SSS1 Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Scheme of Work First Term
Introduction to plumbing and pipe fitting
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] identify the origin of plumbing Ii] define plumbing Iii]discuss the functions of scope of plumbing
1]student inn small group explain the job of a plumber Ii] The student as a class state the area where plumber can work
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A] Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] pipes Web Resources
Safety rule and regulations in the work shop
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] define safety accident and hazard Ii] define safety rules and regulation Iii] identify hazards in the workshop rules and regulations V] demonstrate the safety acts in the workshop
The teacher will explain workshop rules and regulation Ii] students as a class demonstrate workshop rules and regulations Iii] students in a small group demonstrate safety practices Iv] students in pairs observe safety poster display
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A] Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/ Pictures Iii] video clips Iv]personal protective wear B] Web Resources
Workshop and machine safety rules and regulations
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] identify the personal protective equipment (PPE) Ii] discuss the uses of personal protective equipment Iii] identify safety rules and regulation in the workshop Iv] recognize the causes of accident in
1]students in small groups demonstrate the uses of PPE (personal protective Equipment) Ii] observation of safety posters displayed Iii] students in pairs demonstrate safety practices in group
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A] Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] pipes Web Resources
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A] Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/ Pictures Iii] video clips Iv]personal protective wear B] Web Resources
The workshop and machine operations V]demonstrate safety practice at the site
Safety rules and regulations on site
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] identify site rules and regulations I] identify site signals and symbols Iii] sketch site signal and symbols Iv] demonstrate the site signal with their colours
1] student as a class demonstrate the warnings sign and symbols prohibition sing and symbols, mandating sign and symbols; emergency sign and symbols Ii] students in pairs observe the signal and symbols Iii] students in small groups demonstrate some site signals
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A] Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/ Pictures Iii] video clips Iv] site signals B Web Resources
Hand Tools/ Maintenance
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] List various hand tools Ii] identify various hand tools used in plumbing work Iii] Discuss the uses of the hand tools Iv] sketch various hand tools v] operate various types of hand tools
I] students as a class explain type of tools and their uses Ii] students in pairs observe hand tools Iii] students sketch hand tools
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A] Audio Visual Resources I] Hand tools in plumbing Ii] charts / poster Iii] manufacturer manual on hand tools V] software on plumbing hand tools Web Resources
Hand tools (measuring and marking out)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] identify measuring and marking out tools e.g. tape, veneer caliper, try square etc Ii] discuss the uses of measuring and marking out tools Iii] sketch measuring out tools Iv] operate measuring
1] students in small groups demonstrate the use of measuring and marking out tools Ii] students practice the use of measuring tools and marking out tools Iii] students as a class demonstrate the maintenance procedure or method of measuring and marking out tools in
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/ pictures Iii] video clips Iv] digital measuring tape V] tape rule Vi] try square Vii] veneer Caliper
Mid Term Break
Hand Tools (cutting and boiling)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] identify cutting and boring tools e.g. hack saw, pipe hammer etc
1] students as a class demonstrate the uses of cutting and boring tools Ii] students in small groups practice the uses of cutting and boring tools Iii] students in pairs demonstrate the maintenance procedure or method of cutting and boring tools
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Ii] discuss the uses of cutting and boring tools Iii] sketch cutting and boring tools holding and supporting tools e.g. vice, clamp, etc Ii] discuss the uses of holding and supporting tools Iii] sketch holding and supporting tools v] carry out operation on the uses of holding and supporting tools
1] students as a class demonstrate the uses of holding and supporting tools Ii] students in small groups practice the uses of holding and supporting tools Iii] students in pairs demonstrate the maintenance procedure or method of holding and supporting tools
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] vice (bench & standing) v]Gas pliers vi] pipe wrench vii] adjustable spanner viii] G-clamp B Web Resources
Equipment and maintenance
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] identify equipment used in plumbing work
I] students as a class identify and explain types of equipment used in plumbing workshop Ii] The teacher explain the uses of
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal
Ii] discuss the types of equipment, uses of equipment used for plumbing work Iii] explain the maintenance procedures of equipment Iv]sketch various equipment v] Carry out maintenance operation on the hand tools and equipments
Equipments Iii] students as a class observed equipments Iv] students sketch equipments V] the students carry out maintenance on the hand tools and equipments in groups
development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
Iii] Video clips Iv] Equipment plumbing V] manufacturer manual Web Resources
