Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 3

31 Min Read
Mathematics Curriculum

Grade 3 NERDC Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 3. Addition and subtraction, weights of objects, lines of symmetry –

Table of Contents
THEME: BASIC OPERATIONSContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: SubtractionContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  multiplication    ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME: ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME: MENSURATION AND GEOMETRYContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: LENGTHContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: LENGTH II  ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:TimeContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Weight      ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Capacity    ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Symmetry  ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTHEME: EVERYDAY STATISTICSContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation Guide


Week 1


Performance objectives

  1. add 2-digit numbers with exchanging or renaming;
  2. add 3 – digit numbers;
  3. add 3 numbers taking two at a time;
  4. add fractions with the same denominator;
  5. Mention the need for correct addition of numbers and fractions in everyday activities.


  1. Addition of 2-digit numbers with exchanging or renaming
  2. Addition of 3-digit numbers
  3. Addition of 3 numbers taking two at a time
  4. Addition of fractions with the same denominator

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to arrange counters in bundles of tens and write e.g. 35 stones = 3 bundles of stone and 5 piece
  2. Guides pupils to count and say the numbers in the expanded form and be able to write the numerals in that form e.g.

96 = 9 tens + 6 units

75 = 7 tens + 5 units

58 = 5 tens + 8 units

  • Guides pupils in solving some addition problems on the board e.g. 76 + 19 =       
  • Guides pupils to mention the number of tens and units in each of the numbers written on the chalkboard:

76 = 70 + 6

19 = 10 + 9

       80 15

But 15 = 10 + 5

80+15=80+10 +5= 95

  • Guides pupils to add two numbers with 3- digits that involves exchanging or renaming.
  • Guides pupils on the use of abacus in adding numbers.
  • Guides pupils on oral additions using addition cards. Flash the addition cards to the pupils and let them respond by giving correct answers to questions such as:

5 + 8, 7 + 4, 6 + 5+7 etc. contained in addition cards.

  • Guides pupils to identify fraction with same denominator from the fraction boards.
  • Guides pupils to add fractions having the same denominator: 3/6 + 2/6 = 3/5 + 2/5 =
  • Guides pupils to give examples of daily activities that demand correctness in

 Addition of numbers

 Addition of fractions.

Student’s Activities

  1. Arrange counters in bundles of tens and units.
  2. Count and say the numbers in the expanded form and write the numerals as: 96 = 9 tens + 6 units.
  3. Add given 2-digit number on the board.
  4. Mention the number of tens and units in each of the numbers on the board.
  5. Add two numbers with 3-digits that involve renaming or exchanging.
  6. Use abacus to perform addition of two numbers with 3-digits
  7. Respond to the oral addition contained in addition card.
  8. Use fraction board to bring out fractions with the same denominator.
  9. Add fraction with the same denominator.
  10. Mention the need for correct addition of whole numbers and fraction.
  11. Give examples of daily activities requiring correct additions of whole number and fractions.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts and flash cards, etc. Addition cards, etc.
  2. Fraction card, Fraction board, etc.
  3. Counters, charts Abacus, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. add 2-digit numbers with exchanging and renaming;
  2. add two given 3-digits numbers with exchanging;
  3. add two numbers with 3-digits that involve renaming using abacus;
  4. add 3 given numbers taking two at a time;
  5. add given fractions with the same denominator;
  6. identify the total parts to be colored when a cardboard is divided into 2/6 + 3/6 = 5/6;
  7. Give three examples of everyday activities that demands accuracy of addition of numbers and fractions.

Week 2

Topic: Subtraction

Performance objectives

1              subtract 2-digit numbers with exchanging or renaming;

2              subtract 3 – digit numbers;

3              subtract 3 numbers taking two at a time;

4              subtract fractions with the same denominator;

5              mention the need for correct subtraction of numbers and fractions in everyday activities.


