Physics Scheme of Work SSS3 Lagos State

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Physics curriculum

Access Free Physics Scheme of work for SSS3. Lagos State Physics Curriculum for Secondary School

SSS3 Physics Scheme of Work First Term

1Revision/introduction to laserBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (a] Explain the term LASER with emphasis on its types, applications and dangers  I] The students as a class discuss laser and its application Ii] The students go online  for more info on laser –i] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  B web Resources https://physics .info you tube Khan Academy Video (laser)  
2Fibre optionsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] described the concept of fibre optics with emphasis on i] the principle of transmission of light through an optical fibre ii] the applications of fibre optics  i] The students are given fibre optics cable to explore and come up with a definition of fibre optics ii]  The students in small groups make presentations on the principles of transmission of light through optics fibre iii] The students go online for more information for more info fibre optics https://physics.Info/fibre opticsi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A  audio visual Resources Fibre optics cable   B Audio Resources Fibre optics cables B Web Resources
3Semiconductor ( electronics) electrical conduction through solid materialsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] distinguish between conductors semiconductors and insulators and insulators in terms of band theory Ii] differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors with examples Iii] explain doping and distinguish between P types and N-type semiconductors Iv] analyse junction diode & its voltage current characteristic V] discuss the use of a diode as a rectifierI] The students are provided with copper wire , rubber and bowl of water to compare their level of conduction of electricity Ii] The students in small groups discuss semiconductors in the intrinsic and extrinsic form Ii] The students go online  for more info https://physics info/semiconductori] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources I] water Ii] rubber Iii] salt water Iv] diode B web Resources https://wikipedia.or/wiki/electrical+conduction   

4Electric field: shunt and multiplier principle of potentiometer, electric field intensity electric potential and coulombs lawBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] convert Galvanometer to ammeter and voltmeter ii] state the principle of potentiometer, Iii] differentiate between electric field intensity and electric potential; Iv] solve simple problems on electric field intensity and electric potential v] state  coulombs law and solve related questionsI] the students’ as a class discuss  the nature of field around a wire carrying electric current Ii] The students go  online  for more info on electric field https://physics inf/electric+fieldi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio Visual resources I] Galvanometer Ammeter voltmeter Ii] connecting wires Iii] potentiometer iv] battery   B Web Resources https://physics  info wiki//electric+field   calculating devices    

5Electrolysis electrical conduction through liquids and gases, electrolytes and non-electrolytes, faraday’s laws of electrolysis and applicationBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] determine the conditions under which liquids and gases conduct electricity Ii] investigate the behavior of change carriers in liquids and gases Iii] state faraday’s law of electrolysis and its application; Iv] solve related questions on faraday’s lawI] The students in small groups demonstrate the conduction of electricity through liquids and gases Ii] The students as a clas distinguish between electrolytes and non-electrolyte Iii] The students go online for more info on electrolysis i] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio visual Resources I] dilute H2SO4 and CUSO4 Ii Ammeter Rheostat Iii] battery Iv] connecting wires V] voltmeter (copper plates) B web Resources https://wikipedia.or wiki/   calculation device
6Electro magnetic waves and capacitanceBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] distinguish between electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves; Ii] state some uses of electromagnetic waves and their sources Iii] compare and contrast in terms of frequency and wavelength , six radiations in the electromagnet spectrum  I] The students  are provided with copper wires, iron rods and battery to create electromagnets Ii] The students in small groups discuss the various types of electromagnet waves Iii] the students go online for more info  on electromagnetic wavesi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio Visual resources I] different types of capacitors Ii] battery cell Iii] connecting wires Iv] zero Galvanometer v] metal plates vi] insulators   B web Resources 

