Physical and Health Education Curriculum Primary 6

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Physical and Health education curriculum schemeofwork

Year 6 NERDC Physical and Health Education Curriculum Primary 6. Basket Ball, Physical Fitness and Body Conditioning, – 


Week 1

Topic:   Physical Fitness and Body Conditioning

Performance objectives

  1. Mention some components of Physical Fitness and Body conditioning e.g. . . . . agility, power, flexibility and balance
  2. Demonstrate the execution of agility, power, flexibility and balance
  3. Identify activities for measuring agility, power, flexibility and balance
  4. Measure their agility, power, flexibility and balance levels
  5. Mention the benefits of these fitness components


  1. Components of Physical Fitness and Body conditioning
  2. Measurement of
    • Agility (10 meters shuttle run)
    • Power: – sergeant jump, standing broad jump.
    • Flexibility: Straight knee toe touch.
    • Balance:-Beam walk
  3. Benefit of agility, power, flexibility and balance

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Mentions some components of Physical Fitness and Body conditioning e.g. agility, power, flexibility and balance
  2. States the benefits of agility, power, flexibility and balance
  3. Demonstrates the activities for measuring:
    • Agility
    • Power
    • Flexibility
    • Balance
  4. Demonstrates the measurement of the above physical fitness components

Student’s Activities

  1. Mention some components of Physical Fitness and Body conditioning e.g. agility, power, flexibility and balance
  2. States the benefits of agility, power, flexibility and balance
  3. Measure their agility, power, flexibility and balance

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Video Clips
  3. Balance beams
  4. Wall
  5. Chalk
  6. Measuring tape/ruler
  7. Stopwatch
  8. Field etc
  9. State the benefits of agility, power, flexibility and balance

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention any three physical fitness exercises and body conditioning
  2. State the benefits of agility, power, flexibility and balance
  3. Demonstrate the physical fitness exercises used to measure agility, power etc. e.g. 10 meters shuttle jump, sergeant jump, standing broad jump etc
  4. Measure their agility, power, flexibility and balance levels



Week 1

Topic:    Athletics I

Performance objectives

  1. List the skills involved in Track Events such as relay races; hurdles
  2. Perform the skills involved in Track Events such as relay races; Hurdles


  1. Types of relay races:
    • 4 x 100 meters.
    • 4 x 400 meters
    • Medley relay
  2. Relay skills
    • Baton grip
    • take off
    • Non visual take over exchange
  3. Basic skills in hurdles:
    • Starting position
    • Approach to the 1st hurdle
    • clearing the hurdle
    • landing
    • Strides between hurdles

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the skills involved in:
    • Relay races
    • Hurdles
  2. Demonstrates the skills involved in:
    • Relay races
    • Hurdles
  3. Supervises the pupils practice and make corrections

Student’s Activities

  1. Supervises the pupils practice and make corrections
  2. Watch teacher’s demonstration
  3. Practice the skills as demonstrated by the teacher in:
    • Relay races
    • Hurdles
  4. Pair up to practice baton exchange

Teaching & Learning Material   

  1. Video clips
  2. Posters
  3. Whistle/Starting gun
  4. Flying board
  5. Athletics track
  6. Stop watches
  7. Bell
  8. Charts
  9. Track
  10. Shoes
  11. Baton

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention the skills in track events e.g. relay races, hurdles
  2. Perform baton change
  3. Mention any four skills in hurdles
  4. Perform hurdle skills

Week 2

Topic:          Athletics II

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the meaning of high jump and long jump
  2. Demonstrate the styles and stages in high jump and long jump
  3. Mention the rules in high jump and long jump
  4. Draw and label the high jump poles and long jump pitch


  1. Meaning of high jump and long jump
  2. Basic styles in high jump:
    • The flop
    • straddle
    • Western roll
    • Eastern roll
    • Scissors
  3. Rules in high jump.
  4. Basic styles in long jump:
    • The sail
    • The hang
    • hitch kick
    • landing
    • Recovery
  5. Stages in long jump:
    • Run- up
    • Take-off
    • Flight
    • landing
  6. Rules and regulations in long jump

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains the meaning of:
    • High jump
    • Long jump
  2. Demonstrates the basic skills and styles in:
    • High jump
    • Long jump
  3. Supervises pupils practices
  4. Explains the rules in
    • Long jump.
    • High jump
  5. Explains the dimensions in long jump

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teachers explanations
  2. Practice styles on high or long jump
  3. Draw and label the:
    • High jump poles
    • Long jump pitch

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Poles
  2. Cross bar
  3. Chalkboard
  4. Textbooks
  5. Whistle
  6. Measuring tape.
  7. The Pitch
  8. Take off board
  9. Flags
  10. Pictures
  11. Video clips

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain high Jump
  2. List 3 styles in high jump
  3. Mention 4 rules of high jump
  4. Explain the long jump
  5. List 3 styles in long jump
  6. Mention 2 rules in long jump
  7. Draw and label:
    • High jump poles
    • Long jump pitch

Week 3

Topic: Ball Games

Performance objectives

  1. List the rules and regulations (including safety rules) of:
    • Football
    • Table tennis
    • Volley ball
    • Basket ball
    • Hockey
    • Handball
  2. Mention the key officials of these games
  3. Play the following games observing the rules:
    • Football
    • Table tennis
    • Volley ball
    • Basket ball
    • Hockey
    • Handball
  4. Draw the pitch and position of players in:
    • Football
    • Basket ball
    • Hockey


