By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Identify the various tools and equipment for soft and hard soldering ii. Select types of joint for a particular job. iii. Describe and apply procedure for making a simple soldered joint. iv. Make a simple artifact involving a soft and hard soldered joint
i. Tools and equipment for hand and soft soldering are displayed to assist students identify and discuss their uses. ii. Students in groups use sketch samples of soft and hard soldered joints emphasizing their particular uses. iii. Students practices the methods at applying soft and hard solder to sheet • metals v. Students to make an artefact involving a soft soldered joint e.g. whistle:
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Charts showing tools and equipment used for soldering, soldered joints and processes of soldering
Project work
Students design and make projects involving a hard soldered and soft soldered joint and write a report individually or in groups
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Welding operations Tools and equipment for welding – Arc welding Welding joints
By the end the lesson students should be able to: i. Identify various tools and equipment for welding ii. Differentiate between gas and electric arc welding and explain situations where each may be used iii. Apply the safety measures during welding iv. Differentiate between two types of welding techniques and explain situations where each may be used V. Perform simple welding operations using gas and electric arc
i. Students in groups mention equipment and parts of the various oxyacetylene equipment and arc welding equipment and discuss their uses ii. Students in group discussion differentiate between oxy-acetylene and arc welding with given situations where each can be used iii. Students demonstrate the types of welding – techniques, discussing their advantages and disadvantages and when each may be used
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Charts showing simple gas and arc welding operations Tools and equipment used for welding.
Sheet metal work Basic tools and
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Recognise the appropriate
Students are grouped to demonstrate the various processes in sheet metal
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solving
Charts showing tools and equipment used for sheet metalwork
Leadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
equipment for sheet metalwork Sheet joints and processes in sheet metalwork
tools and equipment for use on sheet metalwork ii. Handle tools and equipment correctly iii. Plan the solution of an identified problem using sheet metal iv. Identify The various joints in sheet metal work v. Apply the processes involved in sheet metalwork
work and make simple artefacts ii. Various sheet metalwork tools and equipment and displayed for group identification by the students iii. Students demonstrate the right techniques for handling tools and equipment for particulars jobs Project: Student design a trashcan or funnel
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solving Leadership and Personal development Creativity and imagination
Scriber, mallet, hammer, pipe stake
Pattern development Methods of pattern development Types of pattern Laying out a pattern Cutting out a pattern
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Develop, patterns of rectangular, cylindrical and conical forms ii. Transfer pattern to sheet metal and cut
i. Take students to a local casting industry to observe procedures of making patterns. ii. Students write group report after going through the practical process of making patterns
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solving Leadership and Personal development Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Be aware of the behaviour of plan carbon stools when heated, using the iron- carbon equilibrium diagram. ii. Describe the heat treatment processes iii. Quench a plain carbon steel after heating during hardening and tempering iv. Apply heat treatment processes in making artefacts
Students in groups, discuss the heat- treatment processes and practice them. Students in groups practice the quenching techniques iii. Students apply heat treatment processes to strengthen and modify their practical work piece for assessment iv. Further research: students provide reasons why it is necessary to move the abject being heat treated about in the quenching medium
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Heat treatment material: coal, brine, water, air etc. Furnace oven, quenching tank Charts
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Recognize forging as useful skill for producing tools ii. Identify forging tools and equipment. iii. Handle forging tools correctly.
i. Students in pairs discuss forging as a process of heating and shaping metals with tools. Students demonstrate technique in handling and using the forging ‘tools’ in the workshop
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Charts showing tools and equipment flatters, swages anvil rake
Forging operations Upsetting Drawing down Flattering bending
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Outline the various forging operations ii. Describe the various bending forging operations iii. Perform hand forging operations Design and make a project involving and forging rations
Project work Design and make an artifact involving use of some forging operation
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Charts showing various forging operations
Coding tools Hacksaw and sawing
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. certify types of hacksaw frame ii. Identify types of hacksaw blade and their uses iii. Examine the teeth of a hacksaw blade iv. Select hacksaw blade for different
i. Showcase hacksaw blades and group students to discuss the pitch of saw teeth and reasons why the teeth are set ii. Students in pairs select the recommended teeth per mm for particular jobs giving reasons
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solving *Leadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Charts showing different types of hacksaw frames and blades
Metal Work Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term
Power saving machines
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Describe power saving machine ii. Perform power saving operations successfully iii. Perform basic safety precautions to be observed when using the power machine the
Students take turn to see the working operations of the power saving machine as shown by the technician
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Visitation to the workshop
Centre latte
By the end of the lesson,. students should be able to: i. Identify the types of lathe iii. Identify the major parts of the centre lathe and their functions iii: Identify the cutting tools used On the centre lathe and state their. Functions Iv. Perform dimple/basic lathe :3ürnih operations v. Carry out basic maintenance
Visitation to a local industry to identify types of centre lathe machine, at the workshop, students identify the major parts of the centre lathe discussing their functions Students demonstrate various basic lathe turning operations with emphasizes on safety measures to be observed iii. Students in groups top-up levels of in gear box, grease essential parts and carry out basic maintenance
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Charts showing types of lathe and its major part: head
3 – 6
Shaping machine
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Identity major parts of the shaping machine and describe their functions ii. Identify the shaping machine cutting tools iii. Perform simple shaping machine operations perform basic maintenance or shaping machine
Tising illustration student sketch the quick return motion mechanism and the clapper box ii. Students are shown shaping machine to identify and describe their functions students in groups demonstrate the various basic operations in handling the shaping machine emphasizing on
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Charts illustration on the quick return motion Tools involved in the usage of shaping machine
measures to be observed iv. Students in groups state solution to problems experienced in both vertical and horizontal shaping operations v. Students produce reports on basic maintenance of shaping machine
Milling machine Horizontal, vertical and universal Parts and functions
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Describe milling machines ii. Identify various parts and functions of the milling machine iii. Explain the basic principles of milling operations iv. Align work piece set-up cutter correctly and perform milling operations.
Students in groups perform The basic working operation: procedure of a milling machine.
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Milling machine and various milling cutters Charts showing milling machines operations
Cars and maintenance of machine tools: LubricantfCutting solution
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Demonstrate knowledge of various metal cutting solutions for particular operations Identify types of cutting solution with its function iii. Mix soluble oil water using the appropriate ratio
Students in pairs choose the appropriate cubing solution for a given job Students in groups identify cubing solution displayed to them in the workshop Students with the assistance of the technician mix soluble oil and water using the appropriate ration.
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Chemical solutions Straight minerals oils Emulsified oil
Principles of design Identifying the problem Generating possible solutions
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: i. Identify a problem in a given solution ii. Define the problem identified iii. State the benefits to the derived from the solution of the design problem
i. Students in groups identify design problems at the market and other places from a given situation as well as describe some design problems in the workshop and discuss the benefit to be derived from finding solutions.
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solvingLeadership and Personal developmentCreativity and imagination
Metallic articles Simple machine parts NOTE TO TEACHER: Pay occasional visits to the workshop apart from the normal time-table to assess students progress of work
Generate at least 2-3 most s possible solution through pro-imaging
to the design problems ii. Students in pairs write down operational sequence and prepare cutting list for their given projects iii. Students in groups or individually conduct investigations to generate initial ideas
Elements of design in metal work
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the functions of lines shapes, mass, texture and colour in design ii. State the different postages of project iii. Explain factors of selecting a type of design
Students are evaluated on the functionally/ appropriateness of their completed project and modified where necessary.
Collaboration and Communication Critical thinking and problems solving Leadership and Personal development Creativity and imagination
Various design items Charts showing principles of design