SSS2 Painting and Decoration Scheme of Work First Term
STILL LIFE PAINTING Meaning of still life painting Proportion in still life compositions Sketches of still life compositions
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * explain the meaning of still life painting * arrange proportions in still life compositions make sketches of still life compositions
Students as a class share themselves in pairs. Each pair on a cardboard, paints a bucket has flowers planted in it.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
STILL LIFE PAINTING Painting still life compositions using posters, water colours and oil colours
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Paints still life compositions using posters, water colours and oil colours
Students in small groups paints a sculpture placed on a table in front of the classroom, They ensure that they use posters, water colours and oil colours
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
AUDIO VISUALRESOURCES Oil colours Water colours Painting brush Painting colour Marker pen Erasers/pencils Posters WEB RESOURCES
COMPOSITIONS FROM NATURE Meaning of compositions Elements of nature
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * explain the meaning of compositions from nature * highlights elements of nature
Students as individuals paints a little flowering garden on a cardboard. Oil colours or water colours are used
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
STUDY FROM NATURE Painting and drawing from nature
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * Paints and draw from nature
Students as a class share themselves in small groups, Each group draws and paints a tree planted in the school premises.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Oil colours Water colours Painting brush Painting colour Marker pen Erasers/pencils Posters WEB RESOURCES
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * explain the meaning of landscape paintings * expatiate basic definitions and understanding to the concept of seascape paintings
Students as a class share themselves in small groups. Each group make use of oil paints, water colour or posters to draw or paint an imagination of a sea.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Oil colours, Water colours, Painting brush Painting colour Marker pen, Erasers /pencils, Posters WEB RESOURCES
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * explain perspective drawing * enumerate the types of perspective drawing * state the basic rules of perspective drawing
Students as individuals sketches a mansion on a cardboard. They ensure all rules of perspective drawing is followed
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * explain the term decoration * demonstrate decoration for body adornment both traditionally and modern list the types of body adornment
Students as a class watch youtube videos on different decorations made on body adornment
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * explain the basic concept of wall decorations
Students as a class make a picture decorations on the walls of the classrooms. Pictures should contain educating materials, photos of prominent educationist, etc.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: * analyse and practice the art of designing wall papers * design wall papers according to the theme
Students in pairs uses posters water colours and oil paints to make a simple imaginative wall paper painting/design on a cardboard. They then place them around (tie classroom
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: * appraise mural designs * mounts wall papers in strategic positions
Students in pairs make photo collages of famous inventors,’ popular business men and powerful men in the world. They. then mount them in alphabetical order around the class.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: arrange natural flowers for better beautification a make an arrangement of flowers with better colour mixture
Students as a class share themselves in small groups. Each member of a group plucks different natural flowers; then as a group make arrangement of these flowers in a jar or a bucket depending on the size and quantity of the flowers brought.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * explain ad give basic definitions to the term batik * state the types of bath a analyse techniques materials and tools
Students visit a batik manufacturing factory or, company to observe methods, tools and techniques used in making batiks in fabrics .
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * explain the basic concept of dyeing and finishing processes
Students as a class share themselves in small groups. Each group practice the art of dyeing fabrics. Internet videos or You-tube should be used as guide
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * design advanced posters on political themes design advanced posters on education themes
Students as a class share themselves in small groups. Each group makes uses oil paints, water colour or marker pen to sketch or draw or paint drawings on recent political wars on cardbeards. Students, as a class share themselves in small groups. Each group makes uses oil paints, water colour or mar to make a large poster on different backgrounds of education in Nigeria.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
AUDIO VISUALRESOURCES Oil colours Water colours Painting brush Painting colour Marker pen Erasers/pencils Posters WEB RESOURCES
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * design advanced posters on commercial themes
Students as a class share themselves in small groups. Each group make uses oil paints, water colour or marker pen to paint advertising posters on cardboards.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
(a) Basic concepts of entrepreneurship (b) Entrepreneurship education (C) Qualities of an entrepreneur (d) Importance of entrepreneurship
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. explain the term entrepreneurship; 2. examine the concept entrepreneurship education critically; 3. outline the importance of entrepreneurship; 4. analyze the qualities of an entrepreneur.
1. Whole class discussion on the meaning of entrepreneurship. 2. Students, in small groups discuss the term entrepreneurship education and share their knowledge with the class. 3. Students, as a class discuss the importance of entrepreneurship. 4. Students, in the same groups critically analyse the qualifies of an entrepreneur
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
Students as a class share themselves in small groups, Each group makes uses oil paints, water colour or marker, pen to make paintings on different rules and regulations in health recognized area or environment
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
AUDIO VISUALRESOURCES Oil colours Water Colour, Painting brush, Painting colour, Marker con Erasers/pencils, Posters WEB RESOURCES
Project and Revision End of term Examination
Painting and Decoration Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term
REVISION PACKAGE DESIGNS Introduction to package design. Functions of package designs
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * explain the term package designs * list the functions of package designs
Students as individuals makes a simple packaging material for group of books. They watch You-tube videos for guide.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
PACKAGE DESIGNS Types Of package designs Production methods in package designs Production of design packages e.g., boxes and cartons
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: highlights the types package designs. * states the production methods in package designs *make design packages according to the theme e.g. boxes, cartons, etc. . .
Students in small groups watches You-tube videos on different types vis a package design factory to observe the production method used Students as a class share themselves in small groups. Each group make different design packages for different themes with different packaging materials and designs. For example, group one makes a Christmas package design, group 2 makes a birthday package design, etc. in a jar or a bucket depending on the size and quantity of the flowers brought.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: * explain the term beading * analyse prospects in bead making
Students as a class share themselves In pairs. Each pair makes different objects such as bags, hand purse etc., with different colour and sizes of beads
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: explain in details the term wall decoration * highlights and explains prospects in wall decoration
Student in pairs uses posters, water colours and oil paints to make a simple imaginative wall paper painting/design on a cardboard. They then place them around the classroom guide.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: * explain dyeing. * states prospects in dyeing,
Students as a class share themselves in small groups. Each group practice the art of dyeing fabrics. Internet videos on You- tube should be used as-guide.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson. students should be able to: * analyse estimates and costs of given jobs * Enumerate the methods f estimation of given jobs .
Students in small groups, researches costs on different jobs of painting and decoration. Student in pairs do a role play. They practice the role of a buyer and seller. Negotiations on jobs to given is practiced. Students as a class visits any art making company or factory within the vicinity to observe methods of estimating jobs.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
Basic concepts of marketing. (a) Meaning of marketing (b) Methods of marketing (c) Importance of marketing (d) Marketing/ distribution channel chart.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to 1. describe the term marketing; 2. examine the methods of marketing; 3. analyse the importance of marketing, 4. create a flow chart of the marketing of channel distribution.
1.Students,as a class brainstorm on the term-marketing 2. Whole class discussion on the Different methods of marketing 3.Small group discussion on why market 4. Small groups activities on chart of distribution channels of marketing.
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. highlight the factors to be considered in product price tag; 2.distinguish between the term packaging & Branding; 3 development feasibility study, for setting up a profitable business or a production unit;
1. Whole class discussion on- the factors to be -considered before fixing a product price. 2. Students, in pairs, discuss the differences between packaging & branding. 3 Students, in small groups, present a feasibility study of a said production or business setup (Group project).
* Personal development * Problem solving * Communication * Critical thinking * Student leadership