Marketing Scheme of Work SSS1 Lagos State

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Scheme of Work

Access Lagos State Senior Secondary Marketing Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –Schemeofwork

SSS1 Marketing Scheme of Work First Term

1INTRODUCTION TO  MARKETING Meaning Basic Marketing Terms Needs, Wants, Demand, Products, Exchange, Transactions, Markets, Marketing.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -describe the term Marketing.. -Unfold the basic marketing terms.Students as a class, brainstorm on marketing Students in small group present on basic marketing terms.Critical thinking and problem solving. Collaboration and communication-WEB RESOURCES Video link (YouTube, Patrick Hitchin) Web resource/ site https://en.m.wikipedia.orghttps:courses.lumenlearnin AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES – Other instructional materials. (Pictures.)
2GOALS OF MARKETING AND FUNCTIONS OF MarketingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: – clarify and expound different Goals of Marketing System. – discuss the functions of Marketing.  Whole class examine the reality of marketing goals. Students as a class write the functions of marketing.Critical thinking and problem solving. Communication and CollaborationWEB RESOURCES
Video link (YouTube: Toppr) – Web resource/ site AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES -Other instructional materials.

3HISTORY OF MARKETING IN NIGERIABy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -narrate the history of Marketing; – Colonial age. – Colonial era 1860 -1966 – Post Independence age to date.Whole class critically analyse the history of marketing. Students in small groups debate on the differences between the post- independence era and present age.Critical thinking and problem solving. Collaboration and communicationWEB RESOURCES
-Video link (YouTube: Simplilearn). – Web resource/ site ( AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES -Other instructional materials. (To show case primitive tools and modern means of advertisement).

4MARKETING CONCEPTSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explicate Marketing Concept.  – Outline and explain various marketing concepts. *Production concept. *Product concept *Selling concept. *Marketing concept.Students in small groups, discuss on the concepts. Students as a class, write down observations on the concepts.Critical thinking and problem solving. Collaboration and  CommunicationWEB RESOURCES -Video link. (YouTube, Cleverism). – Web resource/ site (*, * AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES -Other instructional materials  (Display of different products e.g. computer, laptop, biscuits, beverages, sweets.)  
5THE SOCIETAL MARKETING CONCEPTBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: –  recapitulate Societal Marketing Concept: *Consumer Orientation Approach *Profit Orientations. – distinguish between production concept and product concept – differentiate between sales concept and marketing concept.Students as a class, present views on the societal marketing concepts. Students in small groups distinguish between production concept and product concept.Critical thinking and problem solving. Collaboration and communicationWEB RESOURCES -Video link (YouTube: B2B whiteboard) -Web resource/ site. AUDIO V1SUAL RESOURCES. -Other instructional materials (Display of different products)

6CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: describe a product Identify the classification of products-consumer goods and industrial groups, distinguish consumer goods from industrial goods. Students in pairs, discuss the types of consumer products and industrial goodsCritical thinking and problem solving: Creativity and imagination. Collaboration and communication.WEB RESOURCES -Video link (YouTube:-Toppr.., YouTube:- Doubtnu -Web resource/ site ( Https:// AUDIO V1SUAL RESOURCES.

  Elicit types of consumer products and industrial products  Other instructional materials (display of different consumer goods and pictures of industrial goods
8MARKETING MIXBy the end of the class, students should be able to: Relate the term marketing mix Identify and expound the four PS; product, price, place ,and promotion Whole class discuss on the meaning of Marketing mix and the four ps. Group presentation of the four psCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration  Web resources Video link (YouTube –mind tools)
9MARKETING ENVIRONMENTBy the end of the lesson , student should be able to Appraise a good marketing environment highlight the factor affecting marketing environment.Whole class brainstorm on marketing environment Student in small groups  Student as a class identifies the difference between micro and macro factorsCritical thinking and problems solving Communication and collaborationWeb resources Video link
10WHAT MARKET DOBy the end of the lesson student should be able to: Establish the action to be taken before marketing: Utilization of workforce. Production of quality goods and services managing Distribution networkStudent as a class dramatize on sales mobilization Student in groups write their observationCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communicationWeb resources Video link Audio visual resource
12 -13Examination    


At the end of the term students are able to:

  1. Highlight the goals of marketing
  2. Describe the history of marketing from the post – independence
  3. Explain the term marketing concepts
  4. Differentiate between production concept and product concepts.

