Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 5

38 Min Read
Mathematics Curriculum

Grade 5 NERDC Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 5. Quantitative aptitude problem, right angle triangle, perpendicular linesSchemeofwork

Table of Contents
THEME:  NUMBERS AND NUMERATIONContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: FractionsContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: MultiplicationContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: DivisionContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTHEME 2:  BASIC OPERATIONSContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Use of Number line in addition and subtractionContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTHEME 3:  ALGEBRAIC PROCESSESContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTHEME 4: MENSURATION AND GEOMETRYContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: WeightContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic:  Time         Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: TemperatureContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic:  AreaTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic:          VolumeContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Capacity    Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Structure of EarthContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Plane ShapeContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: 3 dimensional shapesContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: CircleContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTHEME 5:  EVERYDAY STATISTICSContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic:  Measures of central tendencyContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Tossing coins and throwing of dieContentsStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation Guide


Week 1

Topic:    Whole numbers

Performance objectives

  1. count in thousands and millions
  2. apply counting of large numbers such as in population of states or country
  3. solve quantitative aptitude problems related to thousand and millions
  4. identify prime numbers less than 100


  1. Meaningful counting in thousands and millions
  2. Quantitative reasoning
  3. Identification of prime number less than 100

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to use abacus to form and read given number e.g. 895,643
  2. Guides pupils to design various practices for counting and ordering numbers in thousands and million
  3. Guides pupils to write several numbers in thousand and millions in words and figures
  4. Guides pupils to solve quantitative reasoning, problem on counting in thousand and millions e.g.
  5. Guides pupils to find factors of numbers ranging from 1 to 100 in order, leading them to prepare a table of factor chart
  6. guides pupils to identify prime numbers in each set
  7. guides pupils to express numbers as product of prime factors

Student’s Activities

  1. Form and read numbers using an abacus
  2. Count and order numbers
  3. Read and write numbers up to a million in words and figures
  4. Solve problems on quantitative reasoning involving counting in thousands and millions
  5. Find the factors of numbers in each set
  6. Express numbers as product of prime factors

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Abacus, Number chart and table of factor chart

Evaluation Guide

  1. Count in thousands and millions
  2. Read and write numbers in words and figures
  3. Solve problems on quantitative reasoning involving counting in thousands and millions
  4. Identify prime numbers from 1 to 100
  5. Express given numbers as product of prime factors

Week 2

Topic: Fractions

Performance objectives

  1. change fraction to decimals and decimals to percentages and vice versa
  2. solve quantitative aptitude problems related to percentages
  3. state the relationship between fraction and ratio
  4. solve quantitative aptitude problem related to ratio


  1. Percentages
  2. Ratio
  3. Quantitative reasoning on ratio

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to convert fractions to decimals and decimals to percentages and vice versa
  2. Solve quantitative aptitude problems related to percentages
  3. Guides pupils to state examples in which ratio is used
  4. Guides pupils in solving problems on sharing
  5. Guides pupils to determine the ratio of 2 numbers
  6. Guides pupils to identify the relationship between ratio and fraction
  7. Guides pupils to solve quantitative reasoning problems on ratio

Student’s Activities

  1. Convert fraction to decimals and decimals to percentage and vice versa
  2. Solve quantitative aptitude problems related to percentages
  3. State examples in which ratio is used
  4. Determine the ratio of two numbers
  5. Identify the relationship between ratio and fraction
  6. Solve problems on ratios and fractions involving quantitative reasoning

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Fraction-Decimal conversion chart, Fraction-percentage chart, Decimal-percentage conversion chart, Percentage-Decimal conversion chart. Flash card

Evaluation Guide

  1. Change fraction to decimal and decimal to percentage and vice versa
  2. State the relationship between ratio and fraction
  3. Solve quantitative reasoning problems on ratios
  4. Find the ratios between two numbers

Week 3

Topic: Multiplication

Performance objectives

  1. multiply a 3-digit number by a 3-digit number
  2. solve quantitative aptitude problems on multiplication
  3. apply “of‟ as multiplication when dealing with fractions of whole numbers
  4. multiply numbers by zero and one          
  5. multiply decimals by whole numbers     
  6. multiply decimal fractions by whole numbers    
  7. calculate squares of whole numbers more than 50 and square roots of perfect squares greater than 400
  8. solve quantitative aptitude problems involving squares of numbers more than 50 and square root of numbers greater than 400


