Metal Work Scheme of Work for SS 1 Federal

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Metal Work Scheme of work 1
Metal Work Scheme of work 1

Federal Capital Territory Senior Secondary Technology Syllabus. Federal Metal Work Scheme of Work for SS 1 –Schemeofwork


1General over view of  metal work, overview of metal workTeacher: give a brief historical back ground of metal and explain a metal work as a profession to students. -define metal and state its importance.
2Career  opportunities in metal work, function of: a machinists fitters, fabricators, welders, engineers, etc.Teacher -list various career in metal work such as welding, fitting, machining, fabricating, engineering. tell the students that they have various careers opportunities that as a metal work, he or she can be fitted into any of these careers. choices.  
3Engineering materials, definition of metals -difference between metal and non – metals.  Teacher: Different metal should be brought into the class to show to students and tell them the difference between metals. e.g. metal contain basically iron, while non metal contains little or iron in them.
4Types of metals (1)ferrous metal  e.g. – pig iron -steel -wrought iron -cast iron (2) non- ferrous e.g. – aluminum 2mc copper etc. (3) alloys Teacher: Definition of metals, classification of metals into ferrous and non- ferrous metal. -present pieces of ferrous metal e.g. copper and steel piece and that of an alloy and tell them   that two or more metal are combined for form an alloy.
5uses of metals, uses of metals:- for construction of vehicles, doors frames,  structural member of building and bridge metals are as follows steel , cast iron, wrought iron etc.Teacher : Pick different piece of metals and show them to students and explain where they can be used e.g. mild steel plate for the construction of doors, doors frame, contraction of bridge, construction of structural member in buildings. construction of water tanks potentials; – cut a mild steel plate of (1.5× 100×100) mm and constant a prototype of a water tank.
6uses of ,metals -non ferrous metals and alloy, aluminum, zinc, copper lead, tin. etc.Teacher: use metal specimen in the class to show the students and ask them to identity different types of non- ferrous metals. list the metal and ask them to identity from the list of the ones you brought to the class, non ferrous, ferrous and alloys and group them. e.g. bronze and brass as an alloy, and define the alloys.   
7properties of metals, definition of metals physical properties of metal. mechanical properties chemical   propertiesTeacher: Tell the students that, the physical properties of metals are the characteristic of metals that can be obscene and measure. they are not acted upon by external force. e.g. color and density. Melting point electrical conductivity. Characteristic of metals which in being acted upon. it determines the range of usefulness of the metals. e. g. fusibility. this is conformed with the chemical composition and chemical reaction of metals e. g. matting, tempera ion and corrosion resistance       
8Physical properties of metals, ductility malleability hardness    Teacher: Pick a mild steel plate and use lack saw bleed to cut the metal to demonstrate the ability of metal to withstand, scratches, moers, abrasion or in dentition by harder bodies. Malleable metals should be homered, rolling.      
9Production of metals, production of metals type of metals. and their sources. steel, pig iron, iron ore, copper, cast iron, aluminum etc. method of extraction :- furans used for the production of metals – blast furnace. Teacher: show different types of metals to students and state their sources. -state methods of extracting of ore from the earth crust. explains the uses of the metals listed.
10production of metals, Bessemer counter process -open heart  furnace -reuerboratony formulae etc. Teacher: Sketch different furnaces for students to seed explain the principle of operation for reach of the metal production e.g.  steel  and pig iron etc. mention the three basic  meridian used for the manufacturing processes   
11form of metals, sheet, flat, plates, square, chorines section, round pipes u shape, angle shape etc.Teacher: Introduce students to different form of metals presenting different forms of metals to them and state how those metals are melted before running the melts into different sizes and shape of mold. which can then be used for constructional purposes  

