Office Practice Scheme of Work for SS 1 Federal

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Office Practice Scheme of work
Office Practice Scheme of work

Senior Secondary Business Teaching Scheme. Federal Office Practice Scheme of Work for SS 1. Departments in an Organization- Schemeofwork


1REGISTRATION Introduction to office practice,Meaning of practice,Objectives of office practice, Importance of office practice.Students listen attentively and note the explanation. Write down the notes.
2THE OFFICE Meaning of an office.Types of office [open or large, and close or small].Advantages and disadvantages of small/close officeAdvantages/disadvantages of large/open office.Students listen to the definition and write down in their notes. Resources; pictures of different diagrams of office on chalk board, charts VCD showing different office setups. Projector (electronic/OHP).
3FUNCTIONS OF AN OFFICE Receiving informationRecording informingGiving informationSafeguarding information.Processing informationStoring information.Students participate in class discussion, answer teacher’s questions, copy chalkboard summary.
4SECTIONS OF THE OFFICE The receptionThe open registryThe store.Students listen to the definition and write down notes, participate in class discussion. Resources; pictures of an office.
5SECTIONS OF THE OFFICE CONT. The general officeMail room and its equipment.Students listen to the explanation, write down the meaning pictures of office. Resources; envelop sealing machine addressing machine.
6OFFICE ORGANIZATION MeaningObjectives of office organizationSmooth operationRealization of organizational goalsSharing responsibilitiesReduction of fatigue.Students note teacher’s explanation, ask for classification where necessary. Resources; pictures, slide show of organization, charts, use projector [with accessories].
7ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE; MeaningTypes.Students listen to explanations, ask questions and jot down notes. Resources; use pictures, slide show of organization.
8ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS Meaning.TypesNote teacher explanation, copy notes from chalk board. Resources; charts.
9PRINCIPLES OF A GOOD OFFICE ORGANIZATION Span of controlUnity of direction/commandUnity of functionDelegationSpecializationStudents listen to explanation, ask questions, participate in the discussion, jot down points. Resources; use pictures, charts for illustration.


1TYPES OF OFFICE PERSONNEL; Meaning, clerical staff, drivers.Confidential secretaryTheir duties.Students note the definitions, participate in the discussion, jot down points. Resources; pictures, charts.
2TYPES OF OFFICE PERSONNEL Typist/computer operatorMessengerCleanersTheir duties.Students listen to explanation, jot down points. Resources; pictures, charts.
3FUNCTIONS OF DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS IN AN ORGANIZATION Meaning and functions of: AdministrationAccounts/financePersonnel/human resourceMarketing/sales.Students participate in the discussion and jot down points. Visit organizations, write report on their visit to different organizations. Resources; use charts, pictures.
4FUNCTIONS OF DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS IN AN ORGANIZATION CONT Purchasing departmentTransportProductionLegal and customer service.Students listen to explanation, visit an organization, write report on your visitation. Resources; use charts, pictures, projectors, (electronic or OH with accessories).
5OFFICE EQUIPMENT Meaning and importance.Types of office equipment-; manual and electricUses and care of these machines.Identify the various types of office equipments, practice how to use some of the equipments. Resources; pictures, typewriter, computer, telephone, stapler, calculators, perforators etc
6MANUAL; THEIR USES AND CARE Manual typewriterPerforatorStaplerOffice pins and clipsOffice cabinetOffice stampTrolleys.Students identify the various types of office equipment. Put some of the equipment into practice. Resources; use pictures, some office equipment, office pins, trolleys, office cabinet etc
7ELECTRIC; THEIR USES AND CARE Electric typewriter (word processor)ComputerFax machineFranking machine.Students identify the various types of equipment, practice how to use some of the equipment, e.g electric typewriter, computers, fax machine.
8OFFICE EQUIPMENTS CONT; USES AND CARE PhotocopierScanning machineShredding machineOverhead projectorStudents identify the various types of equipment, practice how to use the equipment, give example- photocopier, scanning machine.
9OFFICE EQUIPMENTS CONT; USES AND CARE TelephoneDuplicating machineCalculatorDictating machineEnvelop sealing machine.Students identify the various types of equipments, practice the use of equipment, e.g calculator, envelop, sealing machine.
10OFFICE EQUIPMENT CONT; USES AND CARE Automated time stampDating machineAddressing machineFolding machineLetter opening machineFactors to be considered in selecting office equipment.Students put into practice some of the equipment, give example; addressing machine, laminating, dating machine. Jot down and copy notes on the various types of equipments.

Senior Secondary Business Teaching Scheme. Federal Office Practice Scheme of Work for SS 1. Departments in an Organization- Schemeofwork


1THE RECEPTION Meaning of the reception and the Receptionist.Job qualities and personal qualities of a Receptionist.His/her duties/responsibilities.Students participate in discussion, jot points down, role-play on the receptionist.
2DOCUMENTS HANDLED BY THE RECEPTIONIST; Visitors book/register, visitors slip/formTelephone message pad, business cards, telephone directorySteps in answering telephone calls.Students enumerate reward for; honesty, truthfulness, integrity, punctuality, devotion to duty etc. fill request forms, visitors’ book, telephone pad.
3OFFICE PROCEDURES; MEANING Importance, objectives of office procedures.General office procedures.Students make and answer telephone calls.
4 OFFICE PROCEDURES CONT;  Booklet/manual-meaning Contents Steps in changing office procedures.Diagrams, specimen documents, dummy, telephones, religious publications, film shows, celebrities, books, biographies.
5OFFICE DOCUMENTS Meaning.Types of office documentsAdministrative documents:Nominal rollCalendar of eventsLeave roster, etc.Sales documentsPurchasing/stores documents.Other office documents.Teacher explains to students and shows them specimen documents. Samples and diagrams.
6Sales Documents Letter of enquiryQuotationCatalogue, Price list,Students participate in the preparation of office documents. State the uses of office documents.
7Sales Documents Cont. OrderDelivery notes/consignment noteInvoice Pro-forma invoice  Students participate in discussion, give examples of documents. Resources; delivery note, invoice etc.
8Sales Documents Cont. Credit noteDebit noteStatement of accountReceipts.Examples of; credit note, debit note, receipts.
9Purchasing/ Stores Documents; Requisition formStores recordTypes of store record.Example of; store records, requisition form.
10Bank Documents:  Bank statementCheque bookDeposit slipWithdrawal slip.Example of; cheque book, deposit slip, withdrawal slip, bank statement.

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