  1. Multiplication of 3-digit number by a 3-digit number
  2. Quantitative reasoning multiplication
  3. Using the operation “of” as multiplication in fraction
  4. Multiplication of numbers by zero and one
  5. Multiplication of decimals by whole numbers
  6. Multiplication of decimal fractions by whole numbers
  7. Square of whole numbers more than 50 and square roots of perfect squares greater than 400

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to multiply a 3-digit number by a 3-digit number e.g. 437 x 132
  2. Guides pupils to solve quantitative aptitude problems on multiplication e.g.
  3. Guides pupils to apply the meaning of ‘of’ as multiplication such as: 1/2 of 18 = 9 or ½ x 18 = 9
  4. Gives correct interpretation of zero and one as shown below
  5. Guides the pupils to multiply given numbers by zero and one
  6. Guides pupils to solve the examples as follows
    1. 2.86 x 5 =
    1. 1.27 x 4 =
  7. Guides pupils to solve problems on multiplication of decimal fractions by whole numbers
  8. Guides pupils to find the square of given whole numbers more than 50
  9. Guides pupils to find the square root of perfect square of whole number greater than 400
  10. Guides pupils to solve quantitative aptitude problems

Student’s Activities

  1. Multiply a 3-digit number by a 3-digit number
  2. Solve given problems on quantitative aptitude problems on multiplication
  3. Bring their own bell to class
  4. Apply the meaning of „of‟ as multiplication in a fraction
  5. Interpret the given problems
  6. Solve problems on multiplication of numbers by o and 1
  7. Multiply given decimals by whole numbers.
  8. Carryout multiplication of decimal fraction by whole numbers
  9. Find the square of a given whole number more than 50
  10. Find the square root of a perfect square of a whole number greater than 400
  11. Solve more quantitative aptitude problems on square roots and square of whole numbers

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Cardboard
  2. Chart showing quantitative aptitude problems on multiplication
  3. Orange ball etc
  4. Flip Chart
  5. Multiplication Charts
  6. Interpret the given problems
  7. Charts of whole numbers more than 50 and perfect square greater than 400
  8. Charts on quantitative aptitude problems on square of numbers more than 50 and square root of numbers greater than 400

Evaluation Guide

  1. Multiply a 3-digit number by a 3-digit number
  2. Solve quantitative aptitude problems involving multiplication of 3- digit numbers by 3- digit number
  3. Solve given problem on the operation of “of” as multiplication in fractions
  4. Solves problems on multiplication by o and 1
  5. Multiply decimals by whole numbers
  6. Multiply decimal fractions by whole numbers
  7. Calculate the squares and square roots of given number more than 50 and greater than 400 respectively
  8. Solve quantitative aptitude problems on squares of numbers more than 50 and square roots of numbers greater than 400

Week 4

Topic: Division

Performance objectives

  1. divide numbers by 10 and multiples of 10 up to 90
  2. solve quantitative aptitude problems involving division of number by 10 and multiples of 10 up to 900
  3. divide numbers by 100 and 200


  1. Division of numbers by 10, 20,  90
  2. Quantitative reasoning on division
  3. Division by 100 and 200

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to determine how many group of 10, 20, 30 … 90 are in a given number e.g. there are 3 groups of 10 in 30 Thus. 30 ÷ 3 = 3
  2. Guides pupils to identify that in multiplying by 10, the decimal point is shifted once to the left to obtain the result of division
  3. Guides pupils on how to solve quantitative problems on division
  4. Guides pupils to divide numbers by 100 and 200 by shifting decimal point
    •  Twice to left when dividing by 100; ii) twice to the left when dividing by 200 and then divide by

Student’s Activities

  1. Determine the number of group to obtain 10,20,30 …90 in a given number
  2. Apply the rule of shifting decimal points once to the left to obtain result of divided numbers by 10
  3. Solve given problems in quantitative aptitude on division
  4. Carry out division of numbers by 100 and 200

