Senior Secondary School Teaching Humanities Syllabus . SS 2 Music Scheme of Work Federal – Schemeofwork
1- | Notation and transcription. Music writing. | Notate and transcribe a given folksong of not more than 8 bars. | |
2- | Triads Secondary triads. | Build secondary triads on the following notes of C major scale key. | |
3- | Harmony with (cadences). Elementary harmony. | Identify and write the roots of the triads used in the passage.List 3 rules of harmony.Harmonize the following using the triads indicated below. | |
4- | Transposition Music writing. | Transpose the following melody to its dominant key. | |
5- | Identification of triads/ chords. Tonality.Triads (Primary and secondary). | Write triads on given roots and invert them.Identify inverted triads in a piece of music. | |
6- | Diatonic intervals (melodic) Pitch. | Write exercises on inverted intervals.Write the table of intervals and inversions. | |
7- | Sight reading (observation of musical terms, abbreviations and symbols). Dynamic signs, abbreviations and symbols. | Read music written in both close and open scores.List the different types of musical dynamics, symbols and abbreviations. | |
8- | Musical instruments (study skills) voice Skills in playing and singing. | Play their instruments for the teacher to listen.Practice the drilling exercises as guided. | |
9- | Baroque period (1600-1750). History of baroque period. | Write short notes on baroque period and give 5 characteristics of the music.Discuss life, works of a named composer of this period. | |
10- | Nigerian dance styles Specific physical exercises.Use of space as a key component of dance.Types of space. | Properly exercise the parts of the body as directed by the teacher.Practice the various special patterns. | |
11- | African/western musical instruments four (4) families of African instruments e.g. aero phones, chordophones etc. Digitalization. | Identify the tones of the following instruments when played on the keyboard.FluteSaxophoneMaracasPot drumKit drumTrumpet. | |
12- | African music (colonial and post colonial) Structural changes in African music. | Students have structural changes of the colonial era on Nigerian music. | |
13- | Revision and examination. | ||
Senior Secondary School Teaching Humanities Syllabus . SS 2 Music Scheme of Work Federal – Schemeofwork
1- | Triads. Primary and secondary triads (root and inverted position triads) | Construct a triad on any given root.Write the 1st and 2nd inversion of triad II and Vi |
2- | Harmony Harmonization of simple melodies. | Study a given score of music and pick out the triad used.Harmonize the following music using primary triad and triads II, VII, VII* |
3- | Harmony (continued) | Study a given score of music and pick out the triad used.Harmonize the following music using primary triad and triads II, VII, VII* |
4- | African Music (Colonial and post Colonial) Forms of music . | List three musical features of Nigerian vocal and instrumental music. |
5- | Classical Period (1759-1820) History of classical period. | Learn and write down examples of major forms of the period. E.g. Ternany, Rondo, Variation,Binary etc.Record the characteristics music |
6- | Classical Period Continued | |
7- | Nigerian Dance Styles A Case Study of a popular Nigerian traditional (Cultural) dance | Students perform the selected by the teacher. |
8- | Nigeria Dance Style (Continued) A Case Study of a popular Nigerian traditional (Cultural) dance | Students perform the selected by the teacher. |
9- | Western Dance Style European or American Ballet Performance. | Students perform the dance selected by the teacher. |
10- | Identification of triads (Aural Training) Tonality | Students to Name the types of triads and write examples of them. |
11- | Revision | |
12- | Examination |
Senior Secondary School Teaching Humanities Syllabus . SS 2 Music Scheme of Work Federal – Schemeofwork
1- | Modulation Change in Tonality | List the various types of modulation.Explain in their own words the meaning of pivot-chord/diatonic |
2- | The Dominant 7th Chord Dominant 7th Chord (V7), with discord chord and how handle it. | Harmonize short melodies using primary, secondary, and V7 chords.Identify a dominant 7th chord in a musical score. |
3- | Interval (harmonic) Major Intervals e.g. 2nd , 3rd , and 6th .Perfect Intervals (Union, 4th , 5th and Octave). | Sing the Upper notes of given harmonic intervals when the lower ones are played to them. |
4- | Cadences Interrupted Cadences | List the other names associated with the interrupted cadenceWrite interrupted cadence in given major keys. |
5- | Music dictation Melody Writing in simple and compound duple times. | Write bar melodies in different time signatures and sing them. |
6- | (Punctuation in musical language) Cadence | List the other names associated with the interrupted cadence.Write Interrupted Cadence in given major keys. |
7- | Sight reading/playing. Musical scores. | Sing the given melody.Play the set tune. |
8- | Nigerian and dance styles Choreographic patterns.Spatial patterns.Costumes.Music. | Familiarize themselves with the natures of the dance through their dance nature of the dances. |
9- | Western dance style. Choreographic patterns.Spatial patterns.Costumes.Music. | Familiarize themselves with the natures of the dance through their dance nature of the dances. |
10- | Western musical instruments. WoodwindBrass Differences real live, or pictures of the instruments.Labeling of the parts and functions. | Identify the tones of the following instruments when played on the keyboard.FluteTrumpetRecorder |
11- | African musical instruments e.g. idiophone, membranophones. Historical background.Types of idiophones.Types of membranophones. | Identify the different types of idiophones and membranophones. |
12- | Revision. | Revision. |
13- | Examination. | Examination. |