1         Subtraction of 2-digit numbers with exchanging or renaming.

2              Subtraction of 3-digit numbers.

3              Subtraction of 3 numbers taking two at a time.

4              Subtraction of fractions with the same denominator.

Teacher’s Activities

1              Guides pupils to arrange counters in bundles of tens and write e.g. 35 stones

= 3 bundles of stone and 5 piece.

2              Guides pupils to count and say the numbers in the expanded form and be able to write the numerals in that form.

3              Guides pupils in solving some subtraction problems involving 2-digit numbers e.g.

54 – 47 =              

Guides pupils to identify the number of tens and units e.g.

54 = 40 + 14 = 5 4

-47 = 40 + 7 – 4 7

7 7

4   Guides pupils to subtract two numbers with 3- digits that involves exchanging or renaming.

5    Guides pupils to make use of abacus to subtract 3-digit numbers.

6    Drills pupils on mental additions with respect to subtraction using addition cards. Flash the addition cards to the pupils and let them respond by giving correct answers to questions such as:

8-5, 7 – 4, 10 – 5- 4 etc. contained in addition cards.

8    Guide pupils to subtract fractions with the same denominators using the fraction board.

9              Emphasizes the need to be correct in subtraction of everyday activities.

10           Leads pupils to give examples of daily activities that demands correctness in:

 Subtraction of numbers

 Subtraction of fractions

Student’s Activities

1              Arrange counters in bundles of tens and units.

2              Count and express the numbers in the expanded form and write the numerals as: 96 = 9 tens + 6 units.

3              Subtract given 2-digit number.

4              Identify the tens and units in given numbers.

5              Subtract two numbers with 3-digits that involve renaming or exchanging e.g.

876 – 487

982 – 540.

6 Use abacus to perform subtraction of two numbers with 3-digits.

7 Respond to the mental additions contained in addition card, presented to the by the teacher.

8 Identify fractions with same denominators.

9   Subtract fractions with the same denominators.

10   Mention the need for correct subtraction of whole numbers and fraction.

11   Give examples of daily activities requiring correct subtraction of whole number and fractions.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Counters such as stones, sticks, bottle tops, etc. Charts, Abacus, subtraction cards, Fraction board, Flash cards, etc.

Evaluation Guide

1              subtract 2-digit numbers with exchanging and renaming;

2              subtract two given 3- digits numbers with exchanging or renaming;

3              subtract 2 – digits numbers with exchanging and renaming;

4              subtract two given 3- digits numbers with exchanging or renaming.

Week 3

Topic:  multiplication    

Performance objectives

  1. multiply from 1 x 1 to 9 x 9
  2. multiply 2-digit number by 1-digit number;
  3. multiply three 1-digit numbers taking two at a time;
  4. Carry out correct multiplication in everyday activities.


  1. Basic multiplication from 1 x 1 to 9 x 9.
  2. Multiplication of 2-digit number by 1-digit e.g. 2 3 X 4 =       
  3. Multiplication of three 1- digit numbers taking two at a time

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils in the use of square charts to carry out multiplication from 1 x 1 to 9 x 9.
  2. Guides pupils to use repeated addition for multiplication e.g. 23 x 4 =      i.e. 23 + 23+23+23 =      
  3. Guides pupils to use multiplication chart to multiply 2-digit number by 1-digit number horizontally or vertically e.g. 31 x 6 or 3 1 X 8
  4. Guides pupils to multiply three 1- digit numbers taking two at a time e.g. 7 x 8 x 9 = (7x 8) x 9 = 56 x 9 = 504 0r 7x8x9 = 7x (8 x9) = 7 x 72 = 504
  5. Emphasizes the need to carry out correct multiplication in everyday activities.