Marketing Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term

1WELCOME TEST/MARKETBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Depict a market Categories market into two types- Consumer market and Organizational market
Point out the major difference between consumer market and organisational market.
Whole class discussion on consumer market and organisational market. Some group of students visits a market place around their locality. Some group of students visit shopping mall around their locality. Students in groups differentiate between consumer market and organisational market.Critical thinking and problem solving. Creativity and imagination. Collaboration and communication.WEB RESOURCES Video link (You tube Invesopedia)Web resources/ site( AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Other instructional materials (Household products)
2CHARACTERISTICS OF CONSUMER MARKETBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Analyse the various characteristics of consumer market Differentiate between consumer market and capital market.Whole class analyses the various characteristics of consumer market Students as a class, write short note on the characteristics of consumer market Students in groups discuss on the differences between consumer market and capital market.Critical thinking and problem solving. Communication and collaborationWEB RESOURCES Video link (You tube Marketing international)Web resources/ site( AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Other instructional materials (pictures)

3TYPES OF  ORGANIZATIONAL MARKETBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Enumerate and explain the types of organizational marketStudents as a class, enumerate the types of organisational market Students in small groups, explain the types of organisational marketCritical thinking and problem solving. Communication and collaborationWEB RESOURCES Video link (You tube Organizational structure)Web resources/ site( AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Other instructional materials (pictures of market place)
4CONSUMER AND ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOURBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Elicit the term: Consumer Behaviour Identify the factors that influence consumer behaviourWhole class discussion on consumer behaviour Students in small groups, identify the factors that influence consumer behaviour.Critical thinking and problem solving. Creativity and imagination. Collaboration and communication.WEB RESOURCES Video link (You tube:. Organizational structure)Web resources/ site ( AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Other instructional materials (magazines)

 5CONSUMER DECISION PROCESSBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Outline the stages in consumer decision process. Enumerate the key factor of consumer decision process.Students in group share their experiences on the choice of products purchased. Students in small group enumerate the key factor of consumer decision.Critical thinking and problem solving. Creativity and imagination. Collaboration and communication.WEB RESOURCES Video link (You tube:. toppr)Web resources/ site ( AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Other instructional materials (products)
6ORGANISATIONAL BUYING BEHAVIOURBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Justify the factors that influence organisational  buying behaviour (internal and external factors)Students as a class, debate on the factor that influence organisational buying. Students in small groups, differentiate between internal and external buying behaviour.Critical thinking and problem solving. Collaboration and communication.WEB RESOURCES Video link (You tube organisational buyer behaviour)Web resources/ site ( AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Other instructional materials (magazines)

8ORGANISATIONAL BUYING BEHAVIOURBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Discuss  the factors that influence organisational  buying behaviour (internal and external factors)Whole class, discuss on the internal factor that influence organisational buying behaviour. Students as a class, list out the factors affecting buying behaviour.Critical thinking and problem solving. Collaboration and communication.WEB RESOURCES Video link (You tube %20cleverism)Web resources/ site ( AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Other instructional materials (magazines)
9ORGANISATIONAL FACTORBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Evaluate the  influence of interpersonal and individual factors or  organisational  behaviourWhole class evaluate on the influence of interpersonal and individual factorCritical thinking and problem solving. Communication and collaboration Leadership and personal developmentWEB RESOURCES Video link (You tube Organisational Success)Web resources/ site ( AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Other instructional materials (magazines, catalogue, video clips)


At the end of the lesson, students are able to:

