By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: – arrange rhythmic patterns recognizing variations in rhythmic pattern in both simple and compound duple time.
Students, as a class: i. practice and master the knowledge of division of beats in simple and compound meter variations of duple and quadruple time.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Creativity and imagination – Communication and Collaboration
Local instructional Material – Music Manuscript Textbook Charts Piano/Keyboard Recorder, Saxophone. Web Site
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -develop aural training on cadences (functions of music language cadence of finality) i. Perfect V4 ii. Plagal IV -1) and other cadences
Students as a class: – i. Understand cadence as – a melodic or harmonic configuration that creates a sense of resolution i.e finality or pause: V-I or V-I
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Creativity and imagination – Communication and Collaboration
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: – arrange (a) harmonization of melody in two parts. (b) in four parts. (d) transcription from piano score to open score.
i. discuss Ice of harmonization: (a) using only primary chords i.e. I, IV, and I (b) using mixture of minor chords (c) using substitute chords on certain tones major scale ii. construct specific chords from close voicing to open.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Creativity and imagination – Communication and Collaboration
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -Discuss: (a) Nationalism in music (200 Century Music). – meaning of Nationalism in music features and materials used by Nationalist composers. – and highlight Music written to the Nationalist
Students as a class: i. give the definition of Nationalism ii. use a Nationalist composer as reference. ii. trace the history of 20th century music and state the reason for Nationalist movement i.e. impressionism to modern Nationalism: (h) describe distinctively musical elements given pieces. b) explain performance practice
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Creativity and imagination – Communication and Collaboration
Local Instructional Material – Music Manuscript Textbook -Charts Piano/Keyboard – Recorder, Saxophone. – Web Site https// Video Link
Composer (b) programme music (20th Century Music). -meaning, features, and music writing by the composes, speech and song music
(c) relate 20th century music to its historical and cultural background (d) discuss melodic fragments of given impressionism to modern nationalism.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: – develop the skill of harmony/counter Point. i. creative (composition) composition of 8 -12 bars melody ii. transposition pitch more practices in transposition of difficult melodies. iii. setting words to music in English and languages.
Students in small groups: i. develop creative compositional skill ii. adopt different compositional technique iii. transpose a major 2nd from the origin key. iv. set words to the 12 bars music composed.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Creativity and imagination – Communication and Collaboration
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:- – analysis forms in music (a) binary, temary, rondo, overture, oratario etc. (b) African music e.g. various forms of antipolony (call and response, cantor/chorus, call and refrain). (c) dance
Students as a class: i. discuss the concept of phrasing in music distinguishing between binary, termal rondo, overture, oratorio and episodic form through both listening of music sheet. appreciate African music and the rich culture, the characteristics of African music In The various music forms and dances.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Creativity and imagination – Communication and Collaboration
Local Instructional Material – Music Manuscript Textbook -Charts Piano/Keyboard – Recorder, Saxophone. – Web Site
AURAL TRAINING:(Review of Rhythmic Pattern)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:- develop aural training – review rhythmic pattern learnt (a) simple time (b) compound time i. various rhythmic pattern using semiquavers. – review melodic dictation of melody in major and minor keys not more than 8 bars.
Students as a class: i. arrange beats of a piece of music in simple time broken down into two rhythm: 2/4, ¾, 4/4, 3/8 and 2/2 while compound time is broken down both three, part rhythm with 6/8, 9/4 and 12/8. ii. use the knowledge of sight singing, ear training and melody dictation to score, a melody consisting of 8 bars in both major and minor keys.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Creativity and imagination – Communication and Collaboration
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: – review theory of Music on: A. (ii) Scales: Diatomic and Chromatic Scales (ii) Modes: Pentatonic, Hexatonic, Heptatonic scale B. Rhythmic cross Rhythm Hemola, Syncopatic, Poly rhythm, Speech rhythm, Orchet technique.
