect pestsDescribe the methods of pest control Apply any of the methods to pest control on the school farm and around their homes Give reasons for controlling pest    Whole class brainstorm on pest Students visit the school farm to identify crop pests Small group discussion on method controlling crop, pest, under their teacher’s supervision Students individually demonstrate the various methods of pest control Students individually visit the internet and research on important pest of agriculture 
 PVS (Agriculture) family resources Meaning of resourcesTypes of resourcesCharacteristics of resources     By the end of the lesson , student should be able to Explain the meaning of family resources Assess types of family resources Cite the characteristic of these resources Effectively manage resources available to theStudent as a class explain the meaning of family resources Students in pairs assess types of family resources Students as an individual cite the characteristics of family resources and effectively manage  it  
10PVS (home Economics)  
 Decision making in the family Meaning and steps making in the family Importance  of decision making Factors that influence decision making   By the end of the lesson, students should be able to  Give the meaning of decision making Arrange the steps in decision making Name the factors that influence decision making Make meaningful and good decisions-Students in a small group arrange the steps in decision making -Students in small group arrange the steps indecision making -Students in pairs name the factors that influence decision making  Students as an individual make a meaningful and a good decision

PVS Prevocational Studies Schemes of Work for Junior Secondary School One (1). Lagos State JSS1 Pre-vocational Studies Scheme of Work.