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Carry out division of numbers by 100 and 200
  2. Charts containing worked problems involving division of number by 100 and 200

Evaluation Guide

  1. Divide given numbers by 10 and multiples of 10
  2. Solve quantitative aptitude problems involving division of number by 10 and multiples of 10 up to 900
  3. Solve given exercises on division by 100 and 200


Week 1

Topic:  Addition and subtraction

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Add and subtract numbers involving three or more digits.
  2. add and subtract mixed fractions
  3. solve quantitative aptitude problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions
  4. Add and subtract decimal fractions.
  5. solve quantitative aptitude problems involving division of numbers by 100 and 200
  6. divide decimals by multiples of 10 up to 900
  7. solves quantitative aptitude problems of decimals
  8. Add and subtract numbers using number line
  9. Add and subtract numbers using number line
  10. Solve problems on quantitative aptitude involving addition and subtraction on the number line
  11. divide decimals by 100 and 200
  12. divide whole numbers by 2-digit numbers


  1. Addition and subtraction of whole numbers in involving three or more digits.
  2. Addition and subtraction of mixed fractions and mixed numbers
  3. Quantitative reasoning on addition and subtraction of fractions
  4. Addition and Subtraction of decimal fractions
  5. Quantitative reasoning on division of numbers by 100 and 200
  6. Division of decimals by multiples of 10 up to 900
  7. Quantitative reasoning on decimals
  8. Addition and subtraction of Positive and negative integers.
  9. Division of decimals by 100 and 200
  10. Division of whole number by 2-digit numbers

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to add or subtract columns under unit first, tens and hundreds e.g.


5 6 7 4

3 4 6 0

2 5 7 0

  • Guides pupils to solve quantitative aptitude problems on addition and subtraction of fractions.
  • Guides pupils to add or subtract Numerator to get the sum.
  • Guides pupils in solving quantitative aptitude problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions.
  • Guides pupils to add and subtract decimal fractions.
  • Guides pupils to solve quantitative aptitude problems involving division by 100 and 200 e.g.
  • Guides pupils to divide decimals by multiples of 10 up to 90 by shifting decimal point e.g.
    • 32.5 = 3.25 10
    • 710.4 = 71.04 = 35.52 20 2
  • Guides pupils to solve quantitative aptitude problems such as: 30.8
  • Guides pupils to divide decimals by 100 and 200 e.g. 236.53 = 2.3653 100
  • Guides pupils in the division of 2 whole numbers by 2 digit numbers as follows divide 357 by 21:
    • 1 7
    • 21
    • 14 7
    • 14 7

Student’s Activities

  1. Arrange counter into TH H T U
  2. Carryout addition and subtraction of numbers
  3. Carryout addition and subtraction of mixed fractions.
  4. Use LCM method to add and subtract mixed fractions.
  5. Solve quantitative aptitude problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions.
  6. Add and subtract decimal fractions
  7. Observe charts provided
  8. Solves given problems in quantitative aptitude involving division by 100 and 200
  9. Divide given decimals by multiples of 10 up to 90.
  10. Solve given quantitative aptitude problems.
  11. Divide decimal fractions by 100 and 200.
  12. Solve the division of whole numbers by 2- digit numbers.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Flash cards, Abacus etc Fraction chart Cardboard
  2. Quantitative aptitude charts with worked examples
  3. Division charts of worked examples on division of decimals

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. add and subtract numbers involving three or more digits
  2. solve problems on quantitative aptitude involving addition and subtraction of fraction
  3. solve quantitative aptitude
  4. add and subtract given fractions and mixed fractions
  5. add and subtract given decimal fractions
  6. Solve quantitative aptitude problems involving division by 100 and 200
  7. Solve given problems on division decimals by multiples of 10
  8. Solves quantitative aptitude problems involving division of decimals by multiples of 10.
  9. Divide given decimals by 100 and 200;
  10. Solve problems on division by 2-digit number.