Student’s Activities

  1. Use square charts and multiplication tables to carry out multiplication from 1 x 1 to 9 x 9.
  2. Carry out multiplication of 2-digit number by 1- digit number and use repeated addition for multiplication.
  3. Practice multiplication of 2-digit numbers by 1- digit number horizontally or vertically.
  4. Carry out series of multiplication of three 1-digit numbers taking two at a time
  5. Carry out correct multiplication in everyday activities.
  6. Give examples of everyday activities that require correct multiplication.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. 10 x10 Square chart.
  2. Multiplication table.
  3. Chart showing multiplication of 2-digit number by 1-digit number.
  4. Multiplications chart for three 1-digit numbers.
  5. Multiplication table

Evaluation Guide

  1. carry out given multiplications from 1 x 1 to 9 x 9=
  2. multiply given 2-digit number by 1-digit number;
  3. multiply 2-digit number by 1-digit number vertically or horizontally;
  4. multiply given three 1- digit numbers taking two at a time;
  5. Give examples of everyday activities that require correct multiplications.

Grade 3 NERDC Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 3. Addition and subtraction, weights of objects, lines of symmetry –

SUBJECT: GENERAL MATHEMATICS                                                  CLASS LEVEL: PRIMARY 3


Week 1


Performance objectives

  1. find missing number in an open sentence;
  2. identify the relationship between:  addition and subtraction;
  3. Solve related quantitative aptitude problems.


  1. Open sentences

Teacher’s Activities

                1              Guides pupils to find missing numbers example

1. 9 +     = 15

2. 18 –    = 7

                2              Leads pupils to appreciate the relationship between + and -.

                3              Guides pupils to solve quantitative aptitude problems on open sentences.

Student’s Activities

  1. Solve series of problems involving open sentences.
  2. Give examples of open sentences in everyday life.
  3. Solve related quantitative aptitude problems.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chart containing worked examples on open sentences.

Evaluation Guide

  1. solve given problems on open sentences;
  2. Find missing numbers in quantitative aptitude diagrams.

SUBJECT: GENERAL MATHEMATICS                                                  CLASS LEVEL: PRIMARY 3


Week 1

Topic: Money

Performance objectives

                1              change money not exceeding N20 into smaller units,

                2              shop effectively with money not greater than N20 using the idea of addition and subtraction;

                3              perform simple multiplication involving money with product not exceeding ₦20.


  1. Changing money not exceeding N20 into smaller units.
  2. Shopping involving addition and subtraction with money not greater than N20.
  3. Multiplication involving money with product not exceeding ₦20.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to realize that there are five 1k coins in a 5k coin, two 5k coins in a 10k coin, five 10k coins in a 50k coin etc.
  2. Gives pupils say 50k and ask them to change it into 10k coins etc.
  3. Sets up a shopping corner in the classroom with items such as empty packets of Omo, tins of geisha, etc.
  4. Appoints a pupil as shopkeeper and another as a customer. The customer goes to the shop keeper to buy some items, ads up the cost and gives the shop keeper an amount which may require change; money involved should not be greater than N20.
  5. Guides pupils to solve problems on addition and subtraction of money not greater than N20.
  6. Do mental skills with respect to multiplication of simple number e.g. 2×2, 5×2, 3×4, 4x4etc.
  7. Guides discussions on problems involving multiplication of money with product not exceeding N20 e.g. 12k x 3 = 36k N4 x 4 = N16

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in the changing of money into smaller units not exceeding N20.
  2. Collect items to be kept in the shopping corner.
  3. Act as a shop keeper or as a customer.
  4. Respond to mental skill on multiplications of given numbers.
  5. Solve problems on multiplication involving money with product not greater than N20.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Real money and
  2. Models Money
  3. Empty tins of milk, Geisha, Bournvita
  4. Empty packets of sugar, Lipton
  5. Empty packets of matches
  6. Addition cards containing mental additions on simple multiplication.

Evaluation Guide

  1. say how many of a given smaller denominations are contained in a bigger denomination such as N20;
  2. do given exercises on addition and subtraction of money;
  3. Solve given problems on multiplication involving money with products not exceeding N20 to pupils to solve.