1PVS (Agriculture) Welcome test/revision of last term’s work (crop pest and method of control)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Recall some topics taught last termPupils participate in the resumption test Group discussion and revision work  
1.PVS (Home  Economics) Revision /Pre resumption TestBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Recall some topics taught last termStudents  participate in the welcome test Group discussion on revision of last term work
2PVS (Agriculture) Factors of agricultural production (Land, Water, Labour, Capital and Farm Manager): -Land -How farmers acquire land for Agricultural Production. -Characteristics of Land -Reward for land -Methods of improvement  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I. Outline the factors of agricultural production. ii.Describe the characteristics of land. Iii Explain the purpose/importance of land. iv.Develop methods of improving land for agricultural production  1 Students are guided to describe the factors of agricultural production. 2 Whole class discussion on the characteristic features of land. 3 Students in pairs discuss the importance of land as a factor of agricultural production and share with class. 4 Students in small groups develop various ways in which the school farmland can be improved upon and a leader present to the class
2PVS (Home  Economics) Basic sewing processes 1.meaning of stitches 2. classification and uses of stitches Rules to follow when making  stitches By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Discuss the meaning of stitches Classify stitches into temporary permanent and decorate stitchesDescribes the rules to follow when making stitches Produce different basic stitches in an album  *******************
3PVS (Agriculture) Factors of agricultural production Water Importance of water to agricultural production Sources of water forBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Recognize the importance of water to agricultural productionIdentify order uses of water Explain rain-fed and imagination agriculture Students are guided to mention the things they use water for at home and in schoolStudents in small groups discuss rain fed and imagination agriculture and share their idea with the classStudents in the same groups
 Agriculture Rain –fed agriculture Irritation agricultureIv. Name the various sources of water available for agriculture productionCreate charts of different sources of water a variable for agricultural production and paste on the wall for a gallery walk 4 students visit the link below to see how irrigation agriculture is practiced
3PVS (Home Economics) basic sewing processes  Meaning of seamTypes and uses of seamProcess  of making different types of seamBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Explain the meaning of seamClassify types and uses of seam Make different types of seamsPoint out the guidelines for choosing seams-student as a class explain the meaning of seam -students in pairs classify types and uses of seams -students as an individual make different types of seams and point out the guidelines for choosing seams 
4PVS (Agriculture) Factors of agricultural production Types of labour Reward for labourBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Recall the labour Describe the types of labourDetermine why labour is important to agricultural production    Whole class discussion on the reward and types of labour 2. Small groups discussion on important of labour to agricultural production 3. students are divided into groups and appointed duties of – cleaning the school poultry – feeding the poultry Feed the poultry birds Weeding the school farm   
4PVS (Home Economics) Simple sewing tools and equipment Meaning of sewing equipment Types and uses of sewing equipment Guidelines for choosing equipment and toolsBy the end of lesson, students should be able to Explain meaning of sewing equipment Classify types of sewing tools and equipment Make use sewing tools and equipment-Student as a class explain the meaning of sewing equipment. -Students in small groups classify types of sewing tools and equipment. -Students as an individual make use of sewing tools and equipment and give the guidelines for choosing sewing tools and equipment  
5PVS (Agriculture) Factors of agriculture production Capital Types of capital Importance of capital Source of capitalBy the end of lesson, students should be able to give reason why we need capital for agricultural production identify the sources of capital to finance agricultural productions differentiate the different type of capital     Whole class discussion the importance of capital for agricultural production Students as a class are guided to mention finance institutions for raising capitalStudents in small groups compare and contrast between the types of capitalStudents in the same groups write a proposal  to the school principal requesting for finance for the school finance
5PVS (Home Economics) Production of clothing and house hold activities and crafts Tools and material for making household articles and craft  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Specific tools and materials for making needle work e.g. bag, apron, cap, tray cover, paper craft etc. Make craft articles the needle work, belt cap, socks, apron, scarves, pot holder etc.Students in small group  specify tools and materials for making needle work and make a craft article
6PVS (Agriculture) Factors of Agricultural production Farm manager Functions of farm faced by  farm managerBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Describe the functions of a farm managerGive reasons for the need for a farm managerIdentify the likely problems that farm managers could face Proffer solutions faced by farm managersWhose class brainstorm on the functions of a farm managerStudents in pairs deliberate on the need for a farm manager and share with the classStudents in small groups discuss problems faced by farm managers and provide solution to it Students as a class choose a farm manager for the school farm 
6PVS (Home Economics) Production of clothing and house hold activities and crafts Construction of simple relevant articles and craft e.g. purse, curtain, bibs, tablemate, etc  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Explain the procedure involved in making simple articles like purse curtain bibs etc Produce simple, house hold articles and craft for saleStudents in pairs explain the procedure involved in making simple article -students in small groups produce simple house hold articles and craft for sale ­ -students as an individual outline the precautions involved when making simple articles
WK 7                                        MID TERM BREAK
WK 8PVS (Agriculture) Simple farm tools Use of each of the farm tools General maintenance of farm toolsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to Identify some simple farm toolsDescribe the function of each toolDemonstrate the maintenance practice for the farm toolsStudents as a class name some farm tools brought to the class by the teacher Whole class discussion on functions of each farm toolsStudents individually demonstrate the use of the farm tools at the school farm Students in small groups practice the general maintenance of these farm tools
8PVS (Home Economics) Puberty and adolescence meaning of puberty, adolescencesign of puberty in boys and girls meaning of menstruation and menstrual hygiene   body odourcauses and preventioncharacteristics of adolescenceBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to explain puberty and adolescent identify signs of puberty in both boys and girls describe menstruation and menstrual hygiene outline the causes and prevention of body odourexamine the characteristics of adolescence observe good personal hygiene  Students as a whole class explain puberty and adolescent Students as an individual; identify signs of puberty  in both boys and girls Students in small group describe menstruation and menstrual hygiene Students in parts outline the causes and  prevention of body  odour -students as an individual examine the characteristics of adolescence
9PVS (Agriculture) Economic empowerment through agriculture Meaning and  purpose Benefits importance Challenges Some empowerment project by the federal and state governmentBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain economic  empowerment Outline the benefits of economic empowerment Enumerate some agricultural  empowerment projects in the country Provide solution to some of the challenges face by agricultural empowerment programmesWhole class brainstorm on the meaning of economics empowerment Small groups discussion the benefits of economic empowerment through agriculture Students as a class mention some agricultural empowerment project programmes they know   in the country Students discuss the challenges faced by agricultural empowerment programmes and proper solution to the problems 
9PVS (Home Economics) Sexuality transmitted  infections (STDs) and HIV/AIDS Meaning of sexually transmitted in infections (STDs) Types of (STIs) Causes  and prevention of (STDs) Signs, symptoms of (STIs) Self-medication Sources of sexuality information and consequences, of self-medicationBy the end of the lesson, students should be  able to Explain the meaning of sexuality transmitted infections (STIs) Categories types of sexuality transmitted infection (STIs) Indicate the causes and prevention of (STIs) Specify the signs/symptoms of (STIs) Outline consequences of self medicationName the sources of sexuality information   -students  as a class explain the meaning of sexuality transmitted infections -student in small group categorize types of sexuality transmitted infections and prevention -student in pairs explain self medication and outline the consequences of self-medication   
10PSV (Agriculture) Field trip (excursion to an established farm)By the end of the trip, student should be able to Write report on their observations, Apply what they learn at site of excursion on the school farmsStudents individually write a report of their visit and  submit to the teacher Students in groups share ideas/ knowledge they derive from the trip and apply some on the school farm Students visit the internet and research more on how to be a good farmer and make the school farm better 
10PVS (Home Economics) Fundamental Human Right Meaning of fundamental human right Right of a  child and women Violation of right Remedy for breach of fundamental right Types of entertainment Setting of tableBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define fundamental human right Defend the rights of  a child and women Identify the consequences of violating human rights Itemize the  remedy for breach of fundamental right Identify types of entertainment e.g  buffet, table, tray service etc.-Students as a class define fundamental human right. -Students in pairs defend the rights of a child and women. Students in small group identify the consequences of violating human rights and remedy for breach of fundamental right              
11PVS (Agriculture) Revision  
11PVS (Home Economics) Entertainment in the  home Meaning of entertainment Importance of entertainment Writing of invitation cardBy the end  of the  lesson, students should be able to: Explain entertainment Decide the importance of entertainment Write an invitation cardStudents as a class explain entertainment and decide the importance of entertainment Student in small group  write an invitation card and identify types of entertainment Students as an individual
12-13Revision and Examination  

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