Week 2

Topic: Use of Number line in addition and subtraction

Performance objectives

  1. Add and subtract numbers using number line
  2. Solve problems on quantitative aptitude involving addition and subtraction on the number line


  1. Addition and subtraction of Positive and negative integers.
  2. Quantitative reasoning problem involving number line.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to add and subtract numbers using number line.
  2. Guides pupils to Solve problems on quantitative aptitude using number line Such as: Complete the pyramid

Student’s Activities

  1. Add and subtract numbers using the number line.
  2. Solve problems on quantitative aptitude using the number line

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Rule, Charts, etc

Evaluation Guide

  1. Add and subtract numbers using the number line.
  2. Solve problems on quantitative aptitude using number line.

Grade 5 NERDC Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 5. Quantitative aptitude problem, right angle triangle, perpendicular linesSchemeofwork


Week 1

Topic:    Open sentences

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Find the missing number in open sentences.
  2. use letters to represent boxes in open sentences
  3. Find the missing numbers that the letters represents.
  4. interpret each box in a mathematical statement represent a letter that could be found
  5. Use letters to represent the missing numbers in quantitative aptitude problems and find their values.


  1. Open sentences Quantitative reasoning on open sentences

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to use letters to represent boxes e.g. _ + 5 = 8
  2. Guides pupils to solve problems of the form 2t – 7 = 5
  3. Guides pupils to solve quantitative aptitude problems on open sentences.

Student’s Activities

  1. Use letters to represent boxes in open sentences
  2. Find the unknown ‘t’ in the given statement
  3. Solve quantitative aptitude problems on open sentences

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. flash cards and charts

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Use letters to represent open sentences.
  2. solve problems on open sentences
  3. solve given quantitative aptitude problems on open sentences



Week 1

Topic:    Money

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:              

  1. compare Nigerian units of money with pounds sterling, American dollars and some West African
  2. Countries;          
  3. solve problems on profit and loss, simple interest, commission, discount and transaction in the post offices, market etc;
  4. Solve quantitative reasoning problems on money.


  1. Nigerian Naira, pound Sterling, Dollars, Ghana Cedes and Pesewa, Sierra Leone’s Leone and cents etc.
  2. Money: social transactions, Home Banks, post Office, Market.
  3. Quantitative reasoning on money transactions

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to view charts showing currency and its conversion rates of Naira to other currencies.
  2. Guides pupils to explain that the demand (i.e. market force) for any currency will determine the conversion rates, hence fluctuation of conversion rates
  3. Guides the pupils to convert from one currency to another.
  4. Guides pupils to carry out profit and loss, simple interest, commission, discount and the transactions in the offices, bank and market.
  5. Guides pupils to solve quantitative reasoning problems on money

Student’s Activities

  1. Carry out conversion of one currency to the other as contained in the chart.
  2. Link rates of conversion to the purchasing power quoted in foreign currencies
  3. Calculate profit and loss, simple interest, commission, discount and the transactions in the offices, banks and market
  4. Solve quantitative reasoning problems involving money.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Nigerian bank notes and coins, foreign currencies, pictures and charts showing picture of currency rates.
  2. Stamps, Nigerian bank notes and coins, models of money, shopping corner with goods and their carry price tag
  3. Charts of solved examples on quantitative reasoning problems on money.

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Identify various currencies
  2. Convert one currency to another.
  3. explain the implications of the rate of conversion on purchasing of the people
  4. list their individual needs and ways of meeting them accordingly
  5. Calculate profit and loss simple interest and discount rates. etc
  6. solve quantitative reasoning problems on money

Week 2

Topic: Length

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. find the perimeter of regular shape such as square rectangle, trapezium and polygon;
  2. Find circumference of a circle when the radius is given.
  3. Establish the relationship between c and Π d and find the circumference


  1. Perimeter of regular shapes e.g. square, rectangle trapezium and polygon
  2. Circumference of a circle of given radius
  3. Circumference of a circle with a given diameter

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Leads pupils to discover that perimeter means total distance round a shape
  2. Guides pupils to use the formula 2 (L+B) in calculating perimeter of square or rectangle as shown below: L B B L P= L+B+L+B =L+L+B+B = 2L+2B = 2(L+B)
  3. Guide pupils to identify properties of circle such as: radius= diameter Circumference
  4. Guides pupils to find the circumference of a circle of given radius using circumference=2IIr.
  5. Guides pupils to find the circumference of a circle when the diameter is given. C= IId.