Federal Metal Work Scheme of Work for SS 1 –Schemeofwork


1Description of workshop and work workshop layout, General layout of typical metal workshop    Take the students to the work shop to see and ask them to draw a typical metal workshops layout.  â€“use their word  to define a metal workshop.  -Describe the metal workshop in their words.
2  Potential sources of accidents in the work shop and preventions,  sources of accidents in a metal workshop. -clothing -fine, electrical tithing’s -hot metals -sharp object. -lighting of heavy load. -carelessness. -machine tools obstruction left on floors and inflammable materials. (2) list various safety prevention in the metals workshop.Identity various sources of accident in metals workshop . -Ask students to identity three sources of accidents in metals workshop. List five safety precautions in metals workshop.  
3Accidents in metal workshop Definition of accident, causes of accident;- carelessness, fatigue wears.Define accident and mention types of accidents in metal workshop (1) electrical and mechanical accidents and state their causes. State the prevention measures.  
4Workshop safety wears and equipments -overall, -safety boat, -hand gloves -plain goggles and welding shield etc.Safety wears are used to prevent the body, foot hands, eyes from accidents
 Equipments -fire extinguishers, -fire alarm – sand buckets  The equipments are used to prevents, overcome accident in the metal workshops e.g. to overcome a fire outbreak in the workshop fire extinguisher are used etc. – show the student how to use fire extinguishers to tight fire outbreak in the workshop
5Metal workshop general safety miles and precautions -safety miles on the use of machine tools -safety miles on the use of hand tools. Safety miles when using fitters benches  State precaution on the use of machine tools -state precautions to be observed when using hand tools -state rule on the use of fitters benches  
6Types of hand tools and equipment. Classification of hand tools -machine tools  Show the hand tools, machine tools and equipments. Define: hand tools, machine tools, equipments -classify them accordingly.  
7Type of hand tools Hand tools: -measuring tools 1. steel rule 2. flexible metal tape 3. calipers 4.calipers 5.werniers calipers 6. protractors etcPresents these hand tools and show them how they are used for measurement in the workshop 2. Define measurement.
8Marking out tools -scribers, try square -center punch-surface plate -marking out table etc.Measure a piece of metal 100×100mm -use a try square and scantier to scratch the live on the workshop placed on the marking out table and use a surface plate as a reference plate for flatness  demonstration.
9Cutting tools -hack saw -chisels -files, -scraper -taps and dieExplain theses as metal removal tools -tools used for reducing metals to the shape and sizes
10Driving tools -hammers -mallets -screw driver and spanners. Maintenance of metal work tools and equipment Definition of maintenance/needs for maintenance. I Types of maintenance ii Maintenance of metal work tools and equipment.Explain how these tools are used for driving connectors into structural member. Define maintenance as provincial treatment, acre or attention given to machine, equipment and tools in order to prolong its life span. -write down the(3) three types of maintenance and explain them e.g. preventive corrective and predictive maintenance  

Federal Metal Work Scheme of Work for SS 1 –Schemeofwork


1machine tool, (1) Definition  of machine tool (2) Function of machine tools. (3) Classification of tools TYPE OF MACHINE TOOLS: Power hack saws, centre lathe, grinding machine, hoping machine, milling machine, planning machine ,sloshing machine etc.Define machine tools and show the students the machine tools in the workshop and state their functions.   Classify these tools according to purpose and uses -according to the type of cutting agent used. -according to the type of surfaces produced. e.g. shaping, milling, planning, grinding, slotting etc.
2Drills and trilling machine, -The drill press -principal parts of the drill press -size and capacity of drill press. Reaming -Type of drilling machine -sensitive- pillar and radial.Introduce the students to  the drill press and show them the principal part of the drill  press and ask the students to draw and name its principal parts. -Explain how the size of the drill press is determined. -Differentiate between drilling and reaming.   Introduce types of the drilling machines to their uses.
3Types of drilling machine, :-sensitive drilling machine, industrial (i)Upright (ii)quarry (iv)Radial (v) multiple drill heads (vi) Turret drilling machine.Present sheet of metals to students and show them how to originate rules on the work piece Explain the difference between drilling and reaming operations.
4Drills, -part of drills -drill size.Present a drill to students and Define the parts of drills. Choice of drills depend on the type of work to be drilled. -Size are Define in terms of letters and Numbers and the shanks.
5Drill breakage and their causes, Farming, collant, wrong Fixing of drills in the drill fan.Fixe a drill in the drill fairs and ask students to carry cent the drilling operation and explains the causes of drill breakage. Then use a reamer to expand the already drilled role.
6Type of Drills, -straight shank drill, -carbide tipped die drill -sub land drill etc.Presents all these drill to students in the workshop And ask them to identify the type of drills. -Fix in the drill check and tell them to carry out the drilling operations
7Drilling operations, counting boring and counter sinkingShow the students how to bore a hole on solid metal.
8Cutting speed and feeds for drilling, calculation of RMP, cutting speed and cutting feedsState the formulary on the white board for calculating :- cutting speed, feeds and RPM. And state the type of fluid used
9Reamers ,  classification of reamers -machine reamers -hand reamers and reaming practical.Classification of reamers e.g. machine and hand reamers -carry out thaw reaming practical on an already originating piece
10Grinding machine, -definition and function of grinding machine Grinding machine and Grinding wheelsDemonstrate the operation of grinding a work piece on the fitters bench.   Set up the grinding wheel on the grinding machine -Demonstrate the griming operation on a given work piece and ask students to do same.  

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