Ii] discuss the types of equipment, uses of equipment used for plumbing work Iii] explain the maintenance procedures of equipment Iv]sketch various equipment v] Carry out maintenance operation on the hand tools and equipments
Equipments Iii] students as a class observed equipments Iv] students sketch equipments V] the students carry out maintenance on the hand tools and equipments in groups
development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
Iii] Video clips Iv] Equipment plumbing V] manufacturer manual Web Resources
Equipment and maintenance (Cont.)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] identify bending , threading , cutting and joining, equipment e.g. pipe bending machine , die & stock, drilling machine, wall chaser, fusion welding machine etc Ii] discuss the uses of bending, threading, cutting and joining equipments Iii] explain the maintenance procedures of bending , threading, cutting and joining equipments Iv] sketch bending threading, cutting and joining equipment
1] students as a class identify and explain the uses of bending , cutting , threading and joining equipments Ii] students in small group observed the equipments Iii] students in pairs demonstrate the uses of the equipments Iv] students in pairs practice the use of the equipments
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A] Audio-Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] pipe bending machine V] die and stock Threading machine) V]drilling machine Vi] wall chaser Vii] Fusion welding machine Viii] manufacturer’s manual Web Resources
Revision / Project
Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term
Revision /welcome Test
Revision of last Examination By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] Answer questions base on the topic taught in the last term Ii] Answer questions from the last examination
Each students will select question from the last examination and provide answer Ii] students will be divided into various grouped demonstrate on the topic taught during class
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A] Audio Visual Resources I] Last examination question paper Ii] chart Iii] posters/ pictures Iv] video Web Resources
Sources of water
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] discuss water and its properties Ii] list the various sources of water Iii] give example each of the source of water Iv] draw water cycle
The teacher explain the various sources of water Ii] students as a class observe various sources of water Iii] students go on excursion to sources of water Iv] students draw water cycle
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A] Audio Visual Resources The resources needed are I] chart on rain water cycle Ii] pictures Iii] video clips on rural water distribution B] Web Resources
Surface water
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] List various types and sources of surface water Ii] discuss various types of surface water
I] teacher list the various sources of surface water (stream, river, lake etc.) Ii] students in small groups, example the various types of surface water Iii] teacher takes students on excursion to some sources of surface water and students to sample the water collected from the sources
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A] Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] collect sample of various types of surface water B Web Resources
Surface water (cont.) State sources of impurities in water)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] discuss the characteristic of surface water (tasteless, odourless, colourless, etc Ii] Discuss the classification of water (hard and soft) Iii] identify what can render water impure
I] the teacher explain the characteristic of water Ii] The teacher explain the classification of water Iii] observe various types of surface water
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters Pictures Iii] video clips Iv] collect sample of various types of surface water Web Resources
Under-ground water
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] List various types and sources of underground Ii] discuss various types of underground water Iii] examine the source of underground water
I] students as a class list the various types of underground water Iii] students in pairs observe the sample collected from the sources of underground water
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] collect sample of underground water from various sources B. Web Resources
Underground Water (cont.)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] explain the characteristic of underground water Ii] discuss the classification of underground water Iii] identify what can render underground water impure
1] students as a class explain the characteristics of underground water Ii] students in a small groups explain the classification of underground water Iii] students in pairs collect sample of underground water Iv] students in pairs observe the various sources of water
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A. Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii]posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] container V]sample of water from different types of underground water
Mid Term Break
Underground Water (Cont.)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] observe various sources of
I]students as a class carry out observation on the types of underground water
Communication and collaboration Leadership and
A] Audio Visual Resources I]chart Ii] posters/
Ii] students underground water collected sample of underground water Ii] identify the impurities in underground water
Prepare the report on the observation of water
personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
Pictures Iii] video clips iv] container v] sample of underground water vi] Microscope Web Resources
Water Treatment
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] Outline various sources of Methods of water treatment. Ii carry out water treatment by filter.
I Students as a class explain the methods of Removing of hardness in water. Ii students carry out removal of particles from water.
personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio –Visual Resources i] chart Ii] posters Iii] video clips Iv] sample of water filter B Web Resources
Water Treatment
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] carry out experiment on water treatment Ii] treat water using any of the method of water treatment
I] students as a class demonstrate the treatment of water using sieve and filter Ii] students visit a water treatment plant (field trip)
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio –Visual Resources i] chart Ii] posters Iii] video clips Iv] sample of water v] filter Sieve vii] water guard Chlorine and alum B Web Resources
Water treatment (Carry out simple treatment)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] perform water treatment using various treatment equipment Ii] recommend the treatment of water from different sources
1] students as a class demonstrate and carryout water treatment Ii] students in small groups set up the water treatment plant and perform water treatment
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio-Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] sample of water treatment plant Web Resources
13 &14
Access Free Senior Secondary School Plumping and Pipe Fitting Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus Lagos State –
Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] answer questions correctly Ii] define pipe Iii] discuss types of pipes Iv] group pipes (metallic and non metallic)
1] student as a class list groups of pipes and explain the various groups Ii] student in small groups show the various types of pipes to students Iii] student in pairs observe the various types of pipes
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] sample of various pipes V]manufacturer’s manual B Web Resources
Pipe (Properties)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] discuss the properties of pipes Ii] identify the properties of pipes Iii] discuss the materials used to manufacture pipes
1] the teacher explain the properties of pipe (metallic and non-metallic) Ii] student as a class observe and identify the pipes and non metallic Iii] Student in small groups identify where the pipes can be use
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] sample of various pipes V]manufacturer’s manual B Web Resources
Pipe (Selection of Pipes for Jobs)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] select appropriate pipes for specific jobs Ii] state the uses of properties for selected pipes Iii]Explain the factors that determine the choice of pipe Iv]cut various types of pipes
I] student in small groups explain the factor that determine the choice of pipe Ii] student in pair select the pipe that are rigid Iii]student in pair cut pipe using various cutting tools
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] sample of various pipes v] Hack saw vi] file vii]pipe cutter viii] vice Web
V] identify the sizes of pipes
Pipes Fittings
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] identify various fittings Ii] discuss the types of fitting Iii] identify the uses of pipe fittings Iv] sketch various type of fittings
I] students as a class explain how the fitting can be used Ii] students in small groups display the different types of fitting Iii] students in pairs observe various types of fitting Iv] students sketch various types of fitting
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] sample of various types of fittings B Web Resources
Selection of pipe fittings
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] where various types of fitting can be use Ii]choose the right fittings for pipe work Iii] identify conventional signs and symbols of pipe fittings materials Iv] interpret conventional signs and symbols of pipe fitting materials
I] students as a class explain how the fitting can be used Ii] students as a class teacher list, explain and draw conventional signs and symbols of fitting Iii] students in small group identify and interpret conventional signs and symbols of pipe fitting Iv] students in small group observe various fitting shown to them
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] sample of various types of fittings B Web Resources
Pipe fitting (practical)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] select the appropriate fittings for specific job Ii] connect fitting to the pipes Iii]identify factors that determine the choice of fiting
I] students in pairs explain how and where the fitting are connected Ii] students as a class demonstrates fittings connection Iii] students in a small group select and connect various types of fitting Iv] students in a small groups construct a template using various
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] sample of various pipes v] Hack saw vi] vice vii]pipe Web Resources
Mid Term Break
Pipe Joining
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] define pipe jointing Ii]identify various type of pipe jointing Iii] discuss materials used in pipe jointing v] carry but pipe jointing
I] students in small groups list and explain the various types of pipe joint Ii] students as a class show the students the various joints Iii] students as a class observed various types of pipe joint
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] jointing materials Web Resources
Application of jointing
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] identify various type of joint available for different pipe material (PPR, pushfit, galvanized, PVC and copper) Ii] choose the right jointing for a pipe work Iii] identify jointing materials, tools and equipments
I] students as a class explain how to join different pipes with the fitting with the relevant joining material Ii]students as a class demonstrates the joining of various pipes with the fitting
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] solvent various pipes v] Hack saw vi] vice vii]pipes viii] fusion welding machine ix] putty and yam x] various types of fitting xi] files Web Resources
Pipe Joining
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] Demonstrate joining of bell and spigot Ii] identify the equipment to join PPR pipes Iii]Carry out deicing/ threading of pipes
I] students in small groups demonstrate the joining of PPR using fusion welding machine Ii] Students as a class demonstrate threading of pipes Iii] students in small groups practice pipe threading Iv] students as a class practice bell and spigot
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] die and stock v] Hack saw vi] vice vii] PPR pipes viii] fusion welding machine ix] Galvanized pipe
x] pipe cutters B] Web Resources
Pipe jointing (practical)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1] carry out pipe jointing on different types of pipes Ii] apply jointing materials to perform jointing
I]student carryout installation using various types of fitting Ii] students thread pipe and couple together
Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development -Critical thinking and problem solving -Creativity and imagination
A Audio Visual Resources I] chart Ii] posters/pictures Iii] video clips Iv] die and stock v] Hack saw vi] vice ix] Galvanized pipe B. Web Resources