Week 2


Performance objectives

  1. measure the length and/or width of room, table, building and straight edged materials, etc.;
  2. mention importance/benefits of standard units of measurement;
  3. find perimeters of regular figures in meters and centimeters by measurement;
  4. identify perimeter of regular shapes in their environment;


  1. Measure of lengths, widths and comparison of estimates with actual measurement using steps and hand span.
  2. Measuring and finding the perimeter of regular figures in meters and centimeters.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to measure their table using hand spans
  2. Records their results in a tabular form for pupils to see which child has the longest span and who has the shortest span.
  3. Estimate the length of various objects in their class.
  4. Guides pupils to measure length of given objects using standard units.
  5. Leads pupils to state the need for standard measuring units in centimeters.
  6. Leads pupils to mention the importance/benefits of standard units.
  7. Asks pupils to measure the two lengths and two widths of their tables and add their results.
  8. Guides pupils to pick regular figures and measure all distances round and record their results.
  9. Guides pupils to records all the results of their activities on the boards in a tabular form.
  10. Leads pupils to find out that the distance round a plane object is called perimeter.
  11. Leads pupils to find perimeter of regular shapes in their environment.

Student’s Activities

  1. Measure their table using their hand spans.
  2. Find out which child has the longest and who has the shortest hand span.
  3. Estimate the length of various objects in the class.
  4. Measure the length of given objects using standard units of measurement.
  5. Apply standard units of measure
  6. Measure the two lengths and two widths of their tables and add their results.
  7. Measure given regular figures and measure all distances round and record their results.
  8. Record their results in a tabular form
  9. Find the distance round a given plane object or space is called a perimeter.
  10. Find the perimeter of plane shapes in the environment.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Ropes
  2. Tapes
  3. Rulers
  4. Desks
  5. Tables
  6. Hand span of the pupil, etc.
  7. Cut-outs of squares, rectangle triangles and teachers‟ table

Evaluation Guide

  1. measure given objects using hand spans standard units;
  2. Find perimeters of given figures by measurement.

Week 3

Topic: LENGTH II  

Performance objectives

  1. compare their non-standard measures e.g. arm’s length;
  2. identify the differences in the non-standard measures;
  3. use meters and centimeters as standard measuring units;
  4. Identify the need for lengths and measurement using standardized units.


  1. Comparing nonstandard measures e.g. arm’s length.
  2. Measurement in meters and centimeters.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Asks pupils to measure the length of the classroom with their foot and arm’s length and record their results.
  2. Lead pupils to find out the difference in arm’s length and other nonstandard measure used.
  3. Guides pupils to use meter rule to measure some objects in the class.
  4. Emphasizes the importance of standard unit as opposed to natural units of measurement.
  5. Leads pupils to identify the need for standardize unit of measure within the society.

Student’s Activities

  1. Measure the length of their classroom with their foot and arm’s length and compare their results with one another.
  2. Find out the difference in arm’s length and other non-standard measures.
  3. Use meter rule to measure some objects in the class.
  4. Note the importance of standard unit as opposed to natural units of measurement.
  5. Identify the need for standardized unit in measurement.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. The classroom
  2. Arm’s length
  3. Foot, other nonstandard measures
  4. Meter rule
  5. 30cm ruler
  6. Biro
  7. Pencil

Evaluation Guide

  1. measure the length and width of their classroom with their foot and arm’s length;
  2. Measure the length and width of their classroom using standard measuring units.
  3. Explain the value of standardized unit of measure.

Week 4


Performance objectives

                1              say time accurately in hours and minutes;

                2              give dates in day and month;

                3              mention the importance of time in daily life activities.


  1. Time on the clock.
  2. Calendar reading of the days of the months, year and reading of dates.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Uses clock chart to demonstrate to the pupils how to tell time.
  2. Leads pupils to state time in minutes, hours, “half past” and “quarter to”
  3. Designs activities that will enable pupils to state time in hours and minutes.
  4. Displays calendar and guides pupils to say dates and when certain events like. Christmas, New Year, Easter, id-el-kabir and Nigerian Independence are celebrated.
  5. Leads pupils to identify the use of time and dates in daily life activities.