Students as a class: – review all diatonic major, minor and chromatic scales and pentatonic scale. – discuss the basic use of symbiosis of music rotations and selections as which words, phrases and figurative counted.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Creativity and imagination – Communication and Collaboration
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: -analyze instrumental and Vocal music: i. Minuet ii. Rood: iii. Oratorio iv. Symphony
Students as a class: – discuss full knowledge of vocal and instrumental music: Minuet, and Trio, Rondo, Oratorio, Symphony etc. indicate a) Their periods b) Their features and characteristics c) List the composes and their works on these music.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Creativity and imagination – Communication and Collaboration
Local Instructional Material – Music Manuscript -Textbook -Charts Piano/Keyboard -Recorder, Saxophone. Web Site
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -explain i. Definitions of Dominant 7th Chord as a fourth part tone chords. Construct ii. Dominant 7th Chord and its inversion. iii. Four parts writing iv. Harmony using cadential 6/4 and passing notes.
Students as a class: – discuss (the dominant 7th cord, of minor 7th chord as a root, major 3rd pea and minor 7th built on the 5th scale. – discuss dominant 7th chord inversion (1th 2nd or 3rd) as always containing an inter of a harmonic 2nd – created by the submerged nota (7th note of the chord) and the domic nota (root note of the chord) written together a harmonic 2nd – know that 6/4 chord is made up of two appogglatures to the dominant chord on 6th 4th from the bass (which must be the root chord) – understand passing note as note this is foreign to a harmony and is introduced two successive chord tone in order to practice a melodic transition.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Creativity and imagination – Communication and Collaboration
HISTORY AND LITERATURE (impressionism 20th Century music)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: – discuss impressionism i. impression (20th Century music). ii. Characteristics of impressions music (c) Examples of impressionist music e golandy Debussy, Ravel Maurice etc ii: Nigeria musicians (20th century) Life history and works of: TKE Philips Fola Sowande, Ayo Bankele, W.W. C Echezona, Adam FibereSina, Dayo Dedeke etc.
Students as a class: – – discuss impressionalism as a movement by various composers in western classical music the 19th century and part of 20th century – describe the style of Impressionist music Composers. – Study the life and works of Nigerian Composers and their contribution to Nigerian Music development.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Creativity and imagination – Communication and Collaboration
By the end at the lesson, students should be able to: -review rudiment of music on the following topics: (a) music terms & signs (b) ornaments and abbreviations (c) time signatures: simple and compound. (d) cycle of keys (e) intervals: diatonic and chromatic.
Students as a class: – review the following: a) musical terms and abbreviations. b) ornaments and signs. c) simple and compound time signatures table of key signatures observing circles of 5th diatonic and chromatic intervals.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Collaboration
By the end at the lesson, students should be able to: – review: i. modulation ii. types of modulation iii. change of tonality iv. setting words to music, English and Nigerian language v. composing originals 2- 4 lines stanzas in English or any Nigerian languages.
Students as a class: – -revise the following exercises: a) modulation and tonality is setting of words to music and music composition.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Collaboration
REVISION Form and Analysis: (Structural Analysis of Nigerian Dances)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: – review structural analysis of Nigerian dances: choreographic device use of motif, phrase, repetition transposition. structural analysis of dances.
Students as a class: – Review as structural analysis of Music and dances. – practice all exercises on Transposition.
– Critical thinking and problem solving – Collaboration
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i: – Define Muscle. ii: – Mention the types of muscles involved in physical activities iii: – Highlight importance of muscles to the human body. . iv: -List injuries of the muscles e.g. strain, wound, muscle cramp etc. identify the properbes of muscles.
i. Students as a class define muscular system e.g. organs, muscles, posture, flexible, contract, structure, tissues, smooth, cardiac, certiage etc. ii: – Students in small groups highlight the types of muscles involved n physical activities. e.g. skeletal muscle, smooth, cardiac, etc.) iii: -Students as a class work on 5- properties of muscles e.g. (excitable/ lrritability, contractible, extensible, elasticity, adaptability) iv: – Students in small groups make presentations on the importance of musles to the human body. v: Class Project on cardboard showing types of injures common to use of the body e.g. strain wound muscle cramp.
