Music Scheme of Work for SS 1 Federal

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Music Scheme of work 2
Music Scheme of work 2

Syllabus Humanity Senior Secondary Teaching. Federal Music Scheme of Work for SS 1.Tones and semi-tones –Schemeofwork


1-Notation: Staff and Tonic Solfa Lines and spaces(stave)Treble and bass clefsTonic solfaMelody in C major.Write a melody of not more than 4 bars. On treble staff.In tonic solfa notation.
2-Scales. Accidentals.Key signature.Major/minor scales.Tonality.List 3 types of scales(African and western scales.).Explain the difference between diatonic and pentatonic scales.Compose a simple melody of not more than 4 bars using a pentatonic scale.  
3-Transcription. Pitch differentiation.Punctuations marks.Rest signs.Students transcribe the following melody into staff |d:m|r/d:t/d:-||
4-Intervals. Random musical notes.Keyboard.Write the intervals of 6th, 7th and octave (8th).Write any intervals on the chalkboard and identify them.
6-Cadences. Types of cadences.Identify the following cadence:
7-Musical instrument (study skills). Skills for playing simple musical instruments (western). “All the four families of instruments”.Play a given melody or rhythm fragment together.Demonstrate the skills they have acquired on their instruments by playing a piece together.
8-Ensemble playing (African dance style). Use of different African musical instruments e.g. pot drum, wooden maracas, flute, drums etc.Demonstrate the skills of combining instruments in an ensemble.Practice the accompaniment to a given time.Dance style.
9-Identification of tones / pitches. Tonality.Write out the tones played by the teacher.Signify by raising their hands to indicate sounds that make an octave.

Rhythm dictation Rhythmic patterns.Grouping of the notes and clapping.
11-Maintenance and care of tools and pre-colonial African music. Classification of traditional musical instruments. Storage.Tools for making instruments.History of African music.  1-List 4 ways of caring/ maintaining a given traditional musical instrument. 2-Describe the physical features of one or two musical instruments. 3-Draw any traditional musical instruments of their choice. 4-Try to use the tools to construct any musical instrument of their choice. Write short notes on the music of Africa before the colonial era.  
12-Western music a). Medieval period. Features of early music.Write short notes on the music of the medieval period.  

Syllabus Humanity Senior Secondary Teaching. Federal Music Scheme of Work for SS 1.Tones and semi-tones –Schemeofwork


1-Notation Solfa. Names of the scale degnees in tonic solfa.The three commonly used octaves: the unmarked octave(d-t) the octave below(d,-t,) and the octave above (d’td’) .Write a melody in solfa that draws its notes from any two of three commonly used octaves.
2-Transcription. Familiar melodies.Transcribe the following phrase into solfa notation.
3-Intervals. Tones and semi-tones.Major and minor.Write the interval of a major 3rd and perfect 5th.Explain the differences.

Transposition. Short familiar.Transpose any given melody from one key to (e.g. F) another (e .g .F ).Transpose a given melody up (e.g. a 4th or down e.g. a 5th )   Transpose a short melody into treble stave.
5-Triads. Identification of the degrees of the diatonic scale with Roman Numerals.Primary and Secondary triads in major scales.The structures of four types of the triads.Write the roots of primary &secondary  triads of C major e.g. ‘C’ (doh ) for chord 1 (primary) ‘E’ (me) for chord  III (secondary).Write the 3rd and 5th above the following as roots. G, A, B,-flat, D.Describe the resultant triads in 2 above as primary or secondary.Add the 3rd and 5th above the notes below as roots. C  D  E   F   G   A     B    C I   II  III  IV  V   VI   VII  VIII

Rhythm. Rhythm patterns.  Identify from a group of rhythm patterns, the one played or sung by the teacher.
7-Sight- reading. Simple melodies.Dynamic signs.Sing a 4-bar folk song in simple duple time.
8-Computer music (soft ware). Operating a computer.Installing a software into a computer.Recount the procedures  in booting and installing of music software.
9-Western dance styles. Features of social dance, including the kind of music, costumes, set and so on. Perform a special social dance as directed by the teacher.
10-Nigerian dance styles. Nigerian traditional dance styles.Perform any traditional dance style.

Federal Music Scheme of Work for SS 1 –Schemeofwork


1-Scales. Diatonic major and minor (natural scales).Construct diatonic major and minor scales on given tonics.Draw the circle of fifth showing the numbers of sharps and flats.                                                         
2-Intervals. Meaning of intervals.Table of inversions of intervals.  Students to complete the following statements accurately.When the lower notes of an interval is placed an octave higher, it is said to be ————–When the upper of an interval is placed an octave lower, it is said to be ————–When a 3rd is inverted it becomes a ————-When the lower (or upper) note of an interval is placed an octave higher (or lower) the resultant interval is ————–When a perfect 4th is inverted it becomes a —-Write the inversion of the following intervals.
3-Triads Structures of inverted primary and secondary triads.Write the root position, 1st and 2nd inversions of a triad on a given root.Name the qualities of the intervals in the root position, 1st and 2nd of a given primary and secondary triad.
4-Transposition Pitch.G and F clefs.Transpose a given piece of music an octave higher or lower.
5-Cadences Example of semi-cadence and interrupted cadence.Explain the term cadence.List the types of cadences.Write a given type of cadence accurately.Write the root movements of the various types of cadences.
6-Musical instruments (practical). Percussion.String. i). The knowledge of the skills and techniques of playing.Play a given melody on their instruments.Play as an ensemble.

Ensemble (African) Group playingPerform a folk song together.Sartier.
8-Nigerian dance style and western dance style. Nigerian traditional dance styles.Features of social dance, including the kind of music costumes, set and so on.Perform any traditional dance style.Perform a special social dance as directed by the teacher.
9-Pre-colonial African music (Nigerian). Nigerian traditional instruments.  List 10 indigenous musical instruments.Play music in an ensemble as guided by the teacher.
10-Western music medieval and renaissance periods. I). Some named composers and their works.Write short notes on the lives and works of one composer from each of the periods.
11-Maintenance, care and servicing. Identification of orchestra instruments.Differentiate between orchestral and dance band instruments.

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