Physical Education Scheme of Work for SS 2 Federal

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physical and health education scheme of work 2
physical and health education scheme of work 2

FCT Senior Secondary School Science Curriculum. SS 2 Physical Education Scheme of Work Federal –


1Athletics-Middle And Long Distance Races  -Definition -Types of middle and long distance races -Strategies of long distance races -Rules and regulations of middle and long distance races-The teacher defines the middle and long distance races -Discusses the types of middle and long distance races -Demonstrates the strategies of middle and long distance races -The students practice the running style -Instructional, Picture, magazine, I.A.A.F hand-book, note, book 
2Javelin Throw -Nature of the event -Equipment and facilities -Basic skills in javelin -Rules and regulations-The teacher describes the nature of the event -Draws the throwing sector -Lists the equipment and skill -The students demonstrates the various skill and take note -Instructional Resources;- Javelin, real and white flags, measuring tape, the throwing sector   
3 Shot Put -Nature of the event -Equipment and facilities -The basic skills -Rules and regulations-The teacher explains the nature of the event -Draws the shot put throwing sector -Lists the equipment and facilities -Mentions  the skills, rules and regulations -The students demonstrate the various skills -Instructional Resources:- -Short put, throwing sector, measuring tape, -Red and white flags.   
4High Jump\pole Vault -The nature of the event -Equipment and facilities -Styles in high jump -skills in pole vault and high jump -Rules and regulations of both jumps-The teacher explains the nature of high jump and pole vault -Lists the equipment and facilities of the both jumps -Describes the jumping styles in high jump and pole vault -Mentions the skills and rules of the jump -The students participates in the discussions and practice the skills. -Instructional Resources:- Upright stand, crossbar, landing mattress and the pole, pole vault box.    
5Long Jump -The nature of the event -Equipment and facilities -The basic skills I long jump -Rules and regulations-The teacher explains the nature of the event -Mention the equipment and facilities -Lists the basic skills and the rules and regulations -The students take note and practice the skills -Instructional Resources:- -Take-off board, measuring tape, white and red flags, writing materials, landing pit, rake  
6 Triple Jump -Nature of the event -Equipment and facilities -Basic skills in triple jump -Rules and regulations-The teacher describes the nature of the event -Explains the equipment and facilities -Enumerates the skills in triple jump \ -Lists rules and regulations -the students participate in the discussions and practice the skills -Instructional Resources;- Take-off board, -Measuring tape, rake, writing materials, landing pit white and red flags      
7Muscles -Definition -Major muscles of the body -Muscles involved in movements-The teacher defines muscles identifies and explains the major muscles of the body -Discusses the function of any given muscle in movement -The students participates in class discussions on the function of any given muscle in movement -Instructional  Resources:- -Textbooks, diagrams, models, CD-ROMs, projectors  
8Muscles Continue -Types of muscle contraction -Muscle cramp -a) Definition b) Causes c) Prevention and first aid  -The teacher lists the types of muscle contraction -Defines muscle cramp, causes, prevention and participate in the class discussions -Instructional Resources;- diagram, textbooks, CD-ROMs projects etc 
9Somato Type -Definition of somato type -Description of the various body types -Selection of activities in relation to the body types (cendomorph, ectomorph and mesomorpy)-The teacher defines somato type -Lists and explains the body type -Classifies the students into the various body types -The students practice the act of classification -Instructional Resources:- -Pictures, charts, posters, films, textbooks, video clips.
10Nervous system -Definition -The brain and its functions -The spinal cord and its importance in the body -The teacher defines the nervous system -State the functions of the nervous system -Draws the diagram of the nervous systems -Explain the spinal cord and its importance in the body -Students participate in the class discussions and take note -Instructional Resources:- -Textbooks, diagram, CD-ROMs, projectors 
11Nervous System Continues -Function of the nerves -The reflex action-The teacher discusses the importance of the brain in the coordination of the  body -Explains the path ways of message to and from the central nervous system -The student list the functions of the nerves -Draw and label the reflex -Instructional Resources;- Textbooks, diagrams, CD-ROMs, projectors  

FCT Senior Secondary School Science Curriculum. SS 2 Physical Education Scheme of Work Federal –