Student’s Activities

  1. Find the perimeter of regular shapes     
  2. Find the perimeters of given objects.    
  3. Write the properties of a circle e.g. radius diameter and circumference in their  exercise books  circles
  4. Find the circumference of circles with given radii
  5. Find the circumference of a circle when diameter is given.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Chart containing regular shapes.
  2. Concrete objects that are circular in shapes, charts containing circle and its properties

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Find perimeter of regular shapes
  2. state properties of circle
  3. Calculate the circumferences of circles with given radii.
  4. Calculate circumference of a circle with given diameter.

Week 3

Topic: Weight

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. solve word problems on weight
  2. solve problems on quantitative aptitude involving weight


  1. Word problems on weight involving kg and g
  2. Quantitative reasoning on weight

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to identify the weight of common goods in the environment and carry out addition, subtraction multiplication and division involving weight of goods
  2. Guides pupils to Solve quantitative aptitude problems related to weight.

Student’s Activities

  1. Divide the total weight of pupils in the class by the total number of pupils in class.
  2. Solve problems on quantitative aptitude involving weight

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Weighing scale, charts of weight of common goods: a bag of cement, a bag of ground- nut, a bag of rice, etc.

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Add the weights of given objects.
  2. Solve problems on quantitative aptitude involving weights.

Week 4

Topic:  Time         

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Calculate average speed of a moving object.


  1. Average speed.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to define average speed as.
    1. Average speed = distance/ time              
  2. Guides pupils to solve problems on average speed.
  3. Guides pupils to solve word problems involving average speed.

Student’s Activities

  1. Define average speed
  2. Find average speed in given problems.
  3. Solve word problems involving average speed, etc.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Drawing of speedometer and  Pupils to find average cardboard showing some speed of given word examples of average speeds

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pupils to find average speed of given word problems.

Week 5

Topic: Temperature

Performance objectives

 Pupils should be able to:

  1. Compare degrees of hotness of various objects and areas (locations) in degree Celsius.
  2. Identify the usefulness of temperature to our daily life.


  1. Familiarity with temperature of objects and towns in degrees (Celsius oC)

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to read thermometers to ascertain temperature of people, objects and locations.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read thermometers to thermometers to ascertain temperature of people, objects and locations.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Thermometer, data on meteorological information on some towns

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read temperature of given objects.
  2. Compare temperatures of objects, town and locations.

Week 6

Topic:  Area

Performance objectives

  1. Pupils should be able to calculate the area of a right angle triangle.


  1. Area of a right angled triangle.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to divide a rectangle into two halves along its diagonal to form two equal right angled triangles.
  2. Guides pupils to derive the formula for area of right angled triangle i.e. ½ of area of rectangle or ½ (base x heights).
  3. Guides pupils to calculate the area of the right angle triangle.

Student’s Activities

  1. Derive and use formula to calculate the area of a right angled triangle

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Charts, etc

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pupils to find the area of a given right angled triangle.

Week 7

Topic:          Volume

Performance objectives

  1. use cubes to find the volume of cuboids and cube;
  2. use formula to find volume of cuboids;
  3. Identify the different between cubes and cuboids.


  1. Volume of cuboids and cubes.
  2. Volume of cuboids V= L x b x h cubic unit

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to count the number of cubes unit that makes up a cube or cuboids.
  2. Guides pupils to find volume in unit cubes.
  3. Guides pupils to measure length, breadth and height of cuboids and find the volume in cubic units.

Student’s Activities

  1. Count number of unit cubes in cuboids.
  2. Write the volume in cubic units.
  3. Use unit cubes to build more cuboids.
  4. Find volume of cuboid using the formula: V=L x b x h cubic units

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Unit cubes, etc 
  2. Unit cube and cuboids.

