Music Scheme of Work for SS 2 Federal

7 Min Read
Music Scheme of Work
Music Scheme of Work

Senior Secondary School Teaching Humanities Syllabus . SS 2 Music Scheme of Work Federal – Schemeofwork


1-Notation and transcription. Music writing.Notate and transcribe a given folksong of not more than 8 bars.
2-Triads Secondary triads.Build secondary triads on the following notes of C major scale key.

Harmony with (cadences). Elementary harmony.Identify and write the roots of the triads used in the passage.List 3 rules of harmony.Harmonize the following using the triads indicated below. 
4-Transposition Music writing.Transpose the following melody to its dominant key.
5-Identification of triads/ chords. Tonality.Triads (Primary and secondary).Write triads on given roots and invert them.Identify inverted triads in a piece of music.
6-Diatonic intervals (melodic) Pitch.Write exercises on inverted intervals.Write the table of intervals and inversions.
7-Sight reading (observation of musical terms, abbreviations and symbols). Dynamic signs, abbreviations and symbols.Read music written in both close and open scores.List the different types of musical dynamics, symbols and abbreviations.
8-Musical instruments (study skills) voice Skills in playing and singing.Play their instruments for the teacher to listen.Practice the drilling exercises as guided.  
9-Baroque period (1600-1750). History of baroque period.Write short notes on baroque period and give 5 characteristics of the music.Discuss life, works of a named composer of this period.

Nigerian dance styles Specific physical exercises.Use of space as a key component of dance.Types of space.Properly exercise the parts of the body as directed by the teacher.Practice the various special patterns.
11-African/western musical instruments four (4) families of African instruments e.g. aero phones, chordophones etc. Digitalization.Identify the tones of the following instruments when played on the keyboard.FluteSaxophoneMaracasPot drumKit drumTrumpet.
12-African music (colonial and post colonial) Structural changes in African music.Students have structural changes of the colonial era on Nigerian music.
13-Revision and examination. 

Senior Secondary School Teaching Humanities Syllabus . SS 2 Music Scheme of Work Federal – Schemeofwork


1-Triads. Primary and secondary triads (root and inverted position triads)Construct a triad on any given root.Write  the 1st and 2nd inversion of triad II and Vi
2-Harmony Harmonization of simple melodies.Study a given score of music and pick out the triad used.Harmonize the following music using primary triad and triads II, VII, VII*
3-Harmony  (continued)Study a given score of music and pick out the triad used.Harmonize the following music using primary triad and triads II, VII, VII*
4-African Music (Colonial and post Colonial) Forms of music .List three musical features of Nigerian vocal and instrumental music.
5-Classical Period (1759-1820) History of classical period.Learn and write down examples of major forms of the period. E.g. Ternany, Rondo,  Variation,Binary etc.Record the characteristics music
6-Classical Period Continued 
7-Nigerian Dance Styles A Case Study of a popular Nigerian traditional (Cultural) danceStudents perform the selected by the teacher.
8-Nigeria Dance Style (Continued) A Case Study of a popular Nigerian traditional (Cultural) dance  Students perform the selected by the teacher.
9-Western Dance Style European or American Ballet Performance.Students perform the dance selected by the teacher.
10-  Identification of triads (Aural Training) TonalityStudents to Name the types of triads and write examples of them.

Senior Secondary School Teaching Humanities Syllabus . SS 2 Music Scheme of Work Federal – Schemeofwork


1-Modulation Change in TonalityList the various types of modulation.Explain in their own words the meaning of pivot-chord/diatonic
2-The Dominant 7th Chord Dominant 7th Chord (V7), with discord chord and how handle it.Harmonize short melodies using primary, secondary, and V7 chords.Identify a dominant 7th chord in a musical score.
3-Interval (harmonic) Major Intervals e.g. 2nd , 3rd , and 6th .Perfect Intervals (Union, 4th , 5th and Octave).  Sing the Upper notes of given harmonic intervals when the lower ones are played to them.
4-Cadences Interrupted Cadences  List the other names associated with the interrupted cadenceWrite interrupted cadence in given major keys.
5-Music dictation Melody Writing in simple and compound duple times.Write bar melodies in different time signatures and sing them.  
6-(Punctuation in musical language) CadenceList the other names associated with the interrupted cadence.Write Interrupted Cadence in given major keys.
7-Sight reading/playing. Musical scores.Sing the given melody.Play the set tune.
8-Nigerian and dance styles Choreographic patterns.Spatial patterns.Costumes.Music.Familiarize themselves with the natures of the dance through their dance nature of the dances.
9-Western dance style. Choreographic patterns.Spatial patterns.Costumes.Music.Familiarize themselves with the natures of the dance through their dance nature of the dances.

Western musical instruments. WoodwindBrass   Differences real live, or pictures of the instruments.Labeling of the parts and functions.Identify the tones of the following instruments when played on the keyboard.FluteTrumpetRecorder
11-African musical instruments e.g. idiophone, membranophones. Historical background.Types of idiophones.Types of membranophones.Identify the different types of idiophones and membranophones.

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