ERC Teaching Scheme. Federal Physics Scheme of Work for SS 1, Structure of matter –
1 | INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS -Definition of Physics -Applications of Physics( in automobile, space, aeronautics, electronics, Communication, medicine, warfare, etc) -Career prospects in Physics -Fundamental and derived quantities and their units. | Teacher presents relevant charts to students. |
2 | POSITION, DISTANCE, AND DISPLACEMENT -Measurement of distance -Concept of direction -Concept of position and position coordinate | -Teacher to guides the students on the use of the meter rule, the vernier caliper, and micrometer screw gauge. -Teacher to guide the students on the use of compass bearing to indicate direction. -Teacher to guide the students on use of rectangular coordinate axis to locate the position of the objects. |
3 | TIME -Concept of time -Ways of measuring time | Teacher to guide the students on the use of stop clocks/watches to measure time intervals. |
4 | MOTION -Types of motion: Random, oscillatory/vibration, translational/rectilinear, rotational motion -Relative Motion | Teacher to use the following to demonstrate types of motion: simple pendulum, loaded spiral spring, rotating fan, etc. |
5 | MOTION Cause and effects of motion -Types of force i) Contact force ii) Force field -Friction (Solid Friction) I) Types of Friction: Static friction and dynamic friction ii) Coefficient of limiting friction iii) Advantages and disadvantages of friction iv) Methods of reducing friction | Teacher: Uses of the following to demonstrate contact force and force field: spring balance and magnets |
6 | SPEED AND VELOCITY -Concept of speed -Concept of velocity -Uniform/Non-uniform speed/Velocity -Distance/Displacement-time graph | Teacher: Runs or rolls an object through a measured distance, measure the time taken and calculate the speed. Guide the students to plot distance-time graph. |
7 | RECTILINEAR ACCELERATION – Concept of acceleration -Uniform/Non-uniform acceleration -Velocity-time graph -Analysis of rectilinear motion(equations of uniformly accelerated motion) | Teacher: Guides the student on the plotting of velocity-time graph and on the derivation of the three equations of the uniformly accelerated motion. Students to interpret and apply the three equations of motion to solve simple problems. |
8 | SCALARS AND VECTORS -Concept of scalars -Concept of vectors -Distinction between scalars and vectors -Vector representation | Teacher to guide the student on how to represent vector in their note books. |
9 | VECTORS -Addition of vectors -Resolution of vectors | Teacher: Leads the students on the use of the force board to determine the resultant of two forces and uses Analytical and graphical methods to solve problems on addition and resolution of vectors. |
10 | WORK, ENERGY AND POWER -Concept of work, energy and power -Inter changeability of work and energy | Teacher uses charts |
11 | WORK, ENERGY AND POWER -Determination of work, energy and power -Work done in a force field | Teacher uses charts |
12 | WORK, ENERGY AND POWER -Types of energy(Mechanical) i) Potential energy ii) Kinetic energy -Conservation of mechanical energy -World energy resources i) Renewable energy resources ii)Non-renewable energy resources | Teacher uses charts |
13 | Revision | Revision |
14 | Examination | Examination |
ERC Teaching Scheme. Federal Physics Scheme of Work for SS 1 –
1 | HEAT ENERGY -Concept of temperature -Effects of heat i) Rise/fall in temperature ii) Expansion/Contraction iii) Change of state/phase iv) Change of resistance, etc -Expansion in solids and its consequences and application | The teacher to use kinetic theory to explain changes in temperature. |
2 | THERMAL EXPANSIVITY -Linear expansivity -Area expansivity -Volume or cubic expansivity | Teacher to guide the students on how to solve simple problems involving linear, area and volume expansivity. |
3 | TRANSFER OF HEAT ENERGY -Conduction -Convection -Radiation | The teacher to lead the students to identify a better absorber of radiant heat between black and shinning surface. |
4 | ELECTRIC CHARGES -Production of charges -Types of charges -Distribution of charges -Storage of charges -Application in lightening conductor | The teacher to guide the students in producing charges using different methods. |
5 | DESCRIPTION AND PROPERTIES OF FIELDS -Concept of fields -Types of fields( gravitational, magnetic and electric fields) -Properties of fields | The teacher to use iron filling and bar magnet to show field and field lines. |