Student’s Activities

  1. State time in minutes, hours, “half past” and “quarter to”
  2. Participate in the activities that will enable them state time in hours and minutes.
  3. Study the calendar and say when certain events like Christmas, New Year, Easter, id-el- kabir and Nigerian Independence are celebrated. To locate the dates as indicated by the teacher.
  4. Identify the use of time and date in daily life activities.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Clock charts
  2. Real clock
  3. Calendars, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. work exercises on how to tell time in minutes and hours;
  2. draw clock faces to show different times;
  3. Demonstrate the ability to read calendar and state the date of a particular event in Nigeria.
  4. Say the number of days in every given month and the number of months in any given year.

Week 5

Topic: Weight      

Performance objectives

                1              measure weights of objects in grams and kilograms.

                2              make meaningful comparison of weight of objects like rocks, minerals;

                3              appreciate the need for grams and kilogram as standard units of measure for transactions.


  1. Introduction of grams and kilograms as units of measurement.
  2. Weights of some rocks and minerals.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to obtain the weight of some objects.
  2. Explains that the weight of small objects like packets of sugar tins of milk are expressed in grams while the weight of heavy objects such as stones and human are expressed in kilograms.
  3. Guides pupils to obtain the weight of some the rocks and minerals.
  4. Leads pupils to apply the grams and kilograms as standard units of measure for transactions.

Student’s Activities

  1. Obtain the weight of some of these objects.
  2. Note that the weight of small objects like packets of sugar tins of milk are expressed in grams while the weight of heavy objects such as stones and human are expressed in kilograms.
  3. Weigh some of the rocks and minerals samples.
  4. Apply grams and kilograms as standard unit of measure for transactions.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A scale or balance,
  2. Tins of milk and tomatoes puree,
  3. Block of stones,
  4. Packets of sugar, large tin of bournvita
  5. Samples of different rocks and minerals e.g. Marble
  6. Different types of stone

Evaluation Guide

  1. weigh selected objects and make a chart of their results;
  2. give examples of objects in the class or at home whose weights could be expressed in

 Grams

 Kilograms

  • Determine the weight of given rocks and minerals samples and explain those that could be expressed in kilograms and in grams.

Week 6

Topic: Capacity    

Performance objectives

                1              identify liter as a unit of measuring capacity;

                2              measure liquid e.g. water using a graduated cylinder up to any stated number of liters;

                3              identify the need for accuracy in measuring liquids e.g. kerosene, water petrol etc.


  1. Identifying liter as a unit of measuring capacity
  2. Measuring liquid e.g. water with graduated cylinder up to any stated number of liters

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to learn the following:
    1. 10 milliliters (ml) = 1 centiliter (cl)
    1. 10 centiliters (cl) = 1 deciliter (dl)
    1. 10 deciliters (dl) = 1 liter (l)
    1. 1000 liters = 1 kiloliter (kl)
  2. Leads pupils to identify the liter as a unit of measurement and used in daily life as a measure of capacity of containers such as the ones used in measuring liquids e.g. kerosene, petrol etc.
  3. Guides pupils measure into the graduated cylinder and calculate the number of it that will fill a given container.
  4. Guides pupils to identify the need for accuracy in measuring liquids e.g. kerosene, water, petrol etc.     

Student’s Activities

  1. Study and copy the given information on units of liters.
  2. Identify the liter as a measure of capacity of container such bottles, kerosene, petrol and water containers.
  3. Measure into the graduated cylinder and calculate the number of it that will fill a given container.
  4. Identify the need for accuracy in measuring liquids e.g. kerosene, water, petrol. etc.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Empty used Syringes, Bottles, Graduated cylinder, Empty containers, Water. etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. say how many milliliters and deciliter make 1 liter;
  2. Measure out four liters of water with a graduated cylinder.