  1. The rules and regulations of:
  2. A).         Football
  3. b).       Table Tennis
  4. c).        Volley ball
  5. d).         Basketball
  6. e).           Hockey
  7. f).           Handball
  8. The key officials of:
    • Football
    • Table tennis
    • Volley ball
    • Basket ball
    • Hockey
    • Handball
  9. Playing the game of:
    • Football
    • Table tennis
    • Volley ball
    • Basket ball
    • Hockey
    • Handball by observing the rules
  10. Positioning players in:
    • Football
    • Basket ball
    • Hockey

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the rules and regulations of:
    • Football
    • Table tennis
    • Volley ball
    • Basket ball
    • Hockey
    • Handball
  2. Describes the key officials of these games
  3. Demonstrates the skills of each game
  4. Supervises pupils as they play the games
  5. Draws the pitch and position of players in Football, Basketball and Hockey

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher
  2. Play the game of:
    • Football
    • Table tennis
    • Volley ball
    • Basket ball
    • Hockey handball by applying the rules
  3. Write notes

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Football
  2. Whistle
  3. Textbook
  4. Video clips
  5. Stop watch
  6. Table tennis board
  7. Table Tennis balls
  8. Nets
  9. Bats
  10. Volleyball balls
  11. Volleyball court
  12. Basketball balls
  13. Basketball court
  14. Hockey sticks
  15. Hockey balls
  16. Hockey pitch
  17. Handball balls
  18. Handball court
  19. Score board

Evaluation Guide

  1. List the officials in:
    • Football
    • Table tennis
    • Volley ball
    • Basket ball
    • Hockey
    • Handball
  2. State and apply the rules and regulations of:
    • Football
    • Table tennis
    • Volley ball
    • Basket ball
    • Hockey
    • Handball
  3. Draw the pitch and position of players in:
    • Football
    • Basket ball
    • Hockey



Week 1

Topic:    Personal and Environmental Health

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the meaning and importance of personal health
  2. Explain the meaning and importance of environmental health
  3. State the importance of vision
  4. Draw and label structure of the tooth
  5. List 2 dental problems and their prevention
  6. Mention some methods and importance of waste disposal
  7. Write on the effects of noise pollution on human beings


  1. Meaning and importance of personal health
  2. Meaning and importance of environmental health
  3. Importance of vision
  4. Structure of the tooth
  5. Dental problems and prevention
  6. Methods and importance of waste disposal
  7. Noise pollution

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning and importance of personal and environmental health
  2. Leads discussion on importance of vision
  3. Guide the pupils through drawing and labelling the tooth
  4. Guides the pupils to recall discussion on methods and importance of waste disposal
  5. Leads discussion on the effects of noise pollution on human beings

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in the various discussions
  2. Draw and label the tooth
  3. Listen attentively to teacher’s explanation
  4. Write notes
  5. Ask questions
  6. Participate in the class discussion

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Diagram of the tooth
  2. The charts
  3. Posters
  4. IEC materials
  5. Textbooks
  6. Flip Chart
  7. Cartoon

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain the meaning of personal and environmental health
  2. State three importance each of personal and environmental health
  3. State two importance of vision
  4. Draw and label the tooth
  5. List any two dental problems and their prevention
  6. Describe two different methods of waste disposal
  7. Write on one effect of noise pollution on human beings

Week 2

Topic: Use of Medicine

Performance objectives

  1. Mention the features for identifying fake medicines
  2. List some normal use of  common drugs               
  3. Describe the effects of normal use of medicines
  4. Discuss the effects of excessive use of medicines


  1. Features for identifying fake medicines
  2. Normal use of medicines
  3. Excessive use of medicines

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to identify fake medicines using the features
  2. Guides class discussions on the normal and excessive use of medicines.
  3. Guides class discussions on effects of normal and excessive use of drugs
  4. Plants simple demonstrations to show effects of excessive use of drug.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify fake medicines using the features
  2. Talk about the effects of normal and
  3. Excessive use of medicines and give examples

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Samples of empty packets of fake and genuine common medicines e.g. Paracetamol, antimalarial, etc Living organism e.g. earth        
  2. Salt
  3. Water                  
  4. Containers         
  5. Poster illustrating effects use of medicines

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify the normal dosage of common medicines like Paracetamol, etc
  2. State three effects of excessive use of medicines
  3. Mention three features for identification of fake medicines
  4. Describe the effect of normal use of medicine

Week 3

Topic: Effects of Drug Abuse

Performance objectives

  1. List names of some common hard drugs
  2. Identify the health effects of drugs abuse
  3. Discuss the socio-economic effects of drug/ substance abuse
  4. Educate others on drug abuse


  1. Drugs:
    • Heroin
    • Cocaine
    • Valium
    • Madrax
    • Indian hemp
  2. Drug abuse
  3. Effects of drug abuse on health e.g.
    • Respiratory tract infection
    • Blood pressure,
    • Stroke,
    • Weight loss,

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides class discussions on the health and socio economic effects of drugs/ substance abuse
  2. Tells children stories about people who abuse drugs
  3. Arranges for a guest talk on drug/substance abuse

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen and learn from the stories and guest talk
  2. Dramatize the effects of drug abuse
  3. Tell some stories about victims of drug abuse
  4. Make posters for campaigning against drug abuse
  5. Educate others against drug abuse

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures/drawings of mad people
  2. Posters on identification of drug abuse
  3. Cardboard papers
  4. Scissors
  5. Gum
  6. Crayons

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention the names of some hard drugs
  2. Enumerate three health problems associated with drug abuse
  3. Explain the social and economic effects of drug/substance abuse
  4. Display posters and use them to educate against drug abuse


Physical and Health Education Curriculum Primary 1

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