6 | GRAVITATIONAL FIELD -Concept of gravitational field -Acceleration due to gravity -Shape and dimension of the earth | The teacher to demonstrate the use of ticker-timer to determine acceleration due to gravity. |
7 | ELECTRIC FIELD -Electric lines of force -Electric current and potential difference -Production of electric current | The teacher to show lines of force using a test positive charge. |
8 | ELECTRIC FIELD -Electric circuit -Electric conduction through materials -Ohm’s law -Electrical work done in a given circuit | Teacher to lead the student to make electric circuit from an electric cell, key, the ammeter, voltmeter and resistors in parallel and series. |
9 | PARTICLE NATURE OF MATTER -Structure of matter i) Evidence of the particle nature of matter ii) Simple atomic structure -Molecules i) Their nature ii) Their size .Brownian motion .Diffusion -States of matter i) Solid ii) Liquid iii) Gas | The teacher to lead discussion on the concept of the atom; give a simple illustration e.g. Successive cutting of a piece of yam by students. The teacher to use models to illustrate the three states of matter. Guides students to do similar illustrations. |
10 | CRYSTAL STRUCTURE -Arrangement of atoms in crystal structure -Distinction between crystalline and amorphous substances | The teacher to provide different substances to identify which is crystalline and non crystalline. |
11 | Revision | Revision |
12 | Examination | Examination |
ERC Teaching Scheme. Federal Physics Scheme of Work for SS 1 –
1 | ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF SOLID -Hooke’s Law -Young Modulus -Work done in springs and elastic string | Teacher to guide the students to verify Hooke’s Law |
2 | FLUIDS AT REST AND IN MOTION -Surface Tension i) Definition and effects and their applications -Capillarity i) Cohesion ii)Adhesion -Viscosity i) Definition ii) Terminal velocity iii) Application of viscosity | Teacher to lead students to perform simple experiments on surface tension and also lead discussion on the applications of viscosity. |
3 | PHYSICS IN TECHNOLOGY -Units in industry -Electrical continuity testing -Solar energy -Solar panels or Solar collectors for energy supply | -Teacher to guide the students to construct simple tester. -Lead students to construct solar collector and use it to heat water. |
4 | EQUILIBRIUM OF FORCES -Resultant and Equilibrant forces -Parallel forces -Moment of a force | The teacher to guide the students on the verification of the principle of moment. |
5 | CENTRE OF GRAVITY -Stability of objects -Stable -Unstable -Neutral | Teacher to guide the students on how to determine the centre of gravity of given uniform and nom-uniform solids. |
6 | EQUILIBBRIUM OF BODIES IN LIQUIDS -Archimedes’ Principle -Law of floatation -Density and relative density -Hydrometer | Teacher to guide students to verify Archimedes’ principle and also to determine the density and relative density of common materials. |
7 | LINEAR MOMENTUM -Momentum and Impulse -Newton’s law of motion -Conservation of linear momentum -Applications of Newton’s law of motion | Teacher guides students on the application. |
8 | MECHANICAL ENERGY -Application of mechanical energy -Machines: i) Force ratio ii) Velocity ratio iii) Efficiency -Types of Machines i) Levers ii) Pulleys iii) Inclined Plane iv) Wedge v) Screw vi) Wheel and axle vii)Gear wheels, etc | The teacher to use a lever to demonstrate the working of a simple machine. Students should practice the applications. |
9 | PROJECTILES -Concept of Projectiles -Ways of projecting an object i) Vertical Projection ii) Horizontal projection iii) Projecting at an angle to the horizontal -Simple problems involving range, height, time of flight. | The teacher to use thrown ball against a vertical wall to demonstrate projectile motion. Students should practice the applications |
10 | CIRCULAR MOTION -Uniform circular motion -Centripetal force -Centripetal acceleration -Centrifugal force -Angular speed and velocity -Example of circular motion | Teacher to use a stone tied to a string to demonstrate circular motion |
11 | SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION -Definition of Simple harmonic motion -Displacement, velocity and acceleration of Simple harmonic motion -Energy of simple harmonic motion -Forced vibration and resonance | The teacher to use the simple pendulum, loaded spiral springs, loaded test tube oscillating in a liquid to illustrate simple harmonic motion. |
12 | Revision | Revision |
13 | Examination | Examination |