i. Collaboration & Communication. ii. Digital Literacy iii. Leadership & Personal Development.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Explain the differences between cells, tissue, organs and system ii: – Mention types of cells e.g. Sex cells, bone cell. iii: – Discuss cell Division between mitosis and meiosis.
i. Students as a class brainstorm on the concept of tells tissues and cells division E.g. organs body parts nervous cell muscles heart. ii. Students in small groups work on the differences between cells, tissues organs and system. iii: Students make class presentation on types of cells e.g. Sex cells, bone cells. iv: – Class Project on cardboards showing the difference between mitosis and meiosis
i. Collaboration & Communication. ii. Digital Literacy iii. Leadership & Personal Development
i. Website https://gdnetidistinc.comii: – Instructional Materials: 1.- Flash card 2: -different food Items 3:- Class 4: – Video clips
Sensory Organs
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Describe Sensory organs. ii: List the sensory organs of the human body iii-Discuss functions of sensory organs iii- Mention types of eye, ear and skin defects their corrections.
i. Students as a class define the meaning of Sensory organs E.g. eye, nose, ears, tongue & skin. ii: Students in small groups work on the sensory organs of the human body iii: Students as a class discuss functions of the sensory organs. Presentations on types of eye, ear, and skin defects and their corrections iv: Class Project on cardboards showing types of sensory organs.
i. Collaboration & Communication. ii. Digital Literacy iii. Leadership & Personal Development
i. Website resources: https: // ii. Instructional Materials: 1.- Flash card 2.- Structure of sense organs 3:- Charts 4: – Video clips
Health Services
By the end of the lesson, student to should be able to: i.- Define the term Health Service. ii: -Outline common, types of Health services e.g. traditional, family, school etc. iii: – Specify importance of Health Services. iv: – Highlight various health services provided by the school.
i.Students as a class collaborate on the concept of health services. ii: Students in small group work on various health services provided by the school iii: – Students make presentations on importance of Health Services. iv: Class Project on common types of Health services e.g. traditional, fairly school etc.
i. Collaboration & Communication. ii. Digital Literacy iii. Leadership & Personal Development
i. Website>health ii: Instructional Materials: 1-Flash Card 2: -different food items 3: – Posters 4:-charts 5: – Video clips iii: Video resources: ii. Video link: YouTube video link: YouTube health services
Theory of Wetness
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. defineWellness. ii. Explain branches of wellness e.g. occupational, financial, social etc. ii: Highlight factors that promote general wetness. iii: Discuss the importance of wellness in Nigeria Secondary Schools, iv: justify the dimensions of wellnes.
Students as a class deliberate on the definition of wetness e.g. nealtoy, physical, mental, social, well-being, immunity, energy etc. ii:- Students in small groups differentiate between health and wellness. ii: – Students in pairs discuss factors that promote general wellness iv: – Presentation on the importance of wellness Nigeria Secondary Schools v. Class Protect on cardboard showing the 12 dimension of wellness.
i. Collaboration & Communication. ii. Digital Literacy iii. Leadership & Personal Development
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define Physical Exercise ii Enumerate the Inpodarce of Physical Exercise iii Outline categories of Physical Exercise low intensity medium intensity, high intensity. iv. Highlight Physical Exercise on human health status
i. Students as a class deliberate on the definition of Physical Exercise and health e.g activity that develop fitness Group work on categones of physical exeroses e g interity, medium intensity high nensity ii. Class work on factors that promote general wellness iii. Presentation on importance of physical exercises iv. Class project on influence of Physical Exercise on human health.
i. Collaboration & Communication. ii. Digital Literacy iii. Leadership & Personal Development
I. Website resources https// https// https / 6b66.aac73e8II. Instructional Materials 1-Flash Card 2:- yoga mat. 3:- Posters 4:- Charts Video clips Video resources 1.Video link YouTube on Benefits of Exercise on the Brain and Body.