  [iv] distinguish between capacitance and capacitor, (v] state types of capacitors and their applications; V] determine the energy stored in a capacitor, Vii] calculate the equivalent capacitance for series and parallel arrangement of capacitor https://physics .info Khan academy Video (electromagnetic waves) etc waves   Calculation device
7Mid Term Test Open day Mid term break    
8Gravitational field Newton’s law of universal gravitation ‘G’ as a universal constant , keeper’s law , solar system satellites and escape velocity By the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] state Newton’s law of Universal Gravitation Ii] calculate the gravitational force between two masses or planets Iii] relate Kepler’s laws to the motion of the solar systems, Iv] distinguish between Natural and Artificial satellites v] discuss how artificial satellite are launched vi] describe the uses of satellites; vii] use the inverse square law to calculate the escape velocity of an object from the earth’s gravitational field  I] The students drop several objects simultaneously and study the rates at which they fail  to the ground  Ii] The students in small groups perform experiment to verify the Newton’s law of universal gravitation Iii] students go online for more info on gravitational field https://physics .info/gravitational+field   i] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources Stone, paper, biro etc B web Resources   Khan Academy Video (gravitational field) Calculation devices
9Rockets and satellite component part of Rockets and Satellites, functions of Rockets andBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] describe the component parts and the functions of the rockets and satellitesI] The students as a class discuss rockets and satellites Ii] The students go online for more info rockets andi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development  B web Resources   Khan Academy video (rockets and satellites)
10Energy and societyBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] identify the sources of energy Ii] distinguish between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy Iii] discuss the uses and importance of energy in development of society [v] explain the impact/effect of energy usage on the environment V] identify energy sources that are environmentally friendly and those that are hazardous to the environment and conservation of energyI] The students as a class compare and contrast renewable and non-renewable energy Ii] the students in small groups justify the importance enrgy in the development of societies Iii] the students go online for more info on  energy and society   https://hysics info/energy+and+societyi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources I] water Ii] sun Iii] coal. Oil and natural gas Iv] sand (glass) V] charts showing sources and methods of energy utilization and conversion   B web Resources https://physics .info   Khan Academy video (energy and society) https://www.stornet  
11Magnet and magnetic fieldBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i] define concept of magnetic field around a bar magnet; Ii] distinguish between temporary and permanent magnet; Iii] discuss methods of making magnet as well as the methods of demagnetization v] establish the relationship between magnetic force and the motion of a charge in a magnetic field Vi] explain terms used in magnetism [a] angle of declination [b] angle of dip [c] neutral point I] The students in small groups are provided with bar magnets and into filling to evaluate the behavior of the poles of the magnets as well as the field patterns Ii] The students go online for more info on magnetic and magnetic field https://physics info/magnetic filedi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio Visual Resources I] bar magnet Ii] iron filling Iii] solenoid Iv] wire V] battery Vi] source of electricity   B Web Resources https://physics info   https://wikipedia.or/wiki/magnetic+field   Khan Academy video(magnetic field) Calculator devices  

Access Free Physics Scheme of work for SSS3. Lagos State Physics Curriculum for Secondary School

Physics Scheme of Work SSS3 Second Term

1Electromagnetic field; concept of electromagnetic field, current  carrying solenoid in a magnetic field By the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] examine the concept of electromagnetic field; Ii] investigate the direction of current, magnetic field and force in an electromagnetic field Iii] research on application of electromagnetic fieldI] The students in small groups are provided with solenoids, iron rod and battery to create electromagnets Ii] The students go online for more info on field https://physics.infoi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio visual resources [i] solenoid [ii] bar magnet Iv] Soft iron v] DC source vi] plug key vii] connecting wire B web Resources https://wikipediorg/ Khan academy Video   Calculation devices  
2Electromagnetic induction, eddy current, transformed, induction coil, Fleming’s rules AC, generatorsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: I]explain the concept of electromagnetic induction and fleming’s rules, Ii] state and explain the laws Ii] describe the conversion principle involved in both laws Iv] research on the use of induction coils and transformers V] solve simple problems on transformers and power loss Vi] justify the reason why the cores of the induction and the transformers are laminated Vii] compare the principles of AC and DC generators  I] the students in small groups use the fleming’s rules create generator AC and DC Ii] The students go online for the fleming’s right and left hand rule https://physics info/fleming’s+rulesi] critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A Audio Visual Resources I] model transformers Ii] door bell Iii] human fingers   B web Resources   Khan Academy Video (electromagnetic induction Calculation dervices
3Simple AC circuits graphical representation of E.M.F current in an A.C circuit, Peak and r.m.s. values, series circuitBy the end of the lesson students should be able to:  [i] distinguish between the peak and r.m.s. values of current and potentialI] The students as a class compare and contrast AC and DC circuit Ii] The studentsI]Critical thinking &problem  solvingA Audio Visual Resources I] capacitors Ii] inductors Iii] resistor
 Containing resistance inductance and capacitors . reactance and impedance power in AC circuitsDifference, calculations; Ii] establish the phase relationship between current and potential difference in an A.C circuit Iii] compare reactance and impedance Iv] determine power in an A.C circuit V] solve related questions I A.C circuits   Solve problems related to impedance , reactance Iii] The students go online for more info on A.C circuit +circuit  I]critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  Vi] votimeter (0-500v) V] connecting wires Vi] A.C source Vii] break and make switch     B Web Resources https://physcis info hittps://   Khan Academy Video (A.C. circuits   Calculation devices