  • Discuss on Consumer market and Organisation market
  • Discuss the characteristics of Consumer market
  • Outline and explain types of Organisational market
  • Explain consumer behaviour
  • Enumerate the factors that influence consumer behaviour
  • Explain the stages in consumer decision process
  • Highlight the external factors that affect organisational buying behaviour
  • Discuss the internal factors that may affect the organisation buying behaviour
  • Write short notes on interpersonal and individual factors that affects organisational behaviour

Marketing Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term

1Welcome Test/marketing planning processBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:   Depict marketing planning process   Name and explain the key elements for marketing planning   Analysis the importance of marketing planningStudents in groups discuss on marketing planning process   Students in small groups, analysis the importance of marketing planningCritical thinking and problem solving    Communication and collaborationWeb Resources   Other instructional materials (charts)

2Marketing ResearchBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:   Elaborate the term marketing research   Justify the reasons for marketing research Discuss the information required for planningWhole class brainstorm on marketing research   Students in small groups, justify the reasons for marketing research   Students as a class discuss information required for planningCritical thinking and problem solving   Communication and collaborationWeb Resources   Audio visual Resources   Other instructional materials (extract from Business news)

3PricingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:   Examine the purpose of pricing -evaluate the various pricing strategiesStudents in small groups, role play on pricing strategy   Students in groups evaluate the various pricing strategiesCritical thinking and problem solving   Communication and collaborationWeb resources   Audio visual resources   Other instructional materials (extracts from Newspapers, catalogue, products price tags)
4Price DeterminantsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:Students as a class participate in discussion Critical thinking and problem solvingWeb resources   Video link Youtube: Khan academy
  Outline and discuss various price determinants factorsStudents in different groups, write down their pointsCommunication and collaborationWeb resources/site   Audio visual resources (opinion polls)
5AdvertisingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:   -demonstrate the act of advertising   -justify the roles/functions of advertising   Students in small groups, dramatise on advertising   Students as a class discuss the roles and function of advertisingCritical thinking  and problem solvingWeb resources -video link   Audio visual resources -other instructional materials (Newspapers, magazine, handbills, samples of products)

6Advertising MediaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:   Explain the term advertising media   -identify various advertising media Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of advertising mediaStudents in pairs, role play advertising media   Students as a class listen to radio or TV jingles   Students in small group discuss on the advantage and disadvantages of advertising mediaCritical thinking and problem solving   Communication and collaboration Web resources   Video link   Web resources/site   Audio visual resources Other instructional materials (Radio, Television, Newspapers, Magazines, Bill boards, handbill)
8PromotionBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:   Elicit the term promotion   -examine various forms of promotionStudents as a class: explain the term promotion   Students in groups, examine various forms of promotionCritical thinking and problem solving   Communication and collaborationWeb resources   Video link   Audio visual resources Other instructional materials (products e.g. Toothpaste, exercise books, singlet)
9Functions of promotion and merchandizingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:Whole class analyse the function of promotionCritical thinking and problem solvingWeb resources   Video link

  Analysis the functions of promotion   Unfold the term merchandizing   Point out the features of merchandizing (packaging, branding and labeling)Students in groups discuss on merchandizing   Students in small groups point out the features of merchandizing (packaging, branding and labeling)Communication and collaborationAudio visual resources Other instructional materials (Calendar, handbills, sample products
10Continuous and functions off merchandizingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Write the conditions for merchandizing   -explicate the functions of merchandizing   -evaluate scrambled merchandizingWhole class write the condition for mechanizing   Students in pairs evaluate scrambled merchandizingCritical thinking and problem solving   Communication and collaborationWeb resources   Audio visual resources Other instructional materials (package, branded and labeled products)


At the end of the term, students are able to:

-explain market planning process?

-discuss the element for marketing planning process?

State reasons to justify marketing research

-discuss the various pricing strategies

-explain the three price determinants

-enumerate the functions of advertising

-mention 2 benefits of advertising to the consumers

-list & explain advertising media used in marketing

-state 3 advantages and 2 disadvantages of each on discussed

-define promotion?

-state & explain forms of promotion

-outline the features of merchandizing


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