1Nutrition -Definition -Types of food -Classes of food-The teacher defines nutrition -Enumerates the types of food -Classifies the various types of food -Displays specimens of various types of food -The students listen to the teacher and group food into different classes -Instructional Resources -Charts, posters, textbooks, food samples etc   
2Nutrition Continues -Food nutrients and their functions -Balanced diet -Pre-games nutrition-The teacher explains food nutrients and their functions -Discusses balanced diet -Mentions pre-games nutrition -Students participate in the classroom discussions and take note -Instructional Resources:- chart, posters food samples, textbooks 
3Drugs In Sports -Meaning of drug -Types of drug -Drug use and misuse -The effect of drugs on sports -Performance-The teacher define drug -Mentions the types of drug -Explains drug use and misuse -States the effects of drug on sports performance -Ask and answer questions on the differences between drug misuse -Participate in class discussion on the effect of drugs on sport performance -Instructional Resources -Specimens, posters, textbooks, handbills, charts and video chips   
4First Aid -Definition of first Aid -Objectives -Principles of first aid -Qualities of a good first aider-The teacher define first aid -States the objectives of first aid -Explains the principles of first aid -Enumerates the qualities of a good first aids -Students listen, ask question and take notes -Instructional Resources :- Charts, First Aid box, and content, textbooks, CD-ROMs    
5Sports Injuries -Definition -Common sports injuries-bleeding, sprain, strains-The teacher defines sports injuries -Enumerates the common sports injuries -Explains the various common sports in injuries and take note -Instructional Resources- First Aid box and content, textbooks, charts
6Sports Injuries Continue -Common sports injuries fracture bruises, and cramps -Causes, Treatment and prevention of sports injuries    -The teacher lists the common sports injuries -Enumerates the causes, treatment and prevention of sports injuries -The students participate in class discussions and treatment of sports injuries -Instructional Resources:- first Aid box, textbooks, charts, CD-ROMs etc.  
7Swimming -The origin of swimming -Nature of swimming -Techniques in swimming -Leg action and arm action, breathing, timing (Body alignment) -The teacher narrates the origin of swimming -Explains the nature of swimming -Mention the techniques in swimming -Describes the leg and arm actions in relation to body alignment in water -The students practice the leg and arm action -Instructional Resources :- swimming pool, floaters swimming trunk, swimming cap, goggles, life guard    
8Swimming Continue -Safety education swimming -Sanitary education in swimming -Swimming strokes -Front crawl, breast stroke, butterfly and back stroke, side   -The teacher explains safety education in swimming -Describes the sanitary education in swimming -States and explains the swimming strokes -Students practice in any of the swimming strokes -Instructional Resources:- Swimming pool, -Swimming trunk, cap, life guard, goggles etc
9Life Saving -Definition of life saving -Causes of drowning -Skills for saving a drowning person -Artificial resuscitation -Duties of life guard -Equipment used in life saving  -The teacher defines life saving -Enumerates the causes of drowning -Lists skills in saving a drowning person -Explains artificial respiration -Mentions the duties of life guard and the equipments used in life saving -Students listen and participate in class discussion – Practice artificial respiration -Instructional Resources :- life guards, clean land kerchief, swimming trunk and cap etc
10Practical In SwimmingPractical in swimming Instructional Resources –as listed above

FCT Senior Secondary School Science Curriculum. SS 2 Physical Education Scheme of Work Federal –


1Athletic  Track And Field –Safety precaution during jumping -Equipment and facilities -Rules and Regulations  -The teacher explains safety precaution during athletics and the equipment used in various events -The students participate in class discussions ask question and take down notes, -Instructional, charts, handball, video clips, textbooks, documentaries   
2Track And Field Event Throwing Event Discus -Basic skill and techniques in discus -Equipment and facilities -Rules and Regulation -The teacher explains discuss and demonstrates the skills of discuss to the students -He also list the equipment and facilities used in discuss and enumerate the various rules and regulation in discuss – The students listen to teachers explanations and practice the skills in discuss – Instructional Resources:- the discuss the meaning sector materials, rules, book discuss sector, etc
3Track And Field Event (Hammer) -Basic skill and technique in hammer -Equipment and facilities -Rules and regulations -The teacher explains hammer to the students and demonstrate the skills in hammer -He mention the equipment and facilities used in hammer and enumerated the rules and regulations in hammer students listen to teacher’s explanations and practices the skills in hammer -Instructional Resources:- the hammer meaning tape, writing, material text book etc   
4Basket Ball -Brief history of basketball -Nature of the game /Dimension -Equipment & facilities -Rules and regulation -Officials in basketball  -The teacher explains the brief history of basketball -Explains the nature of the game & demonstrate -Lists the skills in basketball -State the equipment of facilities -Enumerates the rules & regulations officials & functions -The students demonstrate the various skills of basketball -Practice the various skills in basketball -Instructional Resources :- basketball, whistle, score sheet & board, hand ball etc      
5Ball Games –Volleyball -History of volleyball -Nature of the game -Dimensions of the court -Equipment & facilities -Rules and regulations -Officials in volleyball    -Teacher explains the history o0f volleyball and the nature of the game with court dimensions -States the skills the volley ball -Explains the functions of the officials in volleyball game -Students listen & demonstrate the skills in volleyball -Practice the various skills -Participate in discussion of the officials in volleyball -Instructional Resources:- ball the count, whistle, etc.      
6Ball Games (Handball) -History of hand ball -Nature of the game & court dimensions -Skills in handball -Equipment & facilities -Rules & regulations -Officials in handball-The teacher explains the history of handball -Explains the nature of the game and the court dimensions -List the rules and regulations -Mention the officials in handball and their duties -The students listen, draw the court, -Participate in class discussion of hand ball -Practice the skills -Instructional Resources handball, post net, whistle, the court
7Racket Games (Badminton) -History of badminton -Nature of the game -Basic skills in badminton -Equipment and facilities -Rules and regulations-The teacher explains badminton and the nature of the game to the students while he demonstrated the various skills in badminton, list the equipment the rules and regulations -The students listen and ask question which they also practice the various skills in badminton -Draws and label the badminton court -Instructional Resources:- -The badminton racket -Shuttle corks -Badminton net /court   
8Racket Games (Squash) -History of squash -Nature of squash -Basic skills in squash -Equipment & facilities -Rules and regulation   -The teacher explains squash and nature of squash while he enumerates the basic skills, equipment, facilities, rules and regulations of squash -The students listen, ask question and practice the various skills in squash -Instructional Resources -The squash racket, balls the squash court etc –    
9Gymnastics Floor/ Mat Actions Definition -Bandelier of gymnastic -Mat activities in gymnastic e.g. forward roll, backward roll, court wheel etc -The teacher defines gymnastics and the explains the two branches of gymnastics to the students -While the students participates in close discussion and engage in practical demonstration of forward roll, backward roll, cartwheel etc -Instructional Resources;- gymnastic mats of mattress   
10 Practical -Floor activities without apparatus forward roll, Backward roll, cart wheel etc-The teacher demonstrates the skills in each of the activities -The students practices -Instructional Resources:- mat/ mattress, pictures, posters, CD-ROMs  

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