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. find volumes in cube units;
  2. find given volume of cuboids using L x b x h

Week 8

Topic: Capacity    

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Find the relationship between liters and cubic centimeters.
  2. identify the use of liter as a unit of capacity and the established relationship between liter and cm


  1. Liters as cm3 : 1 liter =1000 cm3

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to compare the volume of the open cube and that of the liter container.
  2. Guides pupils to identify liter as a unit of capacity and the relationship between liter and cm3

Student’s Activities

  1. Compare capacity of the container and the cube of dimension 10cm x 10cm x10cm
  2. Identify that 1 liter = 1000 cm3
  3. Establish the relationship between liter and cm3

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Liter, capacity container Cube of dimension 10cmx10cmx10cm

Evaluation Guide

  1. Construct their own cube of dimension 10cmx10cmx10cm.
  2. Compare the liquid content of their model with that of a liter container and comment.

Week 9

Topic: Structure of Earth

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to

  1. Describe shape of earth.
  2. compare volume of a sphere and cuboid


  1. Shape of earth and volume of sphere

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to describe the shape of earth usually globe
  2. Puts the globe in an open box of dimension L x b x h
  3. Guides pupils to identify that the volume of globe is less than that of enclosing cuboid

Student’s Activities

  1. Describe earth as a spherical object
  2. Calculate volume of the cuboids.
  3. Shows that the volume of the globe is less than the volume of the cuboid enclosing it.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Globe, cardboard, box, oranges, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pupils to say which is bigger, volume of sphere or volume of the cuboid that encloses it.

Week 10

Topic: Plane Shape

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify parallel and perpendicular lines.
  2. Solve quantitative aptitude problems on plane shapes.
  3. State some properties of triangles including equilateral, isosceles and right angle triangle.
  4. Solve some quantitative aptitude problems involving triangles.


  1. Parallel and perpendicular lines
  2. Quantitative aptitude on parallel and perpendicular lines.
  3. Triangles:
    1. Equilateral
    1. Isosceles
    1. Right-angled.
  4. Quantitative reasoning on triangles

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to explain parallel and perpendicular lines using edges of the board.
  2. Guides pupils to identify parallel and perpendicular lines using objects in the classroom.
  3. guides pupils to use symbols for parallel lines and perpendicular lines
  4. guides pupils to solve quantitative aptitude problems using symbols for parallel lines and perpendicular lines
  5. Guides pupils to discover the features of equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle and right angled triangle.
  6. leads pupils to solve some quantitative aptitude problems

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify parallel and perpendicular lines in selected objects
  2. Label parallel lines and perpendicular lines
  3. Solve quantitative aptitude problems with symbols for parallel and perpendicular lines
  4. State the features of equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle and right angled triangle.
  5. Solve some Quantitative aptitude problems on triangle

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. 2 and 3 dimensional shapes Models of: Equilateral, Isosceles, Right angled triangles

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to;

  1. Identify parallel and perpendicular lines.
  2. Solve quantitative aptitude problems on parallel and perpendicular lines.
  3. State two properties each of an equilateral, isosceles and aright-angled triangles
  4. Solve given quantitative aptitude triangle problems.

Week 11

Topic: 3 dimensional shapes

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. State properties of 3 dimensional shapes such as cubes, cuboids, pyramids, etc
  2. Solve quantitative aptitude problems related to 3 dimensional shapes such as cubes, cuboids and pyramid etc.


  1. Cube, cuboid, pyramid and a square base, and triangular base.
  2. Quantitative reasoning related to 3-dimensional shapes

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to identify properties of 3 dimensional shapes such as cube, cuboid, and cylinder etc.
  2. Guides pupils to solve quantitative aptitude problems related to cube, cuboid and pyramid such as

Student’s Activities

  1. State properties of cubes, cuboids and pyramids.
  2. Solve quantitative aptitude problems related to cube, cuboid and pyramid.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Graph paper, cardboard sheets, models of 3 dimensional shapes, etc.

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Give the properties of 3-dimensional shapes
  2. Solve given quantitative aptitude problems relating to three dimensional shapes.

Week 12

Topic: Circle

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. identify
    1. radius
    1. diameter
    1. circumference of a circle
  2. Solve quantitative aptitude problems on circle.
  3. Identify and determine a radius on the diameter of the circumference of a circle


  1. Circle
    1. Radius
    1. Diameter
    1. Circumference
  2. Quantitative reasoning on circle

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to measure the distance from the center of any point on the circumference and vice versa.
  2. Guides pupils to measure distance round the circle to determine the circumference.
  3. Guides pupils to solve some quantitative aptitude problems on circles.
  4. Guides pupils to identify the relationship between radius and diameter of the circles

Student’s Activities

  1. Measure the distance from the center to any point on the circumference
  2. State the relationship between radius and diameter
  3. Determine the distance round the circle and determine the circumference of the circle.
  4. Solve some quantitative aptitude problems on circle.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. strips of cards, pencil, pin, tray, sand of a given circle etc

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Draw circles of different radius and obtain diameter for the circle
  2. Obtain the Circumference of the circles with different radius
  3. Solve some problems on quantitative aptitude relating to circles.



Week 1

Topic:    Data Presentation

Performance objectives

  1. Prepare a tally of data
  2. Draw bar graphs and pictograms of information collected locally


  1. Further work on pictograms and bar graphs
  2. Use tally and tables

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to Select data on test results of pupils in the class (full mark 25) or select data from the mathematical game or activity designed by the teacher e.g. from a card or other games
  2. Guides pupils to use tally to represent the information
  3. Guides pupils to Identify and represent information using data from events on daily life activities
  4. Present data generated by tally in tabular form.
  5. Guides pupils to represent data on pictogram
  6. Guides pupils to represent data on bar graphs

Student’s Activities

  1. Select and Records pupils score
  2. Use tally to represent the information
  3. Present the data in tabular form
  4. Represent the information using pictogram
  5. Represent the information on the bar graph

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Data on test results
  2. data on weather
  3. data on election
  4. biological data
  5. teachers game or activity etc

Evaluation Guide

  1. Prepare and present a tally of data and put it in a tabular form
  2. Draw pictogram and bar graph of a given data
  3. prepare a tally of a set of data
  4. Construct pictogram and bar graph of a given data

Week 2

Topic:  Measures of central tendency

Performance objectives

  1. Find the mode of given data
  2. Identify the mode as applicable in daily life activities
  3. Calculate the mean of a given data
  4. Identify mean of a set of data in daily life activities
  5. Solve quantitative aptitude problems on mode and mean of data
  6. Calculate the mean of given data.
  7. Appreciate the concept of mean of a set of data in daily activities


  1. Mode of a given data
  2. Mean of data
  3. Quantitative reasoning

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Leads the pupils to get data from their environment and ask them to calculate the mode
  2. Guides pupils data and asks them to prepare a tally of a data and find the mode
  3. Guides pupils to calculate the mean from a given data
  4. Guides pupils to calculate mean from data gathered from their environment e.g. average number of students in each arm of the class.
  5. leads the pupils to solves quantitative reasoning problems such as

Student’s Activities

  1. Prepare tally of data and record the mode
  2. Carry out experiment to get data from the environment and find the mode.
  3. Calculates the mean from the given data
  4. Solve quantitative reasoning problems on mode and mean

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. chart, etc
  2. Data chart.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Find the mode of a given set of data
  2. calculate mean of given data
  3. calculate the mean from data gotten from the environment daily activities
  4. solve quantitative reasoning problems on mode and mean of given data

Week 3

Topic: Tossing coins and throwing of die

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Record in data from , experiments on coin tossing and dice throwing
  2. Identify various chance events in their daily life activities


  1. Tossing of coins and throwing of dice.
  2. Other chance events

Teacher’s Activities       

  1. Guides pupils to toss a coin 20 times and record the number of times a head appears and the number of times a tail appears.
  2. Guides pupils to prepare a tally for their results
  3. Guides pupils to throw a dice 24 times and record occurrence of 1,2,3,4,5,6
  4. Guides pupils to prepare tally for their results
  5. Guides the pupils to identify various chance events in their daily life activities.

Student’s Activities

  1. Toss the coin 20 times and records the number of times a head appears and number of times the tail appears.
  2. Prepare a tally of heads and tails (20 tosses)
  3. Throw the die 24 times and records the number of times of occurrence of 1,2,3,4,5 and 6
  4. Prepare tally from the results
  5. Identify various chance events in their daily life activities.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Coin, die.            

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pupils to perform experiments as directed by the teacher, and record the result by tallying.


Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 1

Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 2

Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 3

Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 4

Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 6

Mathematics Curriculum for Upper Primary School

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