4Models of an atom concept of the Atom Rutherford. Bohr Electron –cloud models limitations of physical models, isotopes, nuclear on numbers and their relationshipBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] describe the evolution of the early models of atoms tpo the modern picture of atom, Ii] distinguish between the specific models of the atom with emphasis on visual representation of the atom Iii] research on how experiments were used to develop the model of the  atom iv] investigate limitations of the models v] research  on the relationship between isotopes and nucleon numbersI] The students as a class investigate on the various models of atom Ii] The students go online for more info on models of atom https://physics Info/models+of+atomIi] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  A audio visual Resources I] charts of the atom B web resources   https://physics   Khan Acdemy video (models of an atom)   Calculation devices
5Nucleus & radioactivity, nuclear reaction , nuclear power and atom bombs, Nigeria’s nuclear energy programmeBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] describe radioactivity and it types Ii] investigate the radiations from radioactivity and it types Iii] investigate the radiations from radioactive substance using their characteristic , Iii] explain half-life and solve simple problems involving half-life of radioactive substance V] discuss some uses of radioactive substances Vi] differentiate between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission and state the advantages of nuclear fusion over nuclear fission Vii] research on Nigeria’s nuclear energy programme I] The students as a class discuss nuclear energy and radioactivity ii The students are divided into groups to do presentation on radioactivity and nuclear energy. Iii] The students go online  for more info on radioactivity and nuclear energy https://physics info/radioactivity   https://physics info/nuclear+energyI]critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  B Web Resources https://physics info https:wikipedia /org   Khan Academy video  (nucleus and radioactivity   Calculation device

6Energy quantization; energy levels in atom, photo electric effects and its explanation, Thermionic emission, X-rays, quality of matter, wave particle dualityBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: [i] explain the concept of energy quantization, Ii] use the photon concept to show the effects of electrons in the photoelectric  effect Iii] describe X-ray production with emphasis on its characteristic, properties, uses, hazards and safety precautions Iv] compare thermionic emission and vapourization with emphasis on both similarities and differences V] investigate the principles of operation of cathode ray-oscilloscope Vi] research on wave particle duality of matter and identify phenomena which satisfy that matter behaves like (a) wave (b) particles vii) explain the concept of uncertainly principles  I]The students are provided with materials to construct photocells Ii] the students in small groups do presentations on energy Quantization https://physics .info/photo electric+effectI]critical thinking & problem solving Ii] communication & collaboration Iii] leadership & personal development iv. Digital literacy  B Web Resources https://physics .info   https://wikipedia.or/wiki/energy+quantization   Khan Academy video (energy quantization)   Calculation devices


At the end of the session, students are able to:

  • Define laser and fibre optics and their applications
  • Describe semi conducts, intrinsic & extrinsic modes, doping, PN-junction and diode
  • Define electrolysis, electrolytes, electrodes and electroplating
  • Explain electromagnetic wave and its characteristics
  • Analyse electric field, magnetic field, gravitational field and electromagnetic field
  • Discuss the models of an atom
  • Explain electromagnetic induction
  • Describe rockets & satellites and their various components
  • Define radioactivity, its types and distinguish between the radioactive emissions
  • Explain energy quantization

Analyse an alternating current (AC) circuit

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