Week 7

Topic: Symmetry  

Performance objectives

                1              identify shapes with line(s) of symmetry;

                2              identify lines of symmetry in everyday life.

                3              state properties of squares, rectangles and triangles;

                4              identify that some shapes in everyday life are square, rectangular, triangular and circular and therefore see mathematics in everyday life;

                5              distinguish between curves and straight lines;

                6              identify the presence of straight lines and curves in real life situations

                7              draw squares, rectangles, triangles and circles.


  1. Line(s) of symmetry
  2. Properties of:

 squares

 Rectangles

 Triangles.

  • Curves and straight lines
  • Drawing of squares, rectangles, triangles and circles.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to identify lines of symmetry by folding given plane shapes.
  2. Leads pupils to identify lines of symmetry in everyday life.
  3. Guides pupils to identify the properties of squares, rectangles and triangles: number of sides, corners, lines of symmetry, equal line, “square corners”, etc.
  4. Guides pupils to record properties of each plane shape.
  5. Leads pupils to identify various shapes in everyday life.
  6. Guides pupils to draw straight lines and curves.
  7. Leads pupils to explain the differences between a curve and a straight line.
  8. Leads pupils to identify straight line and curves in real life situations.
  9. Guides pupils to draw squares, rectangles, triangles and circles using rulers, square cornered shapes, circular tins, and coins. Emphasizes on different types of triangles.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify lines of symmetry by folding given plane shapes.
  2. Identify lines of symmetry in everyday life.
  3. Identify the properties of squares, rectangles and triangles
  4. Identify various shapes in our environment
  5. Draw straight lines and curves.
  6. Mention the differences between a curve and a straight line.
  7. Mention the presence of straight lines and curves in everyday life.
  8. Draw squares, rectangles, triangles and circles using rulers, square cornered shapes, circular tins, and coins.
  9. Mention the different types of triangles.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Plane shapes, Leaves, Pictures, Squares, Rectangles, Triangles, Cut out of: Squares Rectangles Triangles, Ruler, Pencil, Broomsticks, Straight edges, Square cornered shapes, Circular tins, Coins etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. verify whether or not given plane shapes have lines of symmetry;
  2. find the number of lines of symmetry in each given plane shape
  3. identify line(s) symmetry in everyday life;
  4. state the relationship between sides and angles of a square, a rectangle and a triangle;
  5. state important properties of squares, rectangles and triangles;
  6. explain the difference between a straight line and a curve;
  7. Identify everyday examples of straight lines and curves e.g. rainbow, line between the wall and the floor of a house, a tight rope pulling a cow, etc.
  8. draw and label a square, a rectangle, a triangle, and a circle;
  9. Explain the differences between equilateral, isosceles and right- angled triangles.

SUBJECT: GENERAL MATHEMATICS                                         CLASS LEVEL: PRIMARY 3


Week 1

Topic: Pictograms

Performance objectives

                1              read and represent information in pictograms using vertical and horizontal arrangements;

                2              represent information on a pictogram;

                3              identify the most common features of pictogram (the mode);

                4              mention the usefulness of pictogram (the mode).


  1. Pictograms
  2. Pictogram mode

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to represent information in a pictogram.
  2. Guide pupils to represent information involving everyday life in a pictogram
  3. Guides pupils find the mode in a pictogram.
  4. Leads pupils to mention the usefulness and applications of mode in real life.

Student’s Activities

  1. Represent information in a pictogram.
  2. Represent information involving everyday life in a pictogram.
  3. Find the mode in a pictogram.
  4. Mention the usefulness and applications of mode in real life.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Cardboard of pictograms arranged vertically and horizontally.
  2. Cut outs of pictures for pictograms.
  3. Pictograms with one mode for each pictogram.
  4. Mathematical activity or game.
  5. Data from emerging issues such as environmental degradation, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. represent given information on a pictogram;
  2. give three examples of life situation where pictograms can be applied;
  3. find the mode on a given pictogram;
  4. State the mode